thursday december 4th 1941 v- v the acton free press page ftvat sv mr walter fryer vlaited relatives in guesph last week mr gaorg armstrong of alberta vlaited mr j r kennedy on sun day mr and mr j h smith left this week to visit with their daughter ri gait mrs cha hynds of toronto vlait ed relatives and friends here last week- t l wm coleman of the 48th highlanders toronto was homo for the weekend mrs w j russell helen kenneth betty visited with mrs kennedy and miss nelson on sunday me allan klrkness was homo for a few days leave and returned to his unit in british columbia on saturday mr fred shaw of buffalo n y visited over the weekond with his uncle archie c currle and the family dr and mrs f lozenby of tor onto called on secretary and mrs johnny gray at the ymca on sunday mr herbert hamilton of toronto visited with mr and mrs gordon currle and mrs h hamilton over the weekend pte 0 ferguson and pto roy hembruff of manltoulln island visited with mr and mrs a h bishop over the weekend mr and mrs losllo stewart of hamilton visited a few days inst week with mr arid mrs j e pearon at maplewood farm mr and mrs a t smyth of fort erie and mr and mrs w h smyth of london vlaltod mlas moore and mrnd mrs john wood on sundny dr and mrs morrow and daugh- tors the misses jean and sylvia of preston spent saturday evening at tho home of mr and mrs james moorot corporal lloyd e millar of the staff of instructors in the tts of tho rcaf st thomas and mrs millar spent tho weekend with their parents mr and mrs g w murray and mr and mra fjharlos millar of freeman mr and mrs j e pearon misses eva and evelyn pearon accompanied by mr and mrs j l stewart of hamilton motored to ingersoll on thursday where they visited wltlr relatives at tho home of mr and mrs thos j leslie george wallace clothes shop 112 yoiige st 2nd floor toronto tike the ejerator ausd saw hoissjt w tpattbrsorro bfrf fasty sffwlmnw orthoptjst las wyndham st ouixf1i phone xia completely equipped offices below maher shoe store if it is insurance life fire sick and accident automobile and burglary boiler liability consult fl wright general insurance geeper block acton out pbotte bo mrs f loonnrd white wlfo of tho editor of the canadian champion milton who underwent n serious op- eritlon in gait hospital on saturday mbrnlrtg last is doing as well as can be expected mrs whites many friends in milton georgetown acton and glonwllllnms hope she wiu havo an early and complete recovery her husband who hns been quite hi for some time is we nre glad to report recovering and able to be around again womans association of united church elects 1942 officers tho dccemor mlnhlng of the wo mnni association of the unitfd church wrta held nt the pnrsonnrc on tuesday afternoon- with mrs symon preiklent 1ri -mirj- the devotltfhal period was taken by mrs f cleave aflrr lhi hnslntsv sm iiimhisimi of gregory theatre thursday and friday december sand they met in bombay adventure drama with clarko gable rosalind russell peto smith flicker memorlos car toons little cosarlo gay knlghtees chapter 6 drums of fu manchu saturday december 8 matinee at 800 showoeson grncle fields who killed aunt maggie wendy bnrric john hubbard fox news monday december 8 the long voyage home dy eugene oneill with john vvayno thomas mitchell ion huntor band freddie martin a orchestra cartoon rror- tolse beats the hare the y column we will from time to time change our mode of operation la en endeavor to keep pace with the growing inter- et-ln- physical fitness andrecrcatlon and the constant demand tor the op portunity to play by the people or the community fqr whom thu build ing was nut here to serve in an effort to fulfi our p wo find it necessary to make a few changes in our schedule which will be noted in an advertisement on onoof the pagev in this paper thu la an endeavor to croup tho cltusca with a view to giving every member a falrr opportunity to luothohulldlng nnd iu faclliues tho junior boys clou will make o trip to toronto this coming satur day and will be entertained by tho west end y boys for tho afternoon and evening to the parent of these boys i might say the x mens club are looking after the transportation of the boys from acton to toronto ahdbncknndthey will arrange to have tho boys home by eleven oclock points in immyirts techbiou the idea la to force the bird to touch tho floor inkldo your oppon ents court and to keep it from touch ing your own i footwork good footwork is tho rent foundation of good badminton it directly influences mobility case nnd power of stroke the two most important factors involved in foot work nre mobility nnd your position for correct stroke production mobility is expressed in the ability to start or change direction quickly to develop this one must learn to stay slightly on the toes balance slightly forward feet about even and astride and swing body freely with foot direction for stroke after mnk- ing n stroke you should return by easiest footwork to base a p1rtycrsh7iulanibt 1 jump in air alter bird 2 turn back on net 3 stand flat footed 4 stroke with wrong foot for- wnrd ilerev to life it is unbollcvoablo how many un- bcllevcable things nre believed tho devil fleoth when no man