thursday may 201 h 1m3 the acton free press page8kvb me ruutm nov grammar rilhnwllc and history ai a plaajue i think dont you why were sent to schools a mystery when theres o much b to do grata to cut and hay to carry fees to sow and plot to weed bob to exercise and larry fruit to gather pigs to feed oowm to milk and corn to scatter hens to sit and ducks and neese what can sums and conies matter when compared with things like o id rather so much rather weed and water prune and sow wander through the fields with father plough and harrow dla- and hoe waste of time lis learning latin every day new lambs appear duller hours we could do that in when the fields are brown and when squirrels stocked his larder and the birds forget to sing o i know of nothing harder than to go to school in spring my magazine twenty years ago ftrsm the issae the free press f may hth iks vu the sunday school lesson fob sitnoav mav x blossom lime is ttl hand acton clllsem band played ol social function at stanley iark erin last friday evening the guelph papers announced the nia n ma ot in man disposal of the splendid clothing bunl- tn the polio bible teachings on wines decettpulness golden text at the last it blleth like a serpent and stlngeth like an adder prov 23 32 lesson text prov 20 1 23 matt jm 4551 exposition i alcoholic beverage a mocker prov 20 1 wine is a mocker it makes sport of those who use ii it leads the one who uses it to make sport of every noble and holy thing to sneer at and despise the purest sentiments and af fections to luugh at god and hoaven and the atoning lovo of christ wine is responsible for a very large part of the infidelity and mockery and blasphemy thai fill the earth wine takes away the understanding illos 4 111 it makes fools and scoffers of the strongest brainiest and most promising men ia 28 7 strong drink is raging- lor u brawler ii makes men noisy quarrelsome fur ious it turns the gentlehearted father ami mot lit r inlo human brutes most farms can plant more trees i springs resort now happy nest there i hardly a farm in canada of natty wlx iis thai has not one or more areas un- suitable for cultivation perhaps just i new ship for naval service an acre here and an acre there these areas can be made to grow trees whichwill prove profitable many of these patches are good soil but cannot be cultivated because of stones or steep inclines ideal condi tions for food tree growth tin n there are species of trees that thrlvo on the poor dry sandy sous there trtjunlncr hotel of ctvuuridayft by adinb hkatikam oassmfjaa preas staff writer preston ont cp canadas wrens have just launched a new u no part of the farm except the j ship in the middle of western on bare rocks that will not crow trees tarlos richest farming country the of oft species or another states the latest addition to the growing fleet dominion forest service i of the womens hoyal canadian many woodlots have been so badly naval service is no streamlined home cut over that they can no longer re- i afloat but it will house as natty and produce suitable trees naturally and dashing a crew as ever saluted a these areas as well as the blank quarterdeck patches must be planted the new ship which has hot yet trees may be grown from seed been named is the preston springs sown in the field but for a number of i hotel former health resort taken reason it is more probitahle to plant jover by the wrens as a residence and seedlings which nave been ntarted in training establishment here some ness of oeorge wallace to take ef fect the first of june mr wallace went to fuelpli from acton in 1914 among the seventy girl graduate of the university of toronto is mis edna ii cobban i a daughter of mr mitchell cobban of the winnipeg free press formerly of tmk acto pass psbssl mr j a wllloughbyi golf link nt georgetown will be opened for the season tolay miss ada mackenzie and other well known players of tor onto clubs will take part in exhibition games during the afternoon died brown in acton on friday may 30th 1023 john tlrown in his 63rd year campbell in euiueslng on tues day may 15th 1021 mary j camp bell widow of thu late dougald campbell in her 4th year hkkvm7e early in the evening the telephone rang the supervisor answered the caller identified hlimolf by name and military rank therell be five hundred men chnhslng trains nt your town to night he said can you arrange to have u snack and a spot of tea ready for themt you can good theyll be there about eleven thank u a great deal the supervisor called the railway station he learned there that the men would luive several hours to walt for tholr train to northern england he promptly busied himself with