thursday august arui ita the acton free press page tiata f or interest to women themixincbowl y amam uaj mavmea iummim backtos6hool cuwhis hello hornornakoni t la tho tlmo mothers will be busy eottlng tho childrens clothes ready for school mending lotting out and making over to make thlnes do and the youngsters always soem to stretch up so during tho summer this year more mothers than ovor will be sewing the childrens clothes nnd 4helr own it is economical and choice of rcadytowoar styles is limited smee government orders have eliminated frills slrnfllo smart streamlined styles will be the fashion in future a study of gov ernment regulations rognrdlng cloth ing will repay the homemaker who would be fashionwise for example did you know that regulations forbid mqre than nine buttons on n dress and allow only seven or nineinch zippers limited in color to black there is n ban on redlngotcs jnckct dresses arc out and separate jackets worn with skirts which must be on a band not n bodice may not be longer than twentysix inches capes scarves matching tints or purses are tnboo hems may vary from onehalf inch on n flared skirt- to two inches on a straight cut blouses havitno double back yokes no pocket cuffs or french cuffs pleats in skirts arc shallower but flares may sweep 80 inches noarly every child is eager to help anil now while mother is busy young daughter may take over in the kit chen with the encouragement of mothers pride and enthusiasm she will go a long wny towards becoming an excellent cook simple dishes and guidance in the use of electrical ap pliances will makemenlkettlng easy tor her nimtltinutt meni1 wheat porridge toast nnd butter horoy coffeomllk scalloped mcnts potatoes beets bread and butter pencil sponge devilled eggs sliced tomatoes potnto snlnd applesoucc krlnkles milk krinltlm vj cup rolled oats vi cup butter v tap vnnllln 3 ttas hot wntor v4 cup flour tsp snlt a cup honey mix oats flour soda honey snlt mettpd fnt and vanilla stir in hot wnter mix wel drop smnll pieces on greased pan and pnt down bake in elertrli oven at 150 degrees for 8 mlns feaeh sponge uvilpi for 1 crust t cups milk i kgs cup sugar cup corn srup 1 tsv vnnllln ii sliced pent lies prepnre pnstn ln i of the pan flute the edge cover crust nnd plme in eleelrli refrigera tor to i hill while preparing filling turn oven dial to 151 degrees seal 1 milk bent eggs add syrup sugar and stir into hot milk sloui add van illa pour into pie ihell nnil drop in pencil slices cook custard pie in hot eleitrlt own for l minutes then redure to ijti degrees nnd bake about st minutes cool qulckl takr a tip 1 the time to cut garden blooms so thnt thev will inst n long time de pends on the kind of flower dnhllas when quite oten gladioli when the first hud opens roses when the buds are on soft as one s fingers j one inch of water is sufficient for most flows though tarnations need deep wnter 3 storeuoweralnalonatantcoid- tmosphejre near the freezing unit of the electrlt refrlgerntflr over night to have them inst for the long est time possible 4 changing wnter nnd cutting stems hiwe eonipnrntlvelv little value lr- prolonging the itfe of a flower the qitehtion box mrs m c asks how inn i re pain leaking faucet answer lurn off the water lead ing to the tap using n monke wrench with n soft cloth hetw i the jaws undrew tile large nut around the fnucet kennne the strew hint holds the washer in place with a screw driver applying n few diops of oil if nevessaxi replace the worn washei nnd screw put twu k the parts have forwarded more details 1 on fixing faucets that leak around the bandit too mrs o mct askm what tauses pickle to turn black answer the hard water in the dis trict contains a great deal of lime which prevents proier curing add a tablespoon of vinegar to n gailbn of water to jielp overcome this anne allan invites you to write to her care of ts actok fsss pasaa send in your questions on homemak- ing problems and watch this column for npuaa v ijtkrakv scientist dyson carter of winnipeg elec trical engineer student of ohbcure sciences journalist and author is tho man behind cbcs unusual series science in tho news lienrd on mon days at 915 p m cdt 8 15 p m mdt science in the news is not n talk but a series prcsontcd in dra matic form with n cast of professional actors from winnipeg dyson carter writes the serine mr carter is a dative of new brunswick and n graduate of the university of mnnl- toba he is n frequent contributor of scientific articles to torontos satur day night and is the author of two widely read books sea of destlnv nnd night of flame chronicles oi ginger farm -3- 1 written spmlally for 1 jtbft acton fre press by owenooijtne p clarkk control imported cabbage worm the volyetyrrecn cntcrpillnrs