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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1942, p. 3

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thursday september 10th 1941 the acton free press the 1mjxing bowl fty ahh auah nfro mom ftmlm sucjculknt seasonal fruit hollo hommrnakers its tho suc- culont fruit season when meals arc hi huaky as appetites you will want desserts that are refreshing tempt ing juicy raw fruits provldo tho an- surer since vitamins and minerals have made tho headlines wo are frulteonsclous and wo know too that raw fruits contain more of the necessary health-giving- elements than cooked ones and dont forget that cnnteloupes honey balls honey dew and persian melons and woterftietons require nelthor cooking nor sugar other re freshing fruits now in season plums peaches pears and grapes may be served nher singly or combined with otheifrults when you bring your red cross companion home for lunch its cosy and correct to serve a dessert of crackers and cheese along with a bowl of delicious plums tor clusters of richlooking grapes washed and chil led for effectiveness mix your fruits and colors serve a deep purple plum with n golden peach and an ivorywhite pear jovely to look at delightful to eat recipes ifoneywlaw melon with grape 2 honeydew melons 1 bunch of white grapes seedless preferred 8 teaspoons corn syrup cut melon into four pieces sprinkle each with a teaspoon of syrup ar range the sections of melon on a service tray and garnish each with a mall bundfijotrgrapes lonelieoii pro it plate on the luncheon plate arrange tender crisp crinkly splnnch leaves and in the centre n mound of cot tage cheese then arrange sliced fruits alternating and overlapping in a swirled effect use sliced peaches antired apples grapefruit sections and bolls of melon provide french a dressing salad dressing or mayon naise three meoncup in shcrbert glasses place first a row of cubed watermelon pieces then one row of cubed canteloupe place persian melon balls on top serve with a wedgeshaped piece of lemon or lime take a tip readers who patriotically inquire about saving hot water may like some suggestions to help them carry on their good work 1 never run thehot water tap unneceisarlly 2 never let hot water taps drip 3 save all your personal laundry and do it all together 4 soaking dirty clothes overnight saves hot water 5 wash all preparation dishes along with the meal dishes having thoroughly scraped them use wash ing todn in the water to remove 4he grease 6 never wash under running water 7 fill the bath b running the cold water first then n tiding enough u hot wntcr to mnkt it lukewarm 8 urn less water in our bath tub nir qtiksnon box mrs 13 l asks what muses sweet popiorn tit btmuu bitter when baked plcusi publish tvsttd ieilpt ann t r lloked iv p tor 1 inn coinw nsd nuishioom soup 1 iup looked rid 1 tsp tweet hot peppt r h holi vtet p pp rs tt ths bread crumbs ths looking fat parboil swttt pi pjm rs for mlnutis and tilt u in at ttu soup iiu and hpih on tin duiiu it nient turn cm to off stuff pi ppt rs covet with bread trumhs do with fat and hake in elettiii own at tv dtgriis for j u in mutt s mrs t a asks h tt quiuittu of npplt s an put with pi iu hi n for pcaih conservi answer l ami apple oitarnr 1 lb sliced peaches i about 1 ap pies dlethl about i l cupi 1 lbs sugar u tups plus 1 tb do not pool apples if skins are tender put hllctxl pone hen diced ap ples and sugar in a large preserving kettel ami cook on eliitrh element turned to medium and then to lou until thkk and clear about 18 mlns istir fnuentlv to prevent burning pour in sterile jam v eup maraschino cherries rmv be added before the mixture in taken from the stove note it bt most patriotic to carl peaches this year jh season is still good but not for ion anne allan invites you to write to her care of ttnt acton fmss puna send in your questions on homemak- ing problems and watch this column lor rtpltea mrs rex eaton assistant director of national se lective service who issues clearcut explanations on womens registra tion the compulsory registration women starts next week chronicles ot ginger farm m written specially for tho anton froe press by gwendoline p clarke mm becaiise regis t ration of canadian women will be compulsory under natlona1 selective regulations with the first group registering between september 