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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1941, p. 7

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r thursday october i6 1941 the acton free press paob axvm wav oq today with twn i have- bid farewell to that time worn frtedd the old i cowbell z that for years and yeara haa idle f i never ahall hear it ring again to the measured tread of tne bovine herd that homeward turned at our will and word how often we at theevenlnvhour when the sun shone low on each clos- -jngjoawfir- v were called from piny the cattle to bring we listened to hear the old bell ring twas a guide to our feet when the woods grew dbn and the shadows of night wore leath ering in to the jinglejangle the old bell made we gathered wild flowers within the shade of the woodland tree so straight and tall and thrilled at the sound of the wild birds call oht it was a childish and sweet do- ught m driving the cattle home nt night oh tho days gone by in the shadowed past with their joys too pure and sweet to last come trooping back on memorys tide with friends who have crossed to the other side and fancy hoars again the knell and jangle of tho old cowbell long years it now has idle boon mid attic dust unheard unsean and now alas a sorry sight of tarnished brass and mould and blight its lustre gone its music dead uke taras harp whoso soul had fled and so i give u up to go where blood and carnago rage and to help restore to freedoms cause her equity and righteous lows and send the devil back to hell with bulleu made from tho old cow- b0 e cripps twenty years ago jprotn the issue of iv wee frew of thonday october to lttl sixwomen over 75 spin jgorftftfl cross glen park altn cpjsx wo men nil over 7s yoars come to the homo of mrs j frlborg in thin town s3 mile southwest of edmonton one day each weok to spin for the cnn- ndlnn tt3 croaits6cirty each of the womon the oldest be ing 80 work from oam until 5 p mi thoy wnuh nnd cord wool then when it la fine spun nnd finished use tt for tho making of articles the group u associated with the noarby thorsby branch of the red crow so doty and some of tho wool 1b nuppll- d by gorman families in the district spinning is not just a hobby with these womon mm frlborg sulci tor years in their country llfo it hns boon their dally task with children to pro- vldo for and wnrm clothes to be made j protection against the bitter win ders get german kdeah london cp the english branch of the house ofschorlng om of the greatest chemist plants in gor- nbiiy with many crot discoveries has passed into control of british re search the days are growing perceptibly shorter now newmarket may have a 25 000 skating rink free slto have been offered it is rumored that there are pros pects that a wdollonmlll will shortly bfloatortotibtndtistrtea the underwriters inspector tested the efficiency of the waterworks sys tem for fire protection yesterday messrs h dunnlll and charles mc kcown have made arrangements to open the jersey dairy in acton on november the first a j murray who has conducted thacloverdalo dairy for several years has disposed of the business to a m mopherson the twentysixth annual conven tion of tho guelph district womens missionary society was held in the methodist church hero lost thursday tho members of acton citizens band held a very enjoyable concert in the town hall at which tho prlm- nry object was tojuark the apprecia tion of the members of the long con tlnued faithful and helpful services of mr john c hiii for many years leador of the band after an address road by mr a t mann hkatarjjted kingwharton at st chnd n anglican church went toronto on saturday october 15 1021 by rev a j rold ma leslie george king to miss jennie wharton both of acton swastika ships take english rottes to iceland england a national flower the rose will bloom in treeless iceland on burheft exported there by british nurserymen they have bon carried cempnny whose houspflng bears tho original swastika not the twlntcd form used by tho nazis uhlch say heralds has n tradition of ivll cen turies old carnation plnnts grown in sussex tiiivo nlso gone tolpelnnd from bht nln ns well an clothing boots and allocs chemicals cigars wireless seta toothpaste fishing gear musical in struments hair pins gin soap brick motor cars floor polish and food stuffs including thousands of tins of hotting powder christmas puddings were sent inst year but they did not arrive until january iceland imparts nearly all general commodities having little manufac turing resources of her own before i the war britain supplied only nbout i 20 per cent of these imports but nou that iceland is cut off ivom europe nearly nil her requirements come from britain t american troops stationed in ice land will hnve no excuse for not writ ing home for recent cargoes include large consignments of nolepaper pens ink and lead pencils from brit hln and theyww have tobe care i ful what they write for blue pencils have altoibccn sent for the censors ihe sunday school lesson or sunday october 19 our food supply written bwcciaxxv for cwna newspapers by john atkins knrjounulut no 3 they are both wrong the holy spirit ouk helper golden text as many as art led by the spirit of god these arc sons of god rom 8 14 exposfcon i ye must beuorn agaln 58 the great majority of jesus dis ciples canto from