which nro commonly found feedinc on cabnares nnd cauliflower are known as the imported cnhharc worm by eating larcc clrculnr holes in the leaves and horlnp into the centre of the plants they soon moke them useless for market con trol measures should be applied as soon as injury to the plants becomes evident dusting with nrsenate uoi toad and hydrated lime is the moat wldel recommended remedy states alnng dustnn in charpe-of-vejtet- able insect investigations entom ological division dominion depart ment of agriculture one part of the polion should he mixed with six ports of hydrated lime and the last thursday came news- for which we had nil been longing and waiting news of offensive action in europe pre despatches as they were first given sounded thrilling unbellevabiyexcltlng nnd we felt the whole raid was a real blow to sermnn prestige then came more details of dieppe and as we listened we began to count the cost yob listening to the stories of heroism nnd skill we bognn to realize jjrnt every wife every mother nnd every sweet- henrt who has a boy over there would be wondering with ley fonr in their hearts was he in thnt raid was he safe or was he one of those included in that first brief com munique it is believed thnt there were a considerable number of casual ties now those of us who know thnt no one belonging to us took part in the raid must surely feel that our rejoicing should be tempered with n humble spirit especially when discus sing the rnld with those whom we meet forj as yet we do not know for whom the bell tolls and so although we mny bo justly proud of canadas splendid officers and men we remember too the price of vic tory and remembering our hearts go out in sympathy to those who hnve lost in action someone ne nnd denr to them for them war in its grim mest sense hns become a stark re ality meanwhile life on the home front goes on much as usunl come good news or bad we hnve little time these days to sit down nnd think about it tflarvcst nnd threshing nre still verv much the order of the day i think threshers must be hounded to death this year for from every farmer comes the cry can you give me a clays threshing pretty soon i ennt get another shenf in the barn some formers who had cyery in tention of stook threshing found it impossible to get a machin in rea sonnhle time nnd hnve stacked thch grnin instead i passed one farm yes- terda whore there were three such stacks and no doubt the bnrn as full as well farmers wives ore having their suiting powder dusted on the plants n trouhier thost dns trjing to put in the rnrlv morning or late evening up q decont mon with t n smnl when the leaves are wet with dew su nllownnre but i havent honrd particular attention should be paid toj thnt nru mnn nk rone noml the centrnl portions of the cabbages j h nnd cauliflowers because feeding is most preulent there lw or three applications should be made as neeel- and speaking of rations i hne been surprised nnd dericledlv disturb ed nt tht nttifudt taken h sornr i inre being taken to mpl the dust p ln r t sugar ten and city farmerette seestlainy days jl steep catcher glad of rest sometimes but girts have regular relaxa tion from hard work and are doing well nv ukxel dean canadian ptw staff wrhr toronto cp all work- nnd no piny mnkes jill a dull girl in tho opinion of 100 fnrmorcttes stationed nt llndys lodge an ontario farm service force camp nt nonrby onk- ville although the girls work eight hours daily in neighboring fields nnd orch- nrds they find plenty of time for fun highlights of the week nro wednea- days nnd saturdnys when enmpers nre granted n late pass until mid night doors arc locked at 10 pm other nights nnd woo bctldo tho farmerette who forgets to wntch the clack x birthday fartles every second saturday mrs violet wolfrnlm of toronto director of onkvllle camp holds jqpon house for the girls and their- friends favor ite saturday night entertainment is nn oldfashioned square dnnce com plete with fiddler and caller birthdays nre eolobjjarfcd nt enmp each month when sjnige cake is baked in honor of aj fnrmerettes whose birth dnte falls in thnt period cnmpers approve these community celebrations its like hnving your own blrthdny four or five times in n summer singsongs rnnk high on the camp entertninrrient list fnrm service force officials published a book of songs compiled for farmerettes and the girls spend ranjiy evening grouped nround the piano holding forth with allouctto and old mac- donnld hnd n fnrm but life at oakvfllc camp is not all play miss mary needier of tor onto camp labor secretary mnkes sure oneh girl does her shnre of work on nearby farms all have learned to do a good job weeding hoeing pick ing or grading fruit harvesting veg etables wag