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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1943, p. 6

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the acton fsee press tiiuitsday hay mill ims press visit parliament and winston churchill d not ssh riah avut to the british partin- nwm nn of ihr taessjbcwn off he bomber pim party w to steal i tlmr to pay a vwt to tbi bol- kff irtcam on septeesber 11th the w repre- aatsarcs of the wum press of can ada mr t v charters and i paid a vtsat to parhaneat our vwl was aiructd through sr dvummoad shtrld secretary of the empire par- ad ii a so his words maaot he reportettl null as he spoke la quiet confident lamm im aa laformal way w hfflf ids every word without rnlnl- eautag the dtfrioiuwa a breathed ihttiiiiliisfllon to see the war through for as adadsnon cards to the domin ion gallery first we vtsited sur dnuntnoad stueust olflrv wfcuch adjoins wesl- ralaster hall thks hall ks one of the oldest and most interesting sectkoas of parliament rutldincs- it was built t william rufu tn 10871100 nod was altered h richard ii in 1277- i3so- it wmi originally part of jhe valare of werframtter was saved when the rest of the place was de stroyed b fire in ltttl and was in- ded en the iar lament build- inrjfbe balance of which dale onl froibikabout litio st the preen conference la ot- leas than a year before bett- hamuh vitality strength and ills to ultimate victory to meet him laf ormalty as we did is a privilege s greatly appreciated geology survey has discovered mineral wealth wr ncem nor war- ore ottawa cp canada olden adminc orcaaballoa us gaavsxical survey of cwm fat uda year cakv brauaa- it 10mb birthday it is la awolotrjr that the sunrey has taade its nost valuabw csmtrtbatloa to the- war not only faavo dtacav- eeaor feast yaara proven great of knuenneded minerals but a day or so later w heard that at jeonstaat search has bora conducted tus lunch that day he- remarked that if strates minerals in small de ar mas sorry he could not hav giv i mand during peacetime but which a- non- tune- to ihosa- canadian duorsmed teat importance- under war hut we- wvrc drllchled that he- was eoodlllons as new needs arose and able to pie us that short time- hemal sources of supply were cut did it was a mcettnj- none of will ever foreet hints wort noting in operation of farm tractors dl roa well he railed the lmilhpbice of denacrarji for it was here that in 1j65 simon de monitor opened the first parliament the model on which all subsequent demo cratic parliaments have been pat- letnedl it is interesting to note thai simon de montfortrwha isronsidered to have been a martyr to liberal go- ernmeot was a freiich speaking eng- liahnxan for two hundred years af ter 13gs the proceedings of the eng lish parliament were conducted in krerwh westminster llall fc j30 feet long s reet wide and 90 feel high the hammer beam roof of carved oak which dales front 1190 is one f the principal features lrevous to 1k82 state tnab were iwtd in this hall including those of charles i kir thoruas more guy fawkes and warren hastings it was also in this hall that king ed ward vu and george v lay in state before their funerals next we went to see iho ruins of the house of commons it is uncanny the way en which this room has been totally destroyed with nothing left hut the walls untie rooms next to it have been practically untouched it is like many other snots in england where one house in the middle of n block is completely destroyed with those on both sides left intact we were taken to lunch en the bar- 1 lament ar restaurant w here we found that live member have ho favors so far as food ls concerned it u neither better nor uurw than other rstaurants en london on the uall u an electric sign which show who is peaking en the iioum wfitfe going through one of the cor ridor in the iarlinment uulldtng m tame face to lace with the hon w i mullock losthtuter cen rul of cunuda who we w uririsml to know was in england we were hull ttik 11 to the t m- iborary uuatu r of the houxe of conuuons tttt iv or- ubout c15 members und it must kit a crowded when ull ur ir nt at the mtnu time tin d tmt on the ind ian problem way in pror ui tmd we heard some ve- fine iruur we ilsteiuml to tvnrt of the l kit- after hearing wmiethlm of thu vexlnj problem from uuthorttie who hne lwtnn in liului nnd utilontaiid wmu- thlnc nlnmi it we hue come to lu oiuluim that few t outs who of fer gratuitous advice from u dututuv of ital thousand miles ar uunhfl d to offer opinions it iv hot un u muitei to tend a mssioii of the llntih 1urliu- iivnt at the present time fur were few other visitor when tie uer- tiiere we wvre srr not to hae sen the 1rlnte mlulaler m a lion but be was hot in the house while we were present the proceedings were interrupted by a royal commission which is an elaborate ceremonv when bills whuh liuve bsen nassetl ar sent up for ap proval while we did not see or hear mr omrchlu in the house of commons we ware given an opportunity to meet him informally at a later date as parliament was in session his lime was taken up more than usual if that ls possible our meeting was art for twelve o clock noon and need less to say ijoneof our party was late nr absent we were shown into his office and aa we entered he came from