pag kiuht a hb acton free press thursday june 17th 1943 af blrtfcs amwi as pssras isss imkn kblaiihi the goelph ge i friday jane 1mb iso uuklh hospital to mr ai malcolm david stewarttv s stewart nee fbeacun the aon both dolnf well ontario on saturday june wjw istxiarcarat allen hsij5e in her 68th year dufcteldat goelph general was- chart paffiew ojh r no wife or roeksrood in he a j suwt toronto oat on pcbjsci2rk t melam service win be held on ssjx venmc at eteht ovjoc at th troll funeral home 1111 p interment will be made jft cemetery acton arrlvlna about three o on friday afternoon in memouabl allan in loving memory of mil vtm allan who passed away june memory whole dear life 15th ims we have only your firandma to remember our throuah but the rosetneas will linger forever aa we treasure the imaee of you lovingly remembered by audrey boxy joan and jean allan in lovins memory of a dear wife and mother mn wm altan who passed avay june 15th 194j a shadow rests upon our home we miss your smiling face whereer we turn whereer we look we see your vacant place to your graveside we often wander and picture your face so dear in silence we stand in sorrow for the one ve loved so dear sadly missed by her husband and family elliott in loving memory of a dear father roland elliott who passed away june 15th 1942 tour days on earth are over youre pathway safely trod youre name in gold is written in the autograph of god sadly missed by alberta and roland elliott in losing memory of our dear father v ho passed away june 15th 1942 only a memory of by gone days and a sigh for a face unucn but a constant feeling that god alono knows just what should have been ever rem mbered by his daughters nellie mae margaret also his sons william ttd and pkrcy overseas also his sister ldith elliott in loving memory of n dtar husband rolnnd who pnuttd awny june 15th 1012 with ttars i wutched you sinking ivwatchtd you pass nwny i tended you with loving care bui could not make you stay i watched iwsldc your bedkldo as the lomly hours passed and how my heart was broken when i saw you hrtatho your lnit my lips cannot till how i miss you my heart cannot tell what to say god only knows how i miss you in a home that is lonesome today ever remembered by his wife margaret 15237 mrs thomas near in falling health for the peat three years but able to be about the- home until three weeks before her death mrs thomas near paased away on wednesday june 9th at her home at lot 29 namaslon in naasagaweya township she was in her seventy- seventh year born in erin township mrs near as before marriage margaret ellen sinclair a daughter of the late don ald t-ei- and christina mckech- nle following her marriage fifty- eight years ago she went to re in nassagaweya township and this has been her home continuously her husband predeceased her seven yean ago one daughter mary at hot and two sons alexander reeve of nassagaweya township and william m of kitchener and three grandchil dren margaret blllle and audry near of kitchener remain to revere the memory of n beloved mother in their bereavement sym pathy of many friends u extended mrs near was a member of knox presbyterian church acton and the funeral service at the home on fri day was in charge of her minister rev forbes thomson she took an active interest in the affairs of the community in earlier years and not only in the home but in the neigh borhood where her kindly helpfulness often bestowed will her pass ing be missed pallbearers were messrs clarence wilson duncan moffat victor watson andrew ful ton mac mclaughlin and mansell nellls among the floral tributes which also bore testimony of esteem and sympathy were those from the fol lowing the family the grandchll dren mrs m l near the shortlll family mr and mrs wm cooper and family mr and mrs elwood nodwell and family norman and archie mcenery charles anderson the kingsbury family murray john bessie and bob mrs pearl kennedy miss anne macdonald mr f l rife mr and mrs w robertson and mr and mrs f anderson mr and mrs douglas hodgson bloomsbury literary society dublin womens womens institute construction em ployees boll telephone co brant ford and kitchener nassagaweya township council milton trafalgar 6 mary brain norval eaquestng roy harris campbellvllle nelson s s betty may norval s s 21 betty win- held acton eaquestng 12 doreen steele acton esqueslng 8 noel mc- klnnon bronte trafalgar is bessie henry campbellvllle s s 3 don ald elliot campbellvllle nassaga weya 10 cordon ferguson rock- wood nassagaweya 9 ross brlttaln acton esqueslng 7 joan gunby tansley nelson 7 arthur ireland freeman nelson 5 floyd cooper burlington east lucky la be who haa been educat ed to bear his fate whatsoever it may be by an early example of up rightness and childish training in honor thackeray axaunq auction sale doismcntr vvewttvbb hat osuun etc the undersigned has received in- structlona from wmsmmonson to sell by public auction at the farm lot 9 con 1 situated on the 1st june of erin im miles south of the erin- guelph highway on hatttoday junk xatai at two oclock the following horses brown percheron mare general purpose implements fordson tractor 23 model oliver tractor plow oh barrels ate mh binder s ft cut