page nna mheaotqn ibreeifre8s hibditsdax mtai 20th obdb meighimhttloodiews r sarins and i georgetown the employees of beaumonts woollen mills held a bingo and lucky draw in the town hall glen williams tuesday may 4 about 4000 was raised to add to the boys parcel fund mrs sarah a harrold eldest daughter of the late lawrence bote and hannah fhln roae of george town and wife of dr r w harrold who predeceased her several years ago died at her home in pullman wash usa april 29th 1043 on friday at the- high school cam pus georgetown cud t corps parad ed for their annual inspection b major c f read mc dco md number 2 at the saluting base were lt col g ba cousens capt h c mcclure qs m j carney all of the lome scots 2nd it battalion with which the codot corps is affiliated and to which almost half the boy cadets belong major j godfrey h c o c rev woo thompson chair man of the board and print ipal w carpenter ht raid rockwood the annual ttprlng meeting of the rockwood andvcrton branch of the bible society was held sunday even ing in the presbyterian church with a good attendance in the absence of rev w j mrlvor rev john ward took charge of the service special music by the choir was enjoyed the meeting was favored with an address by mr mcgavin a refucee in can ada who held the close attention of his audience mr georgd h fearen secretarytreasurer gave the reports of last years activities quite a number of rockwood people wore in guelph last week in connec tion with the graduation exercises of guelph general hospital nurses hold in chalmers church two well known local girls were among the graduating class mr m masking nee muriel peart and miss amy anderson of acton tho latter winning the sold medal for highest standing in her class news of the sudden death on sun- day in guelph of mrs john graham won received with regret the fun eral was held on tuesday with service in the united church rockwood and interment ut fulrvlcw cemetery acton the symukthy of the com munity iti extended to jmr john oraham and members of the family hi their sudden bereavement rev john ward pastor of the family brought an earnest and comforting message to the bereaved husband and family as well as to relatives and friends at a service that was largely attended pullbearers were members of the united church session messrs robert moore h s honking wm mvnubb chas h harris a j elliot nnd j a little honorary bearers were messrs george cordon george h pearen and colin khchlng twelve young people were flower bearers the family friends of mrs wm c edwards will be glad to know that there hi some improvement in her condition this week anniversary services will 1m held lune 13th in the united church special mutt it ltt being prepared by the choir for the m tuition recent weekend mid sunday visi tors were mr and mrs alex mumo und duughtir of hamilton mr rutherford ileuut imd son urucc of loronto allan cordon ucaf hamilton boh mumpf kcak tturtth pte jumeit milne of camp borden ptes georgt wingitte unci frank howkc who art htutumed ut ivtaun- u und kingnlon miss mutgim 1 ii nderson of mil ton mr alex fduurds of slmroe mr und mm murdo munro uiul daughter murgur t of humluon m r alex meadows and daughter pnts of palmoraton mr and mrs frank kelso and family of guelph mr and mrs ed barber of ever- tou r mr und mm jui k welsmun of niagara fallsont mrs alice hiiu miss mae hutz and mrs s piper visited friends in kitchener on mondax of last week congratulations to mr atd mrs prank taylor nee margaret wilson on the arrival of a daughter at guelph general hospital mrs john lister is confined to her home through illness mr and mrs fred mr william of guelph spent monday evening with friends in town another former resident of rock wood in the person of mrs c e clemens passed away monday morn ing at perth the funeral was held on wednesday with service at the united church and interment in rockwood cemetery the sympathy of the community is extended to members of her family mis clemens of guelph ceroid of the rcnvr herbert wilfred of detroit mich and mr e j peraant of blenheim baijjnafad last sunday evening ithe mission sand the circle and wjmj3 held their easter thanfcotferinc in the church a member of each society took the devotional part the mis sion iband gave a temperance reading and two short plays entitled stew ardship