thursday november 27th 1m1 the acton prbh prbss paoe threjl of interel to women whou grain ckreaui through the liberal me of canad ian whole grain cerealu flaked rol led or craxfced the hoileewlfe cart do much to eniure the good health of her family cereal are an economical aource of quick energy nd of many valuablo mineral and vitamin bi the vita mln which reaearch worker tate i moat often lacking in the dally diet i found in generou amount in whole grain cereal eapeclally oat and rye why not plan to use these plentiful food not only at breakfait but at lunch and dinner toor the consumer section marketing service dominion department of ag riculture aukbett a few teited way to use up leftaver breakfatt careal a well a othar recipe of lnterett general ttepertien for b cereal cereal 1 cup coarse or cracked water cup salt 1 teaspoon time s hour cereal 1 cup flaked or rolled salt ik teaspoon time 1 hour have water boiling in top of double boiler add salt and then add cereal slowly cook s minute over direct heat ktlrrlng occasionally thn fln- uh cooking in double boiler soaklngeracked wheat in water i found to cut cooking time in half remember long alow cooking i moat important to the flavor of cereal and it alas help to soften the bran and make it more dlgetlble precookd or minute cereal do not require a long a cooking period a mentlonvd above but are certainly improved it cookedtor more than the prescribed 3 minute cereal muffin 3 cup lour a ubletpoon ugar 3 tablespoon melted fat 1 egg v teaspoon aalt jj- participation in financing war lea up ms u liquid 1 cui cooked cereal 1 cup milk sift dry ingredient add half of milk to cereal and mix into dry in gredient stir in the beaten egc remaining milk and melted fat nnd llr only until mixed pour into hot greaited muffin pans and bako at 400 degrees f for 2530 minute whole wheat pudding h cup cooked whole uheat u cup brown sugar 1 eco v cup molasses teaspoon soda s trnsitoon milt 1 cup raisins s cup milk 3 tabletpoon melted butter is tablcbjuuirrboulnr water mix cereal aucar salt and thet add raisins add wellbeaten ke ami milk mixed together then molasses and melted butter add the sod dissolved in holllnu water turn n once into well treated mould steam hv hours sirxe with irenm or mills j cups w bile tall purpose fuiur 1 ihijh whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon milt 1 tenskinli baking soda i tup krnuliitml kuiiiir j i upn sour milk ml rir iniredlents blend thot- ounhh add hour milk and mk wep ilnco hi n irn umtl lonf pan hnki lnftlwleiatuovuut3m llcgri ch f 0 for one hour to one hour and ls mlnulir luin out at one on look ing nuk norf thi brail will lie mui i easli r to t ut tf let stand for jt hour befon umiik twuea dellar mark trent t shew uttu change the extent to which the bank of montreal i participating in the war time activity of industry apd com merce through it branches in evory part of the dominion i impressively exemplified by it annual statement issued today which reveal opera tion during the past year that in volume are at the highest lovj in the history of the institution the bank resource at october 31st last the end of it financial year are shown at 1ms531000 which i an increase of 83310000 over last year the total asset being the high est shown li any annual statement of the bank in it 124 year of op eration a agalnkt these resource the liabilities to the public stand at j0flnfi4s0o0 leaving an excel over such llabllltle of 7fl008000 which represent the shareholder equity how strongly the honk la entrenched in reapect to meeting contlngenclo i further shown by the total of it quickly available assets which at 705fleaf00 an increase of h247- 000 a compared with last year are equal to 73 per cent of all liabilities to the public the statement which la publlihed in another column u in the eay understandable form which it ha been the bank practice in recent year to present to the public thh year tho explanatory note which ac company the various total contain additional information thus instead of merely giving the total of tho deposit and commercial and other loans these item are accompanied by tabulation showing thetotakt for canada and the total for elsewhere large laeveaaa in deposit the deposit thla year reach th large total of 028387000 an in crease over last year of s70s22000 and or the total 800110000 are in canada and 119337000 elsewhere of the bank liquid assets refer red to in the atatement a quickly available resource there are in crease in caih and in dominion gov ernment and other bond the cash and deposits with the bank of can ada at j027s5000 la higher by 0- 731000 than last year nates of the cheque on other bank at 38073000 tonay on deposit wltli other- chronicles oi ginger farm written specially for the aeton free free by owkndounu 1 clarkk the week at ottawa spooially written for tha