mmujy the acton free press paot of interest to women menu hints fi honey recipes honey niado goods are particularly appetizing tasty and satisfying be sides being distinctive honey u our most easily dictated sweet it also contains valuable di gestion aiding enbymos and the essen tial minerals in contrast to other sugars it has a decided alkaline re action in the blooda t use honey to sweeten all beverages cereals and fresh fruits in baking and preserving you will be delighted with new flavor sensations and improve ment in your goneral health baking general proportions substitute in your favorite recipe x c honey for 1 c augar and reduce the liquid uc graham muffins u c white flour 3 up baklhg powder tap salt 2u cups graham flour 2 eggs 3 tbap honey 1 c milk u c butter mix and lft while flour baking powder and salt add graham flour beattfigg until foamy add honey and milk pour into dry ingredients and mix thoroughly flit muffin tins 23 full and bnke in moderate oven data liars 1 c flour u up salt 1 tap baking powder 3 ogtfs 1 c honey 2 tbsp shortening optional 1 pound chopped dntes 1 c nuu sift dry ingredlenu beat eggs un til light and add honey and shorten ing molted add dry ingredlenu then dates and nuu spread u to u inch deep in greased tin and bake in moderate oven when cool cut in squares or bars and roll if desired n powdered sugar these cakes im prove in flavorafter aging for 1 week or more the shortening should be added if they are to bo usod immed iately allrrau sole cookies 1 13 c flour u c shortening i c honey 1 egg well beaten 1 c ahbran up salt up cloves 1 up cinnahion 1 up baking powder vi up soda 1 c chopped raisins cream shortening and honey add ogg allbran sifted dry ingredlenu and raisins drop by spoonfuls on greased baking sheet bake in mod crate ovon about 30 minutes peanut cookies 1 c butter or substitute mi c brown sugar h c honey va c milk 2 c oatmeal 2 c flour n up baking powder 1 c chopped raisins 1 c chopped pcanuu cream butter sugar and homy add oatmeal mlxid ulth sifted dr ingredients and milk alternately add fruit and nuts drop on buttered baking shiet and bnki in moderate oven 10 to 15 minutes c chinese heuu ftour 1 tup baking vowtlur v tup salt 1 c i hopped dull tt i i huppi d nuts l hiow n sin l t hum j tsn unllla mkid dr ui r li nls uld thnppid dnti s and nuts vi i 1 twnn i mt it w uh mlj at an 1 hon an i anltla spn ml inch ft ip in hut tiiul pan llal 10 mhuilis in mod- truti own 1 iiuim doip o n ut in hais nul ulnli wttnn pos tais into t hn i i sliii 1 til in sut u or commit 1 ruit uk 11 lltitlir i limit j c flour j up baking powder tkp alnput 2 c jhinns or walnuts 1 c almonds 1 c curranu j c seedless rnlslns 1 i datih oz orange u j oz lemon peel 4 ox citron 4jni ijlaxe pineapple s lb candled cherries sjft flour r and mean v re divide flour into two equal paru to one add baking powder and allspice and sift twice cream butter well all honey and well beaten egg yolka add sifted dry ingredlenu gradually fold in stiffly beaten egg whites roll chopped nuu arid fruit except cher ries and pineapple in remaining flour add to dough mixture add cherries and pineapple bake in alow oven 2 to 24 hours desserts t pniwrtkln he 1 c cooked solved pumpkin 1 c honey l up cinnamon s up ginger vj tsp salt 2 eggs 1 c milk c cream mix ingredlenu and bake in one crust top with honey merlnguo or a layer of honey and then one of whipped cream batads apple hip 4 c tart apples cut in pieces 1 c dntes 1 tbsp honey lltbsp lemon juice jg up salt blend honey lemon juice and salt and mix with the apples and dates add mayonnaise and mix thorough ly chill serve on lettuce garnish with mnyonnnlsc iyid walnut or pecan halves t3 kmy i chronicles ot 1 dinger farm written specially for i th acton freo pr by gwendoline i olarrr motherstobe neednt look or feel that way- expectancy dress trewk to one- piece outfit and friends can cooperate in relays as the day looms nv uk suck kohjust i1ajx young fathers to be seem to bo hav ing much to sny this year about how their wives shnll dross they want to be proud of their wives appearances with all old fash ioned qualms forgotten and want them to enjoy their usual active lives tills all ties in with the revolutionary expectancy wardrobes being shown this fall jncket dresses are doing tho disap pearance act young mothorstobo show a marked preference for the onepiece outfit usually of dirndl origin with softly draped shoulder and bodice and full sklru below sashes or bolts they dislike the butcherboy styles as being dead giveaways these new dresses usually have fit ted backs front fullness abounds placed where it is needed with such tricks as un pressed pleau which un- snap bencnth the belt as more room is required drawstrings and clastic bands concealed by belts or sashes are important mechanics in tho creation of tho garments thcmselvcs hubbys choice the men say too that they prefer tho little lady in her most becoming color thoy dont hold with the idea that n dark color is a good iden be cause it may make her look more slender rthey dont care just so long as she looks pretty the bright colors are selling in the costume proper or in the color contrast yokes beads embroideries velvet bandings or bows as well as draped shoulders and filled sleeves carry attention to tho upper part of jhe body and flntter the face a lingerie collar is labelled tell talc eery