behind his desk and shook each one of us by the hand with a firm hattdclasp we were introduced individually by the lion vincent massey mr churchill imade aura he cot every name right and uw place from which each came th prima minister was in his usual black aotibla- coat grey strip ed trouasrs nod bow tie and was ha looked off sir william logan first director of the survey who won for himself the title father of canadian ceol- ogy laid the foundation of a pro gram which a century later played a vital part in the countryk war effort the first government sproprtalion for a survey was made in 841 and the following venr 5wr william a canadian with geological experience tnfrmat4n on the saving of gaso- in gntat britain was appointed to line in the operation of farm tractors l take charge of the work the only h of particular interest these days exploration work done to that time had been largely along the coastal area by military nnd naval expedi tions sir william started off by mapping part of caspe and his as sistant alexander murray covered the region between ijske erie and lake huron tsoograpay tm the work of the survey in its early day was by to means l to geology w kalbfleisch agricul tural engineer central experimental farm ottawa suggests the follow ing i carburetor mixlure will save gasoline and dollars for car- lburetor adjiistrnents place the engine ion an average belt load let the en- tgme warm up and set the throttle atw quarte open tirnthe maln eiet down to lean the mixture till the engine starts to slow down and show i signs of misfiring then open the jet slightly until the engine rum smooth ly always adjust the jet to as lean all mixture as lmsihlewith wmooth op- ration if the tractor u operating in dusty conditions the entire air clean r may require tdeaning very 100 hours of operation to service the clean r remove the conipme unit from the tractor anil clean tin- wool by pour ing kerosene through the unit when replacing tlic cleaner make absolute ly certain that every connection be tween the cleaber and carburetor is tight to prevent dusty air from en tering the motor itemove spark plugs from the in- gine every 500 hours clean them and adjust the gap to 20 to 25 thousands tjso the type of plugs recommended by live manufacturer to obtain the itesl fuel efficiency operate tractors using distillate with the manifold set at hot and tractors using gasoline with the mani fold set at cold or gas most tractors are timed by adjust ing the impulse to trip exactly on hind centre of the compressor stroke consult a service tiintiunl or obtain he assistance of an experienced me chanic- if the ignition requires further ndjuvtments worn cy llnders burnt valves in correct valve clearance nnd defective ignition waste loth fuel and oil tractors ocrntcd close to tlulr full land give the ivest efficiency in all ojh rations endeavor to load tractors with implements so the trac tor is working near its capacity when itosde pull two implemi iriv when light loads are handled op lute in n higher gear und adjust the throttle to the desired ksm trift sweml iv not opt rnte thes iniple- m nls too fast check tire pressure frxwuinik and control shppiiu sjivo fuel uiul re dutv tr- wur b keeping tlrs ut the prevsur- rvcommt mled bv the nmnu- fncturr adjust the toaik or udd whel v eights where nectssjrv to keep wllppage below 10 r em on telt work such mi silo filling reduce the cutter shel to a mini- tnum to accomplish the mott work with the least fuel it included topographic sur veying and the building up of a museum it was the only organlza- lion to collect official information on such a wide arlety of subjects as botany zoology ethnology forests and water power later as govern ment departments expanded special brandies were orgnhkted to look alter thenar matters and the survey work was more narrowly defined to geol ogy the geographical mapping of can ada has been largely the work of iho survey and its activities have extend ed to the most remote tarts of the country where it has not preceded the prospector it has always closely followed him furnishing maps and information to aid in development the activities or the geological survey have resulted tn some finds of great economic importance in 1932 the largest rnagnesite deposit in canada and possibly in the world was found in british columbia in that province a field officer of tho survey also discovered a deposit of mercury with a value estimated to bo greater than the total expenditure of survoy work in that province incidental to geological mapping in southern alberto survey officials found conditions width resulted in the use of artesian uolls in an urea where continued aridity was forcing out settlers water was obtained for the irrigation of nn art n of 1000jvoo acres villi oommsn tin rtasa mat wfetasr stirring events in ireland diverted attention from the first great war battlefroata 33 years ago the pow- ertul german offen on the wes tern front was pe4ertnt out before the stubborn retdstsnee of british and french armies when the wholesale arrest of irish republican leaders re vealed the critical state of political fairs la the bland esrnon de valera who a few months before bad been named presi dent of the iiish republic was ar rested may 17 1918 and within a few days