k j tab acton free press sbssp thursday november 6th 1941 3hj ivrtnti 3frrr jlnae isatuhg bvttry tfcwwuy at veton tatarto ualmd 8tfm f ftddltioml steal oopua go both old asm ummm aluwld tw wtaw chv ol ddfmi nqnmtol camcillatxonsw flwl th moat of r m toibwi dnfer t to lty uwlr nbmrtpuo lnlmipud fa cm uty ih to tsbu bofora ucalnuoa white ob criptkam will not b curhd la ttn avw va t i ptriol t uum an notlocd to mbmi mow th aubkrtbm wubs tlm mavie oootlooad- advertising katsson pputlo awl lavas ia various coloaa imadlnaa although vry pracautloa wu ba uhaa to avou m tba vraa prtw aeoapta advartlauf la iti ealttaana on tu uddarauadiatf that u will toot ha lubu lor amy rw la any kdvetllavniant publunad haranadar ttauaa a proof ol uch fcd vert t la vaquratad in writing by tb awkrrliixr aj rvturnd to flia v wsa buainaaa offc dul inrdty tha fcdvtrtlfcet ktul with hutch mrtot or correction plainly ftotaxj la wrltlay thereon and la that caa if any arror tooted u not correelad by tba free v ita liability ahull toot exceed uih proportion of tba entire onil of auch advrtlmat a tba pjtce oocttplad by tba tooted ber to tba whole apaea occupied by tract edvertlsemeate g ajujof dills kdlto tklkt honbs editorial tad buum 0ca rauae w4 i i hfllff ll resolution in our remembrance perhaps it would be well in these days of remem brance as we recall other wars and we are again en gaged in a titanic struggle to give some thought to the period that intervened between the war of twentyfrve years ago and the time in which we now live perhaps it would be well to study that inter val something was done or left undone in that period which should nct be repeated if the way to permanent peace is to be gained remembrancedaybnngsrecollectiqnsof an memories other war that was fought to end wars of sons gladly going forth to battle and giving their all in the faith that that struggle would usher in the day when wars would be no more then we had twenty years of opportunity two decades in which to make sure that the victory that was so dearly won would fulfil its noble purpose and usher in lasting peace someplace irrtharpenod we failed in our worthy purpose failure was not in remembrance of those who sacrificed ttieir all so much as in remembrance to hold high the torch for which they fought and died as we approach another remembrance day let us combine with the memory of the sacrifice of other years a resolve that when victory and peace come again the torch will not fall let us be firm in our resolve that out of the struggle of martwiii evolve a better way in which to live together in this world of plenty in peace and harmony that task can best be served by the resolute aim and living in a practical way of every individual in a more brotherly way of life v i hold your part of lie line we are apt to read of the splendid defence the russians are putting up against the invader and dis cuss the subject with a word of praise for them but lets analyze a little further that defence has been going on day afterday for months these isnt a doubt but many have become discouraged in the battleline and said whats the use we havent the guns or tanks and the enemy are stronger than we are but then there were those who fought on in kpite of the handicaps and held the enemy until they fell they were not quitters the home trout is like the fighting front in many respects there have been months of working pay ing new tan levies doing without things urged to make more savings help is asked for one charity after another there are those who meet new taxes with a reduction hot in privation for themselves but in stopping their war savings these later are not the soldiers who hold the lme- donbeaqiutter wjienvqusignyourwar sast ings pledge make up your mind you will do that much or better that you will assume the place of the fellow who by no fault of his own falls in the line beside you canadians have not yet felt the pinch of the conflict the way to victory is a hard one only thosewho fight on to the finish will aid victorys eaue iou on the home front are asked to fight on make sure that acton sends a naval gun each month if we can d more lets do it but lets be sure that acton does what is required of her dont let it be said trfat your part of the line failed weve held splendidly thus far fight on buy war savings to your limit after victory will come the return of your money with good interest v halloween conjr acton young folks sure deservelolie compliment ed upon their general conduct on halloween prop erty damage was a minimum this year and we believe young folk had a good time too it certainly is to their credit in these days when conservation of everything is so necessary that they refrained for the most part from tactics that are too frequently perpetrated on this night pf the year there were ahellouta at most homes and liberal ones too there waa nothing lost by either the visi tors or the visited in their calls and a lot of ui waa provided after all life would be pretty dull if all fun were put out of it the part that is pleas ing is that the young folks of today are learning that fun can be had without bringing sorrow and ex pense on some one else we congratulate acton young folk on their out look of life wo congratulate tho older folk on par ticipation in this better method of halloween ob serving v the poppy fund the local branch of