scuffler mccormlck mower 514 fl out mh rake bar hay loader mh side delivery rake mii 13- dlsc drill steel garden gate spring- tooth cultivator lumber wagon steel truck wagon set sleighs cutter wagon box 5sectlon har rows fleury no 21 plow fanning mill scales grain scoop forks hoes shovels etc set team hal- ness collars etc hay and grain about 20 tons mixed hay 300 bus oats if not previously sold household furniture fum ed oak dining room suite couch parlor heater parlor table quebec heater coal or wood good as now parlor rug carpels 2 bedsteads with mattresses springs toilet set dresser wash stands mirrors trunks baskets kitchen table kit chen chairs set of dishes clover leaf design meal chopper bowls pitch ers pots pans knives forks etc terms cash on day of sale no article to bo removed until set tled for no reserve as the farm lh rented and tho proprietor is giving vp farming roy i1indlev auctioneer phono 15 r 6 erin r r 3 acton 512 weekly war commentary fulfttatly written fee by il ii oocoon fa an hii- press htaff writer next mqnday will be the oncost day of tho year seems almost safe to assume thut summer has finally come just a week more of school and then the long summer vacation these are day when the crass keens well ahead of the luvvn mowers mr john kognvaldson bus receiv ed word that his von lac ellis hoe- nvaldstun hus arrived overseas sunday is futlurs dny moat any kind of gift hint hows hob not forgotten will gle him pleasure vi here ure bonu splendid home gardens in und ubout at ton thut shortly v ill solve borne of the iin nu problems about the only time for re union and a big catherine in acton this year will be acton fulr on septem ber 17th and 18th evening when weather permits are busy at the tennis courts and bowline greens 1 hey are in splendid condition this year mr v b rumley is having the circular driveway at the johnstone rumley funeral home paved and new sidewalks laid to the entrance real estate is on the move in acton and sale of several properties u bemg made every week in many cases the buyers are from out-of- town in the obituary item last week of frank mclsaac the name of mr and mrs e roberts was inadvertent ly omitted from the list of those who sent floral tributes bis preparations are being made for the district boy scout oomman- dorse at blue springs reserve on jnly 3rd 4th and 3th its a program that apftesus to very boy school children are guests of county council continued from pug one ton ajrrleultural society nnd 100 nth to acton nnd esqueslng an amendment followed mpved by mtssrt mn and murrny that tho county council grant 5150 each to milton georgetown nnd acton tho amendment was defeated and the mo tion carried some dlscuehlon took place regard ing the equalized uksejment which was followed by a motion moved by messrs gilbert and robertson thnt no change bo mado in the county equalized usurutment for tho yeafr 144 carried two bylaws were- given the re quired three readings and passed 1 to equalize the assessment 2 to levy a rate for the expense of tho county of unit on for the current fin ancial year the estimates for current expendi ture showed an increase of 110 of a mill on the road rate but a decrease in the general rate reduced the total rate by 110 of a mill accounts passed for payment wore as follows finance 3 058 it educa tion 11562 printing g7 23 agricul tural 1h60 county buildings j43- 56 hospital accounts 1107 50 mak ing u total of 5771 68 a motion was pushed moved by dr heslop kototuled by mtc craig thut our clerk bo instructed to write the deputyreeve of oakvllle chmltu hillmer re iuktruulonm on tiding hi- tilett and thai we hope for a tpetly ntovtry fiom hu fructured limb council udjourmd previous tactile adjournment howivtr the children had bten called out and tukcu for a tour of inspection of the county buildings mr smith taking hurge of the hoys und miss muxted of the girls the pupils who attended the county council meeting were as fol lows helen andrews hornby tra falgar 7 geruld small campbellvllle nassaeaweya 1 jean matthews acton esqueslng 13 laura deverell hornby esqueslng georgetown wil liam mcdonald donald couhton kil bride nelson s s donald milton georgetown esqueslng 2 arthur farlow milton nelson 13 allan waters milton nelson 8 sam snow georgetown esqueslng 14 mabel millar campbellvllle nelson 10 harold wilson georgetown esques lng 3 marian brown milton es queslng 10 richard appleyard georgetown esqueslng 16 joan alli son moffat nassagaweya 2 mary begsworth freeman nelson 3 bill mckendrlck oakvllle trafalgar 22 george service rockwood nassaga weya 7 joan coles acton rene mc laughlin milton heights esqueslng 17 ceorg czokar freeman nelson 4 douglas watson burlington jack king milton donald bird kelso trafalgar 1 hugh lerlche clearing auction sale at kerion of arm stock imrikmenth khal kstatk etc tho undersigned has received in structions from a 1 trelkavkn to cell bv public miction nt his form lot 10 con fi eramosn situated on the 7th lino adjoining everton this farm is better known us tho wm ev erett homestead on wksdnesuay june 23rd ibm nt j oclock tho following horses buy marc koncrol pur- pow 9 years old boy mare gonoral purpose 12 years old bay percheron colt 1 