Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1941, p. 1

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fc h k v fct fi jfret fts y sixtyseventh yer no 17 acton on1auiq ihuhsday october 23rd 1 114 1 nr etgfirromtprtntpgge flvo contt 97th anniv knox chuich observed sunday splendid 8nww by vuhiiur proton mlnktta choir ami solo numbava featured laat sunday knox church obeorved ita nlnetyaeventh annlvareary with apaelal services both morning and evening and rev h o cleghorn fc d of preston a the gueet mlnuter for the day the choir under mr f j salt leader and organist contributed an- thema and numbers that added lo the ervtosa and mra annie korrtmervllie of toronto returned to the home church on thle anniversary oceaalon and cave nolo at both aervlcea that were much appreciated at the morning service mr hom- rvlllee sola waa teach me to love thee aa i ought to love and the eholra anthem ascribe y the power mr cleghorn brought greetings a preston church- on thla 07th anniversary occasion of knox church mia theme waa chrlatlan guidance baaed on acta 37 24 cods promlaea are humble just aa thla promise to paul waa but how aa then the church ntuat be guided hy the humble we must forget pride and creed ifweexpeh the church lo prosper god la the name ruler today aa in p bloom again this year the oriental poppy thai la auch a bright spot in many gar den in june haa come to bloom again in an acton garden thla year folks who make a more profound atudyjnf flowers than we do ao ita moat unusual but unuaual or not on october 33nd an oriental poppy wna in brilliant liloom in the garden of mra c w maaalea on main street campaign jbrl 3600 monthly for wars duration have fun but dont destroy property on hallowevn twa fasa pass haa received the following atatement from chief l llarroi regarding halloween police plan in no way to hamper good fun for halloween but if property dam age of any kind la done that la a matter that will have severe punlah- ment for the guilty ones hera la chef harropa appeal on friday the 31st halloween the provincial itegulatlon requiring chil dren under the age of 6 yeare to be indoora by 0 p nv will not be enforc ed it la my dealre that- everyone ahall have aa much enjoyment aa poa- ihle on thla night of nights with the reaervallon of couree that the prop erty or others will not lie damnum or destroyed we are aa everyone adon aaked o pledge lo buy naval dun kvery month until victory won save all you can hi canada pineal lnveat- menl ivoffreaat will be indicat ed kadi week in kree lreaa and on chart at the post office the day of paul tih present turmoil knnwa engaged in deailly combat of today la caused by the forgetful- with the enemy and if victory is lo heka nf cod hy men in authority in he oura and if our freedom la lo lie church in atate we are too prone lelamcd every available cent must to prldeourtelea in what vccnn do i plac at the tfla of the gnv- rather than what god doea for ua eminent for war purines lliore la mr cleghorn stressed the need for therefore no monnv available any leadera in church and community here to repair or replace anything who have more inlrreal in the king- needle ailv and wilfully clostrnycel dom of rod paut had temptations moreover war condltlona hnve ra in hla day just aa we have in dnv linnet d very conalderahlv the nlrondv but he didnt delnv hla pravi r until loo high coat of living so that he got into trouble he urged mon people cannot in these dnja nrford prayer in the home and the aknuranre needle a and unnecessary i pi nsc la given that god will help ua tarry now young people i will nak vou our hurdens at the evening aervleo the choir gave two appreciated anthems come let ua sing onto the lord and the heavena are telling mil somrnervllte contribute d other aolo mr cleghorn a evening discourse wall baaed on phlllpplana 1 j1 for me to live in chrlat and hla theme waa living hope in thla dlacourae the apeaker urged that christiana emulate pauli phlloaop of life and give the impreaalon that their way of life waa one which ihey themaelvea enjoyed a phlloaophy that would abs tract men to your way of life and not repel them paul waa aurrounded with the mla- erlaa of the world but he laid em- phaali on the proper thlnga of life an application of paul a teaching of life would be a atrcngth in our prea- nt world affairs he urged al to turn to paul and get a cue of how to live joyoualy with jesus chrlat he shames ua by hla example to live that life among hla dirflcultlea and mr cleghorn