the acton free press thursday december 4th 1941 o mrtiu kntwi sad datb njmrud la tals eoteam wlthoat cflwnia l p notlcas se sa4 toe fr u liuil to graham x- on friday nov 28th 1941 at st joseph hospital guelph to mr and mrs hugh graham nee kay glbblns a aon frederick hturh william lambert on wednesday dec 3rd 1941 to mr and mr earl lambert acton ontario a daughter phyllis mabbna waldiewajuu at knox church manse acton on thursday no vember 27th by the rev h i bennle joan frances daughter of the late arthur s wall toronto and mrs albert smith of milton to pte wilfrid alexander waldle rcamc ottawa elder sen of mr and mrs duncan waldle acton died lambert on wednesday decem ber ird 1941 the infant daughter of mr and mrs earl lambert actort ontario iajie at her late residence lime- house ontario on saturday vember 20th 1941 margaret miller beloved wife of lane no- margaret ann of william a its certainly been a long easy going fnll do your christmas shopping early so you can do your christmas mailing early the last month of 1041 and the snowfall in this locality hns not been sufficient to last a dny plov ing has been carried on right up to the present time on farms in the district there is no frost in the ground yet pease send in copy for tint fsw puss early in the week its just impossible to put into type the whole paperon thursday four prisoners react windsor before capture guards from rrfontorjrmch- ed district for ooartette who escaped saturday guards of the ontario reformatory wore posted at many points around here over the weekend to recapturo four prisoners who escaped from tho institution in guelph but the four had gpt as far as windsor before they wore recaptured the names of the four recaplumd men are ulysses lauzon 19 wind sor robert wiuis 19 whitby gor don petora 18 oshawa and harold williams 17 the four youths broke away from a bull gang in guelph shortly before noon on saturday two other inmates who escaped from tho institution at the same time were re captured by ontario reformatory guards police received a tip from a boy in the neighborhood of the garage that thero were people in the garage nnd sgl campbell and detective dlalr went to investigate as the police officers approached the garage n few minutes after 5 oclock sunday after noon they heard the starter on a car within stepped on and immed iately pulled the police car across in front of the door at the same time the engine on tho car insldo the gar- nae was started nnd a car came crashing through the garage doors lauzon wan at the wheel of the car we immediately covered them with our revolvers and they put up their hands said sgt campbell they were unable to escape with the police car barring their way the i car crashed into the police car caus- i ing about 15 damage as the garage doors were burst open detective blair was struck by one of the doors and had his glasses knocked from his fac but otherwise 100 years of school history youll find christmas gift sug gestions throughout the advertise ments theyll help you make your dollar work to advantage havent heard any word regard ing hockey in acton this year but of course there hasnt been any weather to induce such seasonal talk a vine with green peas on it was picked on decombor first on the farm of mr charles mckeown just north of acton its been on view in tint psss pssss ulndow justnhtih weeks shopping days until christmas escaped injury if they had got past our car i guess there would have been a couple of dead turkeys remarked sergeant campbell he expressed the opinion that the youths were hiding in the garage until dnrk before coming out they were taken into the police sta tion at 5 25 p m laughing and jok ing the four men had placed a pad lock on tho outside of the garage door after parking tho car inside and then had entered by a second door this gave the impression that there was no one in the garage appar- eventeenfaatly thoy hart heen watchlncfrom and just three more issues of the fan pssss in which merchants can tell folks of the attractions their store of fers there arc just six copies of the book actons early days for snlc perhaps you know of someone who would appreciate one of these books for christmas the price remains at j2 50 the new 1942 motor license plates went on sale in acton the first number issued here this year by mr 3 k gardiner was 12 lsi the edi tor of tin fan pans hns a habit of getting down early when they go on salo and securing the first one among the fint christmas cards to arrive from overseas the editor last week received a fine card from pte norman gibson the enrd has the royal canadian army medical corp crest on the front and the inside section has n picture of his majcst the king visiting the corp t urtiittb ox canadian armv overseas nov 15 1041 dear mr dlllb i am writing vou n few lines to thank you vorv much for scnxungnia our paper it certain passes the time as i do not get out vir much as much as i did while i uas in can ada i like reading all the news tn it