rnany of his followers were taken into custody on the goveriunents uv nouncernent of the discovery of a german conspiracy viscount french ijord lieutenant of ireland issued a proclamation may 18 declaring the government was aware of a treasonable communica tion between certain of the kings subjects in ireland and the german enemy the lord lieutenant called upon irishmen to crush the con spiracy caught in the governments drag net were such notable republican leaders as arthur griffith countess markievlcx count ilunkett john mll- roy and herbert mellowes in addition to do valera the prisoners many of whom had been imprisoned in con nection with the abortive easter re bellion of 1016 but released under a general amnesty in 1917 were taken to dublin and later transferred to england csttwwiptlon oppaaij atch1vg the magic cakcfet fourte n wars ngo one could not optn the morning mall without find ing ut least one letter from n total stranger who was prepared to give infallible ik k ire on how to make money on the stock market in u of tillage implement infrvnm with surprising numb r of cases the tipster ttte farmers iso hk1ijls who said that farming is unskilled labor i farm u man has got to have ut least a hundred skills he hus got to know as much us ull the agrif ultural colleges professors put together he must know not onk how to milk a cow but how to feed her so she will give milk lb mut not only know how to act its midwife lo a utter of 10 pigs but also how to grow them into selects he must have working knowledge of machnery from climbing 40 feet in the air to desqueak a w indmlll to lowering himself so feet into the well to find out why the darned thing isnt dellv erlng water into the trough at ground level he must be a motor me chanic a blacksmith a carpenter and good hand with the shotgun he must fight a long line of enemies from bacterial blight to potatoes to the coyotes or even w dives which want to feed on his turkeys and calves he is expected to be able to quote the bible vote intelligently serve on the council or schoolboard and in some cases get himself elected to parliament hes sot to be quite a man the country guide were right until cmohcr l al most any stock that was bought went up nnd throughout cuundn wher- evi r there were brokerage office there were dr nns of trips to europe hew curs m v hom s and new gudgek to fill them i he muglc carpet was mrrying ua nil to fulrylund where nil dcslruble things were provided with out work then with n fearful bump it hit the ground trip to europe ore still possible under certain conditions but the cars und homes and gadgets ro no longer on the market nevertheless the morning mull is again bringing evi dence that the hob d worn in the magic eurvot by the big bump have ben pulched aguin one is urgvd to buy shares in holes in the ground to help strut h our unsiratihed natural r sources of the trccamblan shield hie bull this time is n little differ ent it is now pointed out quite truthfully that stock market gains a iv one form of income not subject lo income tax on cannot buy the luxuries or semi luxuries hut a little taxfree income wold help towards restoring prewar standards of living in the w y of unratloned foods veterans of the 1939 crash may be deaf to the sound of the boilerroom but there must be a goodl crop of new prospects too young to have learned distrust of salesmens promis es and gaudily printed maps of or deposits experience still seems to he the only good teacher and who r- we that we should disillusion them one recipient of the magiccarpet travel literature is doing his little bit to make it heln the natianal revenue he returns every envelop on whch the senders guarantee to pay five cents postage but he returns them empty the printed word the governments action was taken at a time wht n ireland was in a tur moil over the passage of the man power bill under which obligatory military service had been extended to ireland on the same terms os to eng land irish nationalist members had left the house of commons in a body after the defeat of an amendment tc exclude ireland from tho bill they decided to transfer their deliberations to dublin all ireland flamed in protest against conscription and early in may conditions in the country force j the government to make a change in the administration in order to preserve xomo degree of authority henry duke was replaced as chief secretin y for ireland by edwdrd short t icc on may 1 nnd less thnn a week ictei lord french succeeded lord wlm- liorne in the lordlleutennncy the new administration was not wlowr in getting to work but the ar rests of the revolutionaries only made mutters worse itecrulting meetings were subjected to organized heckling nnd at the time of tho armistice in november of some 150000 men or military age only 11000 had joined the colon take prompt action against budworni an outbreak of spruce budworni is reaching serious proportions in sec tions of eastern cuhniln nnd u par ticularly serious in its attack of bal sam fn state officials of the domin ion depntimnt or agriculture und the dominion forest service said woodlot owners nrw urged to take stops to distose of nil thelr ball im fir which is lnrge enough to milk pulpwood ut once ihe lest method of controlling this vest is to cut the trees