the acton wee press thursday april ist uts bomber press visits london in wartime woraxptrt sdndastfcan l bating driven throng uw htkass at what seem ed u to be about thirty mil en faaxw and ob lb wrong side of the r- our car mmmky mhsd a pede- irua who was consting ovalb by fgr tnrat the un1 in the taukur o a btork if be bad been bit it took to us as if he nuvi hae been amitrery at lauub but our fulv sakl baa to uxfa war the chauffeur teouj tew joe ktukti i army partanmv k bhw frttow who gets atl th- hlarae- tendon to w daytune k ut tat avtsangv ty u- on the uivrtk ate roam aj wuraen to tuufostn fnocn ail mlu of the wokl t sign on fcrty every omon pointing the way i shelter hother signs hng where there are tank of statu- ater abetters buitt to the streets cloved uudtml stdrv windows boarded over ceet for small tights of gtassb and there were anything heded uv thai we are in the tear one we could took up anal see counllma bal loons fen the sky the bnri balloon which look something bke huge rtsh an a silver color that tiwnji with lb sky to that theytrr bard lo wr at any distance but fan spile of thai mr could often count forty or more- the stalk- water is for use in fight ing fire to vm- the water mains arr destroyed or aw nadaqualr in many cesejltthe basements of buildings that havei been d an cleaned out cyfkfatcdl and filled with water the number of stores tbat are be li that evewy needs a good vvnlllallmr aya- tnealrea are sllu shorn but on coun of the black l ibr cwztalaa go up post live or oclock f n i performance prices for orch estra seats or nih a they axe catted oweir there- are very high boi abnut half the price n ipr ura a larce proportion of the audience k ui ubrni probably men on wave- although only a for tary or auibortzed purposes are used here are knany on the streets some of ihem are drtnen by rjs tehwb bv ranwd to buay fabvw- baej kwb raiw the troof of the car and av nboot fmr feel bxfa tebrta toflated we were tokl that one tllinjt of rjsx miul drive the car about a bundled miv and roads about six datlavil many of the siien of lundon were of great inlere lo us on one rev lauftsnl there taaa a sign kldney- dlacontviod whwh ratoed to teonovr if the people of lnndoa were mm ealknae toads however it wa explfttoed thai tbadt tc the niuiw lor n sort of auajc toll i another restaurant had a sln tht imiakitiuil will stay open dur- iaje raubi as konie as the walt akv standenje- atvither stcn on a badly wiecked building read vou knay ihtok thw u bad but u shouli see our flerun branch- on the wbolewe fouml the paopte of mjondon to be cheerful and optlm- ulbc so busy at the task of winning the war that they have little time for anylnbuf else everyone tx snx lous to help strancers land the city s full of iherafc so we found u sur- prlsinciy easy to tnake our way around the sunday school lesson easter greetings easter brings us hardboiled eggs rabbits flowers hot cross buns and easter cards strangely enough 1 roost of these presentday object and customs had their birth so far back dow have been broken by roncus fciiou even when the buildings have kiot been bit and there would not be enough glass to replace them even if u were safe to do so therefore the windows have been dosed up leaving itoly small panes of glass three or four feet square to the cenkre- tbe acute shortage of labor is up- lo antiauity that digging into cords for origins and birthplaces is like trying to dig a well in quick- rjt ranj oanuni ucumi larent to many things a for inst- iiy ji which because of the name easter itself comes from the name of the old pagan kaxon goddess of spring oslara or eosti in their springtime celebration each ear the early saxons deified th its liner in the elevator rvtor lifts sue they are known there ivople are epected blwas to uralk downstairs ho matter how many wlories and lo walk up if not more titan three stories no one is sutpoed to haw more tkian one hath a week and then to have only five inches or less of water in the tub the hotels bo longer give a fast service for laundry wl orur must allow several days before vecting its return oebris from bomb damage has been well cleaned up but little or no at- tmpt has been made to rebuild plans tor a finer and more beautiful llon- doni still exist only on paper transportation u much belter than w expected tukirah are under severe restrictions a to gas andl wpeed but it is possible to get one i when required with a little delay the principal method of travel in 1ondon is to take the underground or it bus and there arm- plenty of the lauertreyre-of-tiuvubu- deck tke people qljue up forthemin t very orderly manner which is a tre mendous improvement over the crowded confusion usually found around the entrance to a street car in canada- the london subway system said t be the finest in the world and it probably is most of the subway are much deeper in the ground than those in america for that reason j u h or f cathay they have suffered utile or no dam age and the stations make excellent shelters at nearly all these stations there are now rtouble deck lim cots wtmllar to those used in soldiers- bar racks we were told that there are fctill a few people who regularly sleep in the subway but it was u long time before we actually saw some of them there are many things in iomlon that are the same as ever the pig eons hasent led trafalgar square although there may not ik- quite so many it is a mystery what they live on as people are not supposed to give them any food and the