thursday august 3tth 1843 the acton ffeefpress page thkka of interest to women the mixing bowl f y ahht auah mydm mmtttmfu backtoschool olothks hello homomnkorsl now la the lime mothers will bo buay netting the childrens clothes ready for school mcmdlnk lotting out nrul making over to make things do and the youngsters always soom to fctrotch up so during the summer this yenr moro mothers than over will be sewing tho childrens clothes and their own it is economical and choice of readytowear styles is limited since government orders have eliminated frills slmplo smart strcnmlinod stylos will be tho fashion in future a study of gov ernment regulations rognrdlng cloth ing will repay tho homomaker who would be fashlonwlso for example did you knpw that regulations forbid rnqre thun nine buttons on a dress and allow only seven or nineinch zlppors limited in color to black there is a ban on redlngotcs jacket dressos are out and sopnrate jackets worn with skirts which must bo on a band not a bodice may not be longer thnn iwantysix inches capes senrvos matching hats or purses are taboo homo may vory onohalf inch on n flared skirt to two inches on a straight cut- blouses have no double back yokes no pocket cuffs or french cuffs pleats in skirts nrc shallower but flares may sweep 80 inches f nearly every child is eager to help and now while mother is busy young daughter may take over in tho kit chen with tho encouragement of mothers pride and enthusiasm she will go n long way towards becoming an excellent cook simple dishes and guidance in the use of electrlcnl ap pliances will mokemoalgettlng ensy for her nutr1thrift menu wheat porridge toast and butter money coffeomllk scalloped meats potatoos beets bread and butter peach sponge devilled eggs sliced tomatoes potato salad applesauce krlnkles mhk chronicles ot ginger farm 3w- written specially for the aettwi wee preetjby owbndounk p clam utrrary scientist dyson carter of 3vinripoff elec trical engineer student ot obscure silences jaurnnllst and author in tho man behind c3cs unusunl series science in the news heard on mon days at 915 pm cdt 815 pm mdt science in the news is not a talk but n series presented in dra matic form with a cast of professional actors from winnipeg dyson carter writes the scrlpe mr carter is a native of new brunswick and a rraduate of the university of mani toba he is a frequent contributor of scientific articles to torontos satur day nlrht and is the author of two widely read books sea of destlnv and night of flame krlnklea vj cup rolled oats 4 cup butter tsp vanilla 3 tbs hot water cup flour um u cup honey mix oats flour soda honey salt melted fat and vanilla stir in hot water mix well drop smnll pieces on jjronsed pan and pat down bnke in electric oven at tso decrees for 8 mlns fnaeh hpowrn uetlpr for 1 crust t cups milk i errs cup hiiriir t cup corn syrup 1 tsp vanllln 1 slked penihes prepare pnstrv fit into the inslcli of the pan flute the edre cover crust nnd place in electric refrlrerq- tor to chill while preparing fllllnp turn men dinl to 150 degrees st iitl milk beat crrs ndd syrup sugar nnd stir into hot milk slowly add nn- llln pour into pie shell nnd drop in- prrtch slices cook custard pie in hot electric oven for 11 minutes then reduce to 3j5 degrees and bnke about lf minutes cool quick take a tp- 1 the time to cut rartlen blooms so that the will laift a long time de pends on the kind of flower dnhllns when quite open rladloll when the first bud opens roses wtonthebuds nre n soft as ones fingers 2 one inch of water is sufficient for most flowers though enrnnttons need deep water 3 s flowers in a constant cold fttmosphexe nenr the freezing unit of the electric refrlgeiator over night to have them inst for the long- eitime possible a changinr water nnd cutting haveeompnrntlveln little value in prolonging the life of n flower the iqitrhtion box mrs m c asks how i an i re pair leaking faucet answer run off the water lond- ing to the tap using a numke wrench with n soft iloth between the jaws unscrfu the large nut around the fnucel remove the screw that holds the washer in place with u screwdriver npplvlug a few drops of oil if neiesihirv kephuv the worn wnshei nnd st rew put uurk the parts we have forwarded more details on fixing faucets that uak auund the handle too mrs p mct asks what causes pickles to turn black answert the hard water in the dis trict contains a great deal of lime which prevents proper curing add n tablespoon of vinegar to n gallon of water to help overcome this anne allan invites you to write to her cere of tm acton fbs piss send in your questions on homemnk- ing problems and watch this column for repllea control imported cabbage