Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1941, p. 5

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m ww thursday november 18th 19tl the acton free press paoknvx r w 3oprokmefawm bom ovar the weekend mrv- b ruroley on monday from a hunting trip madawaiaka mr fx bt viatuna at the home of her mother mrs wm johnstone mr and kn r j mcphenon wd mlsa dorothy mcphenon visited in toronto on 8unday mr and mr r jmckechnle and miss flora jean mckechnle of james- town ny spent the weekend with mr and mrs geo soper mr and mrs edwin currle and bobby or muton heights spent the weekend with mrs angus mcdonald and family at dolly varden mrs angus mcdonald russell and archie of dolley varden spent sun day evening with mrs robert currle and mr and mrs edwin currle and bobby at milton heights guardsman and mrs john whitney announce the engagement of their ohrydaughter rhoda louise to ijoyd william james of acton youngest son of mrs sydney smith and the late william james the wedding to take place in november george wallace cuhhbesshqp 112 yonge st 2nd floor toronto tttartbcrklgf ilm and save money oabo or thanks mrs r j wallace and pearl wish to thank all for their thoughtful in terest and sympathy and also the kind neighbors jor their assistance at the tlmeuf the recent loss of hus band and father lady contestant second in halton plowing match continued from page one winning township team from nasaa- gaweya and were awarded the fisher orchards special donald forguson also won the kenneth macmlllan in ternational 407 walking plow and his brother the haron cream and butter company silver tray in the tractor class open to halton county the first prize orferedtty p drsaller of horn by was won by laflly james of georgetown who incidentally had the distinction of being the youngest plowman in the held in the came class the stirling and dynes special for the best ridge plowed by ford- ferguson equipment was awarded to henry pol of milton the following ore the awards class jointer plows in sod open r g brown gait ed timbers mllllken john litter hornby harry picket hornby john capton osh- wekan class 2 second class jointers in sod david craig brampton marg- arct iic jerseyvllle howard fess selkirk mcgregor stewart pusllnch class 3 third class jointers in sod walter porter oshwekcn kenneth peddle milton ivan taylor moffat roy livingstone woodbridge leon ard mcdonald oshweken class 4 open boys under 20 years bdb laidlaw jarvls herb jarvls aglncourt russell walson wood- bridge earl felck kitchener robert taylor gait class 5 interrtownshlp class halton boys only senior don fer guson rockwood wm dales- camp- bellvllle jack marchment hornby junior harold ferguson rock- wood bob nellson hornby alan powrle palermo flnlay mccallum milton class 6 tractors open john cooperwalte aglncourt jim eccles brampton roy craig brampton harvey nurse gebrgetown class t tractors in sod douglas tleltir brampton t vernon mcarf bur milton lorhe darling milton wm hyatt norval garnet howden georgetown class 8 tractors in sod county of halton only billy james george town wilfred brown norval j c- cunningham georgetown tom pat terson cempbellville henry pell milton horse show jack wheellhan campheltvllle robinson bros georgetown albert anderson mil ton isaac mccready milton at the banquet held the same even ing in the milton town hall ross sagsworth president of the associa tion presided the guest speaker dr g i christie pretldont of the on tario agricultural college guelph wwttstsoipncnirertrhiar most gifted after dinner speakers delighted his large audiences whteh filled the town hall to capacity wkh his forceful practical and thought provoking address the program also included short addresses by the three judges mr faster of the salmis tea company reeve geo finney of nas- sagaweya mayor adam armstrong of muton councillor geo h dawson as well as a number of others mr f h cllroy mihon and mrs lloyd crawford campbellvlllei assisted with the musical numbers which rounded out a well balanced program the ladles of the hornby womens insti tute catered for the banquet in their usual efficient manner w t pattbrsok ro specialist in eye orthoptast 13 wyndham st guktpm phone xlaa completely equipped offices below maher shoe store- good shoes fob yocnovind old correettr b d kachun acton eggs for britain to be son that user an fit for owaaaa asdpumaa anl wb ply the market market them with an approved 8rah6n oot egg oradlns station in aeson la eeenresueaily looaied en mill street opposite the x gregory theatre- i actfon egg grading station mm street bf rr is insurance life fire sick and accident automobile and barjrtay bottw lubulty fl wright qknlekaii tnstjuance coopar bjoejc aaton oul phn u the season- is yet young but the badminton bird chasers have