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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1943, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press thursday june 10th 1943 1 bltts luntacw i luntd la ims liimi w lfc pa as isb see ifeeacherk on mill street acton sssssr june 6th j3 to mr and hn wilfred mceachern daughter cook in grace maternity hospital halifax nr to ueut and mrs cook nee renetta waller a son frederick charles kay at the private i guelph street may 30th 19 to mr and mrs g kay the gift of a on jamea garnet both well bruce corp ward bruce rcap and mra bruce nee flora sayera of trenton wtah to announce the birth of their son garnet ward at benevllle hospital on monday june 7th 1943 colecilroy on saturday june 5th 1943 at the manse at balllna- fad by rev a o w foreman beatrice youngest daughter of mr and mrs win gllroy ot pusllncn to john peter only son of mrs margaret cole and the late peter cole of ballinafad ont chrbteumccann on june bw 1943 at st peters church belle ville new jersey by rev william kelly bernlce alma uccann daughter of mr and mrs charlea e mccann and great granddaugh ter of matthew mccann a pioneer member of the jesuit mission at dublin afterwards st josephs church acton to charles louis chrlstell of belleville nj died near at her late residence lot 29 con 6 nanacaweya on wednes day june 9th 1943 margaret el len sinclair widow of the late thomas near in her 77th year the funeral will be held on friday with service at the above address at 2jjo oclock interment nt folrview cemetery acton in memobiam soper in loving memory of a dear husband alfred soper who passed away june 13th 1935 in the home of many mansions we will meet him bye and bye sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife barbara soper aijlan in loving memory of my dear husband edward allan who passed away june 10th 194z more and more each day i miss you though my thoughts are not revealed uttle do they know the sorrow that la within my heart concealed always remembered by his loving wife annie gamble in loving memory of my dear husband chas s gamble who passed away two years ago on june 9th 1941 oft lines as i sit beside your grave with a heart both broken and sore but in the silence a sweet voice whispers he is not dead hut gone before but god u kind he gave me strength to bear my heavy cross he is the only one who knows how bitter was my loss god took him home it was his will but in my heart he llveth still sadly missed by his loving wife lily gamble jubi n uttle over two weeks until the long hummer school vacation good old schooldnys n second instalment of municipal taxes must bo paid before next tues day to avoid the inmnlty the road maintainor has been nt uork on tin street ugiln nnd is keep ing them in good condition hero it is june und no one has complained that the dust layer hasnt been applied to the roadways l he presbyterian bible class ball team defeuteri the boy scouts entry by u score of 2320 in the park lost night temperature vurlntlons during the ueek wore from 56 to w and its a matter of argument which uau the worst mr ouio stapleton had the ml fortune to low the end of the thumb on his right hand when it was cut by u die tutting maihitu ut the cut sole rieimrtkm nt of the uetirdmore plant victory garde no rs uneurtli many strange things but it took a while for mr m walker to analyze his find when he dug up a sponge rubber ball filled with grows roots right through the ball its in tuc fsss psss win dow for all to see the cub tulip day held lust sa turday was u huge success over 50 worth of tulips were sold hy the boys leaving them 25 for their fumlu over half of this amount is to be forward ed to scout headquarters to be appli ed to the b p chlnsup fund being the war relief fund of the boy scouts association mrs henry near mrs henry near a lifelong and re spected resident of this district died wednesday june 3rd at the family residence lot 4 third line erin town ship her death resulted from com plications arising from an attack of measles mrs near the former lavina maud was a daughter of the late mr and mrs joseph maud of everton and came as a bride to the home forty- nine years ago where she resided until her death mr near predeceas ed her two years ago last january mrs near was a member of acton united church surviving is a family of one son and two daughters john m on the homestead pearl mrs alex bessey hyrtle mrs wm bessey both of hlllsburg and three grand children two brothers emberson predeceased her a number of years ago and john a of oalcvllle the funeral which was strictly pri vate owing to illness in the home was on june 4th at 230 oclock at her late home a short service was conducted by her pastor rev a w fosbury interment was at falrvlew cemetery acton the floral tributes were beautiful and were carried by the grandchildren hugh jordan one of ontarios oldest orangemen hugh jordan died at the homo of his ron hubert at acton in his 91th year last december ho came from riverside to this homo to spend the winter he had only been