orators still holl forth in hyde park our hotel was just ne- rvws the street from that part of the park where free speech is enjoyed or moused according to your viewpoint here the soap box speakers can say anything they wish- without fear ol prosecution there are not so many listeners now but on the sunday that we went over to hear the orators there was fair sized crowd it is excellent free entertainment as there always are a number holding forth on all kinds of subjects one of the most popular just how is monolulu who waves a number of flags in the air and talks about what the negroes have bone to help the world he wara colorful costume to add to the show later when wo queried a conjugal habits was considered to be the symbol of fecundity thus the little chocolate rabbits one kce in the candystore windows at easier the egg goes much further hark in the annals of human history auctent egyptian lirst started the custom of painting cgg at easter in china the rgg ha always been the symbol of life eternal even today the chines- venerate the egg and the older the egg the more they venerate it which might he considered as carrying ancestorworship a little too far easterjulhecc were originally egyp tian and had a major part in an springtime religious celebrations it hi known that in the excavations nt hcrculaneum in home two fossilized hot cross buns were found complete and intact in a buried oven their remarkable state of preservationu hot very flattering to the skill of th ltoman housewife who baked them even the easter greeting card which might justly have been called an english invention j found to have us origin in the multicolored ggs which the hussian peasant ifpalih 1 1 around at easter each vgg had painted on it a few worknf greeting and good wishes truly there u nothing new uiuler the sun- ivrhaw even trie nstounri- ing hatii worn by the modern miss u easter have their counterpart hi anc- pkter ant john in oey1i- sehanb rufchn tel watrb and pray that yr eaier not lalo temptation- matt lesson text ulall- 2is46 read so jan lbluw tue twesday sught and wednes day ranrnlng apru 4 and s al jul placet hrtnane- exposttlsss xjestts sorrowing even vato death 3c3h rte three whom jesus look with toi now are the same wjbom he look tola i be all of transflgural ton us ws he came closer to the agony of the cross asw of all involved in the bearkng of mans sin longed for human ajmpalhy but he did not get it he trod the winepress alone he took with im into the deeper shadow of othurmuu- the laner- raost eirde of the chosen ones peter i james and john but even they slept while the saviour agoniard and prayed- tlwre is xvlwthuub awful to contemplate in the absolute lonct- netas of the saviour jcttus was in a slide of great men tal and spiritual sorrow exceeding i ouaful rvvh unto death it was not ukere dread of the physical agiy lhat lay a little aheal but his sin- 1 i spirit was beginning to feel most heavily the burlen of mans guilt and his heart that clung with utterly un paralleled love to cod was beginning to feel the tearing agony of separa tion from the enlher necessitate by toanv sin there was an awful storm of bewilderment and agony sweeping over the saviours whole being uk 1433k ills heart was at the point of breaking euke as it did indeed break at last on- the cross it was all for us that he suffered thus tlsa m6- he bade the three watch while he pressed still farther into the shadows of the garden he wanted company yet he wanted to be alone with cotl ii jesus prayuuc the dlsdplea sleeping 3346 jesus went forward about a stones cast and first knell down then fell uport bis face in an awful agony of sorrow and intensity of desire iuke 2241 what a sight the holy one of cod ota his face in prayer before him the prayer u differently re corded by the three evangelists fcf alk 1116 euk 43 doubtless he said all that u recorded and one evangelist give one part of the prayer and another another he prayed that the cup might pass from him it was not a prayer for deliverance from the cross from that though jesus dreaded it he never drew hack jno 1227 ajt moreover we or distinctly taught in the ulble not only that the eat her always heard jeus jfno 1111 42 but that he was heard in the specific case iieb 7t and when a prayer is heard the very thing asketl is given 1 jno s 11 13 jeius got what he axked in thu caie the cup passed on until the npimlnled hour on the cross he was dying of agony then ami there v thv am coil strengthened him luke 2243 ami he went to the cross and accomplished hu work while jesus prayed the disciples slept they hail rid fallen asleep nil at once they hail hoard komcthtng of his agony and prayer ftulthey hail leen more occuplinl with their own sorrow than with his and wery soon overborne with it iuke 2215 we too are more occupied with our own grief than with the grief of jesus over n perishing world and we- too sleep when we ought to watch and pray the wp of the disciples was natural- hut rt was hot excusable it wa n fulfilment of the prophecy i ookodtorcomforts but k found none tlht a920 jesusaskedthema gently reproachful question that re vealed his own heart breaking and longing for sympathy on the one hand and their lack of kelf-sacrlfic- ing love on the other the rebuke was intended iipeclally for peter who had boasted he would tcf v 35k to th a word of earnest warn sag watch and pray that ye eater not tato teraptstton- at aad were soon igala bo the neat day trtumphed tttrough that dght of prayer they feu