worm the velvetygreen caterpillars which are commonly found feeding on cabhorofi nnd cauliflowers are known ns the imported cabbage worm by eating large circular holes in the lonves and boring into the centre of the plants they soon make them useless for market con trol mensurcs should be applied ns soon an injury to the plants becomes evident dusting wuh arsenate o lead nnd hydrated lime is the mostr vldcl recdmmenrfed remedy states a1ftn able insect investigations entom ological division dominion depart ment of agriculture one part of the poison should be mixed with six parts of hydrated lime and the re sulting powder dusted on the plants in the enrly morning or lnte evening when the leaves are wet with dew particular attention should be pnld to the central portions of the cabbages and cauliflowers because feeding is most prevalent there two or three applications should he mndc as need- last thursday came news for which wc had all been longing and waiting news of offensive action in europe press despatches as they were first riven sounded thrilling unbollovably exciting and we felt the whole raid was a real blow to german prestige then came more details of dieppe and as wc listened we began to count the cost yob listening to the stories of heroism and skill we began to realize that every wife every mother and every sweet heart who has a boy over there would be wondering with icy fear ln their hearts was he in that raid was he safe or was he one of those included in that first brief com munique it is believed that there were a considerable number of casual ties now those of us who know that no one belonging to us took part in the raid must burely feel that our rejoicing should be tempered wkh a humble spirit especially when discus- ring the raid with those whom we meet for as yet we do not know for whom the bell tolls and so nlthourh we mny be justly proud of canndas splendid officers and men we remember too the prieo of vic tory nnd rcmemberinr our henrts go out in sympathy to those who have lost in action someone near and dear to them for them war in its grim mest sense has become n stark re ality meanwhile life on the home front goes on much as usunl come good news or bad we have little time these days to sit down and think about it harvest and threshing are still verv much the order of the day i think threshers must be hounded to death this year for from every farmer comes the cry can you give me a days threshing pretty soon i cant get another sheaf in the barn some fori item who had every in tention of stook threshing found it impossible to get a machine in rea sonable time andkaveslacked thefi grain instead i passed one farm yes terday where there were- three such stacks and no doubt the barn w ns full as well farmers wives are having their own troubles these dns trying to put up n decent meal with such n small sugar allowance but i hnvent heard et that an man has rone home hungry and speaking of rations i have been surprised and decided disturb ed nt t he at t itudt token b sonv ed tare helng taken to appl the dust p rpkbri to sugar tea and immedlatelv feeding becomes evident toffe iations nml from qunrt due to the un condition of thej it wns icnst expected but h a es sprnv ing has not glv i n satis- fin toi tesults if plunts arc to he treated shorth before being mnrketed dust with fresh pvrethrum powder one part tojmg with llirii parts of w heat flour p n thrum is nunpoisonous to human be ings it can be obtained at locnl seed houses drug stores or from w lintc sale drug companies fort una tel the remedies recommended for cnb- bage worms control other destruitive inset ts suchv as the cabbage looer and tin dlamonclbnck moth city farmerette sesrainydays a sleep catcher glad of heat sometimes bui glrta have regular relaxa tion from hard wohcand ae doing well by hazel dean canadian press staff writer toronto cp all work and no piny makes jill a dull girl in the opinion of 100 farmerettes stationed at lindys lodge an ontario farm service force camp at nearby onk- vllle although the girls work eight hours dally in neighboring fields and orch ards they find plenty of time for fun highlights of the week are wednes days and saturdays when enmpers are grnnted a late pass until mid night doors are locked nt 10 pm other nights and woe betide tho farmerette who forgets to watch the clock birthday parties every second soturday mrs vlolot wolfralm of toronto director of oakvlllc camp holds open house for the girls and their friends favor ite saturday night entertainment is an oldfashioned square dance com plete with fiddler and cnller birthdays are celebrated at camp each month when n huge cake is bnked in honor of all farmerettes