thursday october 33nl 1m1 the acton free prbss pace ran of interest to women menu bints usually seen on hallowfbn ar you looking for novei dlah for halloween if you ar the napes below wiu thrill you ij1u and celery salad vrrrsuparcoolrad dried umai 1 clip diced celery u kteen pepper minced vt cup rtnch dressing mix ingredient an houror more before aervlna t6 aerve arrange on lettuce kavea place a spoonful of mayonnalm on top and sprinkle mayonnaise with minced itreen pep per california colslaw 2 cups oranse sections sour cream dressing 2 cups cabbafie shred crisp fresh cabbage qulto fine mix with the orange sections and enough aour cream dressing to moisten carnlah with whole orange slice serve 6 14 cup ct u can sweetened con denied milk 2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup dates uncooked prunes or apricots ml sweetened condensed milk and coconut add either dates prunes or apricots which have been finely chopped drop by spoonfuls on creas ed baking sheet about 1 inch apart bake in moderate oven 350 degrees v 10 minutes or until a delicate brown remove from pan at once makes about 30 sweetened condensed jnllk works like magle in making crunchy cookies that are failure proof angel rennetcustard 1 package vanilla or orange rennet powder 1 pint milk ordinary or homogen ized 1 cup broken angel cake v cup finely cut blanched almonds u cup finely cut candled fruits u cup whipping cream divide the angel cake almonds nnd candled fruits among 6 dessert clas ses make rennetcustards according to directions on package pouring it over the frultcakenut mixture in each gloss do not move until firm about 10 mlnutca chill when ready to serve top with whipped cream cfiocolate jack o lantern tarts 2 to 3 squnres unsweetened chocolate 4 cup sugar k cup water fi tablespoons flour 5 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 1 egg sllghth beaten 2 tablespoons butter h tea anllln bine flour remaining sugar and salt i in top of double boiler add milk gradually stirring well then add chocolate ayrup place over bolluur w rtng constantly then continue cook ing 10 minute stirring occasionally pour small amount of mixture over egg stirring vigorously return to double boiler and blend remove from boiling water add butter and vanilla cool rurn into tart shell arrange jackomantern cutout on filling top of new party togs jiothalloween what weubraaaett witch ww wear for the october slal festlvitlea toronto cp dress up for halloween its friday oct 31 you know have a party cay and eery costume may be made at home for next to nothing and its a better br4ak for them to bob apple than to celebrate at the expense of a neigh bors backsteps or broken window for as little a so cents scarcely spooky regalia may be stitched up in paper muillrr fabric you say you donc sew trot around to the local chronicles oft ginger farm w written bpmfadlr tor tks aateanm fnmd by gwendoline p clasuuc hh wwlnc centre and learn in a hurry magtcrfnorredtfaciotoons hbvenirruthnutr1oamtxumfri an easy assignment for the beginner the rttffj collar is made in a jiffy from a straight atrip if you uxe the foolproof ruler and hemstitch at tachment a goodlooking cornu copia hat- and a ruffled witchs collar are just a- few of the distinctive cos tume touches that can be turned out speedily c baked tart shells fl haked jaiko lantern tan cut out of pastry combine chocolate cup suinr and water in sauce mn cook for r minutes stirring constantly com probably no radio broadcast since- the war began has been h waited with such ease mess as that given by prime minister mackenzie king last saturday night public reac tion is now beginning to make itself heard naturally there will bo criti cism what efcse could one expect from a policy so far reaching in its effect but i think we should do well to wlthhold our criticism until such time as the working out of the wages and prices has been more definitely defined farmers are al ready up in arms but perhaps when prices arc finally established wc shall find wc have not too much to worry about i know of course that we have plenty to worry about unless there is a hnntrj in the pres ent prlco level of some lines of pro duce right now there are farm on just hanging on by their teeth waiting and hoping that prices to them will lift so that they may meet tkelr taxes and other obligations eggs we know are a good prlco but the price of mllk paid to the farmer is still too low it is not the cost of feed alone that has to be considered with cows but the loss of life that so often occurs and com pletely upsets the farmer s calcula tions last week we heard of a farmer who was down in his milk qujita and to bring it up to normal he bought a cow in a week the cow was dead so the farmer was out the price tit the cow and still down in his milk quota the death of the cow was no ones fault it was caused by something the cow had eaten which had acted as a poison assuming that the farmer paid anywhere from seventyfive to a hundred dollars think what a lot of milk he must sell to make up that loss and if milk is to be sold below the cost of production the loss is never made up just recently we sold a cowshe wiu or had been n good milk cow but something went wrong with one quarter and we thought it better to ship her out nnturally ue could not sell lief as n milk cow now snowfalls check harvest of west wheat estimate of 1941 yield tute an other drop as expert con sider prairie farmer- troubles i ay fflmrmm flumnjmfl success amuses new bestseller writ big voluttuo but prefers to read the small and