Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1941, p. 3

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pft vi itbuabday november aoth 1m1 the acton free press vaok noun of interest to women menu hints planning cooking and mrvlng nu tritious meals undor ibwtatkrlog con ditions 1b one of tho many difficulties lacing housewives in britain today how to kupolumont the rationed foods with thoae more plentiful that will still provide the family with the neces sary requirements how best to cook those foods to preserve the prec ious vitamins and minerals how to plan her meals to save time fuel and labor these ore but a few of the questions that must arise to aid the housewives with these problems of maintaining national health and well being and thu aid britain in her war effort muhy war time recipes have been collected pub lished and distributed from one of these british wartime booklets the cons urn or section markotlng sor- vlce dominion department of agri culture has taken tmd tested the fol lowing recipes and passes them on to canadian homemakors who are looking for economical food dlshos these days lontll soup w pound lentils 2 carrots 2 small turnips 1 onion 2 tabloflnoann fat 2 quurt wutor or stock salt and popper wash the lontlls cut the vogo- tabteu into bmnll p locos molt- the fat stir in the lontlls nhd vegetables cook gontly for n few minutes with out browning thorn add the liquid bring to tho boll skim woll and sim mer for about two hours or until all the vegetables are tondor servo tho soup olthor slovcd or unsleved note a bone from a piece of ham or boiled bacon will groatly improve the flavor of tho soup put it in with tho vogotoblch and remove be fore serving stuffed ox heart 1 ox heart stuffing 4 tabtospoons soaked broad 1m tablespoons chopped ruot or melted dripping tablespoon chopped paruley pinch of herbs tt tflblespoon flour 1 pint wator or stock salt and popper souk the heart for 15 mlnutos in salt and wator wash nnd cloan thoroughly remove nil the blood and cut off tho flaps and coarse fat dry in a cloth fill tho cavities of tho liimrt with some of tho stuffing and mnko the remainder into force moat-balls- isow up and steam for 2 hours place on a roasting tin with dripping put in a hot ovon until brown bus to woll then cook slowly for lmt hours or until qulto tender lift out and serve with brown gravy force meat balls and vegetables note 1 the roosting may also be done in a strong saucepan on the top of the stove 2 a sheeps heart may be cooked in tho same way it requires jibout 1 hour but the preliminary stoamlng is not necessary 3 ox and sheeps heart may also bo stewed or braised bubble and squeak 1 pound cold cnbbago 1 pound cold bulled potatoes 1 small cooked onion 1 medium sized cooked carrot 4 tablespoons fat salt and- pepper chop the cabbagoonlon and car- rot and also the potato if hot arroady mashed molt thp fat in a f pan and fry the onion and carrot lightly but do not brown thorn add the other vegetables and season woll stir until thoroughly heated pbice an ennmol pinto on the top of the pah nnd loave for a few minutes until the mixture him browned undernonth turn upside down onto the plate and serve very hot rd oabhog mn apple 1 good sized red cabbage 1 large apple 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 deuertspoon vinegar salt and popper wash the cabbage and cut it into quarters removing the hard stalk and ribs cook in a vory little boiling salted wator to which the vlnognr nnd brown sugar have been added peel the apple and cut it up and add it to the cabhuge cook for about 4s minutes or until the cabbago la tendor drain well and sorvo vory hot 0tnij bueuit 1 23 cups ontmenl cup sugar g tablespoons fat 3i tablespoons flour cream fat and sugar till vory hoft twixinlhonbur niid ontmeal form into n squnre nnd roll out 4 inch thick- cut into squares or fingers bnke in n moderately hot ovon till sot chronicles ot ginger farm i written specially for the acton free trw by gwendoline 1 gliarkk msxzb x was making n cnm urulmv frhmd h said walt i must show you my new hnt now this particular friend of mine is n qulot little body with very con servative ideas so i naturally expect ed the hot to be quiet and conserva tive too presently i heard wei how do you llkeityhf turned and hlmoflt gasped the hat porched on top of my friends head was decidedly modom it was a small flat-brim- med sailor about the size of a tea- pluto crown about two inches high and four inches ncroh mndo of dark volvot trlmmod with n bright chic bow woll woll you are going modern i sort of stammered that inltr lfvhf in fcifvlft jnterest andvarletyintothelrllves war 25 years ago tfathorrmrjrolrmiwirjmiph-oe- turrd two ya before ami- uuce and breakup of a utrihungmry bv h ii ttoktoon canadian xvess hum writer plucking 600 from britains hedges roeehip syrup inatead of orangejuice betwoen now and december coun trywomen boy scouts girl guides nndjchoojchudrejinremaxchlngj3ril derek prentice who 4s frequently hoard rendlpg the bbc news at 12i00 noon nnd 643 pm edst is one of those versatile chaps who seem to be fc able to crowd an nmnxlng amount orfjr- alns hodgerows nnd commons for the rich annual crop of hips the bright- red fruit of the wild rose h is hoped that 800 tons of hips will be gathered to turned by rnanufneturers into n syrup twenty times richer in vitamin raisin cake 2 23 cups flour 12 tablenpoonh