pur- sueth but he makes a lot better time when someone is after him the badminton club date for a re turn tournament with the dundns club on tho y floor hns been fchanged the tournament wl 1 1 tnke plnce a week this thursday johnny gray weeklywal commentary specially written for tax aeton free press by by h u dordon canadian fnai htmlt writer diamond wedding anniversary of w mcglaughlins conmndtd from page one notice to creditors the president vjunted the ehhlr nnd mm fonhury conducted the election of officers tn behalf of the society mrs cleave nnd mrs aunr present ed the retiring president mrs symon with n beautiful hunch of mums ns an appreciation of her very faithful and efficient services rendered during the pnst six years hvw mr foibury spoke n few words of- encouragement to the newly elected officers mrs fosbury enter tained the tadles to a very- dainty lunch assisted by mrs idrl cutlen and mrs richardson nnd mr fos bury nnd a social lime was spent a vote of thanks was given to rev mr fosbury nnd mrs fosbury for use of their home and hospitality following are the officers elected hon president j symon president mrs wm evans assistant president mrs ivan harris c lt vicepresident mrs 1- w agar 2nd vicepresident mrs r l johnson secretary miss- e hawthorne treasurer mrs f w cleave church kitchen committee mrs s raid mrs j gardiner mrs j walker mr t marshall parsonage committee mrs d richardson mrs o parker mrs l w agar mrs n lambert pianist mr a fryer assistant pianist mrs r i johnson visiting and sick commltt to b appointed at each monthly- meet- in german forces invading russia this week admitted u retreat for the first time since the campaign started june 2 while defenders of moscow held attacking nnils on the central sector of the long front gen semeon timo- shenko launched a tremendous coun teroffensive at rostov driving tho invaders from tho gateway to the caucasus gen ewald von kelsts southern itrmy was reported dec 2 tobe fal ling back on mariupol 100 miles west of rostov in their fhght the ger mans abandoned huge quantities of supplies and equipment thus the russinns snapped off one arm of the twopronged drive aimed at the oil and other resources of the caucasus while tho british army was locked in conflict with tho southern arm in libya tho russian move in massing strength nt rostov may bo an indict- tlon that red army authorities be lieve the drive on moscow has passed the limit of its striking power in any case any forward moves made this week in the central sector have been made nt n tremendous cost soviet spokesmen asserted that drives hnd been smanhed at kiln and volo- konmsk approximately go miles from tho capital axis tank attaek germanys armored divisions in libya are putting up a bitter fight cairo dispatches tuesdny stated the nazis had broken through encircling forces at sldl rezcgh to roestnbllsh their communications between ben gali nnd n point east of tobruk military observers stated the suc cessful german tank attack was a down in nn upanddown fight but in no way impaired british confi dence it was nsserted the british retain numerical superiority in tnnks and continue to hold the upper hnnd in tho nlr tlo axlsjtroops are still hemmed in the libyan hump through the advance of a british column to tho gulf of slrtc nnd as long as this force is able to maintain its position the gorman are cut off from their bases in trlpolltanla tho admiralty reported the sink ing of two large axis supply ships nnd an italian destroyer in the- med iterranean dec 1 against this wns the report of the loss of the gb3qton austrnllnn cruiser sydney which is presumed lost nlong with the 615 men aboard her the sydney was report ed lost after she hnd sunk tho gor- man comm raider stelermark somewhere in the matter of the estate of wil liam thompson late of tho village of aetou in the county of hajton retired farpirr deceased parties hnvlnc clnfms ngntnst the ksjlnte hf wllltnn th6hpjon late of the village of aeton in the county of hnlton retired farmer deceased who diet on or n the seventh day of june 1m1 are required to- send particulars and proofs thereof to the undesigned solicitor before the sixth day of deomber 1011 when the assets will lie distributed nmnng the parties legally entitled thereto having regard only to the clnlms which shall have been filed ns afore said pursuant- to section 51 chnpter 1wrso1037 dated this twentieth day of no vember ad 1911 c v leatherland arton on tario solicitor for the executrix jnnet thompson acton ontario 213 mrs williamson mrs kaine mrs richardson mrs pitt this elderly couple were presented with a flowering plant mrs mc- glaughlln spoke a few words af thnnks mr j h mcglnughllh then spoke on behalf of his father nnd mother nnd the family thnnklng the w i for their thought of their par ents on this occasion many congratulation cards were received from friends and relatives in the west nnd other points on monday evening n group of nbout fifty former neighbors nnd friends of mr nnd mrs mcglnughlln journeyed out to the fnrm from guelph nnd presented them with n very lovely comforter nnd an address cpaaklngof uwlr fine euample of- notice to creditois in the matter of the estate