and thow ann made money for her mite box this was fallowed by each member ipresentlng their gifts for the missionary bale a solo by miss joanna shortlll was much ap preciated the guest speaker for the evening was mrs a r self third vicepresident of the dominion board she gave an inspiring ad dress showing the great opportunities which lie before the church in africa india and especially in china where she and her husband were mission aries some yearn ago she closed with a strong appeal lo all christians to take advantage of the present op portunities to further the spread of the gospel miss viola spears of toronto spent the weekend at her home with mr nnd mrs arthur spears mr nnd mrs moln and baby of brampton visited with the young family mrs m swlndlehurst spent a day in brampton with mr and mrs w c allan and family the community is glacf to know that mr fred hugglns is back home again and seems ito be improving some after being in the hospital for some time l1meiiouse twelve ladles attended jllmehouso w i annual meeting at the home of mm a w benton on may 6 the president mrs j l ieuerby presided the roll call was answered by pay ment of foes during the month seeds had been distributed to the local school children for victory gardens nnd a carton containing 66 articles of clothing and two quilts had gone forward to the canadian aid to russlu fuhd the treasurer read the financial re port showing 411 so had been handl ed during the past year and a balance of 35 40 was on hand may 1st other reports were read as follows garments sent to red cross from materials supplied 73 articles and in knitted articles cartons sent lo the canadian aid to russia fund con tained 140 articles of clothing and 5 quilts ihoflo to the salvation aimy headquarters contained 208 articles of clothing and 4 quilts mm cowdy us program convenor reorted 12 regular meetings hold four speaker and a number of iujers the president retried having at tended all regular und a number of special meetings one officers rally district annual area convention most socials held and had acted on a num ber of committees she read two tapers entitled a members respon sibility and the orlcln of the w 1 ode the president asked mrs smet- hurst to preside for the election of officers which resulted as follows president mrs j l etferby 1st vicepresident mrs w mit chell 2nd vicepresident mrs s khk- patrlck secretary treasure mi s a w ttcnton dltdrltt director- mrs a 1 smet- hurnt braiu h directors m kdumeti wright jnmlesott and h noiton press reporter mrs a w ut nton plnnlsts mesdames goud und h norton auditors mtdames smethuist und splui r red cross knitting mrs e mill r w i knitting and sewing mrs klrkpatrlt k quilts mrs wright v convenors of standing commlttets agriculture and conadlun indus trie mrs r mrvey citizenship mrs w gowdy home economics mrs clty historical welfare mrs smet- imrst- sotlal welfare mrs a w jttnton mrs kllerby and mrs a benton were then called forward and each presented u 1th a up and sa uoer in appreciation of their work on behalf of the branch rev c c cochrane was sjteaker at the ltmehouse wms meeting held at mrs j r scotts on may 13 his subject was religious education in the schools as taught on an unde nominational oasis text word re- jolce was answered by a verse of scripture there was a good attend ance and mrs scott served refresh ments mr and mrs s kirkpatrick opened their home for a dance on friday ev ening in honor of mr alex wright who reports to the rcaf on wed nesday next all report a good time a box social has not been held in this neighb jn quite a number of years but the w l plans to hold one this week in aid of the war work fundi imjbixngtxn ibetty worry daughter of mr and mrs ibcrt worry was a winner of a silver medal at ithe recent ipeel music festival solo class hit years and under she was also a winner at stratford music ifeatlval last night a local man was arrested on sa turday evening by constable mallett and ihas ibeen charged with ibelng in charge of a car while intoxicated ehe appeared ibetore -capt- rtddlford jip and wasjreleased on300iball a local menmant was iflned 3000 and costs by ihngvrtrnte w w sroblo- aon ikic in ipollce court ilast iftclday ifor oisplaying merchandise on ithe sidewalk in front of ihls tplace of abuau neas contrary to the ttown ibyuaw