fat shortening 12 tnblespoonn brown sugar fi oz raisins 1 tahjespoon mnrmalade ui tooapoon mixed spice 1 teaspoon baking powder mi cup milk mix the flour spice nnd baking powdor rub in the fat and ndd the othor dry ingredients stir in the marmalado and milk mix well to gether and bake in a groaned tin in a modernte oven for about 1m hours halifax was first with post office commemorating the first post of fice in cannda a bronze tnblot has boon afflxod to tho post office build ing hero tho first post office wan opened in 1735 six years nftor tho city was faundod- halifaxis noted for its historical associations as well as other tourist nttrnctlonn the north west arm nn aquatic playground and the public gnrdens being among these the de luxe cnnadlnn national rail way hotel the nova scotlnn is built on soil that once formed part of boston common in the days of the sailing ships vessels would come to halifax from boston loaded with earth from boston common as ballast and this was dumped where the hotel now stands another unique foaturo of this hotel is that it has no chim ney heat and power being obtained from an outside source now in battle dress cairo cp units of the south african forces who have been fight ing in the middle east for nearly two years are now wearing british battle dress for the first time owing to the cooler weather in the western desert where they nre now engaged fields of england hat is certainly right in stylo yob my donr thnts just what i thought my frlond agreed and yet that hat she went on is what my sister jessie wore forty years ago this time i really did tfasp and areyou going to wear it i asked woar it o no my friend laugh ed i was just fooling you here is i my hnt- and she picked up another lint from the dresser it was dark quiet nnd conservative there is a queer thumping noise going on at the front of the houne the noise is the sound of horses hooves porch- nnd johnny are feed ing on tho lawn and sponklng of ho men i should t you what i hadnt the heart to mention a few weeks ngo prince our denr old boy horse is no more prince wan a real pet wo took him over with the form eighteen years ngo at that time ho was three years old and full of old nick too much so nt times nt least that is what i thought when i was driving the horse and buggy his sleek brown coot used to shine like spun silk those days and several times i was stopped and asked if wo wanted to sell him sell prince i should say not it was prince who drow the hayfork year after year lending hny nnd grain into tho mow it was prince who stopped doggedly along between rows of potatoes turnips nnd gnrdon stuff nn we scuffled die ground and it was prince who always persluted in going that one stop further nt the top of the gnrden no he could nlbhle tho tips of the bronchos from the wild cherry trees it was also on princes bock that daughter lenrned to ride and it was prlnco who would come on the trot whenever daughter hove in sight hoping she might have an apple in her pocket for him when daugh ter left home any time she was back one of the first things she did was to visit prince they were great pals but something happenod to prince and a tendon nt the back of one front leg seemed to contract it gradually got worse and worse until his hoof almost turned under but yot he did not appear to be suffering except thnt lastwlntor he would get down nnd could npt get up without help this summer he roamed the farm nt will and soemed quite contented we hated to part with him but we knew he would never see the winter through daughter sent word home dont let nnythlng hnppen to prince but it would hove been cruel to keep him so one day we sent for the truck nnd poor faithful old prince was quickly nnd painlessly put oiu of business before he iff the farm where he had loved and been loved lor so long so far we havent dared to mention his- going to our dnughter emperor francis joseph first reign ing head of the dual monnrchy of auktrlnhungnry died 25 years ngo as shndows of he impending collnpso of his om pi re took form in the grow ing strength of the allied armies throughout a long life the cold dig nified monarch had made the inter ests of the ilnpshurg dynasty his major conblderntlonr hut lisnlms were shnttcrcd two years after his death ii wns on nov 21 191fi that fran cis then hfi years old died nt the palace of schonhrunn nenr vienna the dot ailed order of his life wns marked even in his last days and early on the day of his death he wns found once more seated at his writ ing desk francis joseph succeeded to tho throne of austrln in 1818 he reigned during the turbulent period in the history of centrnl europe nnd the bnlkans and soon after his accession war hroke out with hungary which was subdued with the aid of russia strong- for absolutism the austrohungnrinn state was formed in 18g7 following tho disas trous sevenweeks war with prussia when the headship of germany was decided from thnt time the emperor accepted a secondary position in his relationship with germany thomurdorof his nophow tho- archduke francis ferdinand nt sera- jevo in 1914 found the aging emperor unable to play any real part in the foreign policy of his government it has been said of him thnt his pergonal influence was always on the side of peace nnd hod he been younger he might hnve found some means of everting war with sorbin nnd the grent world conflict that followed throughout