lzht jvtfam sttt fflrcss snqmslfwh torsk 5bl acton untakhx ihuksny june loth two etgjat hoaaefriat pagesftve cents acton ciets dominion prize reunion bycpupils and hikers at knox centenary service league gtming boxes ready for those overseas the setnttees tnonkusg the off the sxmifciy knots ofcturvh pirowfcded at jmc to wan omlty urndten and friend who reo kus as u bans- the whaibt- nnltf and wr- cnw were very tfmtac and off hwnriaa rr f hack to the chnrih e the tftngftnatfaai to wtiau- theee aff- dknw attentinai to the awasag off the iahlkatki school on jamtnry 1s43 by john bmren kaa the sabbath srhoojl preceded the cirtahbtafcfaac off the vhnirch the yeans tatec lm fact p the way for the ffoaaadwstf chuinvh- ttlbfir- were sixteen alteaded the first ttn itiiiim nitlij eveoitn serritfe and dnanng the winter the nuamher gr w to twentyffinrei ota the ttorat sohbafeh lm may the school was segulfcidrty organis ed lm the school house tn loft third coressian euesing with mr btsonvs tm charge off the riff irtilnwi dii viakm and mr jame umdnay the jfambexr durisfion these were the be- faauabttapk itlr bunncs and mr duncan kennedy senior ww associate sup erintendents tit the ctese off the yvor 1sst and mr kennedy retained the posfctboa until the chine off tut hffe the other teachers at the opentng off the srhool w messrs- jataes lindsay ahnnder grant alexander mcdon ald inrhlnn mcdonald feahelba me- donam and robert swan rw john wawfce was reminiscent in hits morning awmmr to fefaw robrv bfttbaai as kte kvcalkl fes hank vtai to sunday srfcoll bjws ajul ktrtbuttf- to uit mary- mccluw hfis flmtft ijmrfertr ad to rv j c wh00 and ttv a c stmart taaknbten whan hftut- had don naurtek to etudr kbsa to enter the- talnbftry kit was a dellcktt too tbat itev mr stewart wan aww- to n bats on tht ocnxisoa and take part la the- snvkm mr vaw acktivox a atklwl the- iimsm- and the ohurchl and ax based on the sewnth verw off the eiiehteeath otastter off art anj he departed thence and entered into a certain man hotiswv named jiutti one that wurshlipcied cod how ttouw jokned hard to the- agmacocu yv harentx off rmldreo he uvted that evr rmd be at sunday school vmr sunda that the be not satisfied to tend them but to brtoc them that the do not make the sunda school a subuitule for the church and that they have the cod old fauily new he urged parents t anon- an appreciation of teachers and officers of the sunda school- to teachers and officers of the sun day school he urced taking the btbte as a text book and aim that ever nupu shall have a bible and make use of it- kmnhaitre the memorisation of scripture- determine that every child graduatinc from sunda school have inteuirent aympathetic under- s n of the lord jesus christ by prayer teaching and example lead pupils so that they too may accent jesus christ- mrs ann somcrvule of toronto contributed as a nolo the beautiful garden- her return to the home church on this occasion and her p contribution to the service of praise nrere much appreciated tb choir contributed an anthem and pte k a- hansen led and presided at the christian crusaders from guelfth visit aeton ryre it- trecwlnw- awetbac off the bag in yomtc reutpjles vniaai wan heal ha the cftwrchi tteeadnar ewntaaj after n brief bttsbntas settslaai the- nwniirvnt webronwdl the christian qnssadrr oroaa ynrh tbaadl chnvch g hjh and hkbroiaared thrift- pwiimwa mr ftamv- saoc who wats chajtrawwi tor the ser- vwe mr bulb ftoaawj bed n hvelty sba- sooc fcth mtsl seare at the pfcaan mr svhtsellll tread the scripture anaaaw bblmowed by prayev hy mr walter kbtutdl mr dave fttbton hanej my aln ottamtriei lot hb ifhahttinv wmy ithe onssadersf quartette vonsprised meicurs- seashn ttabuny mrtitkb and skhuelll ttang ttbimwv a nw nhbse wmafera v la liuoryj mr sam mc- kim bvndred n very bovelty aonwdiiaa few fiotrvjos w swolrtkr vhotte ax hbc wubtbvt u and beougcht t vwtry letbirvuive tnessaee to everyone pvtwtl turicuitic obeduence- to tfcuf btrtscftioycc off the master the otair- feihillv hojxz il me to canary ffoll- tkws by a htauoi and trwittic penvr bed by mr atu on behatlf off the blyu evecu- blwu