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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1941, p. 7

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nodddss shoes now lf a caution isnt itt and sore elves one the blues the way the youngster will ir through a brand new pair of shoes it seems but ust a week ago 8lnce all their shoes were new and now a sole and heel they need upon each little shoe sometimes i save a little cash for extra stuff to eat then jlmmle says dear daddy i need new shoes for my feet then dottle adds and so do i mine are all full of holes the heels are all run over 00th are worn out in the soles you feel hat you can wear apalr of shoes for half a year but how the youngsters gel through theirs tn bout a month scorns auoor they kick old cans and bricks and stones thby climb up treys and rocks they seem to think these thing were 1 made to wear out shoes and socks but lot them klekthelr shoes nil out it means they have good health and shoes cost leu th doctor s bills and isnt thnt great wealth 7 so don t complain whon kiddles break to vou the gladsome hows by saying daddy big surprise i need a new pair sh the sunday school 1 lesson fob sunday november so twenty years ago from the kisue of the free press of thursday deeembor i just twenty years ago this week alnee the first automobile was brought to canada trie farm of kenneth r wood on the acton crossroad has been pur chased by s e scott of woodbrldgc this is the fifth owner of this fine property in five years when sidney mountain was plow ing on his farm on the third line es- queslng known as the nathan turmr farm his plowshare caught in the handle of a largo brass pot further digging revoaled 25 skulls arranged in a circle a tomahawk shells and beads this must have been the lit of an indian burial place a couple of hundred years ago six hundred and thirty candidate were placed in nomination last week tor the 233 seats of the house of commons there are 211 conserva tives 201 liberals 144 farmer pro gressives and 74 labor and independ ents mr francis whitfield has purchas ed the thomas mlchle farm on the third line this tltio property has belonged to the mlchle family for nearly 100 years married mcphensonsmtth in toronto on wednesday november 23 1021 john mcpherson to edith eliza beth smith daughter of the late mrs jennie smith formerly of acton dikd leishman at his residence arthur street acton on friday novem ber 25 1021 william allan irish man in his 10th year christian love goldon text we love because he first loved us 1 jno 4 10 lesson tevt tev 19 17 1 3j 34 deul c 4 5 matt 22 3538 jno 3 16 13 34 3s 1 cor 13 print i cor n jno 13 14 fxpositlon i lpvc exalted 13 paul brings forward in rapid suc cession five things thnt were held in groat esteem in corinth and shows the preeminence of love over them nil if love bo inciting those all count for nothing y the gift of tongue the snlntu in corinth socm to imvo been very proud of their gifts ii 223 fneh uns engor to out strip the other in the display of the gift 14 23 26 2s paul tolls them that tholr much boosted rift amounts to little that the grace of love is so fnr a more excellent way thnn the gift of tonfiues that if love bo incklngr xpenwnr wlth-the-tongue- tei how proud we are of ou excellencies of the others that there in u m vi r 11 ri- rui 4 f t kt a moir iw1 y 1 r ll- in ewe will leech i fw form so well ns love thoe oirl tans who take a rude delight in trampling nil conventionalities under foot and plavlng the boor would do woll to ponder those words love will make n perfect rentlcman 7 so keth not her own thnt needs exemplification more than it does comment cf cll 10 24 13 1 jno 1 1c 17 jl v 2 tim 2 10 8 is hot provoked it may bo oftoh grieved but never irritated 0 tnkoth not nteounl of evil love never puts the wrong done it down in its hooks nor in its memory 10 rijoieeth not in unrlphteounnotji why is it we are so fond of dwolllng upon the evil that exists in church anil state 1 rejolcoth with the truth oh if we love iiow our hcnru will bound whenever we dlscovt r truth in others how gladly wo vyil call attention to it 12 bcnrelh all thlnrs 13 bellovelh nil britain scraps whole railway enough steel there for 384000 rifles brltnln is throwing a whole railway into the moblltaztton of iron and alotl for tho war althouch it li nn old rnlln its rails nlone will odd to tht rt sources or brltnln enough stool for no fewer thnn 1ri 000 rifles until 1017 the trains of the wilsh highland hallway mugged over sol of the loviilost scenery in the princi palis