specially mv home town of acton 1 appreciate it er much while i m out at the went coast a m inside the garage when the police car nppronched and tried to mnke a run for it tho car they were driving was a 1941 coach bearing guelph license plates nnd was a stolen car guelph police were nd vised at 1 10 p m on sunday afternoon of the theft of a car owned by major alex anderson palmer street at 6 40 in the afternoon ontario reformatory off iclals notified the pohccdepart- ment that the machine nnd men had been picked up in windsor each ijas been sentenced in police court to two yenrs in kingston peni tentiary and will after that sentence complete their terms nt the reforma lory a i do here so i will sa again thanks ver much will mr dills i hear ou are having pretty cold weather up in canada now i wuh vvou would tend some of it down here aa we certainly need it i have been wealing every day since i came her to you lll have and idea what it la like here i like the country very much except for the heat but i am cutting used to it 1 read in tus fan ilslasuhere acton is doing wonder ful work in helping to win this ter- rlble war especially the stcfc chtl- years together drens hospital which was bombed in london england well acton 1 salute lo youjuid keep up the good work which you are dolaj now u this war will not b ion until it u all over and victory won well ut dlls i thin that u about all t have to ftwy to you for now so i will say aolottf for now sincrly your iohn gibbon golden wedding of s h lindsay observed tuesday continued from page one served in the offices up to president and was recently honored in being mnde a life member he was a prom inent and successful breeder and ex hibitor of light horses until the dny when they were pushed from the roads bry the automobile mrs lindsay is active in women s institute work at bnnnockburn nnd both mr and mrs lindsay are loyal nnd active members of ilnlllnafnd united church three of the four members of thtlr family are living nnd none of them fnrfrom thefarm home dh re sides in acton mn earl price is at ebenezer and mrs morgan madill is t home w here her husband now take the heavlpr responsibilities of the farm a son william passed away number of years ago there are xwqgrandchildren betty mae and billy price at the golden wedding anniversary the family presented their mother with a gold wrist watch and their father with a gold parker pen and pencil s t the grandchil dren gave a gold brooch with emerald setting and a gold tie holder as m- i mentoes of this occasion mrs lind- say also received a new gold ring from her husband i tm fan ihui joins with hosts of other friends in wishing for this ess teemed couple many more happy some yenrs ago a general heg- ikter was furnished the acton pub lic school by the department of edu cation planned to oovern tcnvejir period in the school life this suggest ed ns one fonturo a log covering tho origin nnd history of tho scjiool at tho request of the school author ties the work of preparing this log wan recently undortnken by e j moore who by profession n writer nnd a former pupil of tho schools wni naturally interested as a labor of love mr moor has aimed to moke the history a human nnd rondnhlo document rather than a more state ment of historical fact nnd it appear ed that the log as now complete would be of special interest to mnny fsrr pifcti rendors particularly those who may hnve known nnd attended the acton school in earlier days hence 1mb being given a place for the next few issues in these columns some of the historical material and incidents as mr moore notes have nlrendy oppcared fugltively in tint tare pwtstftmnlnlyrtn lho01dmar column for mnny years a feature of the paper but nowhere previously has the information regarding actons earlier schbols and some features of the schools as they are at present been presented collectively in tho same way brighteyed pinkcheeked children making their way with eager or lag gard feet as in characteristic to school of n morning on the three or four principal streets of the village while the old bell sounds its eight- thirty call there is no more pleasant sight in the school uutilct inaugurated the onrlloht nvnllnhlo rocord of nny school orgnnl7atlon comes from th yenr 1812 when on april 16th n pe titlon was presented to tho school commission sitting nt clnrkes inn esqucslng for tho sum of flfly pounds to erect n school for section no 12 on lot so on the line between the second nnd third concessions of nsqueslng present nt the mooting of the commlsklon were john burns chnirmnn john grnhnm tohn atkin son ninlnn lindsay james barber and adam sproat school section no 12 uns designed to include lots 2g to 12 inclusive on the first second nnd third concesulnns nnd nko also to include the westerly hnlf of the fourth concession on june 18th presumably nt tho same meeting a motion provided for the appointment of thomas harris ns teacher of school district no 12 which ns will bo obvjous included the