thursday november 20th 1941 the acton ffcee press page seven 1 the queen 3totta4he w wo uhiform- thut smlllnk queen of ours rm rtad she wean a pretty sown with pearls and lace and flowers pn clad ahadoeant aob and weep or look aad and forlorn but keepa her smile god bless her face as radiant as the morn and when they bombed old bucklng- httm the sunday school lesson fob ritnoay november 13 hfer very room no ieu she went to church as large bs life and wore her gayest dress and in an air raid shelter once deep down bolow the ground she stayed and hal a cup of tea while bombs were dropping round no truer queen eer braced a throne than this rreat queen of ours who faces death day after day with pearls nnd lace and flowers edna jaqucs in lorortto slnr twenty years ago vom the imam of the ree xhrees of thareday november zi 1611 ece at go cents a dozen on satur day the dust was blowing again on the streets on tuesday the corporation and mr amos mason of alton arc getting together in the matter of the opening of knitting mill in acton mr mason is willing to start business in the elec tric power house building which has been used for storage since the hydro took over the electric business eight year ago messra george llynds and w j gauld the voters lists registrar for acton for the december election have completed their lists there are 1 065 voters in acton rev orlando jollffe bjl who has just arrived home from the mission fields of china gave a mot interest ing address at the epworth league on monday evening after making a brave fight for life in christie street hospital for many months sergt norman stuckey quiet ly passed away on tuesday of las week sergtmajor stuckey was a son of mr and mrs w j stuckey willow street he enlisted shortly after war broke out going overseas in 1914 he returned to canada in 1018 shortly after his return home his trouble be came serious and last june he was obliged to- enter the hospital on wednesday hut the ven arch deacon mackintosh b d of guelph formally inducted the rev h g l baugh b s formerly of arthur at st al bans anglican church born mcdowell in acton on friday prayer and thanksgiving golden tvxt pray without ceas ing in every thing give thanks 1 shossaxla lesson text pfi 101 107 matt 6 515 jno 17 li6 eph 5 1821 phil 4 fi 1 the 5 1g18 1 jno 5 14 15 print mntt 6 515 eph 5 20 1 thes 5 1618 exposition i where to pray 5 g our lord here by his words does not condemn all public nmyv jno g 11 what he does condemn is thnt kind of praying in public the ntm of uhlch is lo nltrnrt ttio notlw and ad miration of men tin choicest place of prayer is in the inner chnmber with the door shut shut in with the pother theworld shut out there nre timet nfrhon public prayer is an imperative duty dan fi 10 but it is a bad sign when a man prays more in pubic than in private the prayer that we offer in our inner closet nnd the prayer we offer anywhere should he to our father he is in the secret place while god is every where it lsmn the secret place thnt he especially manifesto himself god is never so real to the soul who truly knows him as in the secret place where we are alone with god this father god to whom we pray the god and father of our lord and sav iour jesus christ is the father who seeth in secret but he rewards openly the recompense which god gives openly to the prayer that is offered in secret is the bestowing upon us of what we ask matt 7 7 1 jno 5 mhskand oftentimes by bestowing far more than we ask eph 3 20 n how to pray 7 8 fstot only is it important to know uhere to pray but also how to pray in praying we should not use vain repetitions the greek word trans lated use vain repetitions means literally to babble or to stutter and strikingly sets forth the multiply ing of words for the mere sake of words this does not forbid the repe tition that comes from intense earn estness matt 26 14 such repetition is meaningful it docs condemn the use of words for the mere sake of multiplying words that is -jneanlng- lea there is no need of using many words in speaking lowgott because your father knowcth what things yo have need of before ye ask him nevertheless he would have us utter to him the desire of our heart that we also may realize our need nnd wholt uthitt fluppluw it hi the dlsclphs model prnyer 0- 15 november 11 1921 to mr and mrs bert mcdowell a daughter married billingscreamer at the home of the bride s parents near acton on tuesday november 15 1921 by rev b f cameron harold bil lings of guelph to sarah jane daughter of mr and mrs gilbert creamer v our food supply written specially for cwna newspapers by john attuns farmerjournalist no 7 an evolutionary idea