two local motorists were ifned 2 each ifor wrong iparklng gaxete ii nassagaweya as no the may meeting of the ibusy iboes of s s no t was held at the ihomo of mrnvw service with the ipresident in thechair roll call wasitaken nnd rod with men who ore mak- icadllnes in the present war nnd 1 he f inanrla1 report was given kthe correspondence read and quilt taken mrs grant mcmillan and mrsjjfi ikennedy transferred bond fromtlutitost socretarytreo- nurer to the present socretarytren- surer and booretaryntrcasurer rocolv- d interest for past six months roll call next month is ito be answered with craey quilt blocks the issuing and receiving of italent money is ito ibe thought of ibetwoen may and june meetings mrs wallace gave a read ing that caused much ilaughter it was decided to carry on ithe dances at ibrookvllle lhall and ito obtain doris hulls orchestra mrs ilnwrence iklng and mrs wallace offered ito ibe con venors for ithe next dance mrs davenport offered iher home for tthe june meeting lo donations were made other than tthe boys cigarettes which amount ito tflfteen dollars ifor tthe month a crib quir was quilted during the day mrs service served a lovely lunch ito complete ithe after noon mrs jl king sponsored a vote of ithanks for ithe use of ithe home and hospitality friday evening may 7th itho school was the scene of n gathering at tthe section ito congratulate give best wishes and present cfpl robert and mrs stewart on the occasion of rthelr recent marriage the tflrst ipart of ithe evening everyone danced tto ithe music supplied by mr and mrs wil liam frank dorothy and douglas frank and messrs harold bell and john henderson just before ilunch mr c e davenport acting as chair man asked cpl and mrs stewart ito come forward and mrs service road the following address dear mary and bob in view of iho happy event of our marriage we desire ito mark ithe oc casion in some suitable way and lo convey io you our heartiest congratu lations and good wishes during ithe time you have been with us you have been kind and faithful in your duties in connection with our school willing lo give a helping hand whoneicr help was needed and share in our commun ity interests and to your worthy huii- band who is iteming his country we extend our best wishes we ask you lo accept this gift of linen as a token of our steem for you and hope while you are using them you will have pleasant mem ories of your no 1 friends signed on behalf of the community mrs w service mrs j frank mrs joseph frank then made the pn sentution of a lov ly bedspread a pair of wabatuto cotton sheets and a pair of embroidered pillow ummj after the happy couple hud opened nnd shoued the gifts they both thank ed ull in a humorous and hcartfdt manner in kliort speeches from those who w ere asked o uy a few w ordu ull guv them best ulkhet for many huppy und prosperous jears of wed ded life and hoped that mrs stewart would detlde to teach for our bertlon another term eierjane sang for they are jolly good fellows a plen tiful lunch was served by some of the ladles and lit tit helpers doming then continued for another two hours a tote of thanks to those supplying the hliendld music was sponsored by mr dai enport and a heart y handclap glien by all the heavy rainstorm of lust tuej day didnt uop the busy bees from gttting a quilt out of the frames that was planned at thehome of mrs c davenport the week before and mem bers didnt step out of the car into the house either the dance sponsored by the busy bees of s s 7 held in brookviue hall wednesday night was a splen did success mr joe henderson held the lurky number 107 on the quilt draw which netted the ladles 1680 this quilt was donated to the club by mrs chris frank proceeds other than she quilt tickets amounted to nearly 34 mr g kingsbury acted as floor manager practising for a concert and plan ning for further entertainment far a big night at the school u the extra work of mrs stewart and her pupils these days farmers and men who depend on the outdoors for their living are be ing held back by the continuous ralna and tuesday seems to be the day for the heavy au day rain nassagaweya on monday evening a ilorge gath ering of neighbors nnd helenas of tmo 0 and no a school sections tmot at eden mills mall ito ihonor mr and mrs wm mcdonald tnoe alma wat son on itholr