Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1943, p. 8

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thursday may- lslh 1043 the acton free presb e pri paqe seven of tateret to women he mixing bowl ammt aimn npobmanon aftottthk hkat ration hallo iromemakers a new adven ture in meal planning la on us way- meat rationing lets prepare for it rationing shortages and changes in foods call for n knowledge of food combination and cooking methoda with this knowledge meat rationing will not present such harassing prob lems meat rationing is necessary in ordef that everyone mny receive an qua share after the government has provided for those who are keeping the war from our shorts grunt brit ains limited rations 2ti oz will continue ami our own nrmed force have been rationed nutritionists have proved hint two pound of meat per person per week ntv ntltsiunlo tills la based on the official food plan which emphasize stho quantities of other protein foods eiiten such as milk cheese soya iwtilis und other dried vegetuhles along with the daily serving of meat or fish or poultry or meat bulwhtutet the wartime prices nnd trade hoard iskueti the following informa tion on meat rationing 1 the hrown mpurc a coupons in ilatlon rook 2 will nlow a 11m mr person per week j children will hnvo thr same ration as grownups 3 there will he control of meat in private locker und there will ot meat less days in rostuuruntm 4 poultry and fish will hot tu rn tloned neither will such meats mi kidney liver heart tongue brains and ruts like suirerlhs and oxtail which nre more than half hone 5 un rationed meiitu will renin i it under tlte price ceilings i furmcru will still lx ullownl to alaiightor for their own houkeluild iw and leef rings will he allowed 7 meat supllth will follow the regular chaiinelx from produur und processor through wholesaler nnd re tailer to ttlstomer hilt there will be more work foi the meat trade um coupons und other details require time consideration from lioth rotnll- er and ustomor will he u great help further information will he re leased ns other details are deter mines we arc wilting to help you in any way nnd will he glad to dlscuiv any problem by letter a limited sup ply of meat charts is available upon request by letter rkoipbh hamburg 1 lb chopped beef 2 ths tut 4 medium sized potatoes 1 cup canned condensed tomato soup 1 onion salt nnd pepper drown chopped beef in frying pan with fat cut potatoes in v inch cubes nnd arrange them evenly in the bottom of a loaf nut spread half the ment on top of the potatoes add t cup tomato soup and the onion thinly sliced kenton with salt nnd ootperv add rest of meat nnd kour on the other l cup of tomato soup season with salt and popper unite in a moderate electric oven of 3m degrees for 1 hour yield 1 servings lamb or mutton hiew irish style 2 lb stewing lamb or mutton boil ing water 4 whole turrets u cup turnip cubes 4 onions peeled und quartered 4 raw potatoes cut in v inch slices v cup flour v cup water salt and pepper sear jiieat in n large kettle until well browned cover with boiling water nnd cook slowly for 2 hours or until tender after cooking 1 hour add carrots turnips nnd onions half an hour before serving add po tatoes thicken stock with flour mixed with vnter kouson with snh and pepper yield t servings baked hpareriba with dreeaiug not rationed 2 pieces spnrerltts 1 cup bread crumbs 1 t up chopped apples 1 tb chopirhl onion j up salt 1 tbs flour tsp solf few grains popper wipe sparerlhs with a dump cloth make n dressing b tombing the bread crumbs with apples onion and vs tsp salt sptvtid one piece of aparerlbs with dressing cover with the other piece of nient tie the two pieces together hub the outside of the meat with the flour tsp salt and a little pepper place on ruck in roasting pan bake in hot oven of 47s ulegrees for 20 minutes reduce heat and bake in moderate oven of 32s degrees for 1 hour baste meat every 10 minutes with fat in pan yield 6 servings take attt 1 follow the mixing bowl column to become better acquainted with the lea familiar cuts of meat and their usee 2 store meat carefully remove wrappings which may cause unpleaa- suit flavor or absorb juice place in recognition jvonne itlvet secretary of the up ervlnor of prvaa nnd information ser vice for the french nt twork since the inception of national radio in canada has recently been promoted to the post of assistant to the sup r- visor ieopold hnide miss itlvet is 11 native of st l imnuoj ontario re ceived her edmntioii in three iciverm und montreal took her arts eounto hi the latter lty sh- lu a glfteil willi gulst verwillht popular with a wide ircle of kngllhh ami freiu h-sponk- ing tunuh inti tt served brlllluntly in the dominion mwtul flimrtm ut lw ion- nterlug the radio field hkkiw these patkuget em loie a utile world am yet unborn within them he rich hues and lovely hlmw h find fragrance still unfurled awaiting hiiulluht here are reds and hlu n of inrkniuiru raising ulender wind blown towors and here