problem of redistribution involves tempornrj iocs of time but it is quite differ nt from the problem of un imploment when then ts no work in sight the idm that it is the dut of the sfato to provide employment when i mploymt nt do not otherwise exist is one that demoirntic jwoph s will tperim nt w 1th further on n lnrr scale at thi end of the wnr what effect will such n inrpe scale experiment haw ujion our food sup- pu the final answir will be rt vented b the experiment but some inklings of that answer mnj be found tntlu i unfinished prewar xptrimtnu in both canada and the united mate s tin working teiridittons and lo show them jufct how to pray our lord now gave his dlsclplos n model prayer the very words with which ho prefncwl it hhowtd that it wn hot intended to be used as n mere form of prayer but wns given to set forth the true mamirr of prayer he says after thin manner therefore prny but it is n prny r that we mny well repeat not that wc are always to use those words but we nre to prny according to this plan the characteristics of this model prnytr are find it in offered to our father in heaven second thnt it seeks first of nil gods glory gods kingdom nnd ads will god nnd his interests nre to ho put first in nil our prnyerr ihlrd it is brief but nt the same time comprehensive fourth it is to the point definite nnd direct fifth it is humble the expression of one who realizes his own proneneas to sin our lord did not prny thin way for he had no sin the true lords prayer is found in jno 17 the only one who has n right to offer the prayer that jesus here teaches his disciples is the one who has the right to call god father i e the one who has received jesus as his own saviour and lord jno 1 12 gal 3 2fi rom 8 14 the rest of men nre children of th devi 1 jno 5 19 1 10 jno 8 44 teph 2 3 in our prayer god is to be addres sed ns father the thought of the fatherhood of god lies at the very foundation off the christian doctrine of prayer god is everywhere but the chief place of his manifestation is in heaven ps 115 3 isa g6 1 jno 16 2fl ac 1 9 mk 1 11 jno 12 28 that is where he is in the fullest sense wo nre to pray for god s king dom to come and it will only do so when the king comes rev 11 15 one of the sweetest prayers a true child of god can offer is thy will be done no one has n right to of fer it who is not making gods will the absolute itfw of bis life we should desire that gods will should bo doncregardln us i us by us and in everyone else and by everyone else it is right to pray for temporal things our dally bread we should seek from god so much food as we need for the present moment ttt should live one day at a time the only one who can properly askgotlio lorelvehiml his sina in the one who is forgiving those who sin ngninst him for one who is not forgiving others to offer this prayer is for him to nsk god to damn him god in his infinite wisdom mny bring us into the plnce of tomptn- tlon for our hiphost good butvinyone who has n realization of his own weakness will cry to goel bring us not into temptation this prayer is utterly opposed to that se if confident spirit thnt rushes fnto places of un necessnrj temptation 1 cor 10 12 there is not only nbstrnct evil from which wo need to have god dolivtr us hut there is a person who is the incarnation of eil the evil one tt v nnd the wisest nnel strongest of us need to look lo god to debtor us from him nnd gunrd us against his wiles 1 pet 5 8 fph 6 11 12 hie onlv way we can overcome his power nnd wiles is by prner iv prner without ciaslng 1 this 5 lfi 18 a christian should njoiit pru and giw thnnks rijolct t m r do and or hour phll 4 1 fi rom i 17 u u ae s u jus l 2 prav john a 1 kins when ttu wo id has disposed of mtltru n velutltiuir ideas t w be nttd fot lauuij stink of an i olu tluiuir uua unit m n cluing man tldu in denuhintu lift without e luuiunu di mot i at u rights as a l suit of the urn mpl njiu nt fedlov int the mrst worll war and the ununiplovtrtrnt treated b the en urns invitation f si t ond w orl 1 w ar de mo mu jh oplt- iium to htluvi that it wns th dut of tin stati to maintain uti ns who iould not fin i work lmmplomni n lu f unstmth wr dn should be a du i of prajir f is phil 1 bt give thanks i nbsolult l tirthlng fph s i iu uin f od that w bhoulci do llise things is m i hrlsl i nik i this is iii will if nl is minli km n in hi tst i mis v nornmn one of ttu- innrtpnl cost of one mplo i f eonomli i tux w is in a n ttu urn mi 1 ll llllu i itll ele nnv rat u go ihnu nt im nt b aim th i hi probh m in tin ir i nun nil nts with une m prumiu nt rumimi dinmrniu go ernnitni ttujiaimi main n u ot gtivirnm nt m i 1 wotk e i