iii about three weeks he was horn at bel wood a son of the late wm and jane jordan emi grants from ireland he married mary atone stewart at belwood in 1874 and went to rlvervlew in 1882 where ho cleared 100 acres of farm land from the bush later they mov ed to weyburn sask where he frved for 30 year ho retired from farm ing 12 years ago and came back to rlvervlew to live his wife and one daughter died at weyburn 23 years ago hugh jordan joined the met i o l when only 17 years of age and during the 76 years of his member ship ho only missed one walk on the 12th of july he won affiliated with rlvervlew l o l and was in the parade at shclbume last year surviving members of this family are isaac rlvervlew william and george good wafer sask and mrs james howes monk the funeral services were hold in rlvervlew united church under the nusplces of the l o l no 508 rlv ervlew rev mr wooly was in charge pall bearers were george melvln nnd enrl jordan raymond and royal houes and sam stevenson flower iwnrers were the grand daughters womans big past manchester c p women now provide more than 50 per cent of the technical and skilled labor re quired to repair raf bombers in jured or crippled during raids over enemy territory uncle sams canning washington cp american housewives during 1943 will can more than 5000000000 jars of foods ougti to supply every man woman md child in the country with 40 jars enka frank alexander mcisaac the accidental drowning last week of frank alexander mclsanc cast a shadow not only over tho family home but over the community in tho loss of this young life ho nnd left home only that evening to enjoy n swim in the pomi on alex joeu farm nenr acton never to return frank was just eighteen years of age nnd was the son of allan and the late etta mclsanc the young man nested his father ar the farm home nt lot 19 on tho second line and was horn on the homestead where he tins spent his life he was n member of the lome scots reserve army besides his father he leaves three brothers and four sisters james allan and mnc gladys jcnnetta flora arid ruth to nll of those hympnthy of many friends gms in their tragic bereavement i he funeral uas held on saturday afternoon with service at the john stone rumley funeral home con ducted hv rev forbes thomson in terment was mnde in falrvlew ceme tery the pallbearers were mervln nnd henry ml i end calvin ttreon km marshall walter frjer jr and douglni frank a number of floral tlhutj n bow evidence of esteem and em pathy and were from the following the snyers family mr nnd mrs jork boln and mr mul mrs frank uomph and family benrdmoro em ployees association mr and mrs d mrdouguli mr and mrs don waldle mr and mrs s elliott mr and mrs m steele b d rachlln mr and mrs alex currle and family mr and mrs ln peer and mother mr and mrs frank creamer dorothy and douglas frank mr and mrs ale mclsaac and family acton platoon lome scot mr and mrs l mullln nnd family mrs gilbert creamer and mr and mrs harold billing oou coast farming accra west africa cp a cold coast export produce advisory com mittee has been appointed to advise on matters relating to cultivation andt control of cocoa rubber palm kernels and copra industries rebuilding malta baletta malta cp 1 he ap pointment is announced in malta of r reconstruction and development committee to formulate the problems of postwar building in this bomb- smashed island weekly war commentary specsaujr written er the aetact ffcee press bv elmkst ditlmaoe cstaadfcsn press htaff writer weekend the overthrow of president ramon castillos- isolationist govern ment in argentina was hulled as a sharp setback for the axis castillos government la the only ono r tho americas tliat has maintained diplo matic relations with the axis it is believed that the military re volt led by the allied sympathizer gen arturo rawson will result in a change jn v tho countrys foreign policy the rawson regime was short lived falling to form a cabinet general rawson dropped but and a military government pledced to a policy of friendship toward nations of the americas and neutrality towards others was formed by pedro ramirez there are eight military men and only one civilian in the new cabinet it hi not immediately clear what po litical leanings they will favor casaresdll lacommoai prime minister churchill in tho house of commons tuesday forecast important operations in the euro pean theatre of war during n review of his recent war strategy confer ences in washington and north af rica it is evident that amphibious op erations of n peculiar complexity and hazard on a large scale ore approach ing ho said operations now im pending in tho european theatre of war have been fitted into their proper place in relation to the general war mr churchill said the allies were d tcrmlned to destroy tho axis by nlr nnd by other means he revealed thnt the first week of juno was the itest on record in regard to tho num- lr of cermnn submarines destroyed nnd expressed confidence that the u- iwwit menace would bo swiftly over come he intimated thnt