t iiltnilullmuirelif theh uold in little flstu all tightly lose nw flowerw i have not net n await the day when old will vim lnh here are yellow iwurls of torn within whose mitwtume future htreugth lu mliled from hum huje rod tomntocs will lu horn and here are peau and heuttw for some wide field how ninny looking 011 tluw nond mould giietw kiev hide 11 purtiiondilp in lovellneuhv iois kinosiry pklton twenty years aro frvoui the issue of the free areak nf ttiursday may nth i2s ml s ii perry bus sold ids double house on ftgln street to mr it ii wnnsbrough mr and mrs w j hold entertain ed knox church choir and their frlondu lit n wiclal evening in their home on tuesday evening rhoso from acton who attended the lieutenantgovernors luncheon wore messrs it j kerr dr t d j far mer a o t neanlmoro c wesley murray peter smith and ii p moore mr f blow hns purchujunl the brick house owned by mr ii s wil son bower avenue mr jack chupman returned to his home town last week uftm residing foi koveuil yours in kiiglahd his wife und two children iro coming to join him in the near future mr noll mcdonald suiwrlntend- ent of the manufacturing department of messrs uenrdmoro jk- co n solo leather tannery has tendered his re signation nnd he and his fnmlly will shortly remove from acton bornt chautkks on wednesday may 0 111 ut ivlvnto patients pavilion loronto ceiteral hospital to mr and mrt c v charters brampton a son iuu brown at her home lot 27 third line enqueuing on luesduv mnv 15th toh murv nlcklln widow of the late alexander ii brown aged 72 vearrf ovored iihii in coolest purt of refrlg- rntoi but not whore it will freeze 1 before cttnkfng wipe meat with n llenn iloth wrung out of cold water do not allow it to stand in a pan of told wuter as juices will be drawn out nnd foreign mutter wushed in 4 lo coagulate quickly the juices on outer surface and also to prevent inner juice from escaping put less lender cuts of meat in boiling water leave electric element on high for 1 to 5 minutes then turn to low or simmer this method keeps most flnvar in the meat 5 when cooking stews put less tended cuts of meat in cold water bring quickly to the boll then turn electric element to low some good ness will be in the stock but a large portion left in the meat anne allan invites you to write to her care of tn actor fam pftssa send in your question on homemak- tng problems and watch this column for replies i chronicles ol l ginger farm ldj 7 written specialty far the aet free vnu flwendounr p cslasuuc jimm well our shn arrived home last tuesday he managed to get as far ns toronto nnd hitchhiked from there wince he ran out of funds whit h isnt nurprlslng as travelling from vancouver isnt exactly tnny on the immket but of course n little matter like that doesnt worry n boy in the urmy bob was home nhout noon und by two oclock he wim in overall and on the traitor the n xt day the trin toi was given n real over hauling ami was tlten ready for hon if and when the land should ver dry up and we really thought seeding would soon be underway um hiiruday and friday if you r m m- im r were lowly dnyt and then it rained ugnln but that of course in not hlng to write home about it would lw nt wh now if it didnt rain my tin me song ur v worked in the garth n thow two days wn never mind tomorrow lt 11 lovely day to day x was glml of 11 chance to work out side aw dure was and is so much to do and no doubtmy tools lookid ut if 1 r ally meant himlneu axe saw rake und llphrs you wm i was trimming cheriy trees nnd leaning out tin- little ueodllng that had grown up during the inst two yearn also anything else lu night that i thought would lw udtt 1 out of the way lot lutlliq tmplnr xuplltigi some of the ihery trees were dt ad or nearly dead anil there wau nothing for it hut to tut them down but homollmeh it wus not utmeutinry i wan giving one siuh tree a hit of a uhuke to test its solidity when it htoko off nt the root nnd fell into the dltih i went with it mid the dlt h wax wet partner wax working near by fixing up 11 henpen and when he wiw what 1 wtih doing i canu in foi 11 xtoldltig whlt h didnt woiry me 11 bit aftei mipper i wiih nt it again und wniked until dink the nou mmn- lug everything was uiiaklug and xtill ruining mt i wax gliul i workisl out- xlde when i tould with the uenuon so late i guihu that in the only thing to do these days work out wide when its fine and inside when itx wet that lu for thoue who want to help outside and who doesnt with tin birds xlnglug and flowers and shrulmt showing promise of new life it is a heartening job and then there is that little bit of early golden that hns to be put in with head lettuce selling ut twentynine cents apiece those days we shall set n new value on the first trlspy leaves of lettuce that we pick from our garden it mny be n good thing that vegetables have boon so high in price this win ter i can think of no imttor incen tive for planting n victory garden than cahhnge nt nineteen cunts n pound 1 thnnk gaadnoxs nhpnragux is just