14- to september 19 mrs rex eaton assistant director of na tional selective service has issued clearcut explanations of who must register so that no women will break the law unintentionally the first group to register will be the age classes born between january 1 j918 and december 31 1022 in other words women between the ages of 20 to 24 inclusive all women must register with one exception and thnt group is made up of the women who are employed and in possession of unemployment insurance regis tration cards 411 and 413 and who are still working for wages or salaries and paying unemployment insurance inmates of institutions such as hos pitals mental hospitals and members of religious institutions need not reg ister any women however who did reg ister for unemployment insurance last april and are not now working for wages and salaries must register again women who were registered last spring but have now left jobs in which they were paying unem ployment insurance for those which arc not insurable must register again for example a girl working in a factory in april might have left now to take farm work or domestic ser vice both non insurable industries she would still have her unemploy ment insurance cards as required but must ro- register because she is not working in an insurable industry so that the national selective service offices would not have an uptodate record of her employment other groups who must register in clude housewives domestic servants farm workers women employed in hospitals or charitable institutions where they are not nlreadv rcgfsur- ed professional privnte dut nurses or probationers undergoing training to become professional nurses women mplpved a teachers including leathers pt darning nntl mush who are not alreadv registind women cmploved as agents paid l commis sion ot fits siuh as nal cstiitt and insuraiui agt nt and m if t mploved woim n w hit h will nu lu li those op ratinj tluu own busim s pro prtitots of l uitv parlors gift shops i u id gist rat ton w ill h umdut h d in i v niplovim nt and si lu tivi s mice of lus ifnrnnrlv i mplnvmcnt and i tuns ofnets of tin im tnplovnii nt insula tut l ommismoni win n this an st up and in rur il au is n gis t ration will hi nt th tit an m post of fin i hi form whtth ttu uinnn an asked to fill out uu ludi questions of thtilt ctltuntton and training and wkl j itngness to go into war work after all this ni group ha ben reulsiei ed the women who seem to bt most likelv pmspec ts for w ork w iii be cnlletl for an inttrvuw witli oiu of the hrsonnel worker of national selevuve service i he interview will b cleialled and explain to the women the urginv of their plac in war pro duction mrs eaton stresses that all wo men must not expect to b placed immediately in some east nt ml work for thev must realize that placement in industrv and essential occupations such as nursing social welfare or nu trition work must be inrefullv done registration will give canada a com plete up to dae tnvenor of tho workers available to keep guns tanks and plane supplied to the rmn in the front lines eventually all wo men will be registered but registra tion will proceed slowly until all age gioupa are tabulated l hero is something really important that will interest farmers wives who liave throshers to food and it comes straight from the county representa tive of tho wartime prices and trade board hero it is any farmer wife having to provide meals for threshers mny purchase sufficient sugar tor baking requirements by simply telling her grocer how much she considers shewill need how mnny nten she will have to feed nnd for how many menls nnd by signing a voucher to that effect anyone who has already tried to gctmen1s with a sugar allowance of one ounce per man per meal will appreciate this special concession for our benefit and for which i believe we are indebted to our- county repre sentative on thefionrd who has agi tated for a more liberal allowance on our behalf however there is no change in tea or coffee rationing with either of those we must get by the best way we con with the cheer ing assurance that by next year we may not be able to get any at all so there you are ladles thats one thing less to worry about isnt it but a word of warning do figure out required amount ot sugar care fully so that your request will sound reasonable we mustnt do anything to antagonize