wttcda wetd etrvttsed the ap- tpavtftatkia off islll preved to the cru- tuuwtnt ekmr an lnspennx tusd latirtrwii- clnkwoames whs and events nasi htowd dwntts- eanlsr nih iftemts thnt shttnr the artbcuty that mows ttbthw the head nff the war skrtntwe leacne and frmrawd part oi tbk- htthinwss hrata wlftn at th wmet- bsu bsnlt tlkmvxdsy evwsinic- ktnctkinic the hwum bur the buys wwwmrtjri icftbs- tu bw tanmiv utt a prub- hran an antuftkm bar the hkunt bevuikwm mv siawttfei i50t haflura off icnndnm wtrnv iudtvaahtfiil and anvantcetnenlu toi- to xx 1hw1 vhuuolnliv bojis- mrs bnatftlem voaiwnor woujm bkv atn thtf- bnttvh tm turttd bs the souks and waft- tbfte thww twy aibv ttaittlatf ta vhikfd m thv boxes ifhe tfnrekiury was asked to write the itasbtatriea in autun tawsiumtbax that thvy send a bvptrvfufttliafalme to the next nteetlaic wuh a tint off teen who nne wllbnic to wtwlb la thv sak- ce rou3t mm ijsnmhy bs the new trepoesvoitatlme off the woosenfsi insu- tttie at the seavtee loctw and mrat wtttw was wveed to vwatknue her at- teadawre nnd serwe ast wetjl the tnsxltote pbsn to how etttfhre pastkwg tosettwve hrmcae ftende the nanw of lett btam kenswy was aacd to the hst off the wonsen nvetrseats frooa acton insurance on the snbtace hajikons was to be pad the leacwe acneed to aebp with the feed oroxs donorst cansc lm whatever way pnsstibhe first rrur n 4vmnuntmhily cotitrsl i vihorj lomi wl be nanwtl after acftow bn ewvnpnttmi rwlkiaty evetat w j beam is jiainiian ymc a board for year the fllsst nwetnct the new hoard vff taeevtars off the vmol wi on m jrane tth nb peittaualntc to the w40t season was vhrnned ttpi phwa were asade bur the ntfvwwukiry bujjiduag wovh to be dune unawst thv umunmr and thv exectttwe ulflwesk- bmr the- nwxt year were ebrvt ed as fluukm thmsamiavy h mm pwridvttjh w ji batty ywvwwtahai ji w wome swvbojrychas ihrojrdl tvvuhuavr m stfhrovthrr tbtf- taxw rmidrat acplatvd the tuibvmlwc ixrfvtus- as gooajalttee vhtklvmnn etaonww j- w wotfe mvubvmsbii ffl sl lotv hotcraixil w t masun sjwul evatusesl w j bvason itvutmrriy te it- tutkevt card ctub tbamk c jroneti and m shjrovdvtrc kibhrity and advesttsinks l s emte the auditors svtected weire messss fc it alaoal and vv il ctayton- approval given resolution about child delinquency fktrl saantaaw srruak mntl tte- ttinrm ifrcajatina for ipnir dtfi- iravanaaai ahoai luvccned 21522 iroan urentir wkts un- lefc llcnoamlr canrtl wui kmamknr askkssnenis fbit weet no appeals at court of revision in esqnesing twp matters droit wuh brcatar ffffiiiiniw on aft the imormal catherine la the sf- te proved another deuchtful op portunity tor roosejadad taptp vtr a court of revlsbon for the town ship of etequesinjc was held monday at 13x teorce k cleave georce currie c 11 maj o murray and wnt a wtlson were present altr taktnc the required oath lt was moved by vtfcton seconded h cteae that c 11 may be chairman or this court of kebioncnrrbedl as thre as no atpeab oeaknst the assessments for the ear lt was moved h cume wvonded hy mur ray that the rolts as finau revtsed awi corrected or the yvar 14s be now passed by thu court and the clerk be authorued to certify to said roibcarried the june kttetknr of gsauesinc township council was held immed iately after the court of revision all meaabers were present and reeve may presided after the correspondence had been read lt was moved by currte sec onded by cleave tttat the road ac counts be patd s601t carrted other accounts passed for payment cutislcittjoe a mason w jl- ou oakstfc f j uobion were present ttast evenkntc hen acton council nth in regular session and reeve j m m jdonald pffesded- mr sl macfceaaw and mr l- w acar were present to dtscusa with council the coal situation as it affects acton reeobmendatlbotos had been made by the controller to the coal tlfctalersl coal consumption had in creased ln acton owr 43 per cent since 1909 about eiicht per cent had fbeen lost to acton owine to the coal strikes over all there ts ukery to be a shortaice of twenty per cent ln acton this year it was requested that council cooperate to arrane the equitable distribution of coal