thursday october lit 1m2 the acton free press page thiueaf mr ami mr 3 h rd visited over tho wwkend in stratford mraiidmra f f cornell of dor- chestr en fed on acton rojnjlvea and frlonds this wok l mr nnd gvjri horry bnkor of tor onto spent a tiny with mr nnd mn rnwson inst week mrs j thompson of wheaton n- llnolh is visiting nt tho homo of mr and mrs b poreoter mrs ray norrlit of tendon visited with her sister mlu ethel prldham here over tho weekend miss e pargeter toronto sgmn g t pnrgotor klnrston ac 1 r b pargeter sr thomas visited the par ental home on sunday mrs jnmm morrltt nnd mr nnd mrs lornesiont of toronto visited at tho homo of mrs w it armstrong over the weekend mrs c c speight returned home on saturday from the hospital in toronto and friends nre glad to learn her progress townrd recovery is very satisfactory mr nnd mrs d henderson of guelph nnd dr henderson of aurora with mrs r rawson nnd mrs j wnrdlnw and yvonne motored to viiylnnd and nlagnra fnllw over the wekend a family gathering wns held nt the home of mrs r h wnnsbrough on saturday evonlng to welcome mr nnd mrs h roy wnnsbrough on their return from their wedding tour in montreal and quebec and enstern points pte w l armstrong of the vot- erans guard of canadn spent 14 dnys furlough nt his home here and hns returned to montrenl again accom panied by his wife as for as toronto pte armstrongs sister ntso visited at t their home george wallace clothes shop 112 yonge st 2nd floor toronto j tike the elevator mild save money buses leave eabvbovno wksttmwjnd to toronto to london a 848 sum 3o18 sum 0ia sum xll3 sun lltsl a m sim pjn sim pm ay 5x03 pun 4im pm b kts pju lis vmu 7 s3 pm blol pltt b 9x3 pjrt a itas sum stss pm dylaiss pm xlltss pm a dally ex sun b sun and holidays e dally ex sun and hoi d sat sun and hoi x to kitchener only y to stratford only eastern daylight saving time tickets and information at harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines mr and mrs m coles honored by friends of bannockburn lffst thursday evening september 24th the members of bnnnockburn literary society and neighbors of tho community met nt the home of mr nnd mrs m coles to honor their son clarence nnd his bride upon their re cent mnrrlnrfe wm moffnt nctcd ni chnlrmnn foi the following program musicnl so lectiansby charles lnndjborough rending by mrs wllmer davidson in strumental selection by russell mc- donnld rending by miss irmn wnt- non at the close of the program clarence nnd wtlmn were en lied to the front nnd the following address wns rend by vern mettfes denr clnrence nnd wllmn it is with feelings of jo nnd plea sure that we your neighbors nnd members of the bnnnockburn liter ary society hnvt gathered here to night to extend to you both our heart lest congratulations on your ret cent marriage and to express pur bt s wishesfor your future hnppiness you clnrence for tin post three years jinve residefl in our midst nnd during that short time your cheerful disposition hns won for vmi many steadfast friends as n neighbor vou hnve proved ever rend to gle most willlngl n helping hand whenever called upon in nil the social activi ties of our community ou hnve rend ered mostcnpnhhi nnd faithful ser vices you wllmn who nre not knojvn so well to mnn of us t welcome to our communltv nnd hopi vnu will feel nt honu among us as n token of out appreciation of join services clnreme nnd tho high esteem in whkh both ou nnd wllmn tire held b alt wt would nsk vou to mcopt these gifts trusting the will remind ou in tnis to come of our mnn friends nnd neighbors of 13 tin not khurn as ou climb tht hilts of owing enrs ma ou tratl in high nnd never shift gen is with ph nt f spaik and tutr n kiuuk and a jo filling siatinn at every stop ibihhujii b hall of tin l itornrv and nt iglibnrs kma uaticr w m mop al at tin appropriate tlm tin gifts a walnut tuff abli nnd a iium wnll mlrroi wu ui evented to tin hnpp couple h mrs i morrison mrs wll mer davidson nid helen s prowl nf tei uhlih laietnt thankid eerone pr sent on boh til f of himself nnd v ii ma for ttuli kind ivmembranee of them i tu lomainder of the t veiling was 4 pent with lommunltv singing nnd n soilnl time enjoved b nil timf oit the little bov wns on his knees in his little nightdress saving his pray ers nnd his little sister cupldn t re sist the teniptntlon to tickle the sola of his little feet he stood