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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1943, p. 2

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thbacton fseb press nimtsoat juur tat ims blirattan3ffrrrb omnunoibw t sejia eev etv ttesa asaaa ms s grttiirry u ess n t j ii t lilmllllmisl u v etoctfc the week at ottawa the- atatemgnt of miffcmw kin that he oald tw no id hoar many if uca mtht be bwrbotvd 4a canada until pce rr- huram dlrvcta attatioa to one of the bum difficult of postwar problems that of novidlncaanrtuary for vic tims of nazi oinreauio after the lib eration of kurogm j mr king maov his statement la presentinc estimates of the external affairs drgartnmt t la the ilouae of commoia and the question of refucee care brought from stanley knowlea ccv menoker for winnipeg north centre the comment that canada should participate to the fullest pos sible extent in the relief of races persecuted and rendered homeless by nazi aesresslon and its results it seems rather odd that with a provincial elec tion in the next few weeks we should hear so little of provincial matters and so much talk of dominion affairs we have had the privilege of scanning some of the platforms and proposed changes held out as bait for the public we have not yet seen either liberal conservative or ccf mention of the stand they propose to take on one of our most important provincialpblemsr a semblance ofcontrolof the sale of intoxicating beverages we havent seen the issue mentioned by one of these parties but we can find health insurance farm help mothers allowances and everything else men tioned one wouldbe leader winds up a radio ad dress with this sentence for the sake of our splen did youth let each oneof us decide to make ontario strong so that we may bo ready when that day comes to march forward to the opportunities which lie ahead now isnt that a noble ending and yet he doesnt offer to improve conditions in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquor in ontario that will keep our youth strong and able to march and not stagger for ward into these glorious opportunities of a better day- we havent seen any proposals from any of the parties seeking election to better present condi tions which they all know need improvement per haps electors can guess why this hands off attitude is taken by all parties and why the smoke screen of health mothers allowances farmer coddling and anything else is laid down for this election next month for ontario x we doubt if there is one or the heads ot the three parties seeking election who will dare to make a statement of the policy of his party on this issue which is doing more to impede canadas war effort than any other question over which the provincial government has jurisdiction is this leadership 1 v an opportunity for service it is quite evident thatthe present system of county equalization is highly unsatisfactory inhalton county only the patriotic motive of curtailing ex pense in municipal uffuirs in wartime has averted c court hearing for several yean many say openly that the agreement made to avert equalization court costs have not been lived up to and evidence would seem to bear this out certainly the present year to year changes are not going to abide uf tety the vfar it is not too early for provincial and county bodies to give some study to this problem we do not believe that halton is the only county that has equalized assessment adjustment on its agenda every year surely there is a less costly way than the pres ent proceedings to settle these differences of op it ion county councils have in ontario passed on inany resolutions for the attention of other govern ing bodies here indeed is a problem upon which their experience ought to be of vital guidance in making legislation that would be fair to all v marking local history the interest attaching to historic sites grows with the years just recently the historic sites and monuments board of canada was asked to take over the maintenance of the 140yearold halifax town clock built by queen victorias father milestone places in the history of the dominion are for the most part well marked but the beginning and de velopment of small town and country life is not so well commemorated too often the inauguration of community life a aha rt aaal atatple aaaaal of aarccorav c4 familiarity such ta at the cm ia britain their tustoric aitea are wen smarited and carcfatty preserv ed whether roaaaa leamaina the taa where arcaera c their return croat media wars or the cottage of stsakeapearev wife oar aaea