perfect twittf new york cp success makes stuffed shirts of some writers and merely amuses others margaret leech who is also mrs ralph puf- hzer is one of the second kind she urote reveille in washington and fell into immediate success she is medium tall and of medium weight but a few minutes with her sharply pointed conversation and nobody uould call hers a medium mind at her grace square homo she had one more hath tub than she needs she used it to hold her notes while urlting she wrote a big thick book she wai not fat enough for beef so her personal preference hut her personal preference t for short beautifully done books the small nnd perfect things ns she ex pressed it mlks ijhch has travelled at lot she ihes as it were in two uortds at once new york and washington she has commuted between the two for live jears azts nku airfh3iitkr she went ns n cnnnor she fetched 1g17 but by the time trucking nnd yard expenses were taken ott we re ceived j1017 as n milk cow the cow uould hnve been worth nbout 80 and now consider poult r here again it is not only the price of the feed that counts chickens must be raised t urke s geee nnd ducks fnttened for the market but before that time comes the flock may al london cp nazi airplane des- read be a 50 loss because of iftners efforts to find an answer to hawks skunks dogs foxes disease britain s air dreadnoughts are said or chicken thieves all such losses to hne resulted in a jieu messecsch- should he allowed for in tlte price mitt 209 mounting two cannon and of eggs nnd finished poult rj two machine guns the fnrmer wants to hi lp countr win the war hi must they fly for freedom nt- hls pn 4 share o thafrr he must pn for whnt lie requiris nt tin prtsent prlct levels hut if to do that hi must sacrifice some of ilk stock n n couple of milk cow nnd n h ifer or twn thi n he not onl reduc s his futurt income hut nlso reduces the output of dnlry products which hrc so urgentl needed both nt hom nnd nhrond if thnt sort of thing should happen on n lurg senh it will tmvitablv had to n shoring of milk butter ihtmh tgns nnd poult rv rnrnurs tnnnot go on producing nt n loss vv have no cost of living bonus mft writer winnipeg cp unsettled weather over vast sections of western can adas harvest belt lacreatlng a grow ing anxiety among grain trade ex perts for the welfare of thousands of prairie wheat farmers throughout september and the early days of october continued in termittent showers have slowed har vest operations ort countless wheat farms in manitoba saskatchewan and alberta unexpected snowfalls have added to the discomfort of the harvest hands and resulted in sodden fields sprouting stocks and bleached grain crop losses due to the threshing delays are anticipated in many dis tricts particularly in manitoba and alberta the alberta department of agriculture said in its latest report on the now crop situation that re current rains are causing serious con ditions and unless an improvement occurs heavy losses may result in lower grades of grain the unfavorable harvest weather accompanied publication of estimates which placed the 1941 western wheat crop as low as 73000000 bushels in its first estimate on the new yield tlio dominion buroauof statistics forecast a harvest of 282000000 bush els for the prairies compared with 52s 000000 bushels in 1940 a- reduc tion attributable almost equally to ihe wheat acreage reduction program undertaken last spring and to the below- normal yields realised over large areas of sasketchewan and alberta in view of the record carryover of wheat in storage throughout canada due to successive bumper yields and loss of export markets due to the war the government last spring cal led for reduced wheat acreage farm ers were offered bonuses of 4 an acre for former wheat lands left to the summerfnllow nnd 2 an acre for whcatlands sown to grass or coarse grains small delivery the sharp reduction in wheat pro duction from last summer is indicated in deliveries of wheat from western farms since the beginning of the cur tent crop year august 1 only slightly more than 53 000000 bushels have been unloaded at country elevators about one third of the total delivered during the same period last yoar apparently concerned ovor the low estimates of wheat production and the possibility thnt grades of grain mny have been lowered by the wet hnrvet weather officials of the man itoba saskatchewan nnd alberta wheat pools drew up n four point program at a conference in winni peg the program they said is nb solutely necssary to preserve the sol voncy of western cnnnda the program advocnted an increase in thp initial payment by the can adlan wheat board for no 1 northern wheat basis fort william from the present 70 cents n bushel to 1 n bushel asked thnt the stocks of wheat represented by the carryover nt july 11 be taken off the market nnd held ns a national emergency war reser e requested that all sales of wheat be credited to the crop season 19-11- 1 j ns from august 1 nnd urged the current crop yenr be declared an jiro y um t causa there are thousands of farm families who would not benefit under such a plan aa they will have utile or no wheat to market searle grain company operators of scores of country elevators through out the west recommended that wheat producers be paid a bonus of 10 cents a bushel for all wheat al ready delivered or to be delivered from 1941 crop to compensate them for the increased coat pf living among tne vast quantities of equipment purchased nt the tint of the organisation tf the british commonwealth air training plan