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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1943, p. 7

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1hi9sdat junerzlk im3 the acton fkee press page seven 1 stood la say aad i watched the parade of the iff jrostrenewr wuti pence then yontye misaed floifcfb sthft- tv bob sank knar in the western ky pcalart the dark csoods it dm creep while the moon stood by and bade it eatatnasaa stars started to peep night no fawtao bother no snulfuns about each star took its place just ricbt hv the the cuftdrs aad from the r while the dlpoer formed up ered the call to the and they lord over all whom bath made shls forth this parade to tf ever there and i thought parade bere was one to be seen up above the commander moon and all his co parade not for war but for low lac paksons a- g burtrh oat twenty years ago state controls of agriculture when war over brilfek fanwar vmimm sccsoaw farma t cumawit dine- ta nmnary ft oravt iturtinton council propose an an nual tax of 31 ua single men of the town owtnj to the kmm alt nd-inee- at acton high school the hoard of education i considering the advls- ability of employing an additional teacher t at the nomination for n trustee t prodiutw in all the acancy caused b the retire- ment of mr nell mcixmatd mr amos mason wu fleeted by miamii- t ton- mr a e- iobbic son of mr and mrs- a hobble of georgetown has purchased an interval in the ajwr- usertopic of ictrolia where he has been foreman for the past thre years acton cfcrts baseball team played a gmme with brookvllle crbv tam and defeated them with an overwhelm ing score of 4123 bt hahlm basuxay vnasasnaw ttaaft wrhw londox cp a pretentious posswas agricultural policy envtsajt- fcac continuance of some form of stat control nod undns international co operation to stahhbae production and marketing has been presented the british government in an interim re port by the council of the kational farmers union the keynote of the report result of three years work by a uibkununlt- tee stressed the necessity for inter national action to reculate the- pro duction and marketing of food sup plies so as to brinjc primary produc- ers a reasonable- measure of secur ity and stability of remunerative price leeu it further contended that stability of world axricult ur- would enliancv the ttmnufturini ih- dustry which it ald was concerrwd to v th- swift rhal of international trwie the rporttaui that th inuwi policy was fouvded umn the unatii- mmit rvcxtmnu ndatlony of th- um pire ihrmliwvni confer nee at syd ney in 193s which eont niidatcd rv tahlishm nt of nmimixlitj council for tlu- purpose of obtaining the imrtl rly hurt tinir of kftipm rimtry imrtler to nutlntutn con- the sunday school lesson voat st xdat j1tne woodwarren on wednesday june 13th 132x at walmer leoad baptist church toronto by the kev dr john mcneil ihlen mar- euerlte only daughter of mrs warren and the late james u warren acton to mr john wood acton cook at his home on main sire t acton on monday june ik lit franklin kae cook beloved hus band of irudenev thompson tinuity of supplies and to prevent avoidable uluu ami rultant insdahll- ity of prtce uvels and speculation akl of overankents the cturtunodity councils nv laoted ly llu sydru confriuv sliould be constituted as aduoiy bodies to iulde knitir- acruultural nunlsters john describes true christians olden text but if e ualk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus his son cleanseth us from all sin 1 jnu 17 ijrsson text 1 jno l- 3 1318 t 15- it exposition i how fellowship with 2od may be preserved 14l first by a determined effort to avoid sin fellowship nyllb codts maintained on the basis of his love for us in chrixt and our loe for him expressed through christ the gos pel must prevails where such love is exemplified in true believers sin mars fellowship for in the last an- alysix it ls due to a cold and selfish heart toward od second if sin is committed however ue bav- relief in the sin offering of the son of cod jiui is both our hcl ami our ur rut all of our iu liventiuv trunk sin must he- txinsul rel in llu- light of the va riluv of jtus on calvary tills ulu kep us all irm having light j ve n id how vlevti tf hxn ttu c rtaintv of for- j irivtiufis uw rut allow u ttk a t pt m if ivt tilt tndulincv of win ahj kin w cotntiilt tali ontv im ittvtui fir tit tlu- rikvk v li iu- nil uuu it hi tlu fullur tlu prou r ork of in ml- vtuil- is in ptad wfiir- u judf a chrutluki- lia conic lo ctiui die