overseas e visit these p and there t hardly a village ta britain that cannot beast m famous character or exploit preserved in print and atoae we know full wen that the prescattays are oaea which require an oat war effort bat la we go along the road we mast preserve that whicbnhaa beta ac complished even if something new cannot bcander- takea that pioneers cemetery in acton should not let these busy years contribute to its neglect again at the fall fair and through the efforts of the late nelson if moore a collection of historical art icles have been gathered in our town hall are flags and shields which mark important events and connections and should he preserved j the first school house in acton still stands and serves as a residence but is unmarked in the plans for these days ahead to which we all look forward w must not neglect the effort of mr nietaoo unity member the past that has established us in our present day i tor north uattleford offered the position we do not urge new undertakings but it iit t does seem reasonable that we shall maintain present day accomplishment v last before yea lavest in between victory loan periods we are apt to forget the impulse which guided the purchase of vic tory loan bonds then too there is the danger to lose the money to irresponsible promoters who may lure your savings into an investment that is worth less these savings of yours and fine securities of victory bonds are always prime lures for racketeers with their schemes for persuading people to cash in their bonds and turn- the money over to them on irresponsible promises of getting rich quick commenting on this the ottawa better business bureau offers this sound advice if you are urged to cash in your bonds for in vestment in an unknown proposition watch out carefully investigate the offer for these good rea sons i it may be a racket 2 it is real patriot ism to keep the war bonds you buy 3 these bonds arc one of the best investments you can make v brtermlne your rations the next few weeks will determine what the ra tions in canadian homes will be during the winter lts harvest time in canada for various crops until next fall how we gather and store that harvest de termines how we will be fed just because humans dont eat hay or oats doesnt mean they have no in terest in these crops without them we wont have any beef or milk and several other farm products there is something that can be done to help make sure of next winters supplies labor to gather in the crops is short the war has depleted the farms of much of the help just as it has other industries perhaps you can spare a day or a half day or a fev hours evenings to help garner the crops that nature is now and will undoubtedly continue to provide this season there is no opportunity lacking to use this spare time the machinery has been made operative here many farmers and helpers came together with profit lo both in last farm season if you cannot help on tho second front in the war zone you can be a farm commando and do valiant service in harvesting food supplies mr f l wright is again acting as secre tary for this work this year if workers and farmers give him their cooperation this section of ontario will meet the demand required v editorial notes the next holiday is one that the municipalities have control over making monday july 5th a civic holiday doe not stop the first monday in august from also being proclaimed a civic holiday v acton public school again attained its record of all pupils successful at the entrance exams in ad dition half ot the class secured honor standing teachers and pupils are deserving of congratula tions v shortage of labor tires or gasoline apparently doesnt affect the brewing industry three husy men from a town nine miles distant are on the job with d6or to door delivery of beer yet in this locality v a number of weekly newspapers are missing an issue to provide for holidays among those who will take next week in this district are erin and fergus weve always managed a few days for all the staff so far without missing an issue and we hesitate to break the record v in marking its seventyseventh anniversary last week the georgetown herald recalls that there have been six editors of that journal and that other papers had started prior to 1866 had become extinct we have followed the herald under three of its editors and at seventyseven it continues to give ex cellent service to georgetown and its territory we join in anniversary congratulations to our neighbor ing contemporary labllmhed lo enable a check to made upon all refugee