and board farmerettes average 1 fio jn daily w ages and pay 450 a week for board it is miss needlora job to distribute labor evenly in order that each girl may earn enough to pay her board nnd have some left over what about rniny dnys the girls often welcome showers as an oppor tunity to cntch up on our sleep we work and piny so hnrd when the weathers good thnt we dont need muchentertainmenl on rainy days- we just roll over and go to sleep britain starts- bumper harvest home food production has in creased 30 per cent since war surted london cp a groat mobile force of machines tho armored di visions of the harvest campaign have swung into action in britain as thous ands of men women nnd children renp tho nations precious food drops a bumper hnrvest possibly tho greatest in history is anticipated production of grain nnd potatoes la 6g per cent above prewar level veg etables have increased byjso per cent and farmers have sown 12000000 extra tons of nnlmnl feeding stuffs to replnce 5 500000 tons of concen- trntcd feeding stuffs previously im ported little icbs than a mlrnclo hns been achieved in agriculture in the inst two yenrs doclnred tom wllllnms joint pnrllnmontnry sccrotnry to tho ministry of supply in announcing britains vast agriculture strides the country is fast bw omlng al most selfs up porting in esscntlnl food supplies nnd hns saved at least 5 000- 000 tons or shipping space this year nnt output measured in calorics the net out put of home production has increased by 30 per cent since war started he continued tiuyuihjrftc nren hns been increased about 6000 000 acres for the harvest more than 100 000 tractors ha e been mobilized bo- fore the war britain had less thnn- 100comblne harvesters but now there are more than 1000 to man them aparmy of volun teers has been recruited to supple ment the regular workers nnd the womens 1jinfl army italian pris oners have been hard at work on the land all summer and nt least 10000 school bos are expected to lend their nld guards platoon of woniens corps reassures- parents british dads want girls to get discipline gossip of wo- mens world in old land 1 girdled for come what may bv alan randal canadian pre suff writer london cp there are few answers to questions about service in the auxiliary territorial sonde thnt sgt wondy lonko doesnt know she has been giving them for six months to parents nil over britain she is the top klckjn n gunrds plntoon of the ats n crack unit which has been visiting one town after another sometimes ns mnny as 17 in a week to demonstrate for par ents nnd wouldbe ats recruits just whntsorvlce is like fathers invariably ask will m girl get discipline like yours sgt lonko said potential recruits nsk will they be bossed nround much nnd are t lie army beds very hnrd sweethenrts nre most concerned nbout the time ats girls must bnck in tamp nt night 3 miss violet bail 19 is one of sev eral scottish girls nt woik in a mid lands factory nmkiug bren uns she led her collengues in volunteering to work every rta in the week to speed up production nnd now puts in m hours n week and sometimes 70 mrs bnrnett innner mother of n boy of ii nnd n girl of 10 sits regulnity in n north london court as lust it e of he poace she is a t attain in the mechnnlzed transport corps nnd is granted leave enrh time she wants to attend court more thnn 1 800 women are doing wnr work now witli british overseas a itway corporation many of them are in the purchaalntf depart me nt buying everything from- pen nibs td spare parti from aircraft and they tay its jiiil like any other kind of shopping plans are under way to use women from 42 to 45 as daytime mothen they witriook after youngsters whoso mothers nro engaged in wnr work but they will not be mobile ami their duties wltl be so nrrnnged that they will ho able to run their own households miss may goodwin one of britains hiialest women hns nddod one more to her long list of johs the chairman ship of the leicester conciliation board of the footwear industry she isconnected with the boot nnd shoo union tho locnl court of referees nnd ourt of appenl a street fire- fight ing group n civilian defence vol unteer group nnd in her spare tlmo stie runs n gnrden nllotment black battlrrlir- for 20000 ttrttish tocorfiotlvea i w enty thousand british lot omo- tliis ate putting on wnr paint for hip flurnlion as inch into tomes t in for repnir nnd ovoihoul us gray irimson or gieen or blue for the in- dkidunl railway together with the emblems ami other decorations are bfini hidden henenth n coat of unl- foi m hint k paint bojh paint and labor nre nlst belng miwd h the decision not to paint new or lepnlnd wncons oxtept for n slnnl bottom board whit h bears its mimhf r and ownership pnrtger t arringes