acton woo prsssi ht by alan 1iabvey proos staff writer indeed yes agreed the agent we dont want to soe anything wasted these dayt well having done what wo could we let it go nt that thoreiro two held belonging to neighbors lying between our farm and the track and we thought either ono or tho other of these neighbor might also have had the idea that old ties would make good firewood but the summer went by and then the fall and the ties were still there and all we thought was that whoever was pelting thprwwmwwimnp fng4mtll 1 oatmeal lancake looked tl ft oviroulmuil 1 s nips milk 1 kg is tups all pu i pose flour 3 uvel ttnpoons baking umdtr 1 lvel teaspoon salt j tntili ktom sugar 1 tablespoons melted cut mush cereal until free from lump add milk and wellbeaten egg slit the dr ingredients together and add to the liquid when well blende stir in the melted fat cook on a hpt lightly greased griddle or iron skillet pouring mixture on to form pancakes of desired size when bub bles show through the surface of the pancake and the edge ure set and sllghtlv brown turn and took on the other side serve hot with maple syrup or molasses n b leftover trucked wheat or whole wheat cereal may be uusl in place of the oatmeal banks at 4060000 show no slgnlfl cant change investments in gov ernment and other bonds nnd deben tures amount to 5408740000 which is higher by 36 013000 it is ex plained that the greater portion of these investments in in dominion government and hlghgrnde provinc ial and municipal securities which mature nt early dates a statement which indicates that the bnnk is con tinuing lis policy of confining its portfolio of investment j mainly jo shortterm securities profits hhow little change afttr pavment of dominion gov ernment tnxes amounting to 2242 005 tho profits for the yenr were 3- h7026 being approximately in tin same figures as inst year the am ount represents n return on the share holders coultv of 4 51 per cent aftefl pavment of the customarv dlvldi nd there remained n surplus of 57 0j6 to be enrried forward to balance of profit nnd loss nitount forest aid war finance hie fortsts plav an important purl in siipiuu i inn onniutn s war finance n ports tlu department of mines and itesourttt ihib contention 1st borne out bv n htudv of the statistics of e- ti rnal ttndt in commottllles vvhlh wit tin esteptlon of exports of non monelni thil i nrtudn nl tmnteri n i exported from thi importtwl into the tountrv trnle in all tommodltles etpt- ing wood wj3od produits and paper showed an adverse balanct of vj0 mil lion dollars in the mundnr enr 1040 kxports of non mom tar gold vnlucd at 203 million dollars offset this de- iillt nnd p a c bain at 4 million doll i r trade in wood and paper increased the iredit balance by 310 million dollars these figures show that the favorable balance ob tained from wood nnd paper in 1940 exceeded the value of nonmonetary gold exported b 107 million dollars and emphasize the significant role the forests and forest industries assumed in securing foreign exchange needed to pav for the vast quantities of war materials which canada had to ob tain from sources outside i her own borders in addition canadas forests have provided materials for the construc tion of thousands of wooden buildings needed for war purposes they also constitute the chief source qf lumber supplies open to the united kingdom and millions of board feet of canad ian lumber are used annunlly in boxes and crates neoeuiary to the shipment of war materials partner came in at noon todny looking quite white because ho wau bo mad i tho reason was this back of our farm runs a single track of the gov ernmentowned cartadlan national hallways and along that track treat piles of old railway ties wr biasing furiously in wanton waste karly this summer partner noticed hew ties were being laid down and the old ones piled up alongside tho track so one tlmo when i was go ing to town partner asked me to in quire from the station agent if it would he all right for him to bring soma of the ties home naturally the wood in them was no longer good but old ties vnake grand firewood es pecially for h box stovo such as we have the station agent was away on holiday but his substitute said ho would wrltaja the gang foreman and make inquiries for us which he did and the reply came hack the tins were already spoken yor i thanked tho station agontt for his trouble and said if the ties hod been promised to someone else that was qulto all right but i ndded we just wanted to mnko sure because wo would hate to see them go up in smoko as has so often happened be fore slack tlmo for ihe job and now the ties are gone burned destroyed with no one getting any benefit from them nt all and at n time when throughjhe medium of the press nnd radio people are constantly urged to save more nnd spend leas we aro told to tnke care that nothing