the phone when the trooptrain arrived nt eleven the supervisor was there to meet it the men disembarked am marched to the nearby y m c a center from which the supervisor operated there they found not a silent hasty meal but a firstclass nonstop show presented by the volunteer con cert party upon whom the super visor had culled when he leurned of the necessary stopover for nearly two hours the men wit and enjoyed the concert yhllo in re lays or fifty nt a time they moved into the udjolnlng canteen where they won served not a cold snack but n hot meul the more grateful hecuuso of the cold night und the long hours they hail spent on the train the officer in churge mid nil the nip were overwhelmingly uruteful and nil ngreed thut rure indeed in their experience was so happy a lute- night wait for a truln they wont insure their quislings ennuis reflate to rfek money on lives of hlrellnffs in denmark london ic p a clandestine brussels newspaper has published this story which gives some idea of the position of traitors in occupied bel- glum a burgomaster of brussels and his aldermen all or whom were ap pointed hy the cermnns after the ar rest of burgomaster van de moule- browk have received so man threat ening letters that they decided to in sure their lives one ttf them uppll- ed to the anent of a merman com pany the nuxl listened sympa thetically shook htm sorrowfully by the hand und politely hotted him out she mothers nexmfkiii widow of british naval captain keeps track of 800 relatives off lost crew london cp when constance cookes husband went to sea she promised him that if anything hap pened to him she would look after th relatives of his men cooke com manded hj4s barnham lost in no vember ltml and since that time mre cooke has been a mother to relatives of the 800 officer petty of ficers and ratings who were lost with court two words are constantly coupl ed together drunk und disorderly the nut half of the vnu tell im that strong drink hjids nutttiy con stant xperlemv tells us the same thing hie it v trunslutes is de ceived ernth literally 1 would he goeth nstruy and that is also the literal fact he that drlnketh wine and strong drink goeth nxtray therewith the figure is hot only ex pressive hut exact hie number that this wlrkcd companion has led out of the right mth into paths of m rdltlon irl rounlless whosoever yields to her fascinations and goes astray with her is hot wise ii wine the source of many mis eries 23 2015 the hebrew for woe in v 29 is oh le the try of sharp win the ilehr w for sorrow is alas i e the groan of deepsouled and coutlnu ous grief tarrying long ht wine and seeking out mixed wine causes both these they cause also three other evils contentions complaining wounds without cause what else causes so much contention au the use of alcoholic liquors who else is such un inveterate grumbler as the man who has ruined his stomach by the prolonged use of wine everywhere do we see the bloodshot tyeu tuused by continuing long at the wine these bloodshot eyes nre the outward index of the inflamed bruin and passions and disordered nerves within but someone will say that this is true of those who tarry long at the wine yes hut the one who uses wine nt nil in this duy will soon in all prob ability ite lurrying long at it who etui tell just how much is necessary to influme ull that is worst in man or woman what then is the safe thing to do about wine verse 31 answers the question how the foolish young man and old man toot will hold up the tup before his eyes and inflame his appetite by its fascinating color do not look nt it why not is is not pleasant to the taste does it not stir the blood and quicken the funcy yes why not then look at it be cause at the last it blteth like a ser pent nnd htlngeth like and udder those are meaningful words at the last the fool looks only at the be ginning the wise man looks ntthu end another evil result thine eyes shall ikhold strange things delirium tremens but even thut is not the worst thine heart shall utter for ward things how awful nre the ut terances of an intoxicated heart verse 34 describes the staggering of the brain nnd the peril of the one overcome by strong drink in the ali ening of v 35 we have the insensi bility of the drunken man his nerves cease their benefit i ont work of warning him of danger he is stricken but not sensibly hurt he is beaten hut feels it not until after ward und then munlfoldt but the poor enslaved drunkard learns no wisdom from his niuny miseries he madly cries when shall i uwakv i will seek it yet again who does hot know that the use of wine hub ull these evil effects upon millions who when the began its use hud no