woman should realize that looking ns beautiful as possible dur ing pregnancy is of utmost import ance to her own morale and shows 0 thoughtful consideration of those about her fluttering color correct make up and hair do moke people forju her midriff selection counts iih u rt l of b ing biautiful as to ttottipb lit k in selection rnthi r than in price paid tlit uardrohe should have oik important dnss for u hen i tin husband frit nd conns to dinm r or thai uiijrll invitation nrxiuft im tf a woman his to ut ton ther with nt lit i fiitiidn and tosi in for a tlitss to h worn in rlns h tnih tow aid tlit did it should ik a tonfi di mi i i ln bit of fl tttt i s f i tmiiint il tins stnrt s n 1 it a d in it d upswitif in hminr anil attrihut it to imtntm nts jmrtl 1 ht mi r skirtwaisl dnss with it will i t tit t ns tin ki tip i ii- lum dnss with larr irwt 1 iknitp in bntu wrap s k nljusimmt prin milt all at t yo i 1 dukr of windsor vml soutli vmma siktr tup tuarlng tlu chilian eoat of arms and the princt of walts ft nt hers has bten sent out bv the lukt of windsor to the jotk club ol chile the club hiplco de baihgo i he trophj costing j 000 has bmn moutfbv londonsilvwunithsfor -the- winnr of the rlnct ofavnlts clas- ku- a rate which winj named after the j duki of windsor wlun he visited south amerua every enr since then a cup elllur in gold or silver has hen sent out to chile frqm lon don if you read this column last week you will remember i was tt little dis turbed because meningitis had broken out in the camp where our son is stationed however 1 mnde myself realize that every care would be taken to prevent any spread of the disease and i nlso comforted myself with tho thought that it was such a large camp that our boy would probably never oven have seen the unfortunate fel low who died l6re is the sequel on saturday the quarantine was lifted and son bob came home at supper time wc were talking and i said to him did you know nnythlng about that young fellow who dlod but i suppose you wouldnt i added thinking it wns rather n ridiculous question and then came bobs answer oh yes he was in tho hut next to mo well really even though our boy- wns sitting there alive nnd well it wns still an awful shock to hear him say that however when i heard tho true fneu of the case 1 felt better nbout it it appears that the young- mnn who died had suffered some kind of injury which caused n haomorrhogo of tho brain followed by meningitis therefore the rlnk of infection to the rest of the enmp wns practically nil perhaps there are other mothers of hoys who will be glad to know nbout this nn so fnr i hnve not seen anything in tho pnp- crs nliout it knsnt this been a wonderful fall and now it really looks ns if we nre going to get n little cold wenther for n change and nftor that will it be tndlnn summer i wonder partner has finished ploughing at least nil except the garden before he can plough it he must saw up or otherwise remove a big oak tree which the wind blew down across the top of the garden we have also started our weekly job of killing pickling and dressing young roosters we hnvent got very many as foxes and other wijd things have depleted our stock very considerably which is just too bad because the birds we have left nre the best we have had for several years yenr after year we havo been quite worried because no mntter whnt we did we alwnys had n lot of crooked breasted roosters this yenr our chickens wero housed nnd fed exactly as before but we bought the chickens from n different hatch ery one which we knew hnd a repu tation for well bred poultry rop and all tho rest of it and would you bellovo it wo havont got a crooked breast among the lot what s bred in the bone comes out in the flesh or so they sny but in the cose of chickens i would sny whats bread in the blood comes out in the bone last saturday i was in toronto nnd do you know i came back most fright fully depressed whether rightly or wrongly i do not know my onlv shopping wni gnrmenu to wear next to m skin but of course it took me into one of the large department stores and oh the crowds they were slmpry milling around the bargain counters particularly around the notions cosmetics and the cheaper class of readytoweara i said to my sales lady in the under wear the store la very busy today she shrugged her shoulder and said everybodys working now there u plenty of monoy to spend i plenty of money yes and appar ently plenty being spent i just felt as if i wanted to cry out to some of those peoplo oh please pleaso think whnt you nre doing there is n war on right this minute boys in the air force sailors on the urn are fighting risking tholr llves fighting for you jind for me dont buy that lipstick dont wear those sheer stockings save save for victory and for hfter the wnr i ho government needs your monoy now you will need it after the war well maybe the wartime prices nnd trade board will sufiply the nm swor sundnyiafternoon we had rather an unusual experience two people came to our door a man and a woman each carried a small black book when we hnd passed the time of day tho woman said wo nre two chris tian peoplo and wo would like to dis cuss a few religious problems with you are you interested are you bible students i inquir ed well x suppose ovory christian is a bible student the woman answer ed are you jehovahs witnesses wns my next question