appealed to all to make the phlloaophy of jesus chrlat a liv ing part of their everjday life at the evening service rev mr fosbury and the congregation of the united church participated in the anniversary orcaalon and mr fos- bury took part of the aervlce during the da a special annlveraary offering waa received to have nil the fun you wish on tin night of halloween make it in j o o n way for just ao long as you plcauc if however you refrain from and destroying anything lelnnglng lo an- 1 others vou will be very much apprec iated f i haiinop chief of police the boys overseas do appreciate gifts from home the secretary of the comforta i committee of acton and vlclnltv haa music pictures lunch dancing at -juniok-farmersmmeeting- the regular meeting of the acton junior farmera waa held at lome school on friday evening with the president mr ekvood johnaton in charge the meeting waa opened by inglng the maple leaf and mlsaea blanche mckinnon and dorothy mc- kenzle lead in community alnglng following the bualness a program waa given which consisted of duetta by mr flatter and harvey home im provement picture by mr f i wright howard swltzer gave a talk on the ploughing match a violin solo was given by mantel nellla mr thomaa leslie preaented the prizes to the nine winners of the home im provement conteat the meeting waa closed by alnglng the national anthem lunch waa served and the remainder of the ev- ntng spent in dancing roelvm letter of ftckltow ledgtm h and appreciation from several of the bova overseas telling how happ and gra thev are to receive the car- j tons of cigarettes i about september ilrd flftfour of the boys received these gifts and an- another shlpmint has recently been sent to eight v two men overseas here is a tv pleat note of apprecia tion from one ot the acton bojs somewhere in hast anglla with the raf j 10 41 to the members of the adon comforts committee may i express the appreciation vfchlrh 1 am aure all of us feel who have received gifts from your organ- tsatwmu it is an instinct among nlnet par cent of our fellows to reach for a cigarette as soon as thev climb out of their planes after a show i am sure cigarettes are av much in demand by the other services whin they have completed their work ou may rest assured that vour war effort is deeplv appreciated v sincerelv v ours fred turmer set f turner rb4429 r c a r overseas acton bowlers go to second place in weeks game the mccutchcon bowling team mo t a m arlon thla week haa launched with oilier communities airosa canada in n drive for the sale of war havings certificate the plan locally colls for aecurlttg aufflrlent regular aavera who will eat h month put away in thla loan for the war 1 000 that amount will buy n naval gun ehcti month while the objective la higher it haa been demonstrated in the past cam- palgna that alton an reach thla am ount if everyone will contribute n share new forma that will facllltato the making of savings regularly are available and will lie explained when the canvasser calls during the next tluee weeks there will bo honor awards for every establishment whose employees are pledged as regular aavera acton has heen aaked for a naval gun the progress that la made in ward thla achievement will in indi cated each week in tub fast paasa and on a big chart to be placed in front nf the pnat office thla chart la marked in percentage souaroa of the objective anil will show how much la attained aa the campaign progresses the local war lavlnga fxeiutlvo la composed of f a dills chairman w 1 mason secretary f s force chairman of pnvroll tnduatrlnl com mittee c f iobthnrlnnd chairman of retail committee f dnwklna t halrman of publicity mrs ii it arnold bend of the lnily tanvnssira committee and miss m 7 bennett head of the school committee 1 nch of these i hnlrmen have n lommlllee of sevcrnl mi mliera sharing in the tnsk the job lu a big one jml acton hna never failed in any undertaking yel it will require the hilp of everyone and thr savings of nil to meet the ob jective you ore not aaked to give you are asked to pledge youraelf to mnke regular savings to help buy war material until victory la won it a one nf the heat inveatmenta that is offered in canada ita an essen tial ohe in the struggle to maintain freedom do the job as a free people district president guest at meeting dublin institute the dublin womens institute held their october meeting at the home of mrs d mrdougall with the president mra n anderson in the chair roll call was answered why we as can