ln- tcjntion1 of using it immoderately millions of us strong men in ou or what then does ordinary common sense bid us do leav e it ut terly alone hi as were the days of noah so shalt be the cuming of the son of man matt m 45m the flood in noah s duy overtook the world by surprise und so shall the coming again of jesus christ overtake the world by surprise men and women were engaged in their occupations eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage up to the very day that noah entered the ark and so the world will be fol lowing its ordinary course up to the very day that jesus comes again people will no be expecting it nothing is more plainly revealed tn the bible than that jesus is coming again 1 the 416 jno 143 vis ibly ac 111 rev i7 with power and area glory v 30 he la com ing to receive hie own jno 143 to fashion anew our bodies into the like ness of toe body of his lory phil will train as laundress cooks nnd stewards while others in residence will make a dally trip of four miles ut call in liberty snips it c n buses to take training in other trades the lobby of the hotel la the focsle now it still tins its orig inal draperies and paintings kindly left for the enjoyment if the new comers but now there are wrens in front of the fireplace on cool nights playing pingpong reading the books from the library and ploying the piano or listening to the radio but the focsle has its business section too there is a continuous flock of wrens patronizing the can teen it is a wonderful little section lucked in hy the regulating desk sel ling soap ice ream writing paper complete with xrcat cookies tooth brushes and practically anything else a wren might mant and the regu lating desk where the wrens are obliged to report on going or coining in la a very popular place too epec ally when the jnall comes in iawrfame beauty another point of interest is j lie beauty parlor no it has not been left by mistake two wrens will man this domain lilly sage of north bay and fefarlctta duke of winnipeg prepared to give shsm- poo finger waves and permanents in styles lure to be acceptable to the truly feminine heart as well as to the strict eye of the inspecting of ficer the off the collar rule is an important one in tho w hns the nun hnll or dining room re tains among other imlntlngs n love ly vnn dyk iw hnnulngs left by the hatl add color and warmth while the long blood birth tables give it a bright clean air the girls file through to the galley or kitchens eel their food cafeteria style and af ter meals return the dishes there petty officer margaret decker of vancouver is getting h r galley shlp- iihae she says there s still a lot to do wrens in white smocks were washing potatoes and preparing had dock for baking and cream sauce tomatoes were stewing and on the tables were delicious butterscotch pies just around the corner the supplies room i gradually being locked for the requirements of the capacity number of 34m wrenu there are iv mecks floors to landlubbers on three floors are the cohlne uri the- other is sick bay or hospital the cabins serving from four to eight girls are furnish ed with double tier bunks and chests of drawers ami have adjoining bath rooms with tubs or showers sick bay is a hecrf ul place with every room decorated in lis own bright color surgeon socond officer marion tempi in of hamilton and nursing sutr mlalx th chapman of toronto are in t hnrue ailing wrens are cheered by blight red bandanas for traycloths on tin ir trays nt mtal lime mont of the tukcs so far have hrt coms hut thi re wus u broke ll limb or two und one apm ndec lomy landing wr n loiilw itutttm wild a tree nursery m number of the provinces main tain large tree nurseries from which planting stock may be secured at very little coat the dominion v de part m nt of agric ulture supplies planting stock for shelter belt plant ing in tin prairie provinces from the koretttry station at indian head nnd sutherland snsk thetv are one or planting stock may ive purchased i kh t the keason for planting ifl enrly spring in for the seedling buds begin to oen not later than thq end of may the first important rule is to fence off the plantation area from graz ing utoc k the species should be s lected to suit the wlte moist clayloam soils are adopted to maple yellow birch and spruce while the pines will thrive on drv sandy sites it ifl well to keep in mind that the little plant roots and rootlets are very delicate nnd should never be left ex posed to the air onemuii buttery takes his dcm ijonihjn cp sgt james oiis- holm law he of pe bles is a oneman artillery battery durjng the list tie of ttiala in tun isia in february when a luindfuktef