land now covered by acton evi dently there was considerable diffi culty in securing teachers of satisfac tory cnpibtltty at that time since an other motion approved the employ ment of teachers of inferior attaln- any town thcchndren awthtnldng- of the play of the dny or of the mornings lessons to come they nro living almost wholly in the present as is natural and right but the on looker of middleage looks back and sees himself ns a lnd among one of the hnppy groups nnd then sees n myriad of passing events of the in tervening yenrs many of which wore in by his dnys spent nt the lild school 6ntheiitir the end of the lane in actpn and hence ho visions the children one three five decades from now nnd wonders what they will have done with acton nnd with others with the world in the interim our cnnndlnn schools hnve doubt less ns much directly formative in fluenco in characterbuilding as any other factor in determining the fu ture of our children acton is what it is todnv largely because of what its schools hnve been in tho country of secular education during which they hnve been nn influence and spots here nnd there in the w ide w orld hnv e been affected for good or evil for progress or otherwise by many of the boys and girls who have gone out from acton a schools hence it appears lo be quite timely to try to mnke same record of the growth of siculnr education in acton during its one bunded years nnd two or three decad s of historv urtfqrtunntely little data covering the earlier dnys has been preserved and those who might supply it from mimory are no longer available but bitsof history picked up from various puree w h woven together makt an interesting lfb no imnns com plete document which evolves into a much broader and more compute re cord as the yenrs approach the time nmemhored by present dny residents of acton the history as a whole gives evidence of a remarkable growth and is in lt own wny n re flection of actons development iik n growing community ments when o thorn wore not procur able so long aa the majority of tho tax payors were aatuflod- early fettlfirs raid dlreeuy for education a record from 1544 hats tho names of tho citizens of tho community who wore making payments for tho school upkeep a glnrico nt tho list will in dicate that descondonts of therar good men hnve takon a largo part in actonw development ns nlso that grnndaona nnd grnhrt daughter four mid five times remove nro till in a clon nnd still interested in educn- tlnnnl nffntn here 1 the list duncan kennedy tohn zlmmormnn jnme flutherford john scott morgan crewon stephen mnnnleu thomas ebbnge grnhnm lnwiwm abraham mntthows john nicklln james cameron joaeph fnwcett john itufford david lomond john manning f m jen nings john hnmllton james wnltow angus mcdonnell lawrence vnudon donald mcalnah paul mcbnln lewis adams john burns john mcdonald llnbert swan asa hall samuel smith hugh clarke alex grant tneoh snyder john scott alox brown miss buck hiram denny when the nmnunt of ifto teachers salnry was collected intermittently from the fathors ot the pupils thorn wnsconsldernbte room for trouble a minute of the dote ktiggests this in a brief table substantially oh the bo- i low amount needed for tenrbers salnry 159 lfi s lid amount receiv ed 157 lgs id short i2 less id from which it would nppeor thnt the teacher thomas harris wns i forced to tnko in his belt for a notch or two for that yenr at least former actonian kimjbd in street accident in detroit an item in the dotrolt free press tells of the death in detroit on tuos- dny november isth of harry ebbnge of 770 grand ulver mr ebbnge wns a son of tho late mr and mrs thott ebbage residents of acton for mnny years and harry ebbngo spent his boyhood and early manhood li acton hnrryjebbngewns the victim of a street accident in detroit ho was struck by a d s r bus at grand ulver nnd whitney at eight oclock on tues- day morning november lflth and died as a result of injuries sustained fall f ootwear pallants stock is complete it docs not matter whether it is men s ladies boys or girls shoes that arc needed you 11 find therange of styl es and sizes in our stock uill give not only comfortable and long wearing but they offer a price range that will fit your pocketbook r and goloshe dont wait until the first heavy fall of snow to pur chase your needs sizes ind selections are complete now and we cam fill your require ments replacements foi present stocks are no readi ily secured we advise buy ing before the winter rush starts better able to serve you our enlarged storegives us more room to display our stock ojootwcar and coth- ing for the whole family it enables us to serve ou better if us clolhirtk or footwear its t- pallants halton livestock men to discuss swine situation w p wntson assistant director of the ontnrlo livestock branch is to be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the hnlton livestock im provement association scheduled for the farmers building milton on sa- tu rday afternoon- ofthia