been hard at it for over a month and im provin at every stroke be strauss and badmlntonby the members we are developing some waltzing wallop- plitff whacking good players at the badminton club will have its first chance uv test its ability when on next wednesday hljfht at 700 pm they will leave acton enrouto for dundas where they will compete against the dunds play ers this being the first tournament of the season a good time was had by all at last fridays dance little bill toths vigorous vocalizing encouraged the sale of cold drinks and chocolate bars which were displayed on an attrac tive show case booth there will be no dance this friday nor will there be one the following friday but- on friday the twenly- elghth of this month we hope to see everyone who likes to dance a new light switch has been instal led inside the door of the mens card room which will make it more con- vetilont for the men coming in and going out and feel that this new set up will throw a new light on activi ties in that corner of the building the junior boys group are settling down in earnest to play better floor- hockey because they are scheduled to visit the toronto west endryjtclae probably the last saturday of this month where they will compete against the floor hockey players there the acton boys will be cntertajhed by i the west end y boys which means a swim in the pool cats nnd entertainment after it has been noticed that some of the regular card room attendcrs nrc amies- but it will be remembered that they are away hunting a good ly number arc waiting with keen an ticipation for the hunters return rfepobt presented election dates are set for this year by council continued from pas one 130 hughes cleaver member for halton who as chairman of sub-commit- tee no 1 presented a report on war expenditures in the house of commons last week bride and groom honored by friends with presentations on every gallon when you go by bus buses leave acton for toronto for loudon 901 am 933 oro 1131 am 223 pjn 203 pm b 618 pm 351 pm 808 pm 551 pm 856 pm a 551 curt n 901 sura n dally ex sun b sun hot eastern standard time tickets and information at harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines gregory theatre tlllrkday and today november 13 and 14 billy the kid technicolor with robert taylor brian donlevy cirtoon hoola boola going places chap ter 3 drums of fu manchu hattltdav novkmhest it man who lost himself- gay comedy with kay fran cis brian ah r roe xmas in july dick powell fillert drew fox newjt monday november u tt womans face dramatic with joan craw- font mejvyn douglas pu smith football thrills of 1w0v band cliff edwards on wednesday evening november 5th between go and 70 relatives and friends from erin and rockwood gathered at the home oftur and mrs r l davidson to spend a pleasant evening and shower beautiful gifts on their son wilmcr jmd liisbrldeof last friday mr fred mcarthur of rockwood in his jovial manner acted as chairman nnd nt jhecjobc of a short program called wllmer nnd ada to the centre of the room when mrs bert berry of erin read the follow ing nddreas and a lovely decorated gon over- f witlr gli drawn into the room by little bobble marshall and eleanor griffin acton nov 5 1w1 dear ada and wilmer it is with feelings of joy and plea sure thnt we a few of your relatives and friends gather around you in this hour of your happiness to extend to you our sincerest congratulations on your marriage and to express to you our best wishes for your future hnp- plness you wilmer we have known all your life and have spent many happy evenings together in our community ada we have known for a number of years you both have been always willing to lend a helping hand at any time when needed we are also glad to know you nne not moving far nwny we askyou to accept these gifts and with them go many good wishes for your health and happiness in the years to come signed on behalf of your relatives nnd friends ecnnorgrlffin dorts keeler wilmer thanked the gatherinc on behalf of ada and himself for the beautiful and useful gifts for they are jolly good fellows was sung and n socinl evening was spent also on thursday october 30th prior to their marriage ada and wllmer were presented with two lovely houdolr lamps and bed lamp to match the following address was read october 30th 1941 dear ada and wllmer we your friends and fellow work ers of the wool combing corporation choosethis occasion to present to you this gift as a token of our resrwet and good wishes for your future happi ness wehapelhat you will both be spared to one another for a long life of happiness togethar each one of us extend to you our i very best wishes and may all youi troubles be small members of wool combing cor poxatlon halton member presents report on war