julu of nil ituu uiti iml live lti tlu pr mjihv of tlii throne v tilth rubs ovr all relievers ntv itoourutnl to kb v tb it uilh christ to thlr advocate nil will go wll uith tluir in the court of heav n ttiu tihoutd strenglhen faith htul purity of life our advo- tate u qualified it- u jeus chrut tte riuhteouk it his own righ- teousikvs uiliith he pleads it for the a hol awe of him as you never had before but there is no dread in that a only childlike trust there will no shrinking awa from iod but rather a cudtdllns up to him as a child to its mothers bosom does someone ask how can i lear to lov umi mith that perfect love that cale4h out fenr the next point answers the question we love m1 becsuise be first loved us ijaut plenty of cairqts in victory garden if victory 4arden crops w re to be rated according- lp the quantity of vitamins they are likely to coatributo to th family diet all season long the carrot would probably be rated next to the tomato carrots are definitely a health food they say that pilots of the royal air force are required to eat them narl 9tvry day to keep tlulr eye sight keen but not everybody likes carrot if your family belongs to the nntl- iurrot factuut lo ht omit carrot- ftom the scluilule juhi iwnuke of thai prtjudlce if you itave inver eaten arroth fresli from our garden then mldous they can be rhfy tnake a pleasing and colorful addition when ahrdedded into snladv children often prefer carrots raw to cooked let tin carrots irow without thin ning until ituy arc as thick as lead pencils then begin to thin out and cook the- excess roots you will be umazed at the flavor and tenderness of these tiny carrots and from then on our prejudice will dlsapear while carrots are most delh ions ulun they are oung they still re main tender and sweet after i hey have grown all lunurn r they will mature w 11 standing s close in a row as to touch each other but lh bent plan 1s to make successive sow lugs ami harvest them before the are full grown if you wish to can carrots lite smal ler they are tlw more dlldou you will find them next winter it is a good plan to sow a sieclnl row for canning ami harvest them when they reach the desired slie when carrots ore allowed to ma ture they sliould he pulled when the tu lmgln lo turn yellow if left in the ground tluy will lose quality ivuly nlory u tlie unanimous up- prkluttltu of lo4m1 inen for tlwlr pralw4 im not tmiuglit with hiomy nml thv alone tire uble to intimate r al in rit ut lb prop r valu clcuro 8th armys victory in lctwrt the 1st round t tii for i iimu on jh mill llu vidorittus kth armv bos pursuod retnatlng axlx f ore it in nun the ds rt in the first rouml tbo etumy r4ivtd n mtitiuling from hrltitli nun nml itombti ru h tw he n v r xptel to u rl me in r gypt he wan badly shuk n he was unn- mil of mmiv ktrong mwitlonx 11 lust tbnusnmu of rnn as uiminik tli4ukiiml mon klllel nml woundetl sv rv in rtuidt into liiw iniikff and ollui tiiuiorml v itu 1 a w re nuiih i hl liltnilh ri of hi runs w r kttm kel out liture shows n of tlu aimlriillimj who fought m miiuiiiri- inlly in m nu wihtrn 1 rl ljtll i h look tough tlu j tut touuh mid llu in my fimlx tluit tluy inlly ju touilt 1 sks m is wmsmmrmmmmmmsmm mi j0l5s82e iil newspaper advertising in respect to control or production judge he was righteous in ills life andjnarketing the report contlnu4-d- ion earth jno 846 10 l he was similar collaborations should take j righteous in hu dath rom 579 place between the organized prim- laike j347i he was righteous in ary producers of the ernplrearwl ag- his rvsurreition ac 2 ii22i 32 33 riculiura ministers in regard to luke 244g4k b and market surveys it added that the machinery contemplated at sydney could be extended to include friendly foreign countries and cited the united state as an xample lt is impossible to forecast the he is the propitiation for our rj wins the wortl propitiation means thit jesus t xdtte4l our tins by being our tuhtltute in death ami juilgment it u this that he pwads in our behalf iffi tu we confess our sins to cltnl thus j itnes of ecmomlc jwillcy uhuh ttn lh- coiifl of hvn u- iij uir- of ravaged countries of europe w ill this ef t u a ions mlnljtr of lnterch- udopt whn the ar no longer umur kmn the naii luvl but it miu rea- j if vte ken lib cmnmumlmeuls uuiable to uunu- tint couhtnet in tills nui lw wid to the tet1 of the urgt need of footl kupplut will pot true light within us olwslitnce u tvssfi krvjlc prsiklkl iwa riwuilalnliarirurt ugalnu the impor- 1 heiier than stu