v- rififotoir tkivtmiacr lia lie the actoh wise mlbss 1 aumg om tum it motto mb hm mil ti carat hand ttaoqftnout in ftutnmn lands and ta 5r on the hllta bar tamed their green t ted la by brest imnhw wrapt in mist nasi some rtvefs mouth toe lone tul autumn day bird are flyj wukam wufred campbell j twenty years ago m law csf the pne lrw twnsssy nvtmnber 17th lsttl there aras very good skati on corporation pond on saturday for the first of the season tb acton creamery which ha been conducted for some month by messrs harold wiles and thos cthell win be entirely conducted by mr onell who is now the soke owner of the business the skating rink buildings have beennsadevery resplendmnt in a coailnje of french stucco the third anniversary of the sign ing of the aimlstlce wai fittingly ob served in acton last friday wreaths were placed on the soldier monu ment at the soldiers home and at the citizens memorial an evening service was held at st asbans church when members of all churches in town were present the acton conned unanimously en dorsed the proposal from the provinc ial secretary on the question of the extension of the franchise to the wives and daughters of property own ers of the municipality a stubborn fire at the acton tan- ning co ort tuesday evening gutted i the area between the bark mills and seeches and caused much damage dim nickell at the family residence lot 35 con 6 esqueslng on tues day november 1 1921 mary wheeler wife of jam nickel in her 50th year craxgrat 150 gllmoiir ave tor onto on saturday november 12 1921 mary h crippa wife of rob ert craig in her 59th year singapores 2700 aeroplanes one ship took then all hey we models the sunday school lesson fob sunday novsamcm i one shipment of 2700 aeroplane models has left britain for singapore the value of them is round about 500 since war broke out no fewer than 300000 of these models have gone overseas from the same model air craft factoryin london they are shipped in parts ml ready to be as sembled by model enthusiasts in both hemispheres there is a practical tide to the hobby putting together these realis tic little hurricanes spitfires wcst- ktnd lysanders blenheims welling tons messerschmltts helnkels and others is an ideal way to train for aircraft spotting m union with christ golden text abide in me and i in you jno 154 lesson text j no 1420 15110 17 2133 rom 94t10 1 cor-15- 20 2 cor 5 17 gal 2 20 eph 2 2022 31719 415 16 529 30 phi 39 4 13 col 2 67 print jno 15 110 time tuesday night april ajd 30 place near jerusalem exposition i no fruit fruit more fruit wuch fruit 16 1 am lhe true vine and my father is the husbandman this u the cen tral truth of this lesson all its won derful teaching circles about or is a development of this great thought christ is the vine we are the branch es all our life and power and fruitage result front our union with him and god the father isthe vine cultivator who by his wise care brings each branch to its highest possibilities or if it has no real union with the vine removes it- it would be difficult to find in the word of god a passage that on the one hand has more com fort and encouragement in it for those who really are in christ and on the other hand has more solemn warning in it for those who have a mere out ward formal connection with christ and into whose lives there is no real flow of life of christ showing itself in fruitage our life our power to bear fruit is from christ our train ing into highest frultfulness is from the- father union with christ brings life and power to bear fruit glad submission to the fathers pruning and training brings larger measure of frultfulness how glad we ought to be that it is the father who s the husbandman he will make no mistakes for he is perfect in wisdom and he is won derfully tender and kind if any true disciple of jesus will mediate long and deeply on the words of jesus my father is the husbandman he will find them filling his heart with rest and joy the distinguishing characteristic of a true branch of a branch that is inwardly and really in the vine and not merely outwardly in that it bears fruit this is also the distinguishing characteristic of a true disciple v 8 what fruit is we learn from gal 522 phll 111 1 jno 26 rom 1 13 col 110 and vs 8 and 16 of this chapter god alone is the final judge as to whether we are bearing fruit or not rom 14 4 if one has not that real vital union with christ that results in fruit bear ing he is removed from his outward and seeming union he is taken away it will therefore stand each one of us in stead to ask ourselves very earnestly and prayerfully am i bearing frailt if the branch bears fruit it is not left alone it is purged or cleansed that it may bear more fruit if then we continue under the everwise care of the heavenly husbandman we may expect ever increasing frultful ness the form of cleansing specified wbtin9ls has accepted the appointment at na tional director of war savings stamp sal the possibilities of raising money through war savings stamps have become so great ottawa reports it became necessary to choose an out standing executive to promote and direct the sales mr tingle is a di rector and advertising manager of the imperial tobacco co of canada ltd and will apply many years ex perience in advertising and selling to his hew patriotic task he has been active in a number of charitable and patriotic campaigns and at the pres ent time is chairman for the province of quebec of the air cadet league of canada our food supply watrrncn specially fob cwjja newspapers by john atsunr farmerjouraalut no 6 a chance to learn a natlonulde discussion of can adas food supply problems will be open to every canadian v lth eyes to see and ears to hear during this fall idwlnter rv canadian who onn possibly do so should set aside 9 009 to eas tern daylight saung timet to learn more about canada s food supply and how it can be maintained nei er before ha e the people of tthircuntrvhadsuch an opportunity to gain knowledge of a problem which ltall nffetu personal well- being national sccurit and the world future canada can grow and gir and ull jood in sufficient quantities to tip the stales of war and peace what is essential to that aihiewment is sure ly of first import an re to eer intelli gent canadian in countr town and city canada can sustain its agriculture as a warw inning industry and as a postwar shock absorb r or it can cripple w almetoorpfortaprton si create a postwar burden of farm bankruptcy whuh canada will do depends upon the extent of under standing coope rat ton betv en food producers and food consumers in can ada there cannot be understanding without knowledge of each others problems beginning with monday enlng november 10 1941 and continuing each monda eenlnt until marth 10 1042 the canadian broadcast ini cor poration is broadcasting thoughtpro oklng dramatised dtuutmons spon sored b the canadian federation of agriculture and the canadian avw elation