thojgoose that lays the golden egg otherwise who knows she might quit laying partner and i hnd a lovely- t sunday short but decidedly interest ing there was a man in brampton whom partner wanted to see on busi ness and apparently sundny was the only day to catch him nt home after locating the man and arranging for a future meeting here we thought it might be n good ldea4o come home by malton airport with the hope of seeing the lancaster bomber which we have been hearing nnd reading so much about just recently did we strike it lucky we arrived just as tho lancaster was getting an over hauling as it were she was just outside the hangar and quite close to the fence mechanics were testing her engines starting them up one at a time until all four were running but not jit full speed then they let three of the motors more or less idle along while the fourth was stepped up to capacity and i can tell you they really let her out the roar was terrific and the propel lor was turning so fast you couldnt sec it at all each motor was tested that way in turn then they raised and lowered the air brakes and also the bomb car riage all this you understand was done wih the plane on the ground it dldn t take off at all in appear ance the lancaster looks innocent enough one found it hard to realize its destructive qualities it w ns blackish brown in color and neither particularly inrgt or ungnlnl after nwltili w moved on to tin trans cnnacui airline runwavs inert we found wi wen permitted to go into tin waiting room of the what shall i call it ah station it was nun h tin same as t lit watting room of nn modi rn raihn station lunc ii ci until h lephom bo s ladies room it lis thhf attraction to tin m in ral puhln was a lai u round id window lompltti with window si at which lookid mt upon tin run n from w iiu h iverv i runs canad i plain tnkis off and whn ttuv also laud out of tin hii mjh r birds was towtd ftom its hangar to us position in i innt of h window and wt watch d hfaum fitud up fen flight whlti c lad workmi n refiulltd the tank stond pasngcrs luggat some whin in tin ftont of tin plant and took in what apienred to hi spuiallv pn pand refreshments i hi n a smart grev i lad hostess appeared control of pjices benefitsftlonditions of wage earners as n result of govcmmont control in tho prlcoa nnd wngegj field tho cnnmllnn worker in tho present war is much hotter of f thnn in the btrurklo or 10141d18 comparative ntatltlcs now nvnllnhle tell tho tory thoy mnkc nbiolutcly clear the beneficial effect of the contrj ot prices by tho wnrtlmo prices nnd trade bonrd nnd of worcs under tho governments wnre control pollpy the latter has been instrumental in effecting nn im provement over wane rates prevnll- inff oven in the socalled prosperity yenrs 192g1029 in n period of a little over two years during the last war the cost of living index increased from a base of 100 in july 1014 to 110 1 in oc tober 191fi during the correspond ing period in tho present war the in dex increased from a base of 100 in august 1039 to 1mb in octobor 1941 approximately onehalf of this increase occurring in tho last six months of the period therefore during a little more thnn the first two yenrs of the two wars tho rise in the cost of living was approximate ly the same what have been the conditions in succeeding periods during the nine months from oc tober 1941 to july 1942 the index rose only 2 4 points during the nine months from october 1916 to july 1917 tho rise in tho index was 18 2 points or nearly eight times as much ns in the corresponding period of the present wnr from 100 in july 1914 the cost of living index inerensed to 134 3 nt july 1 1917 while from august 1930 to july 1 1942 the index increased from 100 to 117 0 th moons thnt during the present war lbocost of living hns thus fnr inerensed by only 50 per cent of the increase that oc curred during the corresponding per iod of tho last war but in addition wnge rntcs gen erally have improved in some cases materially over those prevailing in the socalled prosperous yenrs of 19261929 workers also quite gen erally at least in the more import ant industries in which the larger number of employees nre engaged during thepresent war have the further advantage under the govern- ints wnge control policy adopted an ossentlnl port of the wartime prices regulations to present infla tion thnt in