rifle- okregnrd of lei rrth ivv l of tlu supplies if that tu- umple but piofound lomnmiuli sumption i well founded tlu uiii- 0 our j a rientlnn of the ub- l hello hum maker a invpira- 1 x1 lrts- itilntlon in tspit k iu of r il devotion to christ no tlon guidance t nvv wai of con- j to wurplui in ktore in the don j in- nutter how min ptoft slvnt of faith serving the wartime ihrices nnd ions and vmii au ease the thraten u mule coiiwletitioiis olumlletuv trade lumrd have- now imdalled the prexure on the unitsl kingdom to ctiristv lomnuilids proviv that u k well known mrs kute aitun us nn- nt trl i tional sup rvisor of cvmsepiilkm for brfuin the ctuuumr brnmh tlte wur on wwde ami needle kmmhng uhli idling with homegrown have a hew meaning to hum mak r re r vort dlareil at a recent divplay of nw froikw rntwi from old ones we guaned many pra4tiul ideuv instead of stuffing that old venlng dres tigrt- that producn had m to call fitr ubanilonnuht of ull mea urt of ktnte mtrol tlie hait fluiih i krupplhc of ctmtrol after the first dressing gmn into the rng bag it i at wur cewt the furnur- d urlv ma 1 maile into something usful for ourself or a growing child to help ourself and the wur ef fortyou too may consider re-hiak- tng b one of the following method 1 kiddles mitts from a pair of dads toe- holey socks 2 marys felt hat from mothers by trimming it down und twisting it around 3 warm durable overall und jacket from a dlslardetl bathrobe 4 consider vuttlng up tlu- worn iiave a spirit kenotne to llu word yffy of cod tlili too k indkitki nt tlu waj lint vv hold foi gtwl iitrb know n we th it we are in him we emmot jjpy n t4i b w l chrkt without iuhic kem1- kw dutkit on i ciiy 1 tlve to the wjiv he liv41 mid would gt live wire he in the world now let kerb u examine ourselvis to find how pw warm i the affection we feel for our f saviour whoe love for us will tuvr ikt fall tlther while we live til thin world fr or hereafter illeh 11 s fi ii two tstk of sonshlp 3 1318 lo itecotne like chrkt in the grat nd of the christian life on earth there are two very ktrchlng teats tf the klnctrlty of our hoite v 3 i ur now lib in display windows both newspaper advertising and proper display of menliandis store windmvs play an iniportant part in the sale of goods one is helpful to the other and combined they make a grand niereliaiulising plan the one to ereate interest and give uwripton and the other lo clinch i lie tnlcmcnls by actual presentation of tlie articles uilji store windows in titnl th huutn luuf not bwti fivruottiii it ukt it nhtiunu ntunl ratottlun of um- ihineo rhutruttl from tlw xut- ln minutr of komi for ouroom of iturchtulnir supplies front overa ukiil fixing uholctuitt and rvtull pric used alone therprogram is only half put into effect the field is nar rowed and the effort does not bring its greatest yield heres an actual ex ample of what happened in acton recently that illustrates the point action on line advocated ut the sd ney conference it suggested in t nosed production ami advocated t j minimum ofltkwuw aerti under ftillnge nn increase of 4u0000 over ottheslecvc sweater and inserting the short sleeves and back into a dress that may have faded in the back 5 when our trim shlrtmuker dres has been stained or frayed at the armholest make a smart jumper out of it a blouc may he fashion ed from a mans shirt ripped upart and remade to eliminate the frayed collar ec 6 we saw a very gtaniorous long- sleeved blouse which had been cut out of a striped evening dress with or without stripes you can just imagine the swish ness or crispness of tho materials which have not had hard usage 7 if a dress is too long or the col lar is out of fashion shorten the drees make corded bow a new belt and a hat band take the collar off entirely and face it or bind it a a black or dark colored dress may be livened up by panelling the front with a piece or flowered mater ial 9l if you have an old ensemble suit wearable the material should be washed or drycleaned remake as a twopiece suit to go marketing in 1cv an old skirt plain or gored can be cut excellently tnto a small editor of boys shirt lu9 the minimum acreage for wheat kttould be 2250 out acres compared with ltivooo in 1939 while the 1ml miv would include potutoes suur beet and fruit and vegetables correspondent tells how paris is striiiel of maiirover the manhunt in krahce to fill ger man war factories and assure that the allies u111 find no help from pat riots when the second front is op ened continues unabated says the paris