is wasted bones rags pacra nnd old metnl must be snlvnged but what of the spikes in those tle i wonder were they salvaged as for the ties themselves then was certnlnl enough wood in them to have kept us going all win ter partner says in two plies that he hnd his eye on there must have been nt least eighty to a hundred tlei and there were more piles buttling further up the line and what of the inflammable ma terial usd to set the plies burning you couldnt fire ties with a few sticks of kindling wood nnd conl oil would hnrdly do it either it is our guehji thnt gasoline is protmhlv what was used for n joh tike that if so more waste heft rring ngnln to the bt ginning of this column in whlth i nald pnrt- ni r looked white he was so mud let it lu it nrlv undi rstood he was not mad in cause vf had not got the tl s he was mad hi tuisc thev wire hi ing wasted hnd someone is hnd the us of thim we should hnvt bi en quit sntisflid it is instant h sui h as this that innli so much criticism and thus undrmlne our national war ffnrt wast- of publii fundi and prop its must he iiom if mt ottawa ictt- announcement are coming thltk and fast those days from the wartime prices and trade iwmrd in the lastmlnuto flurry of ac tivity connected with the govern pients new price control scheme as the iwmrd applies finishing touch to the prlceculhhg program which goe into uffixt monday dee 1 canadians ure learning new details of the vast administrative machinery required to handle it general- prlcn control admittedly ih an exhrlnnt in cunada therefore umtnuncementn of policy change maximum prices any exceptions to general orders and new appointment to the administrative branches aro bound to he frequent and to continue even after next monday the effec tive data some of tho prospects weie fore shadowed last week by donald gor don deputy governor of the bank of canada just a day after his appoint ment as chairman of tho prices and trade hoard in a forthright state ment of policy he said a list of max- i mum prwti is to he issued based on etof merchandise those would havo to bo observed oven if tho ef fect la to reduce prices below tho level of sopt is to oct 11 under the prlreflxlng plan maxi mum prices charged for goods and services by any person or trm during tho base period of soptlttto oct 11 are tho maximum prices at which he will lie allowed to sell a f fee ting kartn prlees tho price celling on agricultural products and fish u to b handled in somewhat different fashion from the general run of commodities nnd ser vices instead of the prices charged by the indlvldunl fnrmer or fisher- mnh during the base period tho price will be governed by the highest level reached is recognized from sept 15 to oct 11 maximum prices of such commodi ties as milk butter cheese and eggs are to he flxod hy the board it was intimated offlclnlly that some action can be expected to see that producer interests are protected so far as possible from tlrty attempt to foreo down the price vf their commodities becauso of the cvlllng which applies on processed gooas agricultural or otherwise mr gordon followed up his stale- get fair hems with new coat spring coming and with with it them may lie lonjrei drtwaoi haya one fashion writer with eye to future iivim in private individuals is to in expett- td pi rhnps thin is some ruling i hat old railwav lies must be dislrov d nnd ntither sold or given away if there is su h a ruling mirel it would be in the publii intt r st to have it rev ok d nnd some use b made of the tits it would have meanta lulat work for partner to have got thowe ties home ihe are big henv v things to handle but bt would have been quite willing to do the work to get the wood and nnv spikes that were left in would tertatnlv have been salvaged oh well i huppofce it is no use talking before i write again we shall know the head nnd the worst about the wartime prices from the way mr coidon spoke llmagine it is going to come prettv bard on farmers and huiness men nllke until the thing gets proper underway well brit ain- showed us how ro take it now we re going to have the opportunltv to fclum that we tan take it too there must he tunriflces that much is ptrfettlv obvious and if there is equalit of satrifle wo should have little or no complaint we think mr gordon is a rood man for the job and what a job in which ho wornod clint certain businesses would suffer some per haps severely he urged cnnadlnnt to forget nny reasons which might ijo advanced why the progrom would not work and remember only thnt it must work for there is no nlternatlvi extept dlwihtt r there will he bv this board no pussv footing or halfwav mensures he snld i rude minister mackinnon has fin nounced the hrltlnh food ministry has ngrecd to pun base xj0ou0oo0 bushels of canadian wheut i ho sale is in the form of futures nnd mnkis n totnl of 2in000000 ordered