for adult education which will be known as farm uadto forum these radio discussions are intend ed to prime the pump of discussion which will draw knowledge from the experience of all canadian thr are intended to stimulate study and to point to sources of information in the rural communities farmers will gather in forum groups to dis cuss the problems outlined in the in the context is cleansing through the word v 3 if then we desire the fullest measure of that cleansing that brings everincreasing frultful ness we should bring our lives into constant contact with the word which is gods chosen instrument for cleansing us neglect of the word is the explanation of the small fruitage of many a life but the husbandman has also other members of cleansing the branch described elsewhere e g heb 12 g 11 god sometimes resorts to this severer method of cleansing of the branch because neglect of the word renders the gentler method of cleansing impossible the cleansing process is not always pleasant but if we shrink from it we should remem ber that it means large fruitage another secret of large frultfulness- is abiding in christ and christ in us what does it moan to abide in christ many very mystical and misty explanations have been given of this that leave the average stud ent of the bible in a great fog but if one will note carefully what jesus is talking about it is very simple to abide in christ ia simply to have the same relation to jesus as the living and continuously frultbearlngliranch has to its vine this branch has no independent life of its own it draws nil its sap its life and fruit bearing energy from the vine it simply lets this continuously flow in and its buds and leaves and blossoms and clusters are simply manifestations not or any independent life of its own but of the life of the ylne so we abide in christ when we renounce any independent life or power of our own and just look ever to christ jesus for his life and let it flow un hindered by distrust or disobedi ence or the attempt to do anything or be anything as of ourselves so that our thoughts desires purposes and acts are manifestations not of our own life but of the christ life in us so far as we maintain this relation to christ we shall bear much fruit ii power in prayer fulness of jo likeness to jesus found in abiding in jesus 710 if e abide in mc and my words shall abide in ou ask whatever e will and it shall be done unto ou 7 ii v one of the greatest secrets of the praer that is omnipo tent is found here what it is to abide in him we hae already seen radio presentations and to check the when we thus abide our praer itself ideas offered with their own needs i and jtosslbllltlcs in town and cll homos thousands of interested listen ers will tune in as the did last win ter the problems presented and the j prs thnt nrp of thnt sort manifestation or the christ llf it is christ prfting through us and the father heareth him nlwas ch 11 42 so he will hear all our prny- notc thnt solutions proposed will be-ampllfied- there in somothlntiolsc mentioned in this erse beside our abiding in him j and m words abide in ou it is through the medium of his words thnt jesus comes to abide in us icf h 23 it is ain to talk of christ abiding in us if we are ne glecting his words three great things are mentioned as resulting from abiding in jesus christ power to bear much fruit power to get in praer whatsoever we ask fullness of jo v 111 thu jo is christ s own of 1 jo im jov theiworld has no j cjuch joj to gie eerything in this i and foreign to a greater or lesser ex- lesson is related to jesus m i tent some canadian towns and clti s father il r 10 my words 7 must bring all or nearl all of their m disciples 8 m loe 9 food some distance however it ma m commandments 10 my jo j be situated no canadian toun can ill the wnret of loving one another 1 find all of the foods for the aried l abiding in jesus his loe to us is 1 canadian dut in its own district the standard and measure of our love and interpreted in the editorial col umns ol the press which in its cur rent news presents the fiuts upon which judgments are based during the monda evening dec is to jan 5 the programs nre gpec- inll designed for indlv idual listen ing being word putures of farmers at work in the east and west fverv communitv has its own food supplj problems towns situated in agricultural areas must supplement local products with the products to one another how much he loved us w defined in v it he ltid down his lift- for us n t rt is no greater hive than that pomblt fverv canadian town d pends upon a well balanced prorlv sustained can adian agriculture for its bask food rvquirt menti fv erv canadian ie jwtwl uon a maximum canadian food production a a means of na tional defence rnrmers are fard with at ute and vital problems of labor iippl cost of production and means of produc- ct a woman the wrutvalent of 4 50 hon nese problems must be undermo uirht hi r first rtgurwti tn thr- stood b all classes of canadians he- utsks i hut was the fine vhu tmid af fore the can be solved every reader ti r a hlatkoot ward n trkttfied there of this newspaper can ht lp solve vere flashes from hrr tied room wln- them duw lke lightning when she lit up xwtl lhiitott spiowston fnehind tcli it a message to local merchants it is difficult for us to conceive of any single force which wields so great an influence in our life as advertising yet how many people stop to con sider what advertising really is advertising is any means or method of com munication of essential information as to where when and how a commodity or service may be 6b- tained and why it is desirable before people will buy they must be sold they must make up their mind that they want your goods or services more than any other product that their money will buy more than they want ito keep the money but how caira person find this magic formula of convincing prospects why it is desir able the answer lies in the product or service it self why do people buy your produet now how do they use it what does it do forthem where do they use it when do they use it how often do they use it take a pencil and write down the answers to these questions study your answers and youll have the basis on which to build your advertising message 1 then your nejst job is to tell them why it is desirable from their point of view remember they are interested in their own wants and needs not in a lot of adjectives making boastful claims the public doesnt cafe how big your firm is or how old it is or where it is they are inteested in them selves their health their happiness their family and their ovv n beliefs fix this thought in your mind why it is desirable from their point of view and you will achieve success in your advertising your local newspaper has proven that is the most desirable medium for many sales messages what about yourt the acton free press its halt on countys largest newspaper mill st acton phone 174