adlans should be thankful the branch made a donation to the london england sick childrens hos pital through tua actom fbes psbss and also gave one case of peach and one case of plum jam for overseas mra grant is the leader for the new project on nutrition so arrange ments were made for next meeting current events were given by mrs grant the guest at this meeting was district president mrs merry and her topic waa dr connell a ad dress at the convention entitled unity of canada an instrumental number was given by mrs van goozen and a reading long dist ance by mrs watson the report of first half of the convention was given by mrs webster mrs near tendered a vote of thanka to those who took part on the pro gram and also to the hostess for the new ats4iton for hultoulvel house of refuge owing to overcrowded housing ioblv illllona at the i and hahon house of hefugo work will he commenced in the near future to construct a new addition in the preaent building the pvnimaed project whjcli will coal ap proximately juckv la being appropri ated for by both peel nud halton counties and the building contract bus alrnady been awarded to a brampton contracting firm i he in adequate housing problem arose fnmi nn investigation hy government in- aiiectnra when it waa dlacnvered lhat more than ida inmates were being accommodated at the preaent lime in the building which is only large enough to facilitate the accommoda tion for eighty persona it waa learned the new wings will inc hide sleeping dnrmlloilea and a recreation room while complete renovation will ha carried throughout the ontru build ing the board is made up of george finney chairman ijslla kerns warden of halton county k d mo- bride and 1 inmleaon aecrc lary a report submitted hy the welfare department nf ontario revealed that the peel and hiilton house of refugo was one of the heal operated hnmeu in the province weekly war commentary mpecully wrltun for the aetutt ftm press by llv ii ii tloiumin ftanadun press huff writer mofk munieipal hleetioiih at united young fvopleh the authoritative nnawer lei thnae crltlcu who have demanded a luila- mull daah across the north hea to at tempt n diversion while fjermany has moal of her strength lied up in huaala hs become available through publi cation of ijml inrl a dlapalcliea ihe commander l lh british kx- pedllloiihry force in france 1iom heplemlier 11110 to may 10411 told in simple military languiigu jual kvhnt haphens when h force with major tie fliljhi lea in equipment lacking ade quate air strength meets u lielter- equlpped enemy hla force ha high hopes shuttered i orchids to mra aclamaon the chi auualilp convenor for having mi ex tiemnly successful and inlcreallng meeting at iliihed church young peoples last i ueaday evening mnc k mtllilc ipal ulec lions were held for reeve councillors and the school luiarcl members of the voting audi ence were entertained previously by political speeches candidates for reeve were mr foabury and darnel mi kensle and although they hnlli adorned in have many novel and de sirable ltat1tct1intitiinitslfortniirntc7t inter waa declared reeve by the bal lots ihe count lllor rijce wua indeed c loae the flvo ciindliliiliis icirdon leahe llliiuc ha hedgwlc k mnrjnrle nelson ijohn poll and howard hwltaer offer- en sail manner of improvement iii home suggestions of- but ha courage high intel to be evacu nted from the crowded blciodshilntwt been hea of dunkerque hut the lea- sons learned then are c lear here nre ltrd lorla flnclluga an exptdltlonary force imt la to be used lu n firstclass war muat tie equip ped on ti scale enmmensurute with the taak ii la c iillnl upon to fulfil i he days are past when armies c an lie hurriedly raised equipped and placed in the field for modern war demands the everlnireasliig use of complicated material hew well prepared ihe queatlon of whether in the long busy months since dunkorqun ilrltnlu hits built or otherwise acquir ed sufficient material for nn attack on the conllni nt is of course n mailer of high strategic policy hut ihe fnc i the government hint seen fit to issue lord hurls report at this junituic usually such historic cloc timents nwitlt conclusion of n wnr on mhilnytvinlii acton hn hit w lo xmn out n nnw tyiw of nodo nt tmro u no of 8lt nipt pihb hrhiade dkmonktratks nkw twb of hose nozjj5 km uwtit out n new lyiw of nol tor tin lr tiro lint thru iwoniod very f fit tent nnd ili uiu l not only the lul- unili nil nil who finw tho ilmnonbtrn tton a firi nf nil nml uniinllnn wan tuned