by the united kingdom thla year qunntltles of canadian wheat hnvi nlready bun sent to itusula and this latest sale to britain arouses specu lation that part of the purchase mnv go to the soviet promotions are nnnnum ed for chh fs of stuff of the time armed ser vices in kteping with ttfp service of tin officers and the growing n spon- sibllltlea or the positions hear ad mlrnl penv w n 11 s c lib f of naval staff hetomt s canadas flrht vic admiral maj en ii i leini chief of enernl stnff b onus i it ut iiantcenfal on a bvl with the canadian c orps command i i t n a c l minaughton and air vit marshid i a iln udm hi f of air staff incomes al marshnl brig k stuart vit chi f of gemini staff is promoted to ranlc of major- m ml it was announied this wek thnt fen ctrar bad b n appoint d to etmitrnnrt 2tdcaya dvirsi as in plnt of maj fen victor odium who go s to australia as high commissioner on cretnr r virts from i leut pant neral to major tit rnl to n turn to nv is as nervlo ii stent home month in i- ngla ml as m nlor anndtan omhnt ant offler linmediutelv after the outv break of wnr nnd prepftrl-fmhenr- rival of tin first c nnndlnn oiviilon returning to anada he bee ami thief of staff at ottawa hv iiri jtm vohkih uatt asmmdaud lr- kiwhlon kdltor the new winter coats icvok tlkt lots of id eg mi t fnl lie jowl like lots of money though it isnt necessarily so w the chemise coat is about the lat est one to appoar with fabric swing ing gracefully from ttfictvcomfarthble shoulders it may he nil one color nt wool combined sifede and wool or on two tones of wool it ttwiy have fur tuxedo teevers trim or lining hut its here on smart women who dont hump or bum h it in hut let it go hung the wraparound coat minus but ton snap or other fastener is an other impoitnnt bulk of fabric it looks sideward for closing and is frequently lied on with a sash in nip it snugly at the wnlst and em- phuttlia thnt extravagant use of cloth we wouldnt know whether these styles are looking forward to a lime whon we may have no metal for huttnn moulds hooka eyes and snap fasteners or whether it was just time for newcont silhouettes invoking ahead the long torso t oat the bnsque coat the slenderbat k coat the trim sklrtod blnusedbnck coat these ar nlr goad anil give variety to the most interesting coat scene in yenrs and wbllo tiers and tunics are good the swooping hemline may influence tho skirt length of next springs coat lengthh a wise woman will seo to it that theres n fnlr hem in her new coat just in case she buys a spring dregs to go beneath her winter coat canadian wooi kkcovut production of shorn weed in canada reac hnd a now wau in idli i ho pre liminary estimate for the dominion lu 11 ml ocx pounds as compared wild ihijwx pound in hmo and the previous high of horrooo pound ih hwj the nunibtr of shep shorn in 1041 u estimated al lumui wlib an average yield inr fleece of 7ft pound ompnmlwittrshintings lwulfum sheep in i ho and nil uverugu ybdd per fleet e of 7 i pounds nova htull ontario and ilrltlsh columbia wire he only line provinces in whit h the number of sheep shorn was not id reused pause tfz and refresh carrolls aifqt atk feed siitiv i feed grain ruln ments for 1011 ij will tie somewhat higher than fori the previous leaoa pnrtlv due to an increase in the numbemof livestock nnd nlso to earlt r nnd heavier feed- ing avs the current review of ag- ricultural conditions in canada whin w heat is take n into consideration upplltys to meet these requirements ore adequate hut the shortage in some areas hns necessitated ovrn- menf nhkistance in distribution one of the most tmiortant mensur s taken hns iieen ihe agreement tdpay freight harges on western grain t and mill feeds moving from the load of the iikes nnd armstrong to oinu in fnstern canada lynn vajky i pra peaches z x3 cocoa 19 tomatoes 2 i t5 cot mixed peel j x9 red geact cherries u lie pineapple rings awj z 13e f v peas ua bdc m maraschino cuerf les w ie seeded lexia raisins ise bleached raisins 19e currants atttriu n c cinnamon or cloves 4 crisco zfre 3- mc baking powder 17 caoua own ieot corn flakes 2 ph 15 quaker tender leaf tea marmalade moj apple fruit loaf silver pride cake golden brown sodas roman meal djw bacon sued su para sani waud pp corn d fib crsasa sju toa ab ifle xse a mapl laaf m s5hf lard t zse loo tomato ice brignf 323 peanut mclayw 2ob 25 yjik lux toilet soap romar classic cleanser offee jif soajp mj sai be ii 9e i sze manytsowers faelal soap 4e bac handy ammonia so k oxydol 9e s4f ic pels naphtha soap z v- is pol1flor wax s 4 codfish atxel kleenex a- xoe sse zoo siasasasaasasmaajalaaamaw i 1 ttt 1lb 39 crisp fntm head lettuce 2 iarge ijeuciols evting apples texas seedless grape frlit lcesuc 5 4 1 c choice idc cranherries lb twc wt freh spinach 0eia carrotk kadwhw totauloai swcial lnit pruft and vegetable price until satutday night only b