ear old bay clyde colt 1 year old hogs h york sows bred may 12 8 shontu implements tractor outfit auto tractor chev engine with truck chassis mounted on rubber tires 34x7 speeded 1 to 40 miles per hour circular saw attachment for any trac tor- wagon truck trailer 11 ton lic ence with 32x6 heavy duty tires for carriage with 600x16 tlreu stock rock for trailer hay rack for wagon or trailer oliver 2furrow plow 6 ft deerlng binder 6 ft m ii mower bain hny loader dump rako m- vt 10 spout seed drill with fertiliz er spring looth cultivator bisuol spring tooth harrow 17 tooth 5-sec- tlon burrows outhrow disc harrow those implements nre adaptable to cither hortes or tractor set of lumh- i rmnnti sloop sleighs funning mill 1 pig crate steel scuffler fn- ullngf cart steel farm pump belt ing set lenrn harness collars etc hay fork hopm pulley slings korku shovels chnltik bags bar- grain nnd lumber 100 bush el oath 5 bags potato n ubout 2 100 ft 1 inch spruce lumber h10 ft x a mtuhtllhg 400 ft of 1 inch elm planks 250 ft pine about 20 cedar pouk for hvdro or telephone household hjunmhe bed- itead wamhxtntul commode wiiui- maoilne car radio in cabinet charger wind bur driven by u wind charger rllh farm on the trnme dnv at j lo the farm which is port of the eat1 half or lot 10 in the- 7th tonces- 1 on of eramosa containing 6j acres more or less will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid on the firemlses is a substantial stone dwel ing which has recently been re dec orated also a food bank barn with driving shod nnd garage this farm is well watered with cis tern in the house and water pumped bv windmill to both barn ana house the farm is well located being on the bow of n hill overlooking the picturesque village of everton where there is a mill church and store this farm with its beautiful grounds and landscape would mnko an ideal country home partlcularlv adaptable to poultry or small fnnt farming possession will be given to suit pur chaser the spring seeding is com kleted and the farm is all seeded to ay for next year terms on farm 10 of the purchase price on day of sale 50 of the balance may be left on a mort gage for 3 years at 5s terms on chattles cash no article to be removed till settled for no reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming soy londlev aueuonrer phone 15 r 6 erin r r 3 acton the 20day battle of pantellerla twt an important precedent in the histdry of warfare it was the first time that aerial bombardment reduced a 4- ress to the point of surrender it was the fulfillment of herman coerlng dreams but it happened the wrong way for him no spot on earth has taken such an aerial pounding in so fewdays as did the v diminutive italian equivalent of britains unvanqulshed island of malta the italian garrison numbering about 8000 clung tenaciously to the island and ignored two demands of the allies that it capitulate final ly when it did give in the italian ad miral paressenl in command of the island messaged beg surrender through lack of water indicating that the aerial pounding had demol uhed his facilities the intensity of attack which pan telleria took was demonstrated in a statement in washington that the bland which is only 31 square miles in area and which supported a peace time population of 10000 absorbed a bombload of 3soo tons in the last 10 days of its siege naval units help pattern bombing of the island was carried out on a roundtheclock basis by ila f planes operating at night and american aricraft coming over by day it had practically no peace naval units also had a big part in the bombardment but the aerial pounding was mainly respon sible for tho capitulation of tho axis outpost slight opposition was encountered by the british landing force which went ashore after the islands capitu lation presumably because the bomb ings had so shattered communications that admiral paressenl was unable to convey tho surrender order to all his forces a sidelight of the surrender woj the attack by between 50 nnd co nazi aircraft on tho british lnndlnc parties after tho italians had sur rendered it indicated one of two things n brookdown of intelligent between the gnrrldon and tho get- man nlr force or complete disregard for the italians who might justifiably havo been renttacked by tho allies on tho grounds that their aa part ners had nullified tho effect of tin ir uurrtndor there u every reason td believe that the campaign ngalnut italy will he pushed with increased vigor in deed president rooevelt brought up tho matter by mking the press nnd radio to communicate to tho italian people nn nppenl thnt they revolt ngnlnrt mussolini and tho fascist overlords to avert destruction the prcmdcnt said that as long oh mussolini u in the drivers mint and germans dominate italian life tho united nations have no alternative hut to prosecute tho war against italy to completovlctory it is true thnt in tho event of italys capitulation tho country would bo a liability to the allies but from military standpoint it would mean tho withdrawal of itallnn troops from greece yugoslavia nnd southorn france hitler would find it vir tually impossible to defend thousands of miles of coastline nlong the med iterranean in addition to