of vua laurfer hutoa late ef the vu1 of aeton in the county ef hal ton married woman deea parti kshaviinj claims against the estate of vlda laurier hilton late of the village of acton in the county of halton married woman deceas ed who died on or about the eigh teenth day of august im1 are re quired to send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned solicitor before the slxlh day of december 1941 when the assets will be dis tributed among the parties legally en titled thereto having regard only to claims which shall have been filed as aforesaid pursuant to section si chapter v rso 1937 dated this twentieth day- of no vember ad ltml c f leatherland acton on tario solicitor for the administra trix sarah elizabeth ramshaw acton ontario 213 ott australia it is thought possible the nail raider wns nccompnnled by a pocket battleship whose longrange guns mhy havo sunk the australian cruiser brltnln hns dollvorod a strong warning to jnpnn by sending a fjeot of warships to slngnpore the grent battleship prince of wales flying the flag of admiral sir tom phillips leads the fleet that has put into tlje strongly- fortified base washington views tho situation in the far east with grave apprehen sion from her bases in french indo- chlna japan is in a position to strike against thnlland or the neth erlands east indies and additional nipponese troops nro reported in the vicinity of shanghai awaiting trans ports to take them ibtith netherlands east tgtijes military authorities have mobufzed guards in the outer defences of the islnnds in view of the japanese threat nnd netherlands and brulsh shipping is being withdrawn from the chlnn const history repeats major devnlqpmentshlngo on uio- to be shaping up in strikingly similar fashion hitler is withdrawing troops from continental posltldmt feeding them into the consuming russian furnace tho libyan campaign has opened the second front one that may spread nd- affect the balkans and italy and perhaps oven turkey and spain brltnln in this 119th week of the war is forging a line of steel that will stretch the full length of the continents southern coastline and thatninetsgolngto prove of major importance in the winning of trio victory british military authorities in north africa wore reported to bo confident over the outcome of the great battle being waged in the libyan desert axis forces from to bruk to the egyptianlibyan border fought to maintain communications with bases in dcrhn nnd bengasi far to the west but reinforced british units made this increasingly difficult kuttle of iwnlks south of tobruk n second great tank battle doveloped in the rezcgh area ns ltgon erwln romohs armored corps endeavored to blast a way through the british corridor es tablished when new zealand troops effected n junction with the defend ers of tobruk and a column driving northwest from sldl omar without reinforcements it appear ed that the axis forces faced nn im possible task thoy wore reported suffering from lack of supplies un confirmed reports from europe indi cated that help was being sent by air but inck of tnnks nnd mechanical equipment will prove n major factor in the forces disintegration the royal navy commands the sen lanes from europe to africa and during recent weeks only the odd ship has been able to break through the blockade british airplanes of all types range tho skies nnd it is be lieved thnt assistance by air for the trapped axis soldiers will be neglig ible russians cross volga sorely pressed boforo moscow rub- slnn troops were reported to have countornttackcdjiorthwest of the city crossed the volgn nnd enptured a number of towns tho nitnck wns precetled byh henvy bombardment of german linos by soviet artillery the troops which crossed the ice bound 3lkn established lines on the southern bank southeast of knllnln 95 miles from moscow the german frontal attack on mos cow had been brought to a stand still less than 40 miles from the clty and only slight gains hnd becnmnde by the invaders in the tula sector 100 miles to the south in the crimen nn basin the nazis advance appeared to have been stalled for tho time being the feeling is growing thnt the russinns will be nble to de- fend the caucasus during the winter aisne winner gone bath england cp ltgon sir henry wilson who commanded the 4th division which forced the passage of tho alsne in 1914 died at his home hero ho was 82 good shoes kob kouno- and old oonvetly fitted- a d rachlin acton without nasistnnce far fjutern situation japans moves in the pnelfic con tinued to cause apprehension but the view wns expressed in washington thnt there would be further conver sations between jnpnnese- diplornats and state department officials before the par eastern situation came to n hehd president roosevelt and stnte sccrotary hull hnve mndc no dis closures recnrdlnp united stntes policy in the event of further jnp nnese nfrgrcsslon in the pacific jnpnnese troops transports wore re ported by shanghai inst week to bo carrylnc thousands of soldiers in the direction of french indochlnn while newspapers and radio broadcasts from tokyo continued sharp nttneks on the united states you trust itsquality in this work a day world the paute that