expenditure rettkftotaftended to parltament find ings of cowmittoe on air training plan reports of subcommittees on war expenditures were tabled in the house of commons last week mr hughes cleaver heltons representa tive was chairman of subcommittee no 1 and the work assigned this com mltteo had to do with the common wealth air training plan following is a summary of the re commendations in the two reports of this subcommtttce of which mr cleaver is chairman 1 that new federal charter should be taken out by all flying clubs spon soring elementary flying training schools containing provisions prohib iting any private individual from re ceiving any payment by way of direc tors fees dividends or otherwise nnd that in the event of the winding up of the club all its assets should escheat to the crownand that the companies- act should be amended to authorize this type of charter 2 that the contracts with elemen tary flying training schools should be amended to implement the offer of the schools to n reduction of 50 in their flying hours profits 3 that the- contracts with air ob- server schools should be amended to implement the offer of the schools toa-reduction-of65fj- in their flying hour profits 4 that secondary sources of sup ply of neroplane parts should be ex panded by the use of machjnc shops located at the training schools nnd by the use of the many small machine slop nlrend in existence across cnn- nda 5 that a supervisory engineer should boappointed to have general supervision of nil civilian operated schools tosecure a proper pooling of air engineering experience among the different schools and to further im prove the problem of shortage of spare parts 6 that all air observer schools be equipped for the continuous over haul of its planes bythe school staff 7 that transportation at cost and not in excess of five cents per mile should be furnished to all civilian em ployees at training schools located more than five miles from the nearest urban centre 8 thnt the dominion of canada should assume its own insurable risks with respect to civilian employees at olvilinn operated schools past ex perience would indicate that this pro posed change should effect an annual saving of at least a quarter million dollars 9 that all gasoline nnd oilused by tralnlnk school should bitpurchns ed by the department of munitions ond supply direct from- the oil com panies which would effect n saving of approximately 125000 annually 10 that all flying training schools equipped wjth more than two hangars should hltve additional shop annexes built to one hangar only and this hangar should be used exclusive ly for maintenance and repair purpos es and that the remaining hangarn should be used for storage only and should have a consequent reduction u their work shop facilities john mccnughmiv duty re- hal lowevn john kennedy duty re hal loween 110 premiums 88094 155763 an account from the toronto gen eral hospital for an indigent was passed an account from the guelph gen eral hospital for harry jeans am ounting to 653 was received the clerk wari asked to investigate mrs h deforest asked for an order from the counciradmlitlnghcr son to the ftospltal for treatment on his foot council refused to grant this order admitting liability in reply to the advertisement for medical officer of health dr w g cullen applied requesting that the salary be set hy the county judge at the request of council dr cullen came to council to discuss the mat ter after- considerable discussion dr cullen agreed to carry on th work until the end of the present year at the same salary as paid dr nelson this appointment was a temporary one until some more in formation on the subject could b iie- cured council expressed apprecia tion of this willingness of dr cul len to cooperate and passed the necessary bylaw a letter from the department of agriculture pointed out that an am endment to the milk control act made it unnecessary for the munidr pallty to secure consent of the de partment to pass a bylaw regulating the hours of delivery of milk in the municipality a new bylaw was to be prepare in accord with the amended statute nnd submitted nt the next meeting council will in this by law set the rinte when the bylaw be comes effective a bylaw was passed by council providing for the municipal elections for the year nomination date was set for fridny november 21st nnd jf a poll is required elections will hp held on monday december 1st pol ling places were named nt the town hall and the ymca for two polling booths polls will be open from 9 n m until 6 pm deputy returning officers named geo chapman r j mcpherson and leonard atkinson j the clerk was instructed to adver tise for tenders for the collection of garbacc for- the year 1d42 a liylnw was passed authorizing