in u ill nn n vmunl lot nn thn crthunt and ukimu 11k tnu nn2l tliir htaio mitil im knmlhenwl in from flvo to ti n aeoonrta at thft snnu tlmo tha flroman ualntf tlic iiohc was pro tected hy the spray from lh in at and smoke a minimum amount o unter waa also used hy ihli methml in fart th umall hnm from thn tank on thn pumpor was moro pffnrtlvn than thn larger hne throwing a much inrbr quantity of water flrvmnn from milton were also present to see thn dnmomtrntlon thn kulpmnnt la known an thn foo nnuln thi linn of hnun nn which thli li umh is also much oaslnr to hnndln and one man ran handle a nozzln quite naiilly whnrn two wern requlrhj with thn old typn quite a number nf citizens were on hand to sno the dnmnnitratlon hy the brigade mm or her honte thn mnetlne ctpjseil with singing thn national anthem lunrh wah 4rvtht and social urn spent red cross needs blankets for raid sufferers thousand of blank is new or as good as new are urgently needed for bombed out victims in britain nnd thn people of canada nre asked to spare a blanket to thn canadian fled cross society which today has launched it s second big nppent to provide thniu necessities for raid uf- fnrers in the inst cnmpalgn the hckj cross ollecttd throughout canada 13s 137 blankots and 101 234 quilts this supply has been distributed to bomb ngavlctlm military hospltnu and for the bom fit of distressed merchant seamen many expressions of gratitude have linen received bv the canadian red crocs from bomb d sufferers in brlt- aln ing in con e1 he iormmi position with in partially pn pared army lit t vmr kaut i inpanosi moves last week nrovldod a pn tty i innr indlditlon that thn nip ini hi are watching war devi lop- mi nts lonely with the idea of hwk- i ing thn winning linrue whlln the i way lo jnllnuetnegouatfuiu with tht united htatos for n peneful itutth- mont of thn far f astern slluallnn iiiih apparently been left open thora m ems little doubt thut nn attatk nn vla divostok will follow any derisive lut- hak for uusslun arms on the fasti rn front ihe new tapnnese rnhlnot head d by i t gen klkl ivtjn it is said is pledged to pursue a strong policy toward tho united states and other foreign powers tojo is nn admirer of tho german military machine hut he is not regarded as allied to to the more belligerent in japans strong military party moreover titer re mains a big section nf japanese opin ion thnt still holds a healthy respect for united states power washington took a grave view of events and senatorial opinion indicat ed that a hardfisted policy toward japan would be adopted britain and the netherlands look to the united states to lead in the pacific and are expected to bapk up president roose velt in any steps he may take to stifle warlike japanese ambitions v a destroyer hu at the weekend no t information was forthcoming regarding the ident ity of the vessel that attacked the t nlted states distroyer kearney southwest of iceland on oct 17 there was a general disposition to place thn blame on n onrmnn submarine it was able to proceed undor its own team to a north american port thn attack was made the same day as the house of representatives voted almost two to one to arm united stales mi rchant ships there feted wen that at inn krk ijy hjulp ped with slldus rollbit dusters kanutt tims u nd bathing iwaulles lhat lift fiefjy m mudfi hlggur and helfur that the street lights ita turned off on urlrln side- struts that vteanw ink iki plated in thn pnstnffh tits results of thn voting were an follows hedgwhk leslie poll with nelson and hwller tfed mm two fiindldatei for ihil n luhiluniird onrls wlumi a i i loyd flfford went in hy accla mation in addition to the above fnstnif live entertainment nun hud thn privilege nf taking part in a singsong lod by mnrjnrle flthuon and listening to n plnnnuilo hy i tlml franklin also a qihstlomiftlrtntrodued hy mrs ari- tiinson tnsl rin id thou present on the mi fining and lntnrpr latlnn of ltl4ii- shtp nent wtk the voting penplif will miliilnln with a llallnwt en so inl hoard in stairway served ah cornerstone in hiiildinj of uhi it wim rather a folmldiixe that win n iillnrntlons wire ik ing made lo the slon ruenlly purdiased hy mr m pullnnt that workmen of j n markenyle a hon should find written on the haso imutd or thu stairway i his nlnlrwny built hy j h mnc- kimlo may 1st 1001 i hose were in the days before j ii whirled taking building innlracis en- tin ly lames drown was the con tra tar but yogng jaik mckenle sub cnntnidnd under him and put in the