but in that year it censed to function nnil the crass began to grow along its jtt mlhs of pettnnnent way now tin mils which an modern an being tnken up 1 200 tons of then tho will be rclald elsewhere on hidings needed for the wnr effort so m ttlng frei stiel making enpnilt for nrmnment mnnufneture the two old loeomotlvts are for the dismnntlirs ard and metal from tho rolling stoik is for the same dis tlnation the ralln is but nn ltm in a nationwide hunt for metal to turn into rifles lanirro guns nnd tnnki into armour plate for battleships and armoured coastal defences a doomsdny book of park street and house railings or ancient stinm rollers engines nnd boilerhouse plant u being prepared and alread on vv ails bills have been posted proclaiming the governments requisitioning pf thim among the first to respond has been the king himself with many tons of the railings of buckingham palace for the collection not only of men but even of nngcls would leave them only sounding brass r a clanging cymbal 2 the gilt of prophecy in its very highest po tency surely thnt is something to lie grently eovoted and much ndmlr ed the mnn of groat theological and spiritual insight must occupy a very high place in the mind of god if he has love yes if not he is just nothing 3 miracleworking faith a man can have thnt in the most powerful form conceivable and yet if he has not love he is nothing 4 beneficence you enn give all you hnve and that for the most phil anthropic purpose to feed the poor but if you have not love you will gain by it just nothing how mnny i inspired prophecy tells but part of whnt is to be when tho perfect ability to see throurh men nnd th impossibility of gulling us 14 1 hopeth nil things no hoy li so bad but n mothers love with eyes of hope sees in him a future nngel 13 enduroth all things let jesus nnd stephen stand ns illustrations luke 23 34 ac 7 b0 examined in the light of pauls fifteen marks of love have you nny if not you nre notli ing v iii the permnnency of love 8 11 prophecies tongues knowledge hnve their dny love has eternity god is iovo and love partakes df his eternal nnturo our best know ledge is only pnrtln and the divinely cost of sickness is more than air training plan if wo know those of u who think our heart nre ntlrrpd by tho huf ferine of humanity if w know thai tho ducoverh of medical science tf applied would snve thousands of lives and million of money if we nre convinced that by such mennn tho human race would bo longer lived and healthier why do we heal tn to it in hlrh time tor canada to be gin to educate herself and her citi zens to the fact that generally speak ing illness is an expensive nnd un necessary luxury in which no nation should indulge to begin a real inves tigation as to the prevalence nnd cost of illness if the minister of pensions and nntlonal health is correct in his re cent statement sickness last year cost canada more ihtvn the commonwealth air training scheme and thnt fifty- thousand workers in industry are constantly nhd unable ftiworkihcn eomtthink ought to be done about it undoubtedly the ultimate solution wilt rx a coopt rntlvc scheme planned by the dominion and the provinces to this end a nation wide program of public education should be tho im mediate prelude to action this is the pica of the health i eaguc of cnn- nda at thin time of national emerg ency when tviry p nslble step should lie taken to preserve thnt most prec ious of our nss ts our human capi tal the two stnt mehlt ns to un heitlth of cnnarllnm mn1c by the honorable inn mnrkf natie nnd refi r- n d to nbove are as ktnrtllng n any l v r made by a minister of the crown if our people fall to msten to them consider tholr implications and act one cannot but consider hint human intelligence has indeed iu limitation no bed of hoses l icester england cpan- swcrlng rumors thnt this citys fire- watchers hnve to sleep on their hose at times the council was ln- tormer contrary ttiny ih i p between elenh white sheet hnv k pot loss pillowcanon nnd take tlwlr pyjamas false hopes thnt annihilates cf mntt 6 14 23 5 s martyrdom if i give my body to die nt the stake thnt will surely bring me grent reward not necessarily the more excellent way the supreme gift the one nnd only absolutely essential thine love have you it n love described 47 love ha fifteen marks that art never wanting- 1 it guffereth long it endures injury after injury insult after insult and still it loves on it unites itself in vainly trying to help the unworthy and still it loves on and helps on cf gal 5 22 eph 4 2 col 1 11 2 it is