iu it t sin u an t si ut wai sdi il thi prtn ii il ni tit tohli ins it it p o 1 s wi ii i nun t i h i tl it it was tin lut f tt st lie t j i w u e nij un nu nt for hi i ns u h ml i h it fin 1 work hi ton iu id m nt u tli j i tintikiii in uti w rk iimll u tairlrd to niiuliimon tic uir tntiiiutt and unt ni ui nu nt probli ins h t am i nihil ms itf th rimfuilhutiou of utluir in a htnti tif wnr th re k a twt i nihil usi for ttu labor of iir itlten if and wiumi tu till n and work can be bnouht touttlur i his standards of ihing on rovirnment made work were so sup nor to thi hours nnd working conditions and standards of ltlng on farms that mnn farmworkers fnrnf tonants antl some farm ow n rs pre ft rr d tin ov e riinn nt mad work t farming i hi rt wns a str ng ti ml ru li le im tlu farms f i y rnnn nt m uh work or in uih mplo mi ut ullif r since tin uir u i in tin hours of i ihiv work tht w irking t omlltloiii nnd tin t stun lards of livink war industrie i ltll 1i1 ittlt loms uvjikh nre uurniu t mnkc work on i huge scali i ha been so it trie ti hint ihu r has k ft th farms ti sue h an t sti n as to imperil fooel preidut lion in the quant it ie s in oelim for war i urpose s i he ioe mint nts of t anmh am tli inlttd stntis ari now urnppllng with th i rohmtn f th duttimitlnii advertising ivnt lt them hanc fire or ieae replies indefinite i of labor for ill e ss ntiil prtliu t ion ihihuilm ftuxl in thtiti efforts the ni i d the t o ope ration of ee n citl- 7i n t i i rt must u a wiiimunivs to sore where nhttil n ejultible listrlluillon of irnniks that will re rororo ki par to he rule bet no or in es remarks a wrttnr on rornrn rourt s some pe opu np i nuse tin i nnnot j a message to local merchants it is difficult for us to conceive of any single foice which wields so great an influence in our life as advertising yet how many people stop to con sider what advertising really is advertising is any means or method of com munication of essential information as to where when and how a commodity or service may be ob tained and why it is desirable before people will buy they must be sold they must make up their mind that they want your goods or servicesmore than any other product that their money will buy more than they want to keep the money but how can a person find this magic formula of convincing prospects why it is desir able self the answer lies in the product or service it- why do people buy your product now how do they use it what does it do for them s where do they ue it when do they use it how often do they ube it take a pencil and write down the answers to these questions study your answers and youll have tin basis on which to build your advertising message then your net job is to tell them why it is desirable from their point of view remember they are interested in their own wants and needs not in a lot of adjectives making boastful claims the public doesnt care how big your firm is or how old it is or uhere it is the are inteested in them selves their health their happiness their family and their ou n beliefs fix this thought in vour miikfrwhy it is- desiiuble from their point of view and kin will achieve success in vour advertising t your local newspaper has proven that it is the most desirable medium for inanv sales messages what about ours if ou lnit them to ionu t din m r then insi r i m not sun or i think i an whuh is worv it i sounds us if thtv don t want to ionu or ni if thfv art w isv washv pr umnhtte suit in sinul ir i mil i nil ii tr in the farm will k uij the pn bl ni to nntn i in tm ns f tl futon e 1 nn t a lit i e n and wais liuil skill w nut ni in an i sou fferts e it iklle i tl 111 it e n 1 u h it ah nit ll s1 w ir f nl l i ill ki riiim nt m 1 1 ewk lontinui t li iw f irnu rs off thi firms int tie towns ind e tt it s in sui h numhi rs that f um e ermru- anil firm st in i mis f living must be ratii to urlun standards- will our wh iti tionom i h mutnl h the id a that it is ttu dutv or the lnti to priti tdt omi 1 lmiient win n mplo nu nt dmu not otherwise vtt aro suffu ie nth u ui t uwa w th it puti nir host i- in hmiti i it i i ms up his li uitimati t i t an e snsive aliswi r ou i sj ot if nnnil his i rt u m in pl ms for v on vn i oft n o i mswi r him ti i it for h m t isk nt r iu sis if must m ik tisirvittnis m i ni sn w e ill ist 1 im nion if sou iyit wiittiri invit itums 1 sur t atisu iti n d lt j it si t ii irrnw 1 1 u shiiul l u i r ir hnsltuss imitations as x ils oual where ml iosslhl li him i v id ni of a w 11 ein nnliel life an i of im mtihatt tourtisj to the imltir rcv s the acton free press its halton countys largest newspaper mill st acton phone 174 im tedkossen