stnlrway no mr mckenzle dldn i remove the board from thf stairway he hnrf put tliere fprtyyears ago he nn t nctlvoly associated in the firm that bears his name but revelation of thnt hoard drew many reminiscences of early building days in acton dublin saved a blackout in hospital fund immadula kvanlat imanimtj inde- rajle anoihor lllr hotwt for nxt with i hey say iis the una and downs thnt heel life from becoming monotr nnouj hut sometimes the towns ar not so pleasant after last wtwka up in the kuncl fur the sink chlltlrsina hoapltfsjji ionrton knglanit we have master of 1mct for few days ii looked like a blackout it waa on tuesday juat aa we were wnncterlng what we were going o say in this column that the hecretary nf ljulillli leatltllle tame in and said our hruniili want to donate a to the hospital vunrf yes it was good old dublin that aaved the blaokout thla week and with renewed air activity over knuland and more casualties report ed as a raault ii seemed such a shame he summary wont be inngi previously acknowledged im rh dlililln uraneh of womans institute boo kttilm i huts all right for the past week but it looks like up for nest week llrlglit spots for hehji to iheso sick dilldren are the high hchool darter on friday night with ihe proceeds all in go to hta ass passe vund for the ijindmi england hick childrens llos- pltnl ihe pupils are offering you a real social night willi a good orches tra til rntnee during the week hund reds were nrrested for attending a ilanui und a dcucu wore jhllnd iode memhers knit and plan at meeting of order needlea rllckod merrily at a work meeting of the lakeside chapter i ode held at the home of miss dora lambert on tuesday evening of thla week a few pressing items of business were dealt with regarding sale of popples and volunteers for sorting salvage an error was made in the reporting of the last meeting concerning the christmas boxes to the boys overseas this of course la being undertaken by the war service league mr and mrs a m mcplierasa celebrated their silver wedding anni versary last week thalrnelghbora visited them as a surprise party and presented them with a silver ta ser vice mr geo cordon acted u chair man for an impromptu program and a pleasant evening was spent lunch i waslater jervad send in your old magazines tor army campb only one attempt to amend the mea- aure which would appeal the neu trality act a twoyearold ban on the arming of merchantmen but consid erable oppoaltion is expected when the legislation reachea the senate moscows hteut defence soviet army spokesmen at the ueek end made no effort to under estimate tht gravity of the altuatlon in the moscow area on the other hand reports reaching stockholm and berne were slightly more optim istic like the defenders of leningrad troopa engaged in tha defence of the russian capital are expected to fight to the laat ditch they were report ed stubbornly contesting the nail ad- ance from the northwest with every prosect of recapturing kalinin and joining forces with the army of kle- i mentl voroshllov in the north ks 1 linin is 05 miles from moacow german communiques reported that i operations on the eastern front were proceeding according to plan white that mav be there is no doubt that i the russians are inflicting lerrtle losses on the invader particularly in tha fighting east of vyazma announcement was mad oct 17 that the russian army at odessa had concluded oaj pag five the ujjxe a m duke of devonshire chaptar their- fall cou flinitdliins itrct privileged and a free people tan help mulntaln their free dom limn on nalurday iannokhurn in stitute am tinkling nn afternoon ua at the home of mra n mrkarharn in acton with the proceeds to go to thla fund tin you tan take your tholce of weekend social events and have the assurance jhal by your at tendance at either one of tits you aru helping the alck children in old jnrulcm and bringing cheer to tired workers in carrying on amid hoapltal ruins hurprifle party at hilver wedding anniversary coming events asaeuacshtsefs si usttlsfs cea certs or otiisr gvasls tuuur tkis hasdlaa sra charg is- cttfs h lies wile s lelslisum charg ur ser asnoubcmjm ef si the acton vs mens club are hold ing a special halloween dance on prlday october 31st musical program under the atistrio ea of the acton baptist choir on most- day evening novatnbar 3m til acton junior farmers are holding a halloween party at lorn school on october 30th good prises for coaturaee acton laglon will hold on at thir seasonal dances on