or eek keep quality as well as price in mind when shopping this weed end bluo mountain canned mush rooms green beans fruits top in quality bruit sprouts cob ry hearts undlahe head lettuce pep squash carrots turnips pol n toes bnrt per ib ptdchrrlo21 stberrles ti haiplwrrlek th sliced or tts peaches 10 oz 1iu 2fl nz 2fti alm t1ak mountain cartl las toittalim asp- ku wsk or hefutcritt iviui you will lln proud to srv i hem juest brand poods another high class line priced iteoitortable ducat noiifh km chicken tin 25 guost no 1 size poao lln lr guiht chlore tomatoes tin lie guest kernel corn tin ibr uest cream style corn tin he cuoat golden w hi nnn tin isr guest anparnkus cut lln i2e campbell soups i eail the way 12 kinds to choose from mary miles food comes to town iti- etnast money cn buy kwsh onion soup lln ise mushroom cream soup jth lae connnmme soup tin iba pune of pea soup tin me lomnto crenm soup tin lae tluteh hlekrn roup tin ik chill con came men tin tie chill con came mild lln kke spanish nooille supper tin tie mushroom nutter spread tin so hostess meat spread tin ike cheese savoury spread tin ik mushroom flrnvv isr tin taa the famous plum puiminn doe something different trv mary miles n ornnc aill grape ft ksk cholee grnpes 2 jit iemnn sflft lb 10 apples llnnanas lb choice tftv tty vjnrs c chill smiee v smiths ketchup crlnph plrlcln c house olivei chow snuce mlrnch whip snndwlth spd crlrple relfah crlsple rherklns barrs grocery the popular piace to shop for quality we nro informed by edwin hnr- rop president of the association thnt mr wntson will discuss the entire swine sltuntion including the reln- tlonshlp between hog nnd feed prices etc the projtrnm will nlso include n sound picture in technicolor on- i titled bncon for britain which t shomj th entire proccislnr end of the business from the time the hog i lenves the farmer h premises until i it rtnchei kenbonrd the mcctinc is open to all nnd it would nppenr to be a renl opportunity for hog producer to ceti n clenr cut picture of the en- tire hog bustntsn nnd nlso to discuss j and clnrlv cortnln fnturs which nre not in general favor with hog producers junior farmers hear address on holland before the war the acton junior farmers held the meeting nt lome school on thprsflny inst the butincss period wns held mr dirk van coozcn presided for the program which included n read ing by edna cook violin solos by horry fisher mrs veldhuls gave n er interesting nnd educational talk on holland before the war mrs vildhuls also sang n solo in the dutch innrunge following the singing of lhenntonnl anthomthe remainder of t hi vtnlng uns ipent in dnnc ing community auction sale tllsliavblhl auspices acton and vicinity vbar services league and the red izrosssqciety wednesday december 17th town hall acton everyone can help in this effort off to atlantic battlf nnd ranaratulatlons on attaining the fiftieth milestone of wedded life good shoes roit voono and ou b- a bachlenvariod at the guelph theatres royal now maying unholy partners hat mon tubl mot a wullaiu ilald culi trevor texas wen to ru nice ia it jaan mlaataall blaaia bram ian blair aufct metwuey thkee girls about town- palace frl hat mov ttck aeson eddy rise steens in the chocolate soldier continuous sat from 2 ptn starting ukd kkc 1ft marcftjrt huiuvm cwim b4yr w poh lpv consumption of pork statistics ntntivi to the p r cnpitn consumption of pork indicate thnt up to tht outbreak of tht prtsnt war the consumption af pork in canada hat gprfernllv been declining ovr the past ten nrs states h k leekte fconomici dlv ision dominion d pnrtnunt of agriculture in nn article on bncon for britain in the econ omic annalist in 1918 th consump tlon of pork in canada stood at 17h pounds compared with b 4 pounds in 19j8 p r head of population with the ri in national income neenm panvlng industrial exp nslon for tin defence program ransumi r di mnnd for pork products increased the pt mpltn consumptirn in 19 vj ros to 5j 0 pounds and a prellmlnnrv sti- mnte for 1110 indicates that tin nv ernge con umptlon of pork and lard incrtnvti u nore thnrpl in nnswtr to an appeal bv the bn on board to eat uss pork in order that deliveriis to britain might he rtcci i r ted uhder the 191041 agreements the consumption of pork was curtail ed on patriotic grounds tone t her utth this reduction of home consump tion of pork and the executive ability of the bacon board in maintaining the bacon supplies britain require ments of pork products were fully met analhar corvette slides down the ways o canadian shipyard to join the large fleet that has already bn turned out by can adian workmen to date canada has launched 77 coryettm 59 minesweepers 11 patrol boats 19 motor torpedo and crash boats and some 700 smaller craft hon c d howe minister or munittotui and supply has announced that additional contracts are b collated for 55 more corvette and 33 mlnwprs of a typa sub stantially largar than tho eonstructed so far s1kur trawler are also 6n the schedule