conveyance of municipal property to donald brown and isabel brownthe purchase price hod been paid aletterfrom acton business mens association risked thnt council pro claim boxing dny n legal holldny action wiu deferred until nnothcr meeting a letter from the department of municipal affnirs requested thnt ril join nn n of asses sors and have the muncipn assessor attend sessions that may be arranged it was decided to have mr hnrrop at tend the session on november 24th if he deemed it advisable a letter from the canadian surety company pointed put the advantage of their bonds over those of some other companies this letter was left for another meeting a letter from the ymca board of directors pointed out that a com plaint regarding the conditions of the public lavatories in the building had been corrected it was pointed out that vandalism and defacement of the building had been perpetrated by un known persons many times they asked cooperation in having this van dalism stopped nnd have the arrange ments made by the municipal officer confirmed for prosecution of guilty parties the clerk was instructed to sign renewal application forms for the present insurance policies the municipal officer was instruct- edto- arrange for enlarging theiher for wood nt the town hall the foun dation for this building was nlready laid it was decided to hold the next meeting on november 25th councillors f davison j m mc donald nnd e jones were present at j this meeting and reeve j b choi mers presided var weapons objective aits well cards to follow raidv canadian apples at fixed prices london cp canadian apples are being imported into brltalnat the same fixed price levels as those of native apples prices are approxi mately lift cents a pound for coxs orange pippins and approximately 17 cents for other varieties london icpi the war office has completed arrangements to faring men in the service speedy information about raids in their home towns and news of relatives in some cases fre wires will be provided relatives will be encouraged to send alli well postrards immediately after raids notice to creditors in the estate af robert daufmy d- eeased s x to rtftria wellington new zealand c p peter fraser new zealand prime minister announced the government hat senl toi london for payment to s6vtet authorities tj500 as a dona tion to the red cros all persons having claims against the estate of robert doughty late of the township of esqueslnc in the county of halton farmer deceased who died on or abh t intday or may 1940 are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned solicitor for william j el- llott and nell black executors or the said deceased on or before the 22nd day of november 1041 full partlcu- 1 lars of their rial ma immediately after the aid date the said execu- i tors will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims ofswhich they shall then have notice to the exclusion of others nnd they shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not thn have notice for the assets so i distributed or anv part thereof dated at guelph this l7th day of october j ml j m keakns 27 douglas st guelph ont i solicitor for william j elliott and nell black executors of the said estate 183 the war weapon pictured here a naval gun is the objective for acton in the current drive for new and increased pledges for war savings certificates acton is asked to subscribe to enough war savings certificates to provide one of these weapons for the armed services each month actons objective a naval gun per month buy mote war savings stamps regularly b d rachlin nb for your convenience they are for sale in our store packing boxe for the boys overseas a suggested big package for 500 postage included j tin ml butter 1 tin c h pbulter 1 pound hot chocolate 4 oz nescaffe coffee 20 5 ociock tea baes 1 pke p f shortcake pke p f d by d ant 1 tin salted peanuts 1 lb xmas cake 1 tin cashew nuts 1 tin guest chicken 2 tins carn milk include some of these r lb tins mnplelear pa creamery butter 9uc 11 oi tins club house peanut butter 8oi pke peekfreen assorted shortcake 1 lb slab christies christmas cake 7 oz tin club house salted peanuts 7 oz tin planters cashew nuts 18c 28c 40c other assortments made lp to suit your requirements and price paeked free jjmelyjuggestionsrflasonably priced dclicioueiy fresh fig bars i pound ng walkers fiesh soda wafers 2 pound nt clubhouse hot chocolate i pound 7ke maple leaf readycut macaroni 2 pounds rt clean fluffy cooking choice rice i pound a kelloggv quaker or posts corn flakes n pkgs pe fluffo the beautifully white shortening 1 pound q new crop florida oranges at per doz 7q1q choistir texasgrapefruit rj for jc boybarrs qualityit pa buy war savin ccrtincaro

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