kind it knows no harshness even its necessary severity is gentle nnd tender eph 4 32 gal 5 22 n v 1 it envleth not how enn it ts not another s sfood as pleasant to love as our own do you over secretly grieve over and try to discount another s progrecs temporal or spiritual jan 3 1416 ii v love never does 4t vnunteth not itself if nnothcrs greatness is ns precious to us a ou own how is it that we talk so much of our own and nre so nnxlous thnt others tee it nnd appreciate it there is no surer mark of the absence of love and presence of selfishness thnn this 5 la hot puffed up if we love we will be so occupied with th knowledge comes in our pnrtln knowledge will become idle nnd be lnld aside when the event comes to pnss of which prophecy gave us only outlines prophecy will be rendered useless by fulfillment we nre now the wisest of us but children but n dny is coming when wo shall be men knowing nil things in n compnrntlve sense we nre some of us men now nnd if we are we should have laid nwny childish things we now knov in pnrt but n time is coming when we shall know god ns perfectly as god knows us now while wo am still in this present partial period there is one thing which we can lme thnt in perfect love amid nil thnt is so fast passing away there nre three abiding things faith hop love love ts the greatest itniasno peer iv the new commnndment jno 13 34 moses hnd snld thnt we should love our neighbor ns ourself jesu qcsbcyondthnt nnd snys we must love one nnothcr even ns he loved us we must not merely put ou ighbor on n level with ourselves but put him before ourselves bo rendy to sacrifice our lives for his tl nt is the chrlstinn inw of life ci 1 jno 3 14 1618 f omyaiio 1942 motor vehicle permits and drivers licenses will be available december 1st 1941 ithe term of 1941 permits and licences has been extended to january 31st 1942 after which date they will be invalid and those operating with them subject to the penalties pro vided there will be no further extension of their term secure yours early and avoid the usual rush oy the last few weeks for your convenience permits and licenses are issued through the offices of 191 agents located throughout the province preserve your 1941 plates do not destroy or throw them away during the first two weeks of february they will be collected through gasoline service stations by the canadian red cross society jl vb jmfeqderrnf ncvwmtilmtf 2cts 1m1 jhuiiiafssrtsjsusxsssskay when driving along our highways give our soldier boys a ride v repetition dining car menus change with season dining car menus ihanse ulth tlte i seasons according to w w swindon i general superintendent sleeping and 1 1 dining car department canadian na- tiona railways but for twelve months of each succeeding ear apple b pie remains constant tops fen in t the christmas season when pudding i and- hot mince pie become strong rivals the wedge of apple ulth a sec- tlon of strong canadlnn is a leader f in dessert orders cold and jellied 5 consomme iced tea and coffee have t duappearetlfrom dining cur and buf fet car menus hut tee irenm remnlns c u another year round favorite hot i joints and fish are in demand now j with consequent reduction in requests for cold cuts and salads i undoubtedly one of the fundamental and very real func tions of advert bine in continually and everlastingly pound- mi home the facts and features and facilities of the advertis ed products and services the reavona of course if indeed there be need for the mention of reasons is not the too often attributed fickleness of the buying public but rather that other things in numberless quantities lay dalm to the buying power of the public and that it takes more than single and casual mention of articles to make impressions and that each day brings to the markets new member of the buying public fundamental and basic as such a statement la it is well for all of us who are concerned with dmtnbulini things which have been mode to the places and peoples where they are used to repeat it frequently to ourselves hor there has been too much advertising waste resulting from the very lack of repetition too many beginnings of advertising pro grams based on welllaid plans which have for varied reasons not gone beyond the beginning stage and thereby they have made a squandering of the cost of that beginning but what is more serious they have failed of fruition for lack of continuity which is broadly another way of saying repe tition advertise regularly in the acton free press 3mjm

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