policing the balkan countries where patriots eagerly uwalt the hour of an allied invasion ouavseldorf attacked a two- week lull in the norlal bombing of germnny endod june 11 when british and cnnadlun heavy bomlm rn commuting the greatest fone of lis kind of the unr attacked duwkoldorf and othei objectives in the ruhr and rhlneland duuieidorf was under toucont rated homhard- hu nt for more than an hour the stye of the attacking forte uiix indicated b the alt mlnklryt tepoit that 46 bombers 10 of hum canad ian failed to rittiiu i he forte nun w compart d with that of 1000 planet used against cologne on mdy to 1942 but in t hat t ne t he planes were not all of the huiv hnrnbei class the raid on the great lion nnd steel works centre came onl a few hours aftt r j00 american heavy bombers had staged a dnllght attaik on uboat l u at mid harhot itiktullu- tlons at wllhelmslmven and cux- haven action by land forces on the ion eastern front is still confined to comporatlcl small operations but it is a different story in tho air whew russian airmen nre attacking ger man airdromes and doing immense damage in one htg attark nt the weekend the russians reported the had destroyed or damaged 150 nazi aircraft losing only 10 raiding planes mere islands taken tho italian islands of lnmpedusa llnosa and lamplone were captured without a fight over tho weekend and now the axis powers can claim no mediterranean outposts between sicily and north africa sicily itself is under heavy nlr bombardment and an unconfirmed report monday said that the big german air headquar ters on the island had been transfer- led to northern italy broadcasts from axis capitals claimed that allied warships and transports are being concentrated off sicily as if preparing for an allout suit on southern europe axis commentators predict that the allies will invade both sicily and sardinia this week and the rome radio says without qualification that the de cisive stage is approaching a dispatch from ankara tuesday forecast the immediate closing of the border between turkey and syria the fighting french are in control in syrlsu although the turks give no reasons for the move the report if true might indicate an allied move in the direction of the balkans is planned in addition to fighting french forces britain has the 9th and 10th armies in the middle east to gether with polish and greek cm tlngent united states forces have been reported on the island of cyprus the bombing of germany continues with the rhlneland and the ruhr valley taking the brunt or the attack i the raids are not made without losses to the attacking squadrons but the damage to germanys war plants must be tremendous a mass evacuation of cities in west ern germany is underway according to german newspapers reaching switzerland da reich organ of lropaganda mlnlkter joseph goeb- bels tells gennank that to move but is hot on obligation but a law of common sense resentment and dls- toanlcnt is general and the exodus ur- reported as a great movement of women children and old people with men left behind to work inusatja 3fatt 20tlf a few suggestion for dad ties bv tooke siiikts by tooke light and dark colors i smart stripes and whites 50c 100 i 175 to 250 sockebs for aaaasaaer wcai several weights 25c 59c brans behs glows keruefs sweaters r jackets etc socks bayou wools 29c 75c spobt 8iiibts several colors 150 to 200 navy league tag day ju saturday 19th for summer wear girls white 8uobts s to m ladles summer swe iters 100 125 ladles shorts white and colors 125 king crrg in africsv it was nhnounccd wednesday that i the king has been in north africa since june 12 lie went there by i plane and was accompanied by sir i archibald sinclair secretary of state i for air and sir james grlgg secre- tary for war during his visit tho king invested i gen d d eisenhower allied com- 1 mnndcr in north africa with the in- slgna of knight grand cross order of the bath it was given in recog nition of the american generals ier- viccs in tho tunisian campaign the king visited military estnbllsh- i ments and convalescent camps and received rouulng receptions on one occasion at a beach where midlers were bathing he was surrounded by dripping men some of whom sang the national anthem this was followed by for hes n jolly goad fellow an the king stood talking to those near est to him ailjrens print hun suits i to 3 years 35c girls phint dresses 2 75 100 8 to 119 turbans and head kerchiefs 35c 69c childrens print overalls 2 o 6 years 95c girts print bath- ing suits 195 ladies print bathing suits several styles 275 ladies dresses rayonx spunm etc 219 0 349 prints smart pat terns and colors 25c29c35c elliottbros phone 3ft acton navy league of canada will hold their tag day in acton on saturday june 19th the immense conlribution toward winnlnic the war made by the italian men who man the ships of the canadian navy and the merchant ships is fully recognized and appreciated by all of us the ships and garget for britain ah well as the thousands of men for the army air force and supply units must get through let us sbow them that we are 100 per cent behind them by sub scribing freely to the navy league tag- gers on saturday s jfc laj attjjsaksyct ygglgglgl