whose birth date falls in that period campers approve these community celebrations its like hnvlng your own birthday four or five times in a summer singsongs rank high on the camp entertainment list farm service force officials published a book of songs cgjwphcd for farmerettes and thcirui spend many an evening grouped around the piano holding forth with allouette and old mnc- donald had a farm but life at oakvlllc camp is not nil piny miss mary needier of tor onto camp labor secretary makes sure each girl does her share of work on nearby farms all have learned to do n good job weeding hoeing pick ing or rrndinr fruit hnrvestinr veg etables wage and board farmerettes average si fio in dally wages and pay 4 50 a week for board it is miss needlers job to distribute labor evenly in order that ench girl may earn enough to pay her bonrd and have some left over whnt about rainy days the girls often welcome showers as nn oppor tunity to catch up on our sleep wc work nnd piny so hard when the wenthers good thnt we dont need much entertainment on rainy dnys we just roll over nnd go to sleep britain starts bumper harvest r home food production has in creased 30 per cent since i war started london cp a groat moblltt force of machines tho armored di visions of tho harvest campaign have swung into nctlon in britain as thous ands of men women nnd children reap the nntlons precious food crops a bumper hnrvest possibly the gr on test in history is anticipated production of grain and potatoes is co per cent nbove prewar level veg- etnbles have increased by 50 per cent nnd farmers have sown 12000000 extra tons of nnlmnl feeding stuffs to replace 5500 000 tons of concen trated feeding stuffs previously im ported lutle loss thnn n miracle has been achieved in agriculture in the last two yonrs declnred tom wllllnms joint pnrllamentnry secretnry to the ministry of supply in announcing britains vast ngriculture strides the country is fast becoming al most selfsupporting in essentlnl food supplies and hns snved at least 5000- 000 tons of shipping spnee this yenr nut output mensured in cnlorles the not out put of home production has increased by 30 per cent since wnr started he continued the tlllngc nren has been increased about 6000 000 ncres for the hnrvest more thnn 100 000 tractors hnve been mobilized be fore the war britain had less than 100 combine hnrvosters but now there nre moittthon 1000 to man them on army of volun teers hns been recruited to supple ment the rcrulm workers and the womens lnnd army italian pris oners linve 6een hard nt work on the land nil summer and at lonst 10000 school boys are expected to lend their aid czech flier deals death in darkneb britains women fight hitler they are building ship for the battle of the dceaiui a new welding machine recent l sent to britain from the united states u being used with great success in training the women who nre to dn helpingto bu ttrtsh tpsf nrt he bntt l of the oceans 1 he women become good elec trie w chiefs after a brief training a growing number of them are now working alongside- tin ir menfolk in the nrds of the lees ine wear mersev and clwit phe are taking over thetighler was least expected let me hasten to ndd it was not in this immediate neighborhood the v sn y there is plentv of sugnr in cnnndn the storehouses are bulg- it why can t we hnve more tea nnd coffee thev hnve more thnn we do in englnnd and in the stntes they can bu nil thev want well i tell ou i cant quite see through this rationing busi ness it seems to me someone is get ting a rakeoff somewhere an ounce of ten its ridiculous all those and similar remarks are whnt i have heard wh oh wh at this critical hour cannot people reason things out for themselves perhaps there is plent of sugar in the country i hope there is but who can sa how long it may have to last no one knows yet how much this years raw sugar suppl will amount to and still less does anyone know what labor will be available to handle next ears sugar beet crop it is quite conceivable thnt this countr s tcservc sugar supplv ma have to be eked out for seveial years i hn ni n typ n mff both commodities are imported to canada here again the amount we reduce food costs and improve health cook potatoes in their jackets dont discard the outer leaves of let tuce and cabbage save nil the water in which vegetables nre cooked to put in soup or ndd to grav dont cut or shred fruits or vegetnbus for salnd until the inst possible moment before string insist on bread made from v itamin b i cnnndn approv ed flour all these little things add up to better health through increased vitamin intake without adding to food costs and good health is vital foi k- torv potatot