released from europe and comlne to canada to b- vuu the knauhluly that german stile anient take advantage of the efcodus of refugees to fcnlnale with them jaaaawa yj aan so far mr kin has not replied to the request of a w ketu independ ent member for cumokalbernl that he make a declaration against the future entry of japanese into can ada there appears to be utile doubt that mr mr ills request for uich a pronouncement would be warmly sup ported in british columbia which from the beginning of the present war has made it clear that it regards the presence of japanese in the coastal area as undesirable widely divergent views have been expreed in the past upon the form which canadas immigration policy should take many eople believe the dominion is sufficiently endowed with natural resources and vast in area to support a imputation many times lnrur than it how has the objection has been raited that such unrestricted immigration ir tleularly of eur ruceai would result in a louerinir of canadian btan- dardt of living another opinion is tlmt tha movtmmt of immigrants to canada fatter tho war should bo re stricted to those of klrltkh stock abo to hi taken into account in dealing with the problem is tlu now- uty of umini that vvtcrarui of the second creat war nro iuecefully assimilated into civilian life again lu- fore citizens of oilier countries wish ing tonter the dominion are urmit- tcd to do so it appear improbable that tlu w conflict in c viewpoints ever will ut completely reconciled hut all will have to he considered in the formu lation of an immigration policy after the present war winter fttlel vrohlent canadians whose country produces no anthracite coal may expect in fu ture to receive smaller supplies of this commodity from the united states tills was indicated by donald nelson united stntci member of the combined production and resources board of canada the united king dom and the united states in an in terview given after the hoards first meeting at ottawa mr kelson explained that the prob lem uas to get more coal to the ports to use navigation while the lakes nro open despite the recent strike of coal miners in the united states however it was not expected that canadas shipbuilding program would suffer though the strike hud reduced the output of stoel in mr nelsons opinion cunudtun nickel wut one of the outstanding materials itelng furnished the united states for war purposes and the dom inion uiis helping to meet etiumtlul ivlllun needs through her exports to tlie united states of wood pulp tlmlver and news print tm ossgary saw prwsit a kan pooa badge ta stent it b raaamav aca with the remark yowll be a great caaa inai day lies uvtag up to that predicttoa la the rca b- talalag the highest marks la canada in bis ground school course the high est marks la ids class in bis wtreteas gerald murphy arrd as taa dei1ei1am fngund cw yea umes are good la old knglaad de- aptte repealed advertising there have been so applications for a l33u 41- 373 a year post of fire guard officer to the council w l hi norfolk town housewives voluntary production worker use hc limestone only for poultry because oster shfll whuh is im ported from the united states in be coming sarce canudlan poultry men will huve to depend lo a greater ex tent on limestone in feeding ouury high calcium limestone which is rela tively cheap and of which there are many dejoslts in canada makes a satisfactory substitute for osler shell apd if properly graded njny be fed in the same manner all limestone deposits are not con sidered suitable for poultry feeding the feeds administrator points out some are low in calcium ani high in mngnehlum only a trace of mag nesium is required by poultry too much may be harmful to chicks where limestone is used the pul lets should be started on it because n change later from oyster shell to limestone may result temporarily in reduced consumption and adversely affect egg production the thoughts of some people live so near to god that to aak them to think of us s to ask them to pray for us edith c rlckards fifty housewives in a small on tario community have united in a unique voluntary war effort thai lias boosted the cotton production of a war plant in their town by tumt yards a month and is raising mure than s30u a month for war charities ot town the town is woodbrlgc ontario and the woodhridgtf ilan introduc ed in april hi working out so well that its adoption by other canadian communities wliere tlu wlwow in ut- pllcahle is now being considered kour hour spare time a wk for war production u the ssnce of 