in ivv mber 1919 wre a large number of link trainirs the link trainer shown in the accompanying- illiutrationt is an ingenious mention which while never leaving the ground still simulate all the itfects of actual flight diving banking and climbing in this little machme students gain valuable ttp ri nee in rgulaf and instrument living vhith forms the bails for later advanced training i he net of the cbl strie ttie fl for freedom on ed netday october j deals wtth the activities of stud nts long after thajthavn flniihad with uin i ink ind shows how his emiy training la applied to operational fltng the fl for freedom ts pro duced from toronto bv ian smith each wednesday at 10 10 p m edst with scripts by gerald noxon who has been gathering material from air training centres throughout canada hur- erwe must live anrtsurttv hnvt as mm h nuht to n dec nt ik m as tin industrial ilnsies as i wild h fori w are not enti izing tht koernm n price fixing polhv in fitt wt t i that somi suth m nsur is vir dtsirnhlt v nn quitf n ndv nn 1 w illtn to k i v ithout non i sm uti us hut u 1o hojm thit in ih hnnl distnhutl m filing prie i fftrmfr will b- m ltvui xt oolixiiti ration to w hu ti in ih ntttleti agruulturt 1- ih im jxirtant to our war interest fit m board to nil w thi fnmn r li tx ionn o rortotti n min houtvir ilon t 1 1 us k t un tulv tlnrmed th r ix nearlv n month to go b fon i ihn priitn hecome liw and without doubj th r will h manv ami ndm nts nnd r v isions of the control xlu ns prtstnted to thi- public m its initial sra1- in thi meantime tin re n work to do and a war to win in which we all must do our share uuuda is giving us a brathlng spell at what cost to hrself one hardlv dares to think- i but ns we have he n told repeated 1 itushia cannot win this war for she may winthebat tie of mos- row but we must still win the rattle of britain there u ali another battle for forms assistance act the pool officials said the four- point program has been submitted to thi wlient committee of the fed- ernl government and already has been npproved by meetings of farm ers and business men in saskatch ewan they ndded thnt similar meet ings an being plnnnod in manitoba nnd a llw rtn livestock to help comment ing on the ngriculturnl situation j ii wesson of reglna t hnlrman of the ctntrnl hoard of the pool organizations said increased nvtnuih from ikestot k prmluctx will give borm rtlilf in artu btst adapted o niixwl farming but will not bgln to makt up for a near failure rop on rtdimd mnaii fir which the grow irs rtttiw ontv about half thi cost if i nwlut turn in a tt 1 jrnin to fedirttl jruul tiir minister cardim r the n irth w st i itn 1- 1 vntt rs sso intlon urged nrtdinnnnt government assist ami to wltnt farmi rs in tht form of a tost of living iwinus on 1911 n r age or in u i of lrntt to fnmillisof w in a farnit rs iht ivmm mtion itns e that rauing tht pricv rb b paid h thi u hi nt board would not be suffuli nt to m t tht situntion b us to fitht and to win if we mn i leard n broadcast thi other dnv which utid that a certain research definltelv established the fact that the germ of infantile paralyse is sprt ad bv the common house fly hence tht prtvaltnre of that dr ad dlsensi in ummir and arlv fall however we would also renumber t w renervf p hyst fi gentian fiabies deatd rate vitality of infant hcrrenvotv 1st not impressive the death rate of german babies last year was still much higher than the infant mortality rate in england comparing the figured for 123 english large towns with german towns hav- ngr a populatlonof 100000 the latter statistics from the reichs journal of public health which have now become available give an infantile mortality rate dur ing 1040 of g1 per 1000 as against the english rate of si the german rate is the highest for the last four years for each of which it has been at least 10 par 1000 higher than the english vale in no one year since the nazis bluffed their way to power has the number of tlie herrenvolks surviving infnnta approached the english total 1hckpkoop attijc melbourne cp finding cattle- raising in norlhcrn australiaserloujr ly handicapped by new rapacious tick that causes fatal diseases the austral- ian research council is trying tick- proof zebu hulls and cows from india pledge for war smvings ing forces which enable us to throw ofr such intuition sunt the fl 1 and keep fit pnviqtiqn ts better than curt carrolls romar tl of fee ckrutua dt ahj nat cktbius aau cake aeee s i n u 4mltm tu 1mj l wmw susul cthtit prka u cm kfiurj u my cvmv paumaf u truy arptmj mm u twi stlr yu huj tt orjmr m ksij l tskauy vmltj bay j- kktj shui it ituunrntest rrifirii smj hsvtw 1lb bag juice n tm grou maple syrup fcr cubs or 3rkj wheat in 33e stfv pnhiuw prkm ii 33 ttiuvsy ckscalal mallxl milk t fje clarks peanut butter 24ox jar snacks sic ou huiwy soda biscuits box of 100 25c aykssr gamms kwsl cdrm jua 16we a ioc clarks aohil soups 3 soc halle ww kisses swmuwj caapefrutt jltmck 2 n 25c aw wttm choice aytttwr apricots lifcbys grca totxiata pi 16oiu tin ra jaw lag awi 19c jwl salad irs9c dressing ayttucw tmtly ctrl asparagus z lyun vallojr alima beans jzsc prunes 2 19c choice aylmar tomatoes 2 16ox 15c shirriffs good horning marhilare tr 23c r 35c hawes floor wax u 25e 45e handy ammonia 2 lie chipso 9e ase koks castile soap s old dutch cleanser loe champion dog food z 19 kkesi no i mijjs 6 qt- liwkh 29c firm hiik ftaxan is 2m9c fresh valencia orancies doz- 39 sweet potatoes 5 25c abo freak fpinvh cadllilowcr olary mitahnmmw tf wnit wcl vajb priw iw3 siitmday nad oajy r-