the canadian legion is mak ing its annual poppy day appeal to the people of this community friday and saturday the poppy fund is now a recognized institution wherever the canadian legion exists in canada and it serves a twofold purpose of much merit the money which is raised by the distribution of the poppy the sym bol of sacrifice is used entirely to relieve unusual distress among war veterans and their families at all times it has been found that the veterans in view of the fact that many of them have disabilities and handicaps suffer even wore than others who are out of employment since many of them require special care and attention which they are unable to provide this is wherethe poppy fund raised through the sale of poppies by the local branch ofthelegion steps in and provides relief for the situation this twofold appeal should find a ready response in the hearts and minds of the people of this com munlty which has always been ready to make the wtty easier for those of its citizens who served coun try and empire in the great war and in this present conflict we commend it to your sympathetic con sideration in the hope that you will respond gener ously and thus help to hold the torch flung to you by those who did not come back v editorial notes never mind what the colonel will any meglnnls i need you 3nturdaya when i shop there still seems to be every indication that the snow willbeat the gr in arrivin for this years road work on acton streets 1 v the two provincial elections recently held prove only tho one thing that folks in canada still choose the kind of government they want v saturday is poppy day tuesday is remem brance day yes a goodi timc to pause to honor ihose who did their best to finish a big job in ether years v the free press fund for the london england sick childrens hospital gets closer to the 500 mark perhaps that would be a fair objective for this cause from acton v next tuesday is remembrance day its only a lttle thing to pause and participate in the memorial service arranged for that day those whose memory is recalled gave their all v gold receipts at the royal canadian mint in the first eight months of 1041 totalled 3423401 fine ounces as against 3200803 fine ounces in the cor responding pfcnod of 1040 v november topics a naval gun a month can we do it plan your christmas shopping early who will have time to fill the municipal offices at nom ination and what day will we get our first snowfall v with the possibility that the 1042 motor license plates may be permanent ones comes the assurance that the colors used for next year are not to be lobins egg blue and red but good old fashioned black and white v parents night as arranged by the acton public school certainly provides an opportunity for parents to show an interest in their childrens work no par ent should miss it nexr monday evening in acton and all other citizens will be welcome too v may i offer a reminder to those in canada who feel it their duty to criticize caandas conduct of the war that they are addressing not only canadians but indirectly an audience of 130 million people cross the border including elements who may be very active interested in distorting such criticism into disparagement hoh leighton mccarthv canadiun minister to washington v 4 onlv ti 4 per cent of the listeners could idcnufy i station program product or sponsor a sevenday radio survey in the chicago area revealed this r urvey based on over 38 000 calls further disclosed that during the popular evening hours ih8 per cent of the people were not at home and 44 0 per cent were not listening to the radio in power the spoken wontstill lags far behind the printed word fin ancial post war 25 years ago wtvtdrow wiivah won ralfrt fr4tlttrt of thr united ktaofl in ilhfcpim policy of neu trality iiv ii ii gordon canadian irru htmst writer thomns woodrow wllflon wna re- cloclcfl president of the united states nov 7 1q1c thus in one of the moat important election bnttles of the first grout wnr cosmopolitan america pledged renewed confidence in this man who for two years kept us out of wnr butthe i nrofefitorpteflldlnt who earlier hnd said the united states was too proud to flrht five months later led his country into wnr to make the world safe fpr democracy the neutral posulon of the united states 25 years nco was a decided contrast to hint obfnlnlnr while president roosevelts anti-hit- icrtsm fs of the pupjinclous variety and succocslvo lopjslatlvo- nuctmuntn- place the country nearer n shootlnfj was in effect n promise not to sink merchnnt ships without wnrnlna and without saving humnn uvea during tho enrly part of the wnr rotations were also stlm d by tho ac tivities of german ngenu in america and exposure of duplicating among gerriian nnd austrian diplomnts the mntter led to tho departure of kon- stantln dumba austrian ambassador late in 1015 narrow verdlet i his was the situation when mr wiihoit stood for reelection as presi dent ills supporters declared he had vindicated the rights of the united stntes successfully nnd at the same time kept un out of war charles e hughes republican nominee criti cized the entire foreign poliry of the president nnd insisted unit he hnd failed to take prompt action for the protection of american lives nnd honor the east went republican and for n time it seemed an though wilson hnd b en defeated but