friday hiovmbr 14th gibson boyd orchaslra ad mission ssc st albans w a will hold a rummage sal and afternoon tea la ui parish hall on saturday october 25th everybody walcoto vou cant afford to rale the hal loween carnival in tits united chtiwti on saturday november 1st from s to pjn afternoon tea kale cat hosast- maite lulclag visit poatd sc asad good program auttocsat of youlg ladles rriessdly ctrcl nannofkhurt wcssmi isaauttstat will hold as afternoon tea from s to on salunlay october jsth u tb haasm of mrs n mceawchem actost pro- eds ar in aid oftsra tma paasai pund for the london eagiutd steal childrens llosoltal you are cordial ly invited commerrtal bottling league as a re sult of a 3m u in at the expense of the ford v 8 team the score m roote 15 41 id ml n morton tj js9 230- 7t51 m holmes ih9 154 155 408 c lelshman j15 143 183 540 w corrj 11 304 17iv- 521 mccutcheons 98j 9b9 b38 2907 xfords 78 931 88gj587 tx- includes 100 pins handicap per game anniversary of united church herb on sunday the anniversary services of the inlted church on sunday promise unusal interest b apecial request the nevt mlnlaler rev w a fosbury b a b d u ill preach the sermons the choir will offer somewhat more that the usual music bolh morning and evening with miss dorothy ful- char toronto as gueu soloist in the morning and mrs w j beatty as the evening soloist details of the music are given in the church an nouncement on page 4 an evening for newcomers to get acquainted here a friendly get together arranged specially to welcome a number of newcomers to the church and congre gation was held in the united church under the auspices of the womens association on monday evening jit ter a spirited singsong slides of local and nature scenes were exhibited bv a t brown a w omens quartette did two numbers mrs a t brown contributed a reading and miss ethel franklin two piano solos dr cullen said a word of welcome to the new minister rev w a fos bury and mrs fosbury in extend- irvst the welcome to the folk who had recently come intothe church spoke of the frlendllnesrrhe and his wife had found among the people of the congreration a aihglnt game auper- vtaed by mrs caldwell served to mix up ttve members of the gathering and o provide a good deal of furl before the refreahments which were hearty and ampla buttons of blankets and quilts n god send in suclt centrea aa blrmlnghom coventry plymouth and london thousands of canadian blankets and quilts were made available to the homeleaa within a few hours of the raids due to the efficient system of distribution planned by the canadian red cross overseas organization in london according to advices from britain the need for more blankets and quilts is moat urgent but blankets muat be woollen and new or as good as new those unable to provide blankets or quills may aid the appeal hy con tributing s3for the purchase of c a single blanket donatlona should be bent to provincial or local headquar ters contributors to the appeal are asked to get in touch with their pro uncial or local branch headquarters for directions aa to where the blankets and quilts may be sent lectlorr of magaxlnea for tha army camps anyone wishing to hp kind ly give magaxlnea to convenor mrs w j beatty phone 108 or any school child to be given to their teacher current magaxlnea such as life liberty time macleans colliers issues of not more than three months old fiction red book cosmopolitan western detective digests and geographies of any age if in good condition thank yoii lucky prizes won at war service league event london cpi a mystery air force operating in britain sine the war began and at times called can adian free french poles or czechs has now officially been identified and will wear its own legend australia mra robert turner acton waa tha winner of tha afffhan which was drawn for at tha bingo on thursday night under the auspices of the acton and district war service league the affhan was donated by mrs mason winner of thai door prut at the event waa mr f u wright this was the first feature arranged by thla new organization and about gtcvoo was realised for tha funds and var ious activities cowered by tho organi sation it waa hm in tha town hall and drew a good attsodaac acton high school in tksrtown hall acton ifrlevayt jerry harrison with hla aevnsiskmw ofrhaasrm dana ing from to lt djl3ti 3 cssulassmai 40c kaathr prannav or the london g chwa hnaprlal c i r lj a if tf ti tviiiilniilu if i 25i flji

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