tho man never answered a word hut the woman hesl- tntod nnd then said we dont belong to nny organization wo are just two christian people by this time pnrtnor hnd come nlong look here he snld unless you can tell us who you nre nnd whnt religion you represent we don t want nnythlng to do with you very well sir cooddny rtlr and our visitors fled nnd i noticed they walked much faster going out thnn when they enme in they had nluo very thoughtfully left tholr nr on the rond ro it wasn t possible to tnkc their license number good chrlstlnn people or hlm- ilnrs for hitler i wonder the national parks of canada persias palace of justice now beinp equipped by lon- don engineers britain hns received from persia in comjwtltlon with germany con- trncu to n totnl vnlue of c 130 000 iho lnrgest of them worth 100- 000 is for the palace of justice a building of 4 000 000 cubic feet for which london engineers nre carrying out tho hcntlng ventilating alr-con- ditlonlng hot and cold water and fire prevention systems kitchen laundry nnd stenm and condenuse equipment nnd cooking utonslls the building hns a hospital without operating theatre for which the medical supply assoc i n tl on london hnve provided an operation tnhle nn sterlll equln- ment as uptodate ns nny used in london thirtytwo miles of electric cnblo and 5 000 inmps arc being used in the equipment of the university build ings by london oloctrlcal engineers among them the existing faculty of medicine the new faculties of tech nique and law two large workshops nnd a student s hostel nnd restaurant with accommodation for 1 200 stud ents electric power has been brought by underground cnble nnd 4i miles from teherans central power station to the university site of nil the mnterlnl so for shipped from tnglnnd to persln only nbout 2 per cent has been lost by enemy action among canadas greatest tourist attractions are her national parks areas of outstanding beauty and in terest which havo been set aside by statute for public userlblnamy es tablished to maintain tho primitive beauty and wonders of the landscape thoy are also conserving the native wild life of tho cduntry and preserv ing sites of national historic interest as recreational nroos too tholr value is immeasurable for they provide in ideal surroundings uhequnllod oppar lunltles for the enjoyment bf outdoor life cnnndns national pnrk system wns instituted more than fifty years ago when n small nren surrounding hot minora springs at banff in tho npeky mountains was set aside in 1058 ns n public possession other nddltlons in tho region formed tho nuclous of tho great chain of national playgrounds which now stretches across the dom inion from tin atlantic const of nova scotia to tiie selkirk mountains in british columbia in these areas may be enjoyed tho attractions of majestic mountain rnnges snowcapped and festooned with hanging glaciers beautiful val leys sparkling inkes sandy beaches tumbling strenms green forests and picturesque stretches by the sen as wild life sanctunrlos the national parks are also serving ns vast out door museumh where the fnunn nnd flora mny he seen nnd studied in its natural stnto the nntlonnl parks of cannda rep renont n great natural resource which wltti rcasonnble enre ennnot bo depleted by uso they are nlso nn important economic asset in wnr time bntli from the stnndpnlnt of tho hontth of the nation nnd ns nn at traction to american tourists who bring with them dollars much nood- ed for cnnndn s wnr purchnsos in the unlit d stain it a entlmnted thnt more than hnlf the totnl population of the united state travel for re crenflon education and enjoyment ench year in n vast novo thoy spread ovir the north amerlrnn con tinent vlhitlng their own grent nn tlonnl pnrkn national monuments nnd historic shrines many include in their itinerary the counter pnrt of these place of interest in cnnndn where they nre sure of n friendly welcome the usefulness of tho nntlonnl parks ns plenuure nnd healthgiving rosorts is becoming more and more recogniz ed this is evident from the rapid growth in nttendnnce during tho pnst few years with a domlnlonwldo system of these nntlonnl playgrounds nnd nn evergrowing volume of vncn- tlonlsls becoming nntlonnl pnrk cons- clous substantial increases in the numbers of visitors to the phrks mny be expected in the future repledge for war savings cat aaa jjiliaiia tea so refreshing with lunch london cp since the wnr be gan life bonts of the roynl nntlonnl llfevbont institution have rescued 4 131 lives the same number ns in the whok of the 1911 18 wnr acton has a long way to go to meet its war weapons pledge of a naval gun a month for the duration dont wish for a short war get busy and shorten it 75 lti at otjfy u short tl bile to xo to make our nu guns tpnua to uft lets pull up our socks and put up our dollars only- a short time left but there is mill long way to go to reach our objective in the war weapons drive dont let bog down in the home stretch dont let our community fail becaune yo bawtit an your thare we mutt all put everything we have into this effort more regular pur chases of- war savings certificates mean more weapons for our forces dont let them down itt our responsibility see that everybody does his part push the sale of s wherevcrand whenever you can acton war savings committee- double your pledge to buy war savings certificates regularly