refieihet with icecold cocacola is a welcome moment on the sunny fide of- things in anybodys busy day it take but a minute to enjoy refreshment right out of the bottle authorised bottler of cocacola orangeville bottling works orangeviixe phone i81w lantz family have operated local exchange 21 years miss grace lnntz who for some time hns been associated with the bell telephone company here is re signing her position a little over a year ngo she assumed the manager- christhas igiffs we have on display avlsrge assortment of lined suitable for chruitmnn gifto hucii as hoiscry lingerie sweaters mitts gloves scarfs house coats blankets table cloths etci for ladies girls and the home for men and boys a wide range of ties shirts socks underwear sweaters glovee scarfh etc also toys jam dolls christmas cards wrapping decorations etc shop early whj f neighborllness nnd friendship they had set while they had lived 23 yenrs among them after a hort game of progressive euchre the indies served lunch dear mr nnd mrs mcglnughlln on uiis the occasion of yorur dln- mond anniversary we your friends of guelph some of whom nre old- time nelghhoniofnnssaebweynboth of you belonging to the oldest orig inal fnrnjltes of that district all ttiose old neighbors nnd friends of guelph nnd vicinity hnve gathered here tonight to show appreciation of a friendship of two people always ready to give a helping hand com forting those in sorrow rejoicing with them in happy times with true loyalty to all has been an inspiration and lesson to us all t in having lived to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of your weddirui cr hi ship of the exchange here the lantz family hnve operated this exchange for over twentyone yenrs and take this opportunity to thank the sub- llbynn battle with britain control ling the mediterranean nnd com manding africas bases the axis will be bottled up in the bnlknns nnd itnly will become even more vulncr- their eoopcrntlon nnd able than she i at the moment plennt association these are considerations thnt must j mls ule cordon of hockwood i- be kept in mind nnd they throw us w- iii as- hnck into history thnt history which aume u dutlt on december 15h prime mjnlsler churchill has nt his i v fingertips nnd calls upon at all times ns a bulwark to his handling of the contemporary situation striking similarity is to he seen be tween the peninsular war situation in 1813 and the situation today at that time napoleons grande armee hnd been decimated in a russian cam paign in which not only the czars nrmlos but the peasants and rank- andfile russians joined in the de fence of their homeland the second front was in spain fellowship committee arranges interesting- program tuesday i the united young peoples union on tuesday night was in charge of the christian fellowship convenor j blanche sedgwick the theme of the meetlngwas that the chrlstlnn relig ion is one of joy and not one of sad ness the opening singsong conslst- ed of christmas carols and thrhyrsns y is a privilege few enjoy and we c ere the duke of wellington had of the devotional period were those know that you are proud and i gradually been preparing for th urn j of rejoicing an interesting extract ppy that god has spared you to wh n uld meet the adversary on f tt readers digest the will of do so as a token of love and esteem i something like equal terms and over- la poor man was read by jack klngs- ye ask you to accept this jrlft may rem h when he took the field bury it keep you as warm as the very warm feeling w your friends have in our hearts for both of you and that god in his goodness shall spare you to spend torether many happy times with loved ones and friends w ahttm1c skursnivics it was against an enemy weakened the topic joy in christian rellg- and discouraged napoleon had with- was divided into three sections drawn some of his best troops from j mr fosbury spoke on the evidence of the peninsula to fortify hlmseu in j tn the old testament annetta russia the crucial moment had ar- evans read a christmas story with j rlvernd wellington knew it posl- biblical quotations expressing joy at tlon after position was evacuated by u birth or christ blanche sed- the frcnfh and wellington caught w kmve a pp qn joy the london cp four bjg london the retreating- enemy at vlttorla to teachings of christ and the new win an historic victory testament catering firms are experimenting a naoalean next tuesday night the young with the cafeteria serve yourself there was the twofront war of i people are presenting a moving pie- system to help obviate the shortage of another era and it caught napoleon lure of the missionary work in tha staff i in an inexorable vice events seem canadian west jnjourgogeidepw avlmer pork and beans 20 oz tin r 325c mccormicks butter cream sodas 15c lb corks irish stew 2 cab tomato soup khj oz tins 3 or 25c aaaaaasj1 v 1 fft m aaaaaasmaaawaalaaawa redpatii gran sugar io 1 rose baking powder lb tin 17 coffee lib 19cl lb 27c pineapple rings glace red green natural earner c currants extra fancy 2 shelled walnuts pieces 419c shelled almonds 3 oz 17c seeded raisins choice bulk lb 17c glace cherries red or green lb 53c eluott bros phone 38 mill street acton