are being givin tonlsof pnint or vmnlsh only when absolulek net esxary for pro- tettitin against bail went tier tondl- tlons while interior rictorntion must aw nit he end of the war immediate feeding berones evident dim to tin wavfvstonditinn of the it n es spra ing has not giv en satis tat torv results if plants an to b treat tl shorth before being marketed dust with in canadn th fresh p ret brum powder om part to ing with it three parts of w bent flour pn thrum is nonpoisonous to human he ujgs it tan be obtained at locnl setd houses drug stores or from whole sale drug companies fortunatph t he remedies recommended for t nb huge wrns tontrnlotlier destructive in ts such as fnv tnhhnge ioojmt antl the diamond back moth britains women fight hitler they are building ship for the battle of the oceana coffee rations and from quarjers w bote it vvns least ep 1 1 d but lei nie hasten to add it was not in this immtdiate neighborhood tht u wt there is pent of sugar storehouses are bulg- i wh enn t we have more ten and coffee the hne more than we do in england and in the stntes the tan bu all the wnnt well i tell ou i cant quite see through this rationing busi ness it seems to me someone is gel- ting a rnktoff somewhere an ounte of tea its ridiculous ahthoscnnri simitar remnrks ore what i have heard wh oh wh at this iritkal hour tnnnot people reason things out for themselves perhaps there is plent of sugar in the country i hope then isbut who can so how long it mn hne to lost no one knows yet how muth this ears raw sugar supplj win nmount lo and sthiies does an v one know what labor wilt be available to handle a mw welding machine eeeentlv mxl ear sugnr bet crop it is sent to britain from the united stales 1j conceivable thai this tountrv s i lmlng used wth grent sunevs in tugar supptv mnv liave to be tialnlng the women who nre todav out or tnl eam 1 34w setittrds traand roffee both tommtmltueh are imported to 4iwpuuttbuild sjhorthbnttlr of the oceans lhe women bt tome good elet trit weldeis after a brief training a growing numbet of them are now working alongsidt tin lr menfolk in the vurtis of tlt lees i nt wear mersev ami ci tie hiev are taking over the lighter jobs nut h ui painting n ships strut tun uerv4week rmre and more of hum an to be seen high up on tht staging heaviei work like riveting is not quite their line but the make ex- tellent rivet heaters hiev nre to be found on repetition work in the nm- thine ahops rhe make piston rings ihcv auemble valves reduce food costs and improve health cook potatoes in their jackets don t discard the outer leaves of let tuce nnd cnbhage snve nil the unter in which vegetables nre cooktd to put in soup or ndd to grav don t cut or shred fruits or vegetnblts for salad until the last possible moment bt fore serving insist on brtad made fiom vitamin b canada app d flour all these lit tit tilings add up to bet lei health thiough increased vitamin intake without adding to food costs nnl good health is vital foi vu- torv potntots enn be a dt pi ndable source of vitamin c but too frequent- 1 50 per cent of tins valunbit qual- itj js lost in the cooking according to nutrition services department of pensions nnd national ilenlth much of the vitamin c content can be saved hv cooking potatoes in their skins i his should hi done not only in baking potatoes but in boiling as well i hev can be cooked in their jackets and peeled just before serv ing or with the new potatoes manv people tike to eat the tender skins 1 he dnrk green outer leaves of l ttuie and cabbage are coarser in texture than the inner leaves- but tbe ure 10 to 30 times richer in vitamin a so shred them up and put them in the soup pot or mixed salad leaf lettutt b the wais richer in vitamin tonttnt than head lettuce bread made from vitamin b white canada here again the nmount we are allowed to buv nnturnllv depend upon w hat reserve stocks are in our warehouses future stot ks depend not upon the government but upon what hrippens to tnrgo boats inring this supplies a cargo boat lnden w it li tt a mnv start out upon its ihtllous journev if it reaches can artmrur ten ration is aisuied again for a little while if a torpedo or jap planes get a luckv strike nt the boat our future ration mav sink to ifie bottom of the sen and with it poxsiblv the hi nve lads who man tht boat to bring us our favoitte b v eragv so in heavens name don t let us grumble but renembr ln works on the clvde theirs is the chief humble gratitude that live ad tie- labor uod in building oil coolers ing risked to bring us everv ounce women ate even taking over work i ot u use i m lens nnd spare as fitters on the lower parts of heav the merchant manne 1 marine engines which can be reached from the floor or the