coming in also dnndellnn greens so wo dont need to go uhort tin our vitamins saturday x hud the offer of u ride lo giinlph and took tt it was some time since i hnd shopped in any of our nearby titles nnd i noticed quite a change i he shelves and fixtures koomcd to bo full of merchandise anil the stores full of people but most of them including myself apparently were shopping for things they could nt get i wanted work shirts for partner well you tould buy work shirts hut oh dear such uhlrttt it would bo hotter to call them blouses for there wnsnt enough tall to make thorn shirts i hunted around until i found a good piece of shirting and brought that home instead also print for drosses more work judging from whut i saw there js a greater shortage of essentia goods than non essentials but you cant always tell for things are not nlwdys what the seem for instance there were grand looking chocolates in one store window und i thought i would take some for partner since sugar ration ing cnyne in we sometimes get a crav ing for something sweet but when i asked for chocolates the counter- girl said the hndnt any but you hnvo some in the window i exclaim ed oh those the girl answered wth a grin they are just wood camouflage n feast for the eyes but not the palate but there was one thing that i saw that wasnt camouflage no sir it was the real thing very small but it mihtnt a lot and that was n little shield which men were wearing on the lapel of their coats and women on their dresses a small token which seemed to aay i have done 1 my part what about you we have alt heard wonderful newa these last few days victory in tunisia i eighty thousand prisoners taken doesnt that make us feel that we i will lend freely and gladly to speed the dav of final victory for allied na- uona nil over the world six yearswar hani trial to chinas women living no loajrcr cheap in atunv sprawling republic and many tradition have hone with conflict ciiuntjkin cp the war hau affected thtr chinese housewife phys ically financially and emotionally by making her more eel f sufficient n dependent and resourceful physically all has sufferedtthrough the general stress of wartime living through the lower standard of food demanded to make ends meet these factors have affected her emotionally too financially she hns also been hit badly before the war a few dollars went a long wny lodny mnny dol lars even if she has them go a mm h shorti r distant in chungking the housewife has 11 kaylng it is easy to get married it is wimple to git a job it is dlffh tilt to gt t 11 house but nx she has shown herself under jfamituue fire khe ik not the tyw of woman who tqonds in r time lament ing lur plight she imiirx her trials with fortitude and with 11 convittlon that wh n the war is over things will 1m belter and who lolleveh the hour of iitpaiu m defi at is not far distant tradltjens broken many hotim wlv x have tried to vpo with theh fluautlal prohlomh hy hit ting down 011 their food hlllu hy walk ing liudtad of taking n iltkkhaw by washing lull own tlolhttj hy putth- ing 11 torn dr ss lustiad of buying a now out anil hv a hiiudimt othei economli s dnlntlimhs is loo evpenulve to lw m rlnusly considered any more ito- placemt nth of the mht time wartl- tola are often hutwusible in the piotl the chlnesit houtwtwife was happy to ktp house nnd llktt 11 gootl chlntue woman ixar ihlttlrtn to worship nt the gaivtx of theh an cestors o4hiy hhe has to flguie out w lu thei hei wm ketlwmk can staml the tost of an additional child in itiowl nueu the answei ih no birth tonlrol prattles liowi ver ore limited mostly to moth in womtn or the t rtaty mtrts htrtm of uvlng ihe aki has toughenitl the chinese housfwlfe as it has toughfiiod otlu 1 set lions of chinese society sho mny uuffoi from the stttss or living in win time hut the it geneuilly clutiful untl untomplnliilng ttuuly to do hei hit hi hit gt ncrnl ittrlfltf before the win tht average chlm m housewlfi was attustnmed to luivlng nt least a small courtyard in her home komttimts even 11 garth n ho home hnd running water anil in the treaty ports modern plumbing wns common she would take n street cur bus or rickshaw if who hnd to travel nnd on occasion ovud afford ji tnxl she saw american movhs clothes were cheap life wns conlpnrn- tvlely easy todny the picture is different whltellar class within u hunxlnxl yards of the press hostel in chungking 11 colonv of xtrnwtlmtched onestoty struc ture houueu the families of white- collar men most jf tin m colli go educated some american trained here the housewife has few of the convoiilincvx xho hnd before the war a cup of coffee ut a restaurant is a luxuiy which she must consider twice ir she considers it at nil if she hns cldldten the housewife hns a houdmho bemuse of the cost of iss uing feeding untl educating them avoid gloating over air raids bishop of winchester advises fel low hrltoits against ca- ijgusneas n winchester kng cp dr mervyn halgh bishop of irlchester who was bishop of coventry nt the time of the