howly-do- vclopcd very long range nlrpowor was largely responsible for recent successes tho prime mlhuter disclosed that 218 000 axis prisoners were taken in the tunisian campaign tito british 8th army he said suffered 11500 casualties ami the 1st army 23500 he declared that tho constant onti of britain and america was to take some of the weight off russia and lo give more effective aid to china ho regretted thnt ho conference had yet been held with premier joseph stalin of russia warning against overopt im ism mr churchill declared the allies were prepared to win the war by hard fighting nnd if necessary by in nil the german night raids on london in 1940 and 1941 the total weight of bombs dropped was about 7500 tons yet in four great raids- on germany in the week ending may 29 the raf and rcaf dropped more than 600 tons of bombs this is only one measure of the tremendous striking power developed on the allied side while the enemy was scoring his successes reaching the peak of his offensive powers and then going on the defensive it has unquestionably been the most spec tacular gain in strength allied bombing of germany goes forward in three main processes first the great weight of attack by night by lancaster stirling hall- faxes and wellingtons second tho american daylight attacks by flying fortresses and liberators third the dayandnlglft highspeed thrusts by r a f mosquito bombers which dart in low and bomb from 100 feet in practice night nnd day attacks reduce the german war effort equal ly germany is desperately short of manpower on tho home front the population can bo divided into three main categories l war workers in the factories 2 administrators tradesmen and the professional classes maintaining the life of tho country and 3 nonproductive mothers young children tho aged nnd infirm tho whole burden of restoring thd devastation caused by air attack falls on the 7000 000 or so gcrmnns who are already employed full t imo in producing weapons of war decreases nasi effort in other words every bomb thnt causes damage to nn essential part of german life or the war effort to day reduces german war production by exactly tho number of marlhours required to repair it an air ministry commentator re cently estimated that the present weight of allied attack decreases the german war effort by 20 per cent thrice the weight of attack would disorganize production that it would fighting alone at the same time become unbalanced such nn increase j bnw lt wa talflcant that 230000 in tho weight of attack ho said ts within reach once thnt stage is reached the german armed forces are left with out support europe is open for in vasion there is growing evidence thnt tho enemy expects to bo struck by invasion forces shortly axis on defensive the demonstration of allied air strength over- germany is holng dup licated in the mediterranean there tho pounding of tho italian islands of sicily sardinia nnd pnntcllerln con tinued nt the weekend nnd tho threat of invasion grew hy tho hour apart entirely from tho invasion menace the allout nttnek on these islands will 4ndor them useless as bases from which tho enemy can op erate against allied shipping in the great inland sen all over europe and in tho far east too developments emphasbo the bad plight in which axis powers find hemsolvcs guerilla warfare is in creasing lnjho occupied countries of southern europe particularly in yugoslavia nnd sabotage nnd passive resistance is increasing in nforwny the low countries nnd franco it is nlso reported thnt germany has been unable to meet trade obligations in turkey and ns n result will forfeit hndlyneeded raw materials from thnt country in short germany nnd italy are so taken tip with production difficulties on the home front nnd in policing the occupied countries it is highly im probable thnt largescale offensive operations will be undertaken this summer either in ftutmin or ow- w bore- on the other side of the world jnp- wuw ihithnrltlek are warning theft ptoplo that n serious situation ik de veloping nt allied strength gtows in the ptu if 1c supported by an am- etlcntichimw air force chiang kai- sheks wildlers are exploiting lust weeks vlctorv in the provlnci of hunan nnd hupeh and it is on the tarda thnt n great number of jap anese troops will ho trapped hie chinese are out to capture uhnng rlvi port on the upper yangtze re ports indknte thnt the japanese fil ers are no match for allied mjuad- rons in the air other developments prime minister churchill returned to england from washington june 5 he broke his return journey to gib raltar to pay a visit to north africa where he met gen charles de gaulle and gen henri glraud the french leaders foreign secretary anthony eden joined the prime minuter at gibral tar and it is understood neither took part in the de gaulleglraud confer ences but met the frenchmen nt luncheon later clarification of tho political iltun germans had given up in tunisia while they still hnd plenty of equip ment canadian navy 3 rows navy minister angus mncdonnld told parliament monday that tho can