s can be a dependable source of vitamin c but too frequent- iv 50 per cent of this alunble qual- it is lost in the cooking nccordlng to nutrition services department of pensions nnd national health much of the itamln c content can be saved hv cooking potatoes in their skins this should be done not only in baking potntoes but in boiling ns well they can be cooked in their jackets ahd peeled just before serv ing or with the new potntoes manv people like to eat the tender skins the dark green outer leaves of lettuce and cabbnge are coarser in texture thnn the inner leaves but the nre 10 to 30 times richer in vitamin a so shred them up and put them in the soup pot or mixed salnd leaf lettuce by the way is richer in vitamin content than hend lettuce bread made from vitamin pvhite flourtt canada approved contains several times more vitamin b and more iron thnn oidinnry white flour are allowed to bu natural depends mi depression lack of morale upon what reserve stocks are in our j futlrue und i nrt suid t0 warehouses future stocks depend oltrlbulabu ln iarh mmm to de not upon the government but upon fk of utamn whnt happens to cargo boats catrvtng these supplies a cargo boa i laden with ten mnv start out upon its i t v j ir l nes can- woman bolmh mia our ten ration is assured again ww w for a little while if a torpedo or j oiuu lhlkut jap planes get a luckv strike at the boot our future ration mo sink to the bottom of the sen and with it possiblv the brave ladfwho man the boat to bring us our favorite ttov- rage so in heaven s name don t tute everv week more and more of them nre to be seen high up on the staging- heavtet work like riveting is not quite their line but they make ex cellent rlveltfraters rhev are to be found on repetition work in the ma chine shops they make pistun rings karel kuttelwnscher bags nazi planes by hovering over en emy airdromes at nirht lqndon qp the czech nee karel kuttelwnscher who has what colleagues call the unennny knack of smelling out homewardbound ger man bombers lsrccognlzed bv air ministry officials as britain s best night fighter i vvoejaiterwcektiilitockijar linired filer 27 is mentioned in air mlnlstr bulletins for night fighting exploits sometimes he reports shooting down one two or tlwee ger man planes on lone night patrol sometimes only hrc aking up a raid bv inflicting dnmnge ih ten das he was indited with destrovlng sever bombers at night nnd hns nn official bag of 15 do st roved nt night six in dnvtlmi fellow pilots like the quiet unas suming czech nnd call him old kuttel envv his gift for finding er mans nt night has welsh wlfe slnic hisniiivnl in rngland he has married n w elsh gh 1 on it nve he nutters ni ound in the garde n nt his m il hill london home but flving n fouri nnnon ilurri- t nne he is reckoned a deacilv killer other pilots in hiv squadron snv he ii look at a map in the operations room point to perhaps a small unimportant rmnn airdrome and snv i 11 go there tonight it s oddson pilots say that the germans villi be using that airdrome that night and that old kuttel will relic ve the luftwaffe of a plane or two his tactics nre simple he develop ed them himself but now they nre wldelv used bv raf intruder pilots he hovers high over a german air drome watting for landing lights to be switched on then pounces on a german bomber whealt is only a few hundred feet high preparing to land the german plane it is reek- oped will irnsh even if not badly damaged because of the low altitude defending guns nre unable to open itporttitm because jjeyfhtghl titt their own plane guards platoon of wotnens corps reassures parents british dads want girls to- get discipline gowip of wo mens world in old land girdled for come what may bv alan randal canadian pretw staff writer london cp there are few answers to questions about service in the auxiliary territorial service that sgt wendy lonko doesnt know she has been giving them for six months to parents nil over britain she is the top kick in n guards platoon of the ats n crack unit which has heen visiting one town after another sometimes as majiy ns 17 in n week to demonstrate for par ents and wouldbe ats recruits just whnt service is like fathers invariably nsk will my girl gel discipline jlko yours sgt lonke said potential recruits nsk will they be bossed around much and nre t he nrmy beds very hard sweethearts are most concerned nbout the time ats girls must back in enmp at nlrhtv miss violet boll 19 is one of sev eral scottish girls nt work in n mid lands factory making bren uns she led her collengues in volunteering to work every dav in the week to speed up production nnd now puts in fm hours n week nnd sometimes 70 mrs bnrnett jnnner