but jesua galasd the victory there in the gar- ad when all the forces of bell up against ittm on the cross he pal them on and triumphed over ii throe tins doea jesus meet the father with the same cry before the victory ss fully won what spiritually buy souls that would have us believe that it fcs a mark of lack of faith to ask the same thing m tune when jesus returns the last tune to the disciples lie no longer needs thew sympathy the battle fcs over and furtherrnore itls too lake and he says sleep on nowi will we sleep long that the hour will pass by e can be of any use to our lord the sleep so dearly purchased art for in a moment the torcbes of judas and bis horrid hand are seen a the trees the dis ciples must how arue hut to what a scene of terror and dismay the vic torious man of prayer is calm but they flev we too need this solemn warning watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation it is thus alone lltat we ran lind dally victory one must heedi watrh at all season for lite battle rifle testing well new british weapon has twi- ilrooiv hilling- and aper ture sih i lxndon c1 eield tests of the llritish armys newest rifle known as the battle itifle have proved its superiority over other types- accord ing to the british information ser vice designed to assist muss pro duction without affecting accuracy it is distinguished by twogroove rifl ing a slightly heavier barrel and an aperture sight all other british rifles have five groove rifling the new weapons bayonet is of a small thrusting type it looks like a skewer king george commented during a recent inspec tion porvuut mis smtrrs johannesburg c p mrs smuts wife of the prime minister re ceived a tumultuous welcome here when 3000 people applauded confer ment upon her of an honorary ljvd v wuwatersrand university irohtumbrftowrrfi ogdens as tuuettb mjuows bad al a ca amani amhf an v jiijlm tain an awajatajaal a mi it aaaaaaw ikaaa csssswsssa imwtm naa anas asr fcastf ssd fcswtay aasja trjswav uwtausta devil to ever alert ana again the lord may corneal any raoment 1 1 pet- 5j matt 2 but watcsdao should ajsraya be aeeasapanled by praytac tl pet s7 the taaon why the mass of chrfcsliane today kavo ao tittle reattamtloa of in id of prayer la beeajase they do not watrh tepfc mk the cbrtsluus who is watching and praying haa no need to fear the outrome ii cor io 12 13 2 pet 3 dk but the christian who doea not watch has no right to res upon these promise the flesh is still weak but there hi a way lo conquer this weakness by walking la the spirit cat 3isk this ran only be done as the outcome of prayer teuke 1i3 ar 43d asutv woyh mend vjklt imk4ik to mv bonim bond sorllnkandf wlter writing lukve bwome trie sparetlrne paslhnes of mr and mrs- henry yamln jxx canton avenue berause live f their sons are in the army yaniln a lev- rimin fur the crand trunk lines f the canadian national itailway for 1 years buys war k regularly as iloes each of hlsi suns in tl- service the ims wlul iim- bimuis lumie f tafe keeklng liail dues tlw imuii unking ill addition lo wvking svt lays a wtvk mi tku- craiwl trunw to te war freight moving mrs ya- min uiul ii glru h tin ltlr writ ing mmting nt lii 1 hlters euil wiik t iku- live lnyi smuled baby to its mother wacaswf rtttal stockiiofjd tcp a old baby girl waa recently from germanheld norway to aawtral a tanner aoar the border fast ill waa the baby with a tag attached to its giving its rnother i swedish pouce traced the aaotha who had fled to sweden from norway when her husband was arrested by the cerman authorities friends of the family had bow seat her child to her and there was a happy reunion haimtlit wliiks you con halo to allm inal unimkasuary da- laya by buying your ticket ami obtaining all the information you rsqulro before you board tha but hhonk 58 gray coach lines job 1 maintaining and increasing production 2 helping finance the war when the allied forces went oa the aitatk your v twofold war rroriilbility became greater than at any time during the wav for on the sttck war materials just seem to melt away the consumption of the supplies you arc msfcing is going on at an unbeiievable race hasten ing the day of victory and peace this means that the production of war supplies must go on ever faster it also means that the cost of the war is becoming greater a great deal of tbcse two responsibiutics must be carried by war workers like yourself only you can maintain and increase the flow of essential war materials and you in common with every loyal citizen of canada can help finance the increasing cost of the mtuck our purchase of victory bonds is an essential part of the allied war strategy bonds are intended to be purchased by anyone they are not reserved for financiers merchants bankers or people of wealth only you and i and all of us can and should own victory bonds the fourth victory loan will open soon the mil lions of workers employed in industry war and otherwise axe counted upon to loan a definite part of the amount required in tte biggest loan yet asked of the canadian people to reach it more men and women and children must become bond purchasers and if will be necessary for those who have purchased bonds in previous loans to buy mor bonds when your fellow worker calls on you to buy victory bonds be ready give him iwo orders one for cash and the other for the very limit that you can buy out of earnings on the payroll savings plan plan now to do your pan to sustain the tltschf 1 national war tinance committee iifiif