llrltons uopped a serman panzeias- vslon and saved the whole allied po- itlfin in the central- sector enemy tanks and infantry luid pepetrated a british position at dusk seven tanks closed in on lawrles battery otf kunders he found hlrtuoelf face t face with three of the tanks and th rest of his gun crew out of action enemy shehst were buntlng nil round but the sergeant went straight inlo action he swung his gun to bear on the tanks then loaded the itun himself laid lt himself and fired it himself in the fading dectptlve halflight he put one tank out of action and firing again nnd again drove off thir others he has imh n awarded th dcm and the citation said thut during the rest of the night uihi t hroughout i he follow ing day lttw- rles gun was in a mont emtosed mhi tlon and was constantly ahelled uinf nun hlne gunned it added his con- hut throughout was outbuilding ami un inspiration to his ditiichmcnt rolled oats take sting out of meat ratioiiilig if two ptounds off meat a week not enough try thb can adian meat stretcher i meatless tuesday in canadian res taurants tmd u twopound weekly meat limit for consumers nt home puts another strain on canadas war- time housewives but meat rationing is necessary and so the housewife who has learned to make one pound of tea or coffeedo the work that two pounds did before must now start planning how to stretch out her meat ration to satisfy her family and pre serve their health nnd strength kitchen tests by professional dle- tltlnhs conducted since meat ration ing was first on the way have dis closed un untapped source of meat substitute when rolled oats are mixed with meut tests have proved the meat stretches twice as far tastes as good or better und contains ull the food value required for health and stamina long regarded as almost exclusive ly a breakfast food rolled oats have the same vitamin content au nn equal amount of whole meat itobln hood rolled oats for instance contain 12 international units of vitamin bl per ounce as well as iron calcium and other minerals und they nre high in protein vulue food value is im portant but almost equally import ant nre taste and appearance keep ing these factors in mind dlotltluns produced a delicious meut loaf suf ficient to serve a family of five with the use of just one pound of minced meat combined with rolled oats since oats are unrat lotted this combina tion dish offers a practical nnswer to u housewifes prayer 1 he tested recipe follows lake the following ingredients and mix well together in a baking dish l lb fresh minced beef v cup itobln hood rolled oats 1 egg 1 cup milk or 1 cup water with leftover gravy mixed in it 1 tbsp pork fat if meat is lean 2 tsps salt tap pepper tsp sage u small onion cut fine 1 tsp meut bauce desired bake lj hours in medium slou oven and mrve hot or cold what determines the swedens wah job stockholm cp more than 2 000 drifting mines mostly on the uest coast have been disarmed or exploded along the swedish coasts by members of the swedish navy patrol since the beginning of the war i 1 20 21 to render unto everyone ac cording to tils deeds matt 16 27 to judge the nations matt 25 31 32 to render vengeance to them that know not god and obey not the gos pel of our lord jesus christ 2 thes 170 our proper attitude is to watch v 42 we should be look- ins for our lord luk 1336 titus 213 if we are ready we shall go tn with him to the marriage feast if not we shall be shut out the way to be ready la set forth in this pas sage and in ch 254 10 is luke 12 35 213496 1 jno 228 value of advertising space reader interest determines the value of advertising space advertising experts all agree reader interest in a publication is die most important ctor in determining the value of advertising space when subscribers get the free press they read it they have paid for the service the free press renders and for having it delivered ad dressed personally to each and every one of them it is not thrown on the door step in the hope that it will be noticed as are handbills and posters hut is directed to the personal attention of every householder who has paid for receiv ing it this payment is the guarantee of its being read the free press has that local reader interest a of that there can be no argument the free press carries a complete news coverage of acton and district as well as other valuable and tf interesting features it is eagerly looked for every week by all its readers because it contains hundreds of individual items and stories about the people of acton anddistrict when you place yojr advertising message in the acton free press your are sure of getting reader interest and territory coverage