tho common people 1 cor 1 26 few indeed came from the pharisees or rulors jno 7 48 but this lesson shows us one who was a rulor a pharisee a teacher and a htombcr of the sanhedrln who cam to jesus vo must be born npnln sums up what jesus had to say to this earnest inquirer it sums up also all the conditions of blessed ness for time and for otornity the necessity of a new birth or birth from above is imperative and abso lute reformation prayer bjblo ntudy morality alms giving baptism church membership njll have their value but none of thorn nor all of them togothor will take the place of the new birth if a man lias not this he can neither enter into nor sec tho kingdom of god there are abso lutely no exceptions to this taw of the kingdom except a man be born from above ho cannot see the king dom of god v 3 it mntters not how good a pnrcnt- ago a man has that which is born of the fesh is flesh and only that which is born of tho spirit is spirit if any man could do without the new birth nlcodemus was the man he uu moral religious tdnccrc but jesus looked him in tho eye and said you must be born again the instrument through which the- new birth is effected is the word of god 1 pet 1 23 jas 1 18 jno 15 3 the author of the new birth is the holyspritfv5titui35 mny think thnt the water of v is the ward by which men are born again as the spirit is the one by whom men are born ngnln water is n sjmbolofthc word txph 5 2g cf jno 15 1 ps 119 0 the spirit is j are 9 ingredients in this fruit vs 23 wo have not obtained complete victory until they become tho normal condition of our lives if wo wish to prove ourselves to be christ a wo must live in the spirit to walk in tho spirit v 25 moans io regulate all conduct by the holy spirits con trol rom 814 a proper relation to the spirit is tho most important factor in a christian s life 1 cor 12 3 5 phil 2 15 3 lw 20 21 1 thes 15 6 city people who have never llvod on ifarjnst ftnd farm people who have never lived in cities have queer idoas about each other town people arc more fortunate lhey know farm people and farm people know them they umlo rat and oath other they attend the same chunhob belong to the same lodgos and mod nnd work together in tin hod cross and other patriotic and charitable organizations they live and work together and trade with ench other personally there would he no farm problem such as we have todaj it town and m prnlr harfbgn laft to s it but canada has grown some big hungry cities and tho peopla tn these have a lot motv to say about national policies than they ought to have they have organisations for every thing and these organizations are so busy promoting their own interests with governments that they carry s great deal more weight than their also and importance warrants town and farm people an juxt waking up tothe fact that the need to be heart at ottawa too if everyone l to gt a square deal the squeak tng wheel gets t he most grease is an old farm axiom that seem to huve been adopted b some of tho uhb are in art abov the din of war in the offices of gov ernment organizations hav i hanged t hi business of dtmcuiutk govipmn nti until the cltl nrlus seem to h and hove lost out to the cltlti they have both been wrong all have been hnrmed today farnurs are or ganized across canada and tow n luople are giving ttulr sympahetlc support to the canadian federation of agrllulture in the sure knou ledge that whatever is done to restore the balance between farm und urban earnings will benefit every tovn in canada every iwrson in canada even in personal impressions which make or mar goodwill city and farm people who do not know tach other k problems an growing apart to their common harm city people who do not know tarm life make farm people mad thoy think farm people are to be pitied that it is too bad the forme rt have to work so hard for so little compar ed with their high city earnings something ought to be done about it they think something like holding a few bridge parties or a tag day to help farmers they are surprised and hurt when farmers blow up and demand justuv and fair pla all that farm people want is fair prices and they are going to get them beiauu onl bj paying fair prices for food an elt people continue to get it farmers must have enough to pn thtlr cost of production and o iarr on 1 hev are beginning to ifcet it and when food prices gt t up in lint vlth tity turnings there will be a muiki balamt betwten t it y and coun tr in anada muvimum food j ro tu tton will thm lw nttalntl betau like the wind v 8 in thnt the wind iajnvlnlble but none the loss real and perceptible inscrutable independent or sovereign 1 cor 12 11 indikjun sable mightj life giving ez 37 1- 10 irresistible ac 1 8 fi 10 ii witnesses unto the uttt rmost part of the earth acts 1 8 jesus turns the disciples nttentlon from the vain attempt to discover- tlmes and seasons to their own pres ent duty of witnessing tor him when they should receke the king dom he does not disclose when they should receive power hc does not disclose v 8 this power would bo theirs when tho holy ghost had came upon thtm r v they would not have power until then how foolish then for us to try to work for christ until we hnve sought and obtained the baptism with the holy ghost the power of the holy ghott was not merely for the purpose of making them happy but for the purpose