great gorman raids on that city warns in the april issue of his diocesan leaflet that people of britain should not glont over the it- a f raids on german cities many people he says have no ticed u growing tend my in somt newspapers news bulletins and speeches to speak about our raids on oerinny and their effects in n rather callous nnd brutal wny ns though tht necessity of these raids with tin up- pulling suffering they must bring were no longer regrettable but some thing over which we may rlghtl glnnt we can all do something to dis courage and discountenance this tendency if onl by remembering how much we owe to our intrepid airmen without forgetting that what is horrible and lamentable in cov entry and southampton is also hor rible and lamentable in wilhelm shaven and cologne ogdenscuv v we caht fi6ht if mfl 0ony cat xj okfoizr younfi mrn and womfn ffoai ooijo high sdiools and coiickieic sr mmltuig one ol lh grcaurst amttnbotlein of all lo the allied war poort by serving as farm cadets aod psnncnttcs tw productliui of food is so vital to the hmvcbs of the campaign agalntt the kxis thai its an important job for avcryooe by tpcndiog your holidays as a rsrm cadet or psmtcretur youll not only du1l a valuable aod patriotic cootiitxillorl to the war effort but youll do your health a world ol good and extend your knowledge w full information concerning housing supervision rates of pay hours of work tic are your ptlnrjpal or write ontario farm service force parliament building toronto now dominionprovincial committee on farm labour agriculture labour education national sklectivk skkvicr first compulsory employment transfer order notic io ckiitain kmfioykiis and kmiiovkks thai him in aprrlfleil llnrs of rlvlllun fmploymeiil in elussee already designated under national srlertivtr service molilllanllon hrgulnllons iyiumi report for interview not later than may lth 19 w y an rttiploy- men i and kelwtlv hrrvlre iltuc a objective 1 1 lie order iiuket avjitalilc for chvcntial cinplttynicntb the tervicet of men in clash already designated mtt national selective service mtitilltzjtmn uegulatuini who are now employed in ijwcitictl non essential employments u kmp1 ovmints covehfj uv tiiih olllrl men of tbe kperlflel ratrgorir are rovered it sow rmpluyed alt 1 la veraa or liquor wine and beer slurrsf z retail kale of randy confectionery tobareo books stationery oews 3 bar ber abops and beauty parlours t 4 retail and taboleaale florislat 5 aevlrf stations asollnefllllng statloni 6 retail sale of motor vehicle or ceaorli 7 retail aal of sportlsig good or musleal imslru nsrntai 8 waller taxi driver elevator operator bolel bell boy domealle mervanlf 9 any oeeupallon in or directly atolaled wllb entertairimenl including but not reatrleled to theatre flint agenelrd motion picture companl rlub bowling alleys pool rooms 10 any occupation in or directly associated wltb drelng denning and pressing not including laundry worb balk 1 guide ervleef inw shining act and marital i ias4es or mfa i ov llr d iii tiiih ordth 1 a r ery man born in any year from 1917 u 1921 inclusive wbo ba reached uc i9 b every man born from 1902 to 1916 inclusive who at july is 1940 was unmarried or divorced or judicially separated ow a widower without child or children t r escry man bora from 1902 lo 1916 inclusive who has become m widower since july 15 1940 and is without child or children now living i af every man born from 190z to 1916 inclusive who slueo july 15 1940 baa bceh divorced or judicially separated i irucednre to be r olio wed i all men as tic fine i alwtve intut rcmtrr to an i mployment anil selective service office not later than may 19 143 men resident ouuide a city or town having an 1 mjiloyuiene and selective service office loo far removed to call pcr- coiiilly may write to the nearest office nnd await further direction k obligation of emploveesi when directed to accept employnnenl meal referred to in paragraphs 0 and c above are required by the regulation to follow the direction f ohllcatlonf of employer hi fa will be illegal for an employer to retain la his employ after may 19th 1945 ony aaes referrml lo in paragraphs b and c above unleas a special permll baa been obtained front selective service c tranaportatluni crovulon will b nude for tranmtnaiion of men moved to a uieiv place of residence ii appeals i if objecting to transfer to other employment when directed a man may enter appeal with a court of referees within 7 days i penal ilea i pcnaltiei are provided for either employer or employees fading to comply with this order j authority this order is issued by the mumtcr of labour under national selective service civilian regulation pvc 246 of january 19th 194 and amending orders la council ifr referred to above must present documents mt the employment office mdtcatmg compliance vntb mobilization reguuttonsi department or labour humrmbey mrtcflell mmtster of lebour a macnaj4ju director waaaesaaf suct jlwlaw j s

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