recent tmarrlagc mls audry watson trend ithe address and mrs lharlan wilson and mrs ellas easterbrook and mrs onhn dennis traade ithe ipresentatlon of a lovely miscellaneous shower mr and sara mcehmald irepiiediflttlngly launch was served and ithe irencutlnder of tthe ev ening was spent tin dancing i mr and mrs g w masales al acton vulsltedion sunday with mr and mrs george nightingale of knatflb- bull j mr- and mrs duncan moffat nnd miss dean with mr and mrs irobmrt ireld and wilde and donald of omdk- nov visited with mr and mrs idan ikingshury of idundas on sunday cedar vale mr robert sim of toronto visited on sunday at ihls ihome i here mrs j iroed spent the weekend at ihor home at oirton ipte lltoimo ikmiler of chatham spent ithe wnckond with ifrlends ihere mr and mrs ir shortlll and ifnmlly of iballlnnfad vlsltnd on sunday at tthe home of mr nnd mrs ed smith mrs gordon misses margaret and doris of toronto xlultml on sunday w ith if rlonds ihere j the codarvalc womans institute met nt the lhame of miss doris iflnes at otuiringc on wednesday seven members and itbree visitors wore present a letter tthanks wasread tfor ithe contribution of ithe money we sent for tuberculosis other ibuslness wbh discussed and missd iflnes was chair- lady tfor tthe following program tread ing mrs wm cox ilnstrumental mrs ohunren paper on tmibber miss fines solo mrs wm cunningham recitation mrs f fines treadlng mrs widths contest miss te grif fin the mooting dosed iby singing god save ithe iklng grin on tuesday morning tthe figures available on tthe fourth victory iloan in erin village wnie 3tls0 00 or lltsx of tthe objective of 271000 00 kenneth oleltch not 26 2nd lllne lerln was badly ibruised and shaken up ilast saturday when ihe was ihurled over a pig ttrough and fell heav hy lo tthe floor rev a d maolollan preached ihls farewell sermon at bums presbyter ian church last sunday rev mae- dlellan has accepted a call lo tbad- dack and middle river nj pastor ale chaigos and will lake up ibis duties there next sunday a victory iloan contest nponsored by tthe minister of finance for can ada uas hold in all schools of ithe proi inoe during ihc wook of april 10 wlnnert of the contest of erin school wore charles overland tommy wig gins and mary mcmillan mrs jennie hull mr and mrs ir w hull dr and mrs hutchinson of brampton attended the funeral of mrs frankum at harriston ilast saturday deceased uas in hex itrd j ear and is survived by two sons nd one daughter wallace frankum of acton harry frankum and miss tlll- jiam frankum of harriuton and five grand children advocate ospringe miss oram fines toronto was home over the weeknd miss martha harris of owen sound sptnt a few duys ttlus ueek with mr und mrs f bo don and miss annie rirkwood the laidlis aid mid iimit monihly minting on wednesday evenlng at the home of mrs jamesstrut lierh with the vicepresident mrs is sun- tcr presiding imuns uro mude for the annual garden party mr roy hindi y is vlwlting with his nephew rv joseph damiuvr in tennewuv mr and mrs stanley stt wort mrk ahk kingsbury and baby donna of erumofia vlsjtm on tiiursday with mm william mrkenxie and family congrat ulalions are extended to miss ada currle whose dog won prizes at ttu dog show in guelph on saturdu miuj currl s dog ik a w uh corgi graduation of the nurses oi the gt neral hospital uu of special in terest thin ear to residents of this community inaunucii as tuo of the graduates were one time residents of the community congratulations are extended to miss amy r anderson who receiied the gold medal for highest standing in the class and also to miss lola campjell who alto graduated best wishes are offered to these girls in their chosen profession mr and mrs robert kingsbury and melvln visited on thursday with their son alex in hamilton a a bachun acta tractor drivers wanted men are iurently m netted tto juwtst on tthe tearrab im tcmen- unes saturdays or lather ihaurs tthat tcan ibe qpareil aitrthe iprcs- lent ttinte ithcce us a reart mend sot tthose ho can iftrnve tttaatars mhe rote of pay tfor tthose woifeers iul the 50c per ihour ah wlho ican jisaist mcc lacked tto rrngiator jrt onne wrlh tthe llocaj secretary df ithe lemerctwy kairm ildbor commrttee f l wright acton dancing 3z starting may 21 grand opening dance monday may 124 stanley raltk erin british