nddltion to thlr com pensation nt their basic wage rates they are receiving cost of living bonus payments which for the first payroll period commencing on or after august 15 in mnny induitrles will run as high ns 4 25 per week nt least for the ensuing throe months in other cases in which the bonus will not be ns high as 4 25 per week it is because under the provisions of the order the bonus must be calcu- loted on the rise in the cost of liv ing index from the date of the inst general increase in wage rates which means thnt in such cases employees hnve received a general increase n their wnge rates since august 1939 t soviet movement gained momentum in russia krenkycornllov quarrel over -vdie- tatorshlp by ii ii gordon canadian presn staff writer the political struggle in russia dur ing tho ftummei preceding the grent revolution of november 1917 snw the rapid disintegration of the provisional government formed after the abdi cation of czar nlcholns n and tho crumbling of the army as a fighting force riddled through by subversive pro- pngandn the army on the eastern front became virtually n clamoring mob after the fall of riga early in september in petrogrnd alexander korensky who hnd become prime minister sought to establish order but found his power weakening rapid ly against the growing force of bolshevism on sept 8 1917 the nrmys strong man t5en l g kornllov ordered somecnvalry divisions on which he could rely to march on petrograd while bo begnn negotiations with kerensky with the idea of crontlng n military dictatorship kerensky at first appeared to sup port kornljov later sunpcctlng the gcnernl aspired to become dictator kerensky denounced him as a dicta tor and nn enemy to the revolution the prime minister then assumed the position of commanderinchief and plnccd himself at the head of the troops in petrogrnd kent to prison kornllov s cavalry never reached the capital and the general and some of his associates were thrown into prison one committed suicide but kercnskys motives were ques tioned by some members of the pro visional government nnd they subse quently resigned a new council of five replaced the former government at this stage the soviet movement mnde great strides kerensky turn ing his back on the moderate right ists appealed to the executive com mittee of the soviet to fight the movement started by kornllov kerenskys power declined rapidly although continuing ostensibly to support him the executive committee made widespread preparation for the revolution nnd proceeded to arm the workers after the revolution kerensky made n thrilling escnpe from russia and about a year inter turned up at a labor congress in london page commandos knives are being forced by queen vic torias swordmaker seven men saved millions of manhour in britains war factories an officer and six privates in brit ain s royal army ordnance corps uere responsible for setting on foot a movement which has saved brit ain s war industries mnny millions of mnnhours and tons of material arter dunkirk r a 0 depots became cluttered up with masses of broken dnmnrod or outofdate stores ii happened that tlusc swn nn n lud nil been in business befort tin war nnd tin km v that hurt was a asi rtstivoir r garag s bnck stmt firms and smnll t nglnt ruif shops wlun n pairs muld l dont hi alimg that manufnetun is do nnt likt to haw thin pioduition in id up l npniis to thur own nrtulis thi pt rsuiuu d busim ss iu quaintnm i s to maki mom for n pairs to ltal tquip nu nt without mti rft ring with mm ist i of suppl tontrnus i mm this small lx miming hns h ow n th c t nt i al i i pitr i pot w in n hunch t ds of thousands of pi us of eiuipnilnt that might nan hni hi t n list d muin find tlulr wi i uk into s rk an uni aiui for i sight has h i n shown b tin of fu i rs and nu it at this depot in dialing with rnw ma tt rinu i on h fort aluutuges oc mind tin hushandtd matt nuts rencu to rtliv and direct the pas- w m h nn ll worth u ir ttl ln ngrs who prest ntl arrived and honrdt d tlu plum aftei having dc- i larod their baggage to t us turns of- f u iuls lastlv tht pilot and another officer rami along laughing nnd talk ing i watched them and could not help but think what a lot diptnds upon ou preaentlv the great silver liner took off with 10 pasmnger aboard on a nonstop flight to new ork another om came in with lb persons and in fifteen or twmt mm utes