the middle west and the west turned the scale and he was reelected with a small electoral majority todovt- f year the germans resumed unrestricted wnrfnre and with american patience strained to jhihrenltjnpnpt wilso nt n spec- lal session of congress in april asked war wilsonughtto pveserve abso i for llnlratlon of war a resolu- lute neutrality in the fnce of grent provocation early policy in the enrly part of the war wood- row wilson in formal proclamations nnd in nd dresses to the american people urged impartiality in thought as well as action britains blocknde of germany and enlargement of con traband schedules brought an early diplomatic controversy with the united states but it was n mild nf- falr compared with the storm that followed the sinking of the lusltnnin by a german submarine enrly in 1915 tills net aroused the american people to an understanding of what german methods of maritime warfare might mean to them wilson steered the country safely through the crisis only to bo faced with others whon tho arabic and the sussex were sunk and american lives lost wilson sent what amounted to nn ultimatum stating that unless ger many abandoned its methods of sub marine warfnre the united states uould be compelled to seer diploma tic relations the german answer tlon declnrlng thnt a state of warfare existed with germony wns passed by the sennte on april a and by the house on april 6 her eight sons on war fronts mother keeps up her writing to her fightiiip family dunfermline scotlnnd cp the whites of cowdenbeath are a fighting- family eight sons of mrs janet white donned uniform to defend britain on frontk ranging from the orkneys to srla one was invalided out of the army nfter dunkerque the ninth is in n munition factory to keep in tcuch with her sons mrs white writes her letters with carbon paper two at n time my laddies write often and so far thnnft god they re all snfe she said ks whos who business directory and buyers guide for acton and district its the kay shoppb fob txm mlllliuiry mamped lood tfwey vuu barries varna and hnam warn miss k roszell atjbnlf for langlev clkaners and dykiis a fiood piacb to eat royal cafe jimmi 1ood mndnrat irlwn wr soiic i r votm patronage clsar clgarmlkii ami confection blue star one stop service station lllkh quality lanolin motor oil and greau kriownn and iitlllat oil vouno and mux ht phono ss business directory mkdioai dhj a mcniven phyalelau and murgnon u offlco ond lunuutnra cornor uowor avoiiue ami kluln struct dr e j nelson 1hyaulan and hargfion 171 woolwich ht guolph offlco of ir i ii uguiy 1uonk 941 dr wm g cullen lmcc ihyitjhan and kltrgftoit fjfflro lloura 14 nnd 70 1pm hunilnya by appnlntmnnt mill street near frederick srr telephone 12fl drs freed and stevenson campttkixviixk phone milton il5y3 after jo pin milton 2vt office hours 80 am 13 p m 78 pm sundays by appointment only dkntal taste the difference try macdonalds bread ckes and pasthy phone 100 masales jersey dairy for quality and service phone 74 drink mnsnlcs milk vour askur- nnte of snllsfnctlon ich milk and cream and choco- late milk dally our milk for suit nt browns fruit store nnd j w jonc grocery store acton creamery beat mukateriees for butterfat he buy kggh and poultry for quality fee lover lold brand creamery butter phone ss main kt- acton c andeksen prop too bi hy to hcarb portsmouth cpi vernon stllwcod 15 jeor old eire service messenger u ho wns lo busy durlnu n mid to be frlkhtcmd hntf been flwnrded ihe brltihh froplre mednl dr c nicholson denial kurfmh office in lelriiman block hours 9 n m until fi pm evenings by appointment phone 148 litmal c f leatherland b a barruter and balleltor notary puwle issuer of mnrrinife licenser registrar of births marriages deatlis office 22 acton phones kesldenc 1si kenneth m langdon barruter holleltor notary fuuta off ic s georgetown gregory theatre builds acton over t seynucks caf for appointments phone acton 96 or3eoretownsa office hours acton tuesday and thursday 130 p m to 4 00 p m even ings on request vktkiunaby b d young v s b v sc veterinary surgeon office brookvillc ontario phone milton 1 10r4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary surgeon office nnd residence knox avenue acton phanc 130 i auctioneekh frank petch auctioneer and representative caw- merclal ufe assurance ca phone 391 charles street ueorgstsws leave yojffical jr aaaimilsofct- sqbybus ra that bm wr i tout jsal f are low osha vv4 f j 5s orllf a j found rr 70 r tax ihciui and w iorai time tables canadian national railways at actov standard time elag kasl iull i xcepl sunday l h am diilj exiptsund 9 19 am psilv xcept sunday i 3ft p m- sundi onls h 19 p m kler nt feoryplown 9 41 dl flyer algutlph 9 15 pm doing uest inil t sunday h ib a m aturrfa onl 1 jj p m fer at urlph 0 4fi pm dally except sunday 7 00 pjn sundey only 1143 pm guay coach lines coaches llavf acton standard yuua kahthornd to toraat n 51 am 911 am 1111 am 206 jin 151 p m 5 51 pm s uj p in ukhtbotvf ta liadaa n m i j x p m m a i 23 in i lmpm hw p m wojj pm cio vi pm bll 11 p m j i rtail tinpt sunda b saturday stiniliv nnd iiola e dully axtept i ilurdjiv sum dj und mululays gray coach lines kkjtllirh si st un km 11114 cami1krlly lnihind ic pi norman bennt ii 11 reprimanded at slhhlioruqldoidx his hoiuaworsv- rmn away and fur a week livad on btrfrtrbvrrlas until a search party found him