it as long as he could ahd then said please cod excuse me while i knock the stuffing out of nellie how is your stock of toiletpaper we offer a big range cashmere 1000sheet rolls interlake 700hect rolls cashmere 750sheefrolls snow cap 650sheet rolls westminster pure nnd soft 225c 325c 325e 4v25c 425c every onel a winner unes in demand lemon 6il r or o cedar polish oc liquid veneer oc cfl furniture cream aft javex bleach f superior bleach 1a klorex bleach o- stove pipe enamel j ch lime gilletts lve sani flush fliisho drainlax gregory theatre frioav kttbmi they died w ith their hoots n luttv iitktntun with lrril flnn oiimii pihnmlttint llsiu i ruan offu t l oon tilcl l huitt r t puk lym s crlrm sat kdav htohkij 3 matlmv at s00 sbmo your worries away a luukh mitkod musual with budd ebscn pats kull new ork town ftvd mumurrnv mr mar tin fox nvut lionua october 3 design for scandal rowllnd rusll walter pld- bcon march o time when air raids strike pete smith self defence picture people weekly war commentary continued from pago one slrnfod troop nnd jtrmorod vehicle concentration as will alt tobruk bengasi and other porta used as bases indicate that field marshal erwln rommel is having no eaay time bring ing reinforcements and war supplies to his troops fllit far mallngrmd for the first time in a month rus sian communiques at the weekend reported that nazi attacks all along tho southern sector of tho eastern front were being held the groat battle of stalingrad went into its second month with the gallant de fenders of the volga industrial city beating off german assaults and even forcing the invaders back nt some points on the nazis ieft flank the russians had driven a wedge against which tho germans were bringing up reserves without avail from the volga russian gunboats pounded german artillery armored concen trations and troops the red army this week continu ed to hammer tho german left flnnk on a 40mllo front between the don and volga rivers but nazi jfnnks pressed a new threat within stnlin- jrmd nnzi military quarters admit ted the russlnns were counternt tack ing but assorted the thrurts hnd boon frustrated soviet advices tuesday said that russian troops hnd broken through germnn defences northwest of rzhev killed about 2 500 enemy soldiers nnd roenpturea 25 villages in two dnys of fighting rzhev is one or the key points fn the german winter defence line about 330 miles northwest of moscow a turther withdrawal in the mozdok region of the central caucasus was admitted by the irux- sinns against rpmuiatlon the british house of commons re convening sept 29 wns told by prime nlstcr churchill that public state ments or speculation regnrdlng the tlme and place of future allied of fensive operations are undesirable he announced that british forces in madagascar had taken tulear the last port of the big island remaining under control of vichy french troops the wcupntlon of madagnscnr start ed september 10 with landings on the west coast at the same time mr churchill wns discouraging second front talk a british army officer in a brondcas in the french inngungc declared that today more than over before tho pos sibilities of an allied landing on french soil must be forseon he said the offenslveof the- allied na tions is in the mnking a nnzi assertion monday that three inrge allied troop transports en route from the united states hnd boon sunk hj germnn submarines wns branded ns quite untrue by the british min istry of information turning the tahles in the rugged ouen stnnle moun tains of newgulnea allied troops supported h artillery are using jap anese jungle tactics against the en emy invaders latest reports indi cated the allies were makinfrprogrcks through some of tho uorlds worst jungle country overhond allied aircraft imvetrept- up continuous attacks on japanese supplv bases in the solomon islands nnd their work is credited with stal ling tho enemy drives toward port moresb jem chronicles ol ginger farm ir writtoa bpmfauly for tv aeth fvh pmm by i gwkndoutnk p clattrk jm seoul news first acton troop there was a fntr attendance nt the meeting last thursday gcf botilton wns in charge of tlfe meeting nt the court of honor apple day was dis cussed and the date set at october 17th notice to creditors in tho matter of the estmte of john ii bennett late of the township of nasxaicaweym count of lulton farmer deocaaed three