first staging and evervone i agred that the j london tcpt rev t w castle ftour canada approved contains sevtial times jnore vitamin b and more iron than oidlnnr white flour mental depr ssion lac k tf morale fatigue and irritai l are said to be attributabh in inrg measure to de fuit tu v of v itamtn 15 czech flier deals death in da karel kuttelwascher bbrh na7j planes by hovering over en emy airdromes at night s london cp the czech ace knrel kuttelwascher who has what colleagues call the uncanny knack of smelling out homewardbound ger man bombers is recognized hv air ministry officials as britains best nig fighter wetk after week the stock tatr haired flier 27 is mentioned in air minlstr bulletins for night fighting exploits sometimes he reports shooting down one two or three ger man planes on lone night patrol soirietlmcs onl breaking up a raid b inflicting dnmage in ten dns he was indited with dtstroving seven bombers nt night and hns nn official hng of 15 de- st roved at night six in davtlm fellow pilots like the quiet unns- stimlng czech nnd c nil him old huttel cnv his gift for finding iter mans at night hns uuli wife sintt tils ai rival in i ngland hi hns married n welsh giil on have he j millers aiound in the garden at jus m h hill ilondoii home i but flving a four cannon hurri- iim he is reckoned n dtadlv killer other pilots in ills squadron snv he 11 look at a map in the operations room poiht to perhaps a small unimportant get man airdrome and s i ii go there tonight it s oddson pilots sav that the germans will hi using that airdrome thai night and that old kuttel will relit ve the i uftwaffe of a plane or two his tactics are simple he develop ed them himself hut now they are widelv used b raf intruder pilots he hovers high over a gertrmn air drome waiting for landing lights to be switched on then pounces on n german bomber when it is only n few hundred feet high preparing to land the germnn plane it is reck oned will trash even if not bndlv dnmnged because of dm low altitude iendibg guns nre unabli to optrr- upon him itecuust they might bit their ow n plane c a r r o ll s qumtsfaad rwwt mtawj pickles 27ob zy i qaulc qaslusi oats p 19c u nw faek atisut sut 8 peas trloc omk bnusd sardines macaroni junket ketchup tomato old cheese spaihsttl assarlad powilsrs ctb tesssh 9c 18c 43c 14os bu for jam ami jlly makink certo vinegar n bu gsjiob 41c kfs in oil nkin thfirs is tht chief re a success the internment the former mlsslonnr qmonk the blnck- i unl0 nd th i feet indtnszln cundu hns been chosen rectofiof hollbraok sussex women themselves w oiiiau lliixxts 62h iiiiian jhjis ariz cp because of the war n woman in her enrlv lis has jbtenme superintendent of theppugo intlian agent hen mrs fieutah l head took over the job when her husband uilllnm u hfad was nnt jo puton anz as official of the war relocation authoritv s japanese eulon the reservation second largest in the i nited state is tlte home- of 6joo papago inthsmen the onlv other woman agenc sup erintendent as far as known hen is mrs sophie eberle of the united pueblai albuquerque nm 23 yrars lost watch turns up timepiece dropped on karm 21 ears ago start again i when wound ip rimhl h aita cii rounii after helnu lost in tin kdm1 cnrtlr of nn ah rl fnrm j1 ears nui n otwn fnn kold wrist watch lelnlni to intruk bouen who died in 1935 wit wound up and started going ttion us if nothing imd luipntd i mr boucn dropned his watch wlilh worklnk in lui field and nil efforts to locate it tailed lhi other da n nimtthhor helping wltn the ho- ini- nn the cowen frm round the i tlmepieci in the meadow though the iase was tarnished and the hands j- pltted with rust the insld works i were bright and shining and appar ently unharmed by 23 years exposure new pack picnic brand cut golde wax beans l rcowh fs white swan toilet tissue s eu xsc mustard t tee 7 ktmreahjoll ktrkujlf- maker 2 piv- sse whou mixeil plcklij spice ik xsc jewel salad dressino s9e uasweetooiei crapeirait juice z st ai arne toisito or vegetau soup x u 17 moaurch doa biscuits s s3 i qqsvee saahtiuti u ise x9c 2lal llau whju sfeee polish w i4 naseet sksa polish juak x3e xt s -i- 17 lie soi las scab or camay 3 maple leal sm flake m ieje wklu naphtha pgsaf3 h i4 for qmuh sa oxydal ah it 23c he carraus cleanser fe oi soata- oranoe juice 30es tw isjc grapenuts flakes l ajuj tse nn rurhii t rmm coc lirakts ilunrh silver skin ntbmnr jnlr alrnrla 1 ilrkllns onions l coc okaxiks ikn 10c fkrxii kri maiaia ukaikn ik silver skin ejlbser- j alenela 7q also iemches applem ilutns bluehexrlea tomatoes hpesrtal priors tire lur irieee on fea flunatouiatoea apples fruit and vegetable pricoi good till salurdsj ninht only wa reserve the right to limit quantities to family requirements