hnd refuelled and was awo again after that we hnd a cup of tea at the lunch counter and started on our wa bomt and what did we ice along the road field after field of grain either waiting for the thresher or help to draw it in there is a lot of harvest work yet to be done we have finished glory be kohl sitv pit nut of tlu articles re pairid art in first t hiss condition w uhin a month and an pliu td into i stores for rtisjui to units although this l ii trtil ho pair di pot saves tin british taxpai n mnn thousands of pounds a war on new equipment unreal vnlut which can not be mi as u red in mom is in re- luving tin pressun on tht wnr ful lories and making double or even treble tht us of hit man power put title jalk frost air ace i capt town icp major jack frost south african fighter ace who has been officially listed as missing since june 16 is believed to have de stroyed a total of 13 axis planes eightyyearold swordmaker tom beasley who forged his first blade as a child of eight during the franco- prussian war of 1870 is working low hours a dny helping to nrm britain against her enemies since war be gan he has lost only half an hour of working tlm when his clock stop ped one morning but today the skill tom put into making the sword presented to queen victoria by the indian princess on her diamond jubilee is being used to show vounger men how to forge the deadly black knives used by britains commandos nnd parachute troops i hese knives worn in a leather scnhhnrd attache d to the lee have an intert sting history of the finest sword stcil thev were designed b superintendents fnirbalrn nnd svkes of tht shnnghni police who put tht ir rmilh houst t perienco to good n i mint h ti at lung britain s shot k troops tht art of swift and silt nt kil ling but tht patttin is nnllv much oldt r for in lohtt troops fighting at hnvomu ihiust such daggers as these into tht muwli s of tht n fllntlotk miiski ts and gnvt th world tin first havont t i hi factorv when loin bt ash v has w nrki d foi so t nis nnrmullv turns out not onlv tin best swords hut ttu f iik st hollow mound i aor bind in tin woild ioundid in 177j as gunniakt rs thtv starttd making swords in h nnd tutthrcmt razors in 1h w ink ten vi ni intt r tluy win om of the first stet i forgers to tnki up tin snfitv razor which in pi act tinn tin st nd all ut r j he woi id i lu ir swoids go to tht mill- tarv and politi fonts in tin t mplre houth anurua abvssinin igpt nnd ottu i t ount rn s but w nr has put nn i nd to this now the t ompmiv mnkt tin tom- mando kniws nnd stalouirds armour- pit re ing shot for anti tank guns and nn nutomntu fire extinguisher tht raviner which is installed in every british wnrplnnt organized for war effort th futtor lius doubled its staffs now 50 jtr tent womenand quadrupled its output cttciljitlmtfwfmm old chum tmntti fom cfamtmsf when the bell rings clear telephone lines for allout production ten ulcpbaa b put of slrut inurtseuiij system now esttytaf b sjiaarauil wsrtlmkid dont tat nenllem ddiys bold np nwi on which prodnetlan tdency msjr ilejmnd other wartime telephone tactics a speak illitlnrtly directly 1 tho mouthpiece s be brief desr yonr lino lor the nest esh 4 use offpeak hoon for lom dbtwe oslut wore mo ltj pjn 57 pm sfter 9 p frouubt -tfirr- wbole pieklmg spice pound 25c xxx balk vinegar gallon 4lc ir 15c itb tin t4s plc homostrl chicken haddie v 2se ketchup tr 19c muffets 2 17c old cheese 43c macaroni 2 9c feununi lard 2 lib aylcner sit s peas 16ol tin xoc picnic cut wi beans 2so lln x5c our romir coffee lb 39c newport fluffs p z5c 59c for jami nd jll certo bll 25c cmpbir tomato juice tus x9c luckitta blue pk 6c brock bird seed i 14c poliflor floor wax tm x9c 49c old dutch cleanser xoc palmoliv soap 3 a z3c mothar parker coffee 28c 5xc matters dof biscuits 2 iu 2sc kllost corn flakes 2tl kllon all bran x 2xe flkd roiimi wheat 2 9c campbells new pack tomato soup 17c 16os tins p c white nophtha soap t4c h o powdmd ammonia sc ivory sttov or flakes x 3 now coaowsuoj cblps 92sss nuret n iba a r iunp ejuv a a potatokh l ioc hearth bunrh 1uc valencia an lmrgm hmlloas jk for nf oranges dos ooc grape fruit liz uo poachea plums peara applea tomatora grapes fruit and veseuuc prins good till saturday nigm only wo reaorve the riht to limit quantlhm to family raqulramanu inuwrnpaaat t

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