11m practical twoway war effort plan the local cotton converting plant working on urgent munitions and supply dciartment ortfc rs favd u labor shortage bottleneck to re lieve tlie shortage women of the town formed t he war workers f woodhrldge and fifty women signed up to work in tlie cotton converting plant on a parttime basis each volunteer donates iter lime for on fourhour morning or ufternoon p r- lod a week tliey have been ussluwd to simple hkft necessary tuuku such ticketwriting wrapping taping und i clothlauding thus releasing regular i plant mployeeu for heavier uork itegular httsjc wag tales are paid by the coniisny and tlw money arn- d1y this volunteer wfmt is turned into a common community fund ad mlnhtered by lit- organization for distribution among war charities or community project the fund u furllwr in reatd by m contribution from lite colton company un the hnslii of jl pr ent of tin money earned by tlu volunter workers working itoum are from eight ta twive in hit morning fiotil one to five in hie afternoons lurlng the first wk tlie plan was in nitration thirtyone volunteer worked for thirtyfour period of four luturs each lurlng the sejoud we u fortynine volunteers worked fiftytwo periods it hi now plunued to organise night sltlftk wlten the ludhs luite to draft tluir liuklumdv into the organization juvt us worn ii in towttu and cities nil ov r canada ure giving mornings or uft ruoom v ry we k to otln r volutituty pltuus of war woik the wood bridge plan in ituud on the sfuire tme print iple with the differ nee that the effort w to a uar plant urgently in need of help variation of the w lunu have been efftlve in knuliiiit for some time hut wood- hrldic lw the first catiudlim com munity to adopt it carrolls beans pica- 19 certo btl fir i flybpaat for flys lin i aintiitox pwto rvek wiuj pater rs seals t p c ihpfclfc soap 3 t 4c ivory soap bu- 6e soup vwb campi tsato virmm extowt of root beer w- s9c modvr puw wut lsj tea jroni sxc braobhou cheese 9c cubes ti- soc savoy powdursl custard x19c aylmn- four grapefruit cu 35c tko rijkt to limit qumtitu of all mrclinji chipso old dutcls ammonia javex fluffs clej ioc 1 coon ilcl newport pk- slireculed jmtket fresh watermeijon 130 each wheat tables lp-v- busineas directory dr va g cullen lmjcc office llouto 3m and 19 pja exeepf wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick street rtionb iis dcmtaf dr t h wvlie eff tegeal taklac cttareje of tr buctianaiia practice for lie duration for tae llninl te pjh kverjr and helnntey ofrice tkijciiionk 148 dh hugh s austin uoutnl h a n mill street comrr frederick acton office lloura oju mja to 3jo pjn kvenlnka by appointment uoqajl c v leatiierland bjv nmuer and hellrlter votary raallli issuer of marrlaxe licenses ileslstrar of ulrilis msrrlajtei deatba afttuv offlee n kenneth m langdon barrister w notary raklla offices otketown crecory ttieslre bulldci acfon over t keynucks cafe kor appointments ihone acton g0 or ceorjcetown vh office iioursacton tuesday and fliuruley i jll pm to too pm kvenlnies on request vexkkinabv r d young vs bvsc veserlnary hurceoa office uroiikvllle ontario ilion mllltitl itcr 4 f g oakes vs bvsc vfirrlnmry hureeoa ottue ii nd it fildfmo knox avenue a ton imione 1 y atjemtsvkuh fkank petch auetluneer and bepreseittatle fjoni ntercle ufe assurance co ihoiii wl fluurles kfreet tieosaetosms russell johnson licensed auctioneer for this j imetrlet ii it a action ukal ektatk oih am j pm 7 la pm loh um 1 ii nm home grown carrots o bunches 11 new potatolss juicy lemons 10 pounds 38c 6 or 23c frost sa tset ss nma sstardsr alsfct ealy cbampion gropup mt mb hta h w 3fllloughby farm agency ijrtj tit und oldvst auoncy in canada kail office kent bldi toronto cloriretown iejireientotlve torn mettsonv rhon rforiftowo sse i time tables canadian nat hailwavs teoln wtl daili xit sunday saturday onl i ljall cx pi sunlu mnndn unl uuilj txl4t sumli kl- r at gt it our duit cxtcpt sit and tun 3 i m fljr ut ruilph dail i t jt sat and sun ti- imti 1 tiuinrr ljsa 1 dull fxc ji sunda uijutn daily oxr it kunila n m dull fxit h sunda vj p m i sunday only hljpm 1 flir dally ciri town 9 25 pm kir daily at cuelph h 59 p m ray coach lines coaches leave acton kastbound 6 46oii 016am206pm 636 p m 9 16 p m blo 41 pm vrstbou yl053 am y2 38 pm asospmi xl 33 p m b9 28 pm xll 53 p m a to london h sundays van ilolidas only to cuelph daily to kitchener sunday and holidays- y to kitchener z to stratford cur cot ro tnk 0m j old chum tyrwevo ckqtrtrnsp jj ph- j4fi

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