his reign francis joseph clnlmed the right of auto cracy and because of this history holds him responsible for acts of repression prepetrnted in his name in the oarly part of his reign expediency forced him gradually into the path of consti tutionalism but throughout it all he held undisputed control over the army a tragic life from the time of the formation of the dual monarchy he was forced to mnke concessions to the progressive magyars and although his sympathies were with the german race he held loyally by the compromise of 18c7 he stood aloof from polictlcal parties and played one ngalnst the other his only regard being the integrity of the monarchy francis joseph married elizabeth of bnvnrin in 1854 nnd it was not before they were estranged then- fqllowed a succession of tragedies his brother maximilian perished in mex ico in 1kr7 nnd his son rudolph com mitted suicide at mnyerllng in 1880 the empress elizabeth wns assassin ated at fleneva in 1897 his nephew and heir frnncis ferdinand nlthough thnn ornhgo juice now v sc this quantity whpnieof the require menta of 2b00000 babies forn year allowing is drops of syrup a day for each child an ounce is enough for ono month tho syrup manufacturers will pay two shillings per stone for the hips so thnt the gntherers apart fom maintaining the health of britains babies will learn somothlng like r- aoo-for- their orgnnlznt ions nil from fruit which normally goes to wast countrywomen with experience of jam and jelly making will be produc ing tholr own syrup and they ore also making nn excellent table jolly from hips nnd apples using windfalls crabs or even peelings it has a flno color and n delicious flavor and will help to keep tho grownups fit framing home guard londonf cp woe to german invaders britains home guard u now equipped with flame throwers and guns that fire glna shells which brook on hitting tholr objective icobac tobacco i 01 a mild rool hmoki when you entertain the sixbottle carton carrolls f l free fruit jule gum with kelloggs pep 2 pi- 25 ammonia with pork all corn brooms w the wartime price fixing hns been man of more than average ability was unsympathetic to the emperor who passed the closing days of his life with the henutlful nrtresr kath- erlne sehrntt his lifelong friend libfey tomato juice libbys homestyle pickles libby- beans libbys tomato catchup libbyt prepared mustard peas c c1 rc milk e i 8c beef llbby slicd drud j 2c kidiiey beans 2 25c brown beans libby 2 tyc pork beans 2 n 25c 20o tuu pickles gin tomlo 1 15ox j 20oz tint 14oz bu 6oz 16 as 8 potted meat biscuits pudding date loaf cream sandwich chriatl fruitad b 19c soc 15c jtomar offee uib baa 39 hiwti floor wax ti 2se 4 3 grapefruit poslponud until december 1 i am sorry about that because i feel the sooner it gets under wnythe sooner we shall lnow where we are nt our egg man tells us the egg market has completely gone to pieces producers i l ore anxious to sell but dealers refuse w be a shortage of farm products to buy exeept to meet local require- 1 und that will he just as bad us u ments naturally no one wants to shortage of tanks or planes i re- get stung producers wont to sell j member hearing om speaker lately whlh the price is good dealers dont i returned from england say this wanltobuyln case theyjmvetoxell nt n loss and so it goes yesterday we paid out 6 for lay ing mash and that wont lost very long of course the price hns gone up but it moy be the last we shall bombs wilt nevgrhrrak the spirit- peace and war seem to merge in this photo of a cunadtan tank on exercises in one of the smooth meadows of knglnnd the tank is- a light cruiser of the type recently issued to the canadian urlgwle of the british people but there is one thing that might and thut is lack pf i food britain needs canadian produce and j j and if canadian farmers are to go on have to buy for awhile because if the producing for britain they must have price of eggs drops very much our j prices that will enable them to live hens will hove to go we dont want anl meet expenses in order to go to sell them the department of ag- i on producing we can and will rlculture urged farmers some time do without a lot of things but we ago to winter their yearling hens we roust mnke enough to live and meet are wilting to do that but we cant expenses to say nothing of moral ob- afford to keep them at a loss not ligations such as contributing to the ce trinidad sweetened 20oz tin ritz biscuits 2 29c oxydol r9v 24c 65c jif flakes 22c cowans cocoa 15c 25c uptons tea vriu prte magic isot tla 28 soap flakes cut peel bulk side bacon yi cooked slicd lb 29c 39c ivory snow n 25 paghetti 3 with luos and othor obligations hint ltvi to of mot if tin- bnlnne short at thi ihd of tlu yrar howrs deficit j lnsibdof n snmm margin of profit whnt tlwn ijvihhi i hilnk of fiirmlne probhmj i kt kcurd not lionrod for ourwlv- hut etnrimt bocnusr i am terribly afraid thf tlnu- iscomliik wlun tlurt- kd cross and buying wnr suvin 1 cortiflcntis llairiav mr atvhtns i ipswoitth i ci sihool chlldnn of tlus suffolk town un jlvfn n hnlf- i day off n wwk to collrct nrorns fori pin food fresh malaga grapes 2 25c juicy florida oranges dm 32c choice green ceijjhy iu3arts hunch 10c no 1 ontario apples 4 25c also fretih spinach tomatoi ittwla ctrrobi ijhluee fruit and vegetable prim until saturday night only j in awimmiiir it

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