so thak all may cet some fuel it was urged that during the winter citiens tnust dear driveways and approaches lf coal was to be debwred the toat- ter of tocal distribution was one that wa in the control of the council and could best bcnseatfwith as n tocal sttuation- it was suikested that the matter be dealt with at a later meeting and reculattokis be made to help the situation with a view to fairness to nil mr maurice starkman asked for a permit to mow a metal earaee to the property on main street a com mittee was to be appointed to make a decision after vtewlnc the buitdinf and the new location in connection with the account for supplies for the boys band it requested that hereafter the vs mens commltte indent for all supplies to the council a tetter from the liquor control board enclosed a cheque for yi beinc twenty per cent of the fees col lected from the hotels in acton fo the year it was decided to advertise for the bowling cluli ojkeiis seasoivaftid plans events included- bell telephone co serv tees s59 harry robertson stamps wl i supervisor for the bathinc beach at j sanford relief account 330 claims the park for sheep killed valuators trips total a letter was read from the depart- off s33 cecil cnisnobn doc licenses ment of munitions and supply to the equalization s s no it and postace r reeve arrancins for a civic reception b the reeve and council to po spence and flight serct johnny wood who were to be in ajcton on monday this letter explained why council were called toeether on mon day nkornincr a letter from the county council enc a questionnaire hey desired to have completed before the equal ration of assessment was dealt with at the me of county council this week the clerk was instructed continued on pace five s96j6 arthur w benton doe lic enses postace etc ss1i j san- ford board of health account 1450 relief accounts of s8t40 were also fence viewers for wards 3 and 4 were appointed in a bylaw passed at uu meetinc harry besary was ap pointed for ward 3 and tx d walffie forward v council adjourned to meet atam on monday aly 5th or at the call of tne jrjeeve the acton lukwn llowttnt cttib held us first tadis and gent tenons mik- el tttnfc iafte tst niht there was a splendid turnout of f tubers of both ueves and all tames werv- keenly con tested kttfht new iljeifs took trrl ts well us several plsyers of hfcoe 5eaxs who have returned to enjoy this krand old game- after play was completed the tadies section officers for 1313 were elected mrs hamilton will act as chairman with miss m ryder as sec- retarytreasurer and we expect to see n real turnout in the laches sec tion thi year the mens doubles competition for the beardmore cup will take place each monday eveninc at t45 sharp mixed team ladies and centlemeni competitions each tuesday and tbursday at 745 pm sharp addttional competiteons and tour- arnents will be held throughout the reason and ample notice will be given so that everyohe fenay participate anyone desirous of becomlns a toenkber will be made welcome at the club any evvnins during the week tmd on saturday atternoon ouppueo colt ceik bxnu cake by attent1vk moffuek a fvwnd off ours the other day safe heres one for andy ctarke on the neighborly news broadcast and here ls the ueaa he told us out on the lj off john f sinclair near bal- hnatad a nsare gave birth to n colt whose rear legs have been paralyaed since birth- the colt cannot stand up to feed ox most volts ran and do the knareu unurged by anyone bt baeetinic the situation by laying down beside the volt so that it can he fed and lt ht hoped will gain strength and perhaps the use of its begs and these ore called dumb wtwrnw nassagaweya makes grants to local fair boards ufoniw collection of hospital accoaats paid br the ma nassagaea township council met on june tth 1m3 as per adjournment members were all present the reeve presiding the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted alter which the correspondence was read and dealt with the council then granted a dona tion of twentyfive dollars each to acton and milton pair boards the following accounts were then ordered paid