ndlnn navy hnd ncqulrcd four roynl navy destroyers for convoy duty ho said it was expected thnt four new tribal class destroyers would bo ndded to tho two now in service nnd hinted thnt the government is considering the purchase of nlrcrnft cnrrlors tho expansion of cnnndns senpower con stltuted nn niltime record in nnval history he said the four dostroers turned over to the canadian navy were tho griffin decoy emproks nnd fortune thoy have been renamed nn the ottawn kootcnny gntlnenu nnd saskatche wan developments in the central med- iteirnnean indicate that the itnllnn island of pantellei la mny he the first to flguro in allied invasion plans for more than two weeks the strong ly fortified outimst has boon hammer ed from the nlr nnd niivnt units bom hnnlod hforthe sixth time wednes day axij broadcasts wednosdny stated that the pnntcllerln garrison hnd re- jicted oi ignored allied demnndh for surrender the statements made before the final axis hrenk in tu nula according to a rome com munique allied demnnds for sur render of the garrikon wore conlnln- id in lenflets dropped from the nlr descendants of pioneer of district married in it a a wedding of lntetkt to many fa pkkvj render wns that of miss ber nlce alma mccann daughter of mr nnd mrs charles e mccann to mr charlos louis chrlstell of bellvlllc n nt st petork church bellvllle nefsjersey onjune sth the bride u n great grnmldnuglitcr of the late mntthew mtcattn plnneei resident of when tli the dublin district miss eileen mccann kind t of the bride wns bridesmaid and pte john f mccann it s air corps and sea man rny ryan mccann usn h rot hers w re uhhers the bride groom is n member of the choir of st dchcri survivors toil story to tavo aulieimh here continued from page one the last war working in the plant and here and there several who saw service in the south african war v the group were interested in every phase of this big phtnt where between loo and 500 of artm citizens work and where a third of the leather pro duced in canada is now being tarned out we ourselves were interested to see new processcm that were in op eration since our last visit and to learn that the plant 1 at present processing 1000 sides of leather every day and meeting the heavy derriands of war time shortly before five oclock the plant closed and the employees at tended a meeting in tho town hall where pictures were shown dealing with war production and on the actual fighting front some of these were documentary films nruf films that had been made by tho germans to show how they would conquer the world reeve mcdonald was chair man and mr cumlne of the deport ment of munitions nnd supply briefly addressed the gathering col a o t uenrdmore introduced the guests of tho day nnd told of the job that wns im ing done on the homo front thnt was invaluable to the war effort it wns hnrl to realize thnt doing the same job in peacetime hnd dvcotcd into nn important wartime job but nn nrmy must have shoes nnd good uto s mul the canadian fighters were getting footwear second to nono pilot officer sm nee nnd fit sergt johnny wood says that since they went through their desert experience together thoy like to tell their story together uoth of them ay thoy would sooner take n flight over en emy territory than make nn address lefore n large audience it wns on october 7th that tho crew of six titnrtcd out in their wei llngton bomber for a mall run over tobruk itwas an operation that usually required 8 to 9 hours nnd they were told this was an easy one thoy were to bomb ships in the har bor and if the ships werent there to concentrate on harbor installations nt tobruk bob spcnco soys there wns n jerry planted where they didnt expect him nnd his fire knocked out one engine nt 11000 feet they gradually lost altitude nnd had to jettison their bomhs and abandon ship it was just twenty minutes from tho time thoy were hit until the plane hit the ground breaking in two and incom ing a mass of twisted wreckage worst of nil boh says n machine gun started to fire from the hent nnd the bullets were topping around hlu bond ns he enmo dawn in hlu parachute thnt was nbnut three oclock in the morning nnd he juwt rollid up in his chute nnd waited until morning four men of the crew were able to got together in tho morning sponce wood sgt lyndforth and sgt but- tciiks it if bollovcd the other two were taken prisoner khortly uftot they grounded i hey had two alter nativesprison or a 500 mile hike and they chose to walk it and take chances on getting hack to their own linos iliey gnthored nil the uppllcu fiom tho wrecked machine und had tho omergency kltsof chocolate watei bottles on the wventh day butler iks the tall gunner had to quit they took him to tho inllway line nnd shared rntlonswlth him ho nsked thorn to deliver lolterstolilfimothor nnd his sweetheart when thoy got back and they parted on the ninth day lyndforth had to quit and fall out 1 hey went on so many days east wo many south oast one night thoy found water in nn old tomb that swelled torilble hut when puriflml ho i pod to