mother of n boy of 1 and o rlrl of 10 sits regularly in a nnrt h london court ns tusl c e of the peace she is a captain in the mechnnlyed transport corps and is grnnted lenve one h time she wnnts tp ntteml court more thnn 1810 women nre doing wnr work now with british overseas airway corporation many of them are in the purchasing department buying everything from pen nibs to snare parts from aircraft and they say its just like any other kind of shopping plans are under way to use worrien from 42 to 45 ai daytime mothers they will look after youngsters whose mothers are engaged in war work but they will not be mobile and their duties will be so arranged that they will be able to run their own households miss mny goodwin one of britains busiest women hns added one more to her long list of jobs the chairman ship of the leicester conciliation bonrd of the footwear industry she is connected with the boot nnd shoe union tho locnl court of referees and court of nppenl a street flre- firhtlng group n civilian defence vol unteer group and in her spare tim she runs n garden allotment blaek battledre for 20000 rrlikh liommotivw iwenty thousand british locomo tives are putting on war paint for the duration as each loio comes in for repair nnd overhnul its gray crimson or green or blue for the in dividual rnllwnv together with the emblems and other decorations are beini hiddi n beneath n coat of uni form blue k pntnt both paint and labor nre also helng snvicl b tin decision not to paint new or tepnired wngons except for n single bottom bonrd which benrs its number nnd ownership vn senger carriages nre helng given coats of paint or varnish only wjuin absolutely necessnry for pro- tec lion against bad weather c ondl- t ions w bile interior dec oi ntlon must nwnlt the end of the wnr -4- 23 years lost wateh turns up timepiece dropped on farm 23 1 years ajjo starts again i when yound up carrolls qtmmuwl swmt mftsmsl pickles l qalalc qmaksa- k f naw paeb a jlstor sim 8 k i oaf x x9c peas loc oak bruul sardines macaroni junket ketchup i old cheese certo vinegar i tla spagluul assorted powrfarv for jam awl jllj makmt lie 18c 14sx btl n bu callo 41c 1 rimiu fy alta cpi fnund i seiis ajlz cp btvaux of after b itik lost in lh- rikx enrth of i the war a omnn in hr earl ids hns nn alberto furm ji enrs aa nn beiorne superintendent of the papaico unen fine roiii wrist wntch belonnlnn i indian a here to pntrkk bowen who died in 1035 i 1hen nssenble valves in oil engine let us k bute1semberin i b l d took over tho a wound up and started going work on the clvde theirs i the chief humble gratitude that live are be- el j a w i fc nohln hd ppened jnbor ued in building oil raolers log haked to bring u everv ounce women are even taking over work i ot teu w usp l lew and pare a fitter on the lower part of heavv the merchant marine marine engine which can be reached from the moor or the first staging employers the trade unions and the women thcftnmlves tl utztj i fl london cp r t w castle the onl other woman agency sup anlomrtt h tov h nner mlonarv among the black- vflhtendent a far a known here is nolovers the trade unnni un iji l head wa sent to poton anz a j mr bowen dropped his watih nn official of the war relocation jwhlle working in hi field and all authorltv s japanese colonv the j efforts to locate it tailed the other reervntlon second urges in the day a neighbor helping with the hay- intted slates is the home ol6u00 ing on the cowen farm found the papago trlbeunen timepiece in the meadow though the case jas tarnished and the hands feet indians in canada has been mrs sophie kberlo of the united chosen rector of holbrook sussex pueblas near albuquerque n m pitted with rust the inside works were brjght and shining and appar ently unharmed by 23 years exposure new pack puruc brand cut gold- wax beans tins 9 wheat whit swan toilet tissue z5 kmii mustard t loc x7 icharah jallj wkok mums plckbag spice 5c jawal salad dressing s 39c um crapcirvit juice xkim aylmar tomalo or vftu soup s ti i7e moatsrck dog biscuits an e lhu jttsl sanltjiuit f 15c xe 2ial liaajj wait saea polish wi- lfe noffrt sao polish s x3t saaufkt oap 17e lax saap er camay 3 17 mapu uai saap flakes lsese wilts naphtha pvotmfs 14 far qaiek sa4s oaydd k 23b be carrolls cleanser se old soalh orange juice t irc grapenuts flakes ise mthxii reij nn rkkmii klkb malaua araikn in cic hearts bunch silver skin jlbsrjr julry alenru ilrullns onion l loc oranokn ilos also paaohes appleat ilums blueberries tomatoem mpeeuu itoes nee our prices on peoxhes ptunia totiustoea applrs 10c 39c fruit and vegetable prices good till saturday night only we reserve the right to limit quantities to family requirements