b the treasurer sheep killed by dogs 5121 sheep inspection 510 relict j408 road sunt voucher s498j6 miscellaneous 690l considerable discussion then took place in regard to the collection of hospital accounts paid by the muni ctpaury and the clerk was instruct ed to take action in aome cases council then adjourned to meet again on jttte 21st when the court of revision wiu be held fugitives from the reformatory have brief freedom alwr nearly fortnight hours of freedunil the two nurn who escaped on tuesday afternoon from the on tario reformatory were reiaptured early krida morning ekte to close surveillance of the roods leading from the bcene of the escape all re treat had been cut off and constant search b the guards was finally re worded when apprehended the men sur rendered without resistance they had been hiding in an old building one was caught outside the building and the other was discovered lying on one of the great roof beams the cap ture was made by reformatory guards ivter camracy and bruno cana- fcarro both of whom were regarded as trusties had been at work in the reformatory grounds on tuesday af ternoon when the chance to escape was seized the fugitives made their getaway in a car owned hy miss m o hughes teacher in a nearby school the two youths entered the school and de manded the keys for the car when she refused to hand them over and ordered them to leave one of the prisoners held her while the other deliberately opened her purse which was on her desk and hurried from the building with the keys- after giving his companion suffic ient time to get the motor running the prisoner who had prevented the teacher from raising an alarm ran from the room and leaped into the auto before the pair sped off in the direction of rockwood miss hughes said that the prisoner who detained her in the school was not rough with her but that she was helpless to prevent them from taking the car desert survivors tellslory to two audiences in aeton hol john blajtshalx masked ninetieth b1bt1imy stnday last sunday june cth mr john marshall of nassagaweya celebrated his ninetieth birthday at the home of hu daughter mrs nelson anderson au the members of the family were present mrs nelson anderson mrs reginald rudd uf cuelph mrs shel don trousdale of luslinh and mr k s marshall ijvo milts mr mar shall has nine gratuk hibdlen and three great grandchildren we join with many others in wish ing mr marshall birthday wishes and the hope that both he and mrs- mar- uhall kuy voioy many such occasions together with their famules- mr marshall was burn in nassagaweya township at lot 2x concession 3 and during bis 9 yar has had close contact with the affairs of the town- khlp and has seen nutny changes fur over a iftuarter century he was clerk of the township and he and mrs mar shall are undoubtedly the persons the most familiar with township history and have taken a keen interest al ways in this work church affairs at beuevr ntso claimed mtuh of his attention the ninety years have in deed been years of fruitful endeavor and accomplishment for good con gratulations won high standing andawabdin graduating class dr w r and mrs somen i lie and miss cecelia have spent the past week visiting with relatives and friends in acton and vicinity they had attended graduation exercises in physiotherapy at toronto university when the diplomas were presented to the graduating class tar w j durdop bx bpned lljl the canad ian physiotherapy association prise for highest standing was presented by miss rita haraand and awarded to mtss wilms sornerrlde wltana kt now training for c months at victoria and stck childrens hospital in lon- only one appeal at revision court in eramosa township mcctwr called to arrang unit of lot rderaliom of agricuhttre- the council for the township of eramosa met as a court of revision and for general business in the town halt rockwood at 130 on june tth with all the members present and the reeve ln the chair the reeve and each councillor took the oath of members of court of re vision the only appeal was that of fred hanson sr that the dtssessment on his house at oustlc was too