quench their thirst they tamo upon a wrecked piano in which tlnee of the crew had been dead for thiee months it was on the twontykovcnth da that they found an aiabs uimp and late hunted tho owner ho was fricndlv and literally carrltd thtm into hit camp here thev wro fd camels milk and water a concoction with plenty of strength and aroma later thy hud uimel u milk nnd rice nnd then u sort of bread or flupjatk imkjd in the oalw of an open flte were ktrong nough th stuff and well push it to them mr alex orr president of the advisory committee thanked the speakers for coming to acton that evening mr and mrs r r parker entertained the boys at even ing dinner and they again addressed a crowded hall the production and war pictures were shown reeve mc- ionald was chairman and councillor a mason introduced the visitors ywi interesting feature of the town hll gatherings was tho exhibit of feather and finished shoes as worn by nil branches of the canadian forces men andwomen and made from can adian leather conabau3 fooi berne c p two companies ave been formed in neutral switzer land for the production and trade of congealed foodstuffs practically frozen foodstuffs as it is known in canada married twice from war jobs sheffield england cp dur ing the first great war while mrs lilian breaks worked in a sheffield war factory she met and married george gregory just before this war he died and when the factory started making munitions again she returned to her old work bench met and married william beaks her new husband w t pattehson bo specialist la eye tlrasnlnahi im wvnduam ar oudlph wuamm liaa completely equipped offices below usher shoe store were taken to the arab amp and later ktlll were reiirued from the i desert hy a british patrol of the eighth army johnny woods t 11b how they drew the displeasure of the arabs when they tnttred one of their tents with- peters church and is employed with out first removing their shoes whirh the e du pont co the bride was employed with the british purchas ing commission in now york city immunization htops dikkame hprea immunization of troops in pales tine has ended an outbreak of diph theria which continued for six months and was believed due to civil- inn sources of infection the edln- tion in north africa appears to be in j mk journal bos reported sight and it is considered likely that de gaulle and glraud would head fiveman war cabinet to operate with in the framework of the newlyor ganized french committee for na tional liberation in allied political circles at the hy this time were wired to their feet wire had be n ohtnlncd from com munication lincw in the desert we got back into favor by remov ing our shoes nnd saying salda in n friendly way smiled boh what f does saldn mean johnny oh i dunno replied the aussie mny all your children be hjg ones or something anyway they fed us n big bowl of rice and we sat there eating with a couple of dozen arabs bob went when wed finished the women its always that way the disease was prevalent among civ ilian children although the unit af- i camo to eat fected has remained in the area where even if theres nothing left the wo- the infection was presumed to have men come in to eat when the men arisen there have been no further are finished cases among the soldiers since all per- and johnny woods parting remark sonnel were immunized j was thanks to all and give us the tax notice1943 municipality of acton second instalment now due attention is drawn to the payment of 1011 tnx which are now payable in foui instalments luxes ure payable to the municipal treasurer ut the acton public utilities office inhtalmcnt ar dii am follow second instalment june islh tliirit instalment august lfilh touktii instalment octoiier 15th accnnllni in tho lax collicllon bylnw n pnnlly of lwi i ci nt will ho wlil il on tho umnunt rmiulriliiu unpalil nfti i tho hf- toonth dny of april ipilll plfttoiith dny of juno mul nn nilillllon of tour iior coin on ttio phut iiiklnlnunt rimnlnlnu unimlil uflir tlm flftiilith dny of luno i hlu iiiuilty uppllm to inch llmtulim nt in u llmlliir mnnnoi tho attention of itutepnyirn hi iliioctcd to tlm pinnltlm nml other clnlikof in prlntoil on tho rcvcrmr miiio of every lnl notlio inxou mo now iluo nml paynlilc an lulilltlonal hnulty upplln on the flriit instilment if not pnlil on or hofore juno 15th mul n penalty ih applicable to secoml inhtiilmtiit if not pnlil hy juno lth makk tavmknt now ani tahk voik tax notk k with voi i wiikn mak1nij 1aymknt b ii speight collector heat value of various tuel woods with the woodfuel shortage likely to be aggrassted bj shortage of coal next winter some canadian munb irloui lies are working out plans for community woodpile in addition many inv dividual householders are making their own arranginstsjojpuvaa least a part of their wood supply as a guide to inexperienced cut- ten the munitions and supply department offers the above chart which indicates the proportionate usefulness 6f tlto mora common firewood trees in cansdsa

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