more boys wore appointed jmtrot lenders which brings the num ber of patrols from throe to five the two now pntrols wore necessary he- cause of the increase in size of th troop there nre a totnl of 42 boys the three representatives at the halton district meeting were t jones rev e a brooks nnd dnvo dills the meeting wns held in mil ton on saturday sevr n of the boys went to blue springs scout rt servi between showers although the rnln wns heav nobody v as i ally wt on mondn night five cubs wire brought into the troop ihret mor nre expected to join the stouts in tin ery near future thi droup committii mi t mundny nnd plnnmd tho apple dnynd dis cussed mnn wnys of in iplng thi scouts with the apple dny at a court of honor monday pa trolswere chosen the pntrot lenders nre ri in voldhlus hnwks lack mnln- nrize sen gulls george hoiiinger cougars bill knight rattlosnnki don evans chipmunks there will be the regulnr meeting nt the scout rooms this i hursday nt 7t0 pm portios hnvl cl against the estate of john itbonnett late of the townshin of nnssngnwevnvcount of hnlton farmer who died on or about tin thirteenth da of a u cunt 1942 are required to send particulars- and nroofs tin roof to the undersigned so bettor bt fore tho seventeenth dn of octohi r 10tj ulm the assets will he distributed nmonp the parties legally entitled thereto having regard onlv to thi claims which shnll hnve been filed as aforesaid nurmuint to sec tion m chapter lfi rso 19t7 onted this first dn of october ad 1012 c f i eatherland acton on tario solicitor for the alminis- t rntors illinm beavers r r l f i or ontario fred gov loronto strn lurio gmlph on 11 t tounship of nauakaura sle of lands of ar rears of taxes maybo i spoke too soon about our good luck this summer that is inso far as the new well is concerned i cant say we hnve much to complain about in other matters but that well all i can say i it is fast be coming a problem the water kept overflowing all right but there wns some sort of deposit la the well wh t kept rlln wititthe wtov at iis hc nlpntr rer those who should know said it was quicksand but closer examination of tho deposit revealed it was a gritty substance and therefore not quick sand partner wanted expert advice which was very willingly given at the o a c the deposit wns analyzed ns hlue cjay silt we were advised to get the drilling outfit back hnve the silt cleaned out with the sandpump nnd then three or four feet of gravel dropped down the well to keep the silt in chock it wns three weeks wr more before we got tho machine back nnd work was done exactly as advls- ed the machine moved away again we ordered a pump well you know what it is to order things these dnys even necessities it wns two weeks before the pump arrived by that time the silt contrary to expecta tions hnd risen again ten or twelve feet up the casing and was nppnr ently shutting off the water how ever we put the pump in the only thing to do was try it out we did and got half a barrel of water then we hnd a man in to put what is known as q sand point on the end of tho pump thst wouldnt work so we called the drilling outfit back again last friday the well was re- drilled to its original depth and sand- pumped out again there was plenty of slit came out too believe me tho water also came in so fast again that after awhile it was impossible to work the sandpump then the dril ler suggested lenving it until mondnv to see what ft would do well its monday and the silt is rising again but the driller hasn t come hack yet when ho does i suppose it will be clean it out ngaln put tho pump in nnd see how much wnter wo ret if the flow isnt strong enough i guess there is only one thing to do nnd that is go on drilling so thats that tguess that is mosti the way with drilling wells you never know whether it will cost ou flft dollnrs or five hundred mnbe such a spool about n well i wont interest a good mnnj of aur renders but i happen to know that there arc a few who will be very much interested and ny the way one of the men who worked with tho well called this silt stuff murrel i don know if that is tho way you spell it since i had never heard of it before hut murrel is the way it sounded to me and there is some thing else which ou mn or may not find interesting this murrel when drv sets ns hard as cement- and rakes aiplendid eppper or aluminum t just lake a wet cloth rub it