high the court contirmed the assessors figures but decided to reduce the taxes for 1943 by s3 on account of the property being vacant for the past two years the assessment roll was confirmed as audited and the court of revision closed the auditors report for the months of april and may was accented on motion of messrs leslie and pinkney moved by messrs rutherford and pinkney and carried that in response to requests from ratepayers that a township unit be formed in connec tion with the federation of agricul ture a public meeting be arranged for a30 pm in the town hall rock wood on tuesday june 22nd moved by messrs rutherford and benham and carried that bylaw no 3 for 1m3 of the police village of rockwood granting partial exemp tion of farm lands la the said police village be approved and the cktrk is hereby instructed to act la rata officer state wl srrgc iiliiqr w cex ysttt i khv- fraeaaaavjreytwajibrr ttns- wmm anrsac were stsat ue eunttaahamttefc- when you get in a spot wtwte a new pair of alrforce shoes just last four days and you have a trek ol 5x nukrs to make through the desert youte naturally incvrvoted in foot wear h your shoes get into a conditlon that it takes half an hour to wliv them on in the mosnla quid twenty minutes to unwire them in the evening and you cant get a new tair you uke to know what goes into your foot protection thats ukery the reason that pilot officer bob spencew ufm and hid australian gunner fit sgt johnny wood were so interested in the mak ing of shoe leather when they v ladled the plant here on monday off beard- more jb co these young men had their plane knocked out near tohruk when they were on a 4 run wuh one- engine of their wellington bomber snot away and the rest of the rhl bndry damaged they had to jetti son their bombs and bail out that happened twelve mlus from tohruk last october kh when the cvermaas and italians held that city how they got back to the british lines and sur vived in the desert for twentyseven days la quite a story of adventure the airmen told it to two audiences that filled the hall and greeted then ltl acton on monday but they spent the whole day in acton and it was the editors privilege to be with them kniuh of the time the party coming to acton was ln charge of mr robert cumlne of the lubluity twpavtment off the depart ment of munitions and supplies mr h r keete of the national film board sergt cordon berry photo grapher with the department of in formation and the honored guests pilot officer spence and night sgt wood they were met at the ylf ca building b reeve j m mcdon ald and counsellors a mason w j ou oakes j p davison and chan kirttneas reeve and mrs mcdonald entertained the party at noon dinner and the reeve had arranged one of his good catches of speckled trout for the visit the afternoon was spent by the party ln a tour of the beardmore cb- plant they started right in at the hide house where the raw product comes in and followed through the beam bouse yard and all the pro cesses until the leather was made up into s or belts the afternoon was more of a visit than a plant tour the boys stopped and talked with workmen here and there and posed for some pictures one of their comments was gee whtx there seem to be veterans here from every war except that of 1812 and once- again they remarked most everyone ln here seems to have some- member of the family in this do actually there are many veterans of continued on page eight coming events nxmatt of it cvm haadwja hm etwrasd t ft urn with aaiaimua chm it u oiprlnge garden party july ith afternoon tea and sale of psrlsh halt june 19th from 3- 302 a amounting to 9108151 ere passed lor payment and coamcu adjourned to jury uth at 1 30 pja wednesday at pary aj watson la old end mod- saturday nights gthoaboyd modem x a the lakeside chanter oje wut hold a mlle of pennkaf on sasur- 4fiyjihiel2th from tf noon to 10 pn- p for wax service league 42 anniversary scrvtotftill be held at ltetehwtae p church on sunday jane 2a mf j u sell bjl otnonraiwullwaasrieakjarsfter lal music hy the alp mhtad by the lambert tartamj m and other anlolats fptrtoe at xoq and i