nnd peel the ttnrk during the coming bark- idling st iison june to august i he slash should be piled nnd un soon us there is no danger of fire spreading the slash should he burned if this is not done the insect is very likely to spreud to the moro valuable species spruce if action is taken promptly however the sprue mny be sucki there is a good market states the department for peeled pulpwood if wold now the balsam fir will yield good returns if it is left the bpruce as well as the balsam will bo killed and rendered worthless for pulpwood and of little value even for fuelwood j every child adds to pay he ft far bub london cp a man with a wife and lea children is as uable for military service la britain as a single the ministry of labor which has sifted the nations ntanpower repeat edly calls up a family man as readily as any other unless he is tn ats essen tial industry the war office does not keep separate fi on the number of married men la the army but when such a man is sw la the government pays allowances accord ing to the number of his tjeneadeuts if a recruit is married but child less his wife receives the equivalent of 93 per week the government pays s430 of this and the soldier is obliged to contribute to cents from his pay of vf 20 as a private additional weekly allowances are made for children on this basis first child si90 second st to third and subsequent 130 each if there were ten children the allowance would be s20lgol girl war worker has honor place in british art data gam urn jat after y mm job tnal lbs bfctt- wotfc- ot yean of aftnrjtb london cp there was a time when everybody said this war job tbe cutting of a thread in a steel ring a bofors gun into position not be done by a woman now 21yearold ruby lnftus of lon don u doing that job and her work is the subject of a painting for the national war records the painting ls hailed as one of the outstanding exhibits at this years royal academy show it is by dame laura knight who went to an ordn ance factory in wales to watch ruby a former shop clerk at work ruby a shy girt with brown vyv and iter hair done in a victory roll was given a special holiday so site could romp to london from her fac tory job and see the picture on exhi bition its wonderful she said a she stood before the picture several people came up to her aa she gaced and asked was she the girl la the plo- ture arrayed as emmar in the painting ruby is shown in her working smock leaning over her machine in the glare of a light which shines on the piece of metal she bx working she wears a brilliant green hairnet this is not as might be imagined to give an artistic splash of color all the girls in this factory wear different colored headgear ac cording to the department in which they work- in normal times her fob would be done by a skilled craftsman with at least five years of apprenticeship ruby first woman to beelectvd for this job was less than a yearcin the factory when she took it over where hheet hcstatcii ijondon cih the s3yearoid rector at gay ton in themarsh in nor folk lias undertaken to spin g pounds of wool collected from hedgerows by village children so that the local wo rn ns vountsry service organiza tion ran knit it into clothe for rus sian soldi rs a british bomlter strike ut turins industrial area turin milan genoa imjiorlnnt axis mtpitly tvnlr iinvi- ull im- n jnuvlly mill iffulvvly mlll ly british bomber this impression slioua a itrltuh pilot over turin durinu on- suih rnlil thn il tura benrs out the description of the tnruet by one of the ttlrmen on lilt return to llrlttiln it wns n inkc of flnmcs when we left every blow thus struck at northern ituly is tin effettlvu blow uunlnst the mills in north africa who nectl every man ontl every run that tho axis lttn imlhly siml them three dimes buy three courses mbalttmb an unportaat ifitcriude in tne woridog jsy of atresni lined war plsntm has been intelli gently provided for at mstamal rail ways munitions limited at montreal operated by the canadian national railways to manufacture naval guns snd fiefcl artillery mounts encourag ing men and women employees to est nutntious food is aosordsnes with the national camps igg a cafeteria has been csrsmtohsd offering sneak plan- tf i soup meat dessert bread chosen of coffee tea or milk other meals cxiet ankfaland a dune additional according to toe meat course stews hash and inest pies feature the thirty cent type for the extra nickel duty moore e corn beef and cabbage eaters the forty cent menu gives roast steak or chop beef pot roast is the favorite meat totusto macaroni and vwttabk cop the soup list pw feeds for 1 ism it and oofles is the popular beverage the irmbile can tens or itamasfaaaa aveucwofwoodsndsteelnntfa died bout in nstlonsl railways munitions i plant the canteen moves tlmatfb tbt plant during two eiahtmoar stutts tn that tine its twoman crews sell stso pints of nulk 200 half pints of cbocoi ute muktwo eoft draiha m adbewin gon oiboclats potsta tpscfcasaatscatesooou an nnrisinail package of cough awdjls tbe popntsr combination nuk nnd cake account for hstf tan cnatann thn pictures show ab mnmlu tfanswjs4iasnoyn in the cststsris btlowi thg sntaslsl rantesn asppuaa castonwr rust nt theiff msciaiatai thn twsgmt

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