of making them witness cf 2 4 4 812 31 33 5 32 9 17 20 they were to begin their witnessing right where they were when the holy spirit was received in jerusalem they were to go next to the immed iate surrounding territory thon to the nearest neighbors the despised samaritans and then on and on unto the uttermost part of the earth iii the holy spirit helps us to pray rom 8 26 28 our ignorance in prayer is appar ent by nature we are biassed in favor of the flesh and material things we know not what wo should pray for as we ought our lord had to rebuke his followers saying e know not what we ask matt 20 22 neither in what we pray for nor in the manner of our prajing do we satisfy the lord it is marvellous grace that bestows thi holy spirit to lead us to pra for thnt whlck is the mind and wilt of god he helps our infirmities meaning the wenkmsu in our praing the spirit lllumims our mlndi as wt enrnontlv study gods w ord wt m e thn how completely lojdqn cf an eye witness account of germnn terrorism in nor way says more than 1 ooqi norwegians have boon arrested and oslo prisons are full to overflowing cauait nurse sticks to job doctors dead allied troops gone venglish woman stayed in crete london cp miss joan stav- hdl of london refused to leave wounded soldiers sho was nursing whenbritlahloci cvacufltstl the island of crete whatever happens x cannot lonve my wounded even if i am taken prisoner sho said months later nows of her reached london a relative sold it was be lieved she was not made prisoner but allowed to continue her hospital work in athens on a visit to greece to see her sis ter the 35 yearold iondoner joined the red cross when italy attacked greece she carried out duties aboard hospital trains when the nazis drove south io athens she was evacuated to crese nfhero for 10 days she endured con centrated furious attacks in the paratroop invasion of the island her hospital ujasrboiubad for htfi hours tho doctors were killed and she was the only englishwoman left there when- thd hospital became too dangerous miss stavrldl ordered all patients to evacuate to caves on the edsje of the aegean sea there ana fixed up an emergency hospital op erating in the mouths of the caves with stone slabs as operating tables tho germans found this out and rained shells onto the caves when food began to run short she stuck out a german flag and food was quickly dropped when evacuation of the island became necessary she refused to go with the troops but stayed behind with the wounded ottawa cp fibre flax m ultimately provide a profitable cash crop on most farms in the fraser valley farming district of british co- lumbtathe department of agricul ture report home newspaper deserves your printing you expect your home newspaper to give you all the news you expect your newspaper to take the lead in advocating community better ment you expect your newspaper to boost for good roads good schools and support community celebrations and associations you expect your newspaper to sup port community drives for charity etc dhwiinl lhlnmii tin inkir in and th djriiultun a ulr shan of war work appears to bo to tako fronvtliiim ho it the spirit is th truesf kourcp at our aspirations toaard god with croanlngs uhlch lannot bi uttered undoubted riftrs to thou real uplr itua desires and aspirations uhlth are so superior to our capacity of ex prtkslon that adeuat language tan not be emploed nils is praying in deed luke 22 3946 in the attitude of complete abandonment to the will ol cod it is certain that all things ulll uork together for good v 2s iv the fruit of the spirit gal 5 22 2g the context of these verses teaclus that there is in us all a constant struggle betuei iwthe flesh and tht spirit iv 17i the works of the flesh set k to hlndt r uh in all spiritual alms and ilkeulm tht ilol spirit oppofct tht attitudes and oit rations of tin f u sh i3 tht it rni fltsh 1 meant tho ariamu tuitun tht iiuturnl wirt of u whlth otrntts contnio to thtf ulll of i- vt horn x i ui hit iloli you expect your newspaper to help bringjpeople to acton to interest them in this town your newspaper tries to do these thingb and help you the nevt time a printing salesman calls on you tell him yaulrc going to buy your printing at the local newspaper office we offer- you the same or letter quality at as low or lower prices and guar antee you better and epiicker service than you get from outoftown houses spirit as print iplt of iratt can i is ti nilxtukt to took for war not allow us to do ivi with npjmnitv protest tin leust and thi dutv of the prosperlt lhtre will be shortngea w t uri evmitetl tiv him to in in full ktvtrsout to give to thom who yell thi lootteat in the past city people have asked too much from governments and have rclvd much kuval people have akved for little protested too little of itviltun goods luirtitularly lux ninth with his t fforts to dillvtrj uries t a alnndyahortwgimrt usfrom the evils ofthe flesh and to of some foods but we tan produce bring fortti in our lives the fruit of our needs in munitions and foods if the spirit litis fruit is wholly die a proper balance is struck between work of thr spirit an the friut of u urban and farm earnings tree proceeds from its root riiere the acton free press it j halton countys largest newspaper mill st acton phone 174

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