on the hardened murrel and nppl to whntever metal i happen to be cleaning and what ever i clean stays clean longer than when cleaned with ordinary metal polish but it was not my discovery one of the men told mo about it nnd as so often happens he made the discovery b nccident- well we dldn t have n good da for our fair either it looked quite promising in the morning nnd for awhile after vlinner and then old sol w horn i think must hnve meen in league with the fair board shone benignant l down upon young folks nnd old folks upon those who wore walking and those wao were riding he sat up there awn in the sk smiling his jollv old smile and watch ed the pi ople passing through thi pnygnte until there was renlly a goodlv crowd gathered on the fair i grounds then hi passed the vord along to n hinvv rain cloud waiting tn the vuinit nnc ntirtd in the shadows and the rain clou 1 renll did its stuff p oplt scuttled for shelter in carsund in budding part mr and i at tiiat timi wnre not nmorig thosi pn sent but afterwards whin tin wtnthtr had cleared again wi wi nl riow n to sei how the fair was kttting ilonp to our surprise we found qu a c row d of pi npl there but oh deai the groun is weie ti rribli fl had renumbered to put on rubbers hut i saw hardl anvone else wearing them the races of course wre railed otf rhere wen hall but the rtt 104th anniversary churchill church spccal services at 11 am and 730 pjtt to observe the occasion on t sunday october 4th with guest speaker for the occntion rev t j rfeea of erin special music will be provided by the gholr everyone i invited and will be welcome on this anniversary occasion rev a o w foreman pastor open house for all atact0nymca 7anr opening oct 8th that very outfltnndlnc sneaker rev captain rawson of llminilton ullt 1m ollffit speaker cariix and dam inj he v welcomes everyone thursday october 8th boo pm no admission to wit notice is hert b rkon thnt thf list of innds for mtle for nyrenn of taxes in the lownship of n 4tuttn in the enr 194j hns been pninre1 nnd copies thereof tnn he md nt thi office of the township f nihil in th treasurer thnt such list hns been n koodl nrpn of itxestork nnd published in the ontario gazette on poultr too hnd the ueathir hnd to te j2 0 wi l i spoil thine oh ii if e had noth- ing more to worrv nbout than our to- s 1jm2 and unles the arrears of tnxpa and cost a shown on auch list are paid on or be fore 200 o clock im the afternoon oflotal fair it would be ull nirht ti thursdpv november 5th 1942 the da t hnr nwu treahurcr of the township of nnssa- 1 an hart new perience an ej gawevn wtll proced to ie1 b publld ptnce which mo become more auction the said lands or such portion common inter on i hnd to stand in thereof as mav be necessarv at the said hour of j 00 o clock in the after noon on the said sth day of novem ber 1912 at the council chamber in the township hall nt brook vi lie 1n the mjd township of nnssa ca we va i dated at the office of the trea surer of the tow nsbip of naasaga- 1 wpn this 30th dav of jul 1942 james w moffat treaiurer township of nassagaweya 313 line at our local butchers to get 5 piece of meat ot because there was verv littlt meal hut because there was onl one man to wait on a it nam of customers baking powder carroll pure 16oa tin iqg lard p z r 25c s axt plain or iodised oc coffee r 39c dates domestic ahsala h al 19c aaat jsmlmaylaw pea soup carralls ou cheese alluaca vaallu extract faamaaa pore stfto or windsor plain or iodised carrolt honur mistletoe 6ox pitted pk aunt jacntma floar far loc pancakes pk xfe pincit 43elsyrup iw soe i mj fnocnaptm fr i shrkddbo wbxat ixelpostum u si sic or3iai a p as btl icaoice veyr ut toifi5 no 2- tin t sardines irhavva u oc tomato juice ubbyt gentle preu 3 a catsup csunpuils tor jt quick roued soup f oats palmoiive c g princess aylnr at nw pack ml soap rati 17c 29c 5 matches4sttao 5c maple leaf soap fukn pk ssc c brasm or silvo sjl3e axe woaolmfts pasial soap s xfc till btack shea juicy valencia oranges d07 polish 29c crisp celery hearts per bunch 10c ts soe washed t rrots for de g meaties s xse paurpaa pulfaj wheat m- i7 par oaiek saa oxytoiss 3 special eft pfvtvtoes 5 you ustnl lo cnll mv before wit en mnrrttd don i rail mc ohthink that show my wll control swthenrt now you nturr and vegetable prices until satuwjay night onlt w ik rifkt te bb main t mill hmtr lisalin carrolls