fighters tak off besule wrerk oritrtuie itnkiin at a foruard air haue in hvipalhanla durttg ilu bill armys udianoe into tunisia a british mumlraiw fishier rtands iroady tto ituke off fnam a landing f u id si ul lltteced u rt h the urookugo oi enemy jilrcrait in ithe farojround is tthe uhimulne f a ifotikt wuu mcondor cdbtiiciijtott ineaieasiiig war traffic means lest siaee for pleasure travel inc kakmayt vm waat not rtmsahau thik locomotive is hauling a precious rargo crates of supplies for the armed forces machine tools for uar industries sv us and guns and aircraft parts others crisscrossing the land by day and b nlgl t are novlng troops to embarltation points carrying ser re- men on leave bringing business men to key po nt for vital discus- sio is on uir product icn toda tite railroads of tlie nation are confronted uilh the task of handling twice the traffic of the last uar with less equipment the situation is aggravated by uartime restriction on gas and tires as a result canadians are asked to avoid unnecessary travel not only outings fishing trips and pleasure weeknda but visit to relatives holiday trips and non essential business journeys an outstanding cause of travel dislocation i the conve the number of which must bedrastically curtailed to help the railroads meet the demand for vital war service today there are no con ventions except those which are indispensable even in wartime which cannot be cancelled postponed or held with only local par ticipant in attevtdance ifor snwelaaf 1flt 23x4 osab mioo aian flwursh tasnriee sermon our is t 02jt5 pmidhurch a r7i00 fpim evening wtanhxp fimmm tbbe rolosea idoor oome and worship jehieastbadjr vbttocamtf manse willow street bunuatt may jqrd 3b41 30 ml um- sunday hooi 31ik n m morning worship 7 m p m evening wurhtitp t uitwlny nt 7 ii ji in young pmijili s ib hi class sunday june fltli tin 3mtli annu verhury ul lhff sunduy s ikmii oueot nilnlutr john k to aldh ma ib d a1avays wkticome ibjftinl 4sgnxaty mcwam euwtjay may jord 34 i 3jikl u m worhhip cuntinumg ib uuut me llloae again 12j1g mmm undtiy suhftui thursday may j7th h v m ithe fiiluvislip mour and annual hunmnss mm ting tim cwnml uf ohrist is iho power of god titeloome sauiiaivcfiiscaats jsiieriaantniita itniw tin imadiiw j5r cli with or dnt nj lit mi not adllttiotuil watllt i pf md rah ilwr nut uitmun tl d ttitmnt ittimitnum 1 1 mrjr jjc mid jif nni clllltt inal utt ei h c ujkwm mumemu clnuii mouiers sliarfmmnd apply cameron sttheeu w5 htmr ilhsw nub uujb 7 york ihlgs t weeks apply a natnrtr ilut j9 con 2 anton for a qulk life itukt pagerlffhits wzlgmin scomphk tuiblels onoe htsb hamjb kkfenslon ihlnlng iroonr table and mj ctiulrs in joud nandhion also u hite lrun bid aiyly hooms siw available for sent water and tialtiroatii for jiarticulars apply to mks ei a wohden mill street acton fosx aaae asparagus troutsi mar washington jluct xiroof onstear old 125 91 00 37s k2 00 2 vr j1 ts si 00 37s ntd of unararu ousts lije lasts a jifetune i3evhy ionis aar r h d rocicwwid t creubons conoers notice to creditors i saw matter ef ov iuu awvry imlr asau hiew ar es tftm tiuacr w a1x- juirtifii having r4aims against iix- kstst- of esttwr tlill aurfy lain of tw viliag of arton sn out county of ilalton wldou wiio dwi on or about tht tlfth day of april 1943 ar ivqulnhj to send jjartjt ulars and jtrooid lhfiof to ow undrslcnd fa foiv the thirtieth day of may 3945 uhcn tiw asshs will be distributed among the partleii legally entitled tlmttlu tiaviog rccard only to the rjalms which shall have betn filed as afortkiiid pursuant to section sty chapttr 16i 31j50 1937 1atit5 at acton ontario this lii iie nth day of may 1s4j r v icatitehland executor id 1 acton ontario notice to creditors all perooxu haviiu djunu f tfa estat of tile uld tfaonut mt- hh who dlod on tbe i2u djiy of mrrh i9u at lb city of tomato in tne county of york are required to md to the underslxbed cxecutora on or before the 20th day of jiuw 1943 full particular of their claim and any aecuriuea they may hold therefore and take notice that after tbe 20th day of june 1m3 the aald executors will proceed lo distribute the aald es tate baviaa recant to taw claim of rhlch they shall thea have botlee dated at toronto thlafzth day of hay ims w a f t e afajtsham eaeeatora m0 alargtieretta stnmt toraaaa ootarlo da