correspondent to the swedish newspaper dagence nyheter of april 20 1943 when i wanted lo order my re turn ticket to vichy he writes the tourist office declared w e cannot send it as we have no errand boy he has been taken to oermany in a restaurant where i wanted a compassionate loving heart cod 1 irnc t u al righteousness a mun cannot lie n hild of cod and act like u child of the devil matt6 24 if we are looking forward to being like christ when we w him us hi u we will long to he like him here and now in him is no kin and he was manifested to tuke away our sin while we live in the lody of thw flesh the enemy will con tinue o war against the new nature cal 5 17 but if tlu christian through irtdewsnesv or weakness falls into iin be wijtl honestly and penitently confess htwlsin to cod look ing for forgiveness ithrouuh christ jesus lhe new life principle begot ten of cod has not part inevil for kln is the traniikreslon of the law cod s law j there are many to day who try to soften the stark reality of tries words using scien tific and psychoanalytital terms they seek to give sin an air of inno cence a child of cod will hate sin and cannot live in habitual sin the great secret of rlehteousness is to live no close to christ to be so fill ed with ills spirit that we will mani fest him in and through all we do or say the nearer we keep to jesus the more will our life reflect the rad iance of the new relationship 2 a this is dnnk of mineral water i was told the final decisive proor a heart and nothing had been served there for the cod were never met together for last fortnight owlmr to lack of labor cod is love that is the very es- my old friend a priest wh is th ence of ills being ich 4 7 8 be- window attraction till imi pmss olficc hus u window in which small article ure placed so that owners ntuy claim them without any expense this spring the articles filled the window until u clearing out wai necessary we were overstocked many of these articles had been on display for passing people day und night for months new art icles would have been damaged if they had been left in the window for the same period there were motor license plates gloves small coin purses hub caps mitts keys and articles too numerous to men tion newspaper attention so wu iidvcrtiscj them in a condensed advertise ment ill till fnu pulss und here i what actually happened a license plate was returned to a truck operat ing from guilph there were twelve cnquirui for one ot the gloves before the owner secured it the hub cap was tried on lour curs and we fatally got un olfer to purchase it if the owner wusnt located the sn mil articles and items largely found owners and we secured u window nearly cleared out from just one small advertisement church review cannot shorts may be cui from print it not for lack of paper but the wornatjheelbow jacket to qtmrr the dani uondon cp one of the most brtlllant criminal investigators in europe illmmel stntpi has been sent tf arrhus denmark to clear up antl- gatrman sabotage there until he suc ceeds the town will remain ilnder a stage ot emer the dispatch sakl because there are no typographers my chamber maid has red eyes be cause her only son was sent to ger many in the conciges room a twenty year old wife sits weeping after three months of marrtage her husband has been sent to germany at the electricians and the lock smiths shops it is the same story we have no stock and we can repair nothing all our workers have gone hold what manner of love he hath be stowed upon us cf rom 5 8 he kave himself and that is what true love is always doing translating it self into deeds ill there is no fear in loe 1 1517 there is no fear in love but per fect love casteth out fear vearn to love god and you will be delivered from all dread of god you will still reverence god but you will not be afraid of him you will have such what happened in one window ean and does ocnir in every form of merchandising newspajier advertising attracts a larger audience and sup plemented by the display of goods completes sales there is no magic hut just plain everyday logic meeting more people so merchandising is built on a public acceptance of the fact that i4tistitutions always want to be of service to the buying public populations change new fanlilies come to town they look to the local tore advertisements and store win dows to guide them in their shopping needs build and maintain business by using both regularly m tvl mm m ssi m

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