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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1943, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday august mill 1m3 up attnitjffrtrljrebb tattfaday actmm oaiatia rasa b tfa la cam t tan wises assist w jjimlfjaja rin ei ba carried ta aars o a iumi sktacribot ubm tlm ric cmtimnl advertising bates- awuvauoa la vukm chm bdimc- allhousfa t pwcmtlo m w tatoo t ala otth dotaaxlv tha it wf1 art i wr i- ay artimca pttblitwl wmidtr j a ool ol d diftlat aqoatal ia mitt t tbtadlur tml rturai la thm fre prs li- othca duly is4 by iw adwtimc aj ih such tw car cotoa auialy aated la writinc tbciciw tn1 la tu u y ww so noted ia cotrctd th fra pma lis luultly ball tu l a proportioa ol allre t ol suh adtunnl pc o to lb twl tc occuoutt aiod by la att erto hy bocb advwiimmval h artof dills ed i to telethon es- editorial and swls ohlo another cll for the home front again ihc call comes for more voluntary blood donors for the visit on tuesday next august 31st of the red cross mobile unit this time a hundred donors arc required that means that many new vol unteers will be needed when the voluntary blood donors committee of the red cross jwas first or ganized the quota was 2000 a week with 1200 from ontario it is now 15000 a week with 9000 from on with the battle growing thicker and more canad ians in the front line the need for more blood to save the lives of the wounded becomes greater if you can report early to the committee as a voluntary donor one hundred arc needed next tuesday at the ymca its another call for service of those on the home front v all work and no hay weve been keenly interested in the fine com pany picnics which have been arranged this year by acton industries and of course it has been de monstrated that all uho have participated in them have been more than interested attcr four years of war and each year going on fewer and fewer plea- sures and outings these events have indeed provided u break that will send all back to work with renewed effort and a desire to sec an early completion of the war its an old and true saying that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy for a community that in peacetime had its weekly ball games and hockey three and four nights a week its several garden par ties a year and its periodic holiday celebrations all removed until only the fall fair remained in the year it is safe to say folks are devoting all atten tion to work there was no complain r heard al though it is realized life might become a bit of a humdrum existence we think these outings this year have been splen did and timely we will be much surprised if they do not prove throughout the months that follow a stimulus to greater effort they have at least given all a reminder of some of the outings peacetime used to offer a reminder that present restrictions will gradually be removed and a glimpse again of the kind of life many arc fighting to have maintain cd in canada perhaps in the years since 1939 we have forgotten many of the pleasures enjoyed in peacetime the glimpses provided this year should do much to urge all to hasten again the day of peace when hours for pleasure can more often be inter jected into the daily routine v o unravelling at convention a couple of weeks ago it seemed that every topic discussable was on the agenda there was the british empire health insurance price con trol the national income the scout movement christian education and a few other items dealing fwith the technical part of publishing a newspaper wc came home with so many editorial subjects clam oring for immediate release that we decided not to publish any editorial page last week or until they un ravelled a bit we are not much concerned whether the name british empire is proper or the british common wealth as long as that group stands together for the things that are right and honorable we would like to see good health insured to all and price control is important only as it is understood and obeyed by all so that we may have no repetition of the sad ex periences that have followed inflation periods the scout movement and christian education of course have ideals and training that carried on in life would do the things that should be done we have the ideals and realize the need but apparently lack the ability to bring them to fruition two weeks later were still tangled up and so were back in our own community just again actively interested with the affairs of the folk we know and are close to perhaps if we work to gether on solutions of some of the local problems it will spread in the community then to the com munities of the dominion and communities of nations those ideals will eventually be attained which seem to be so desirable perhaps its been a roundabout way ot arriving at the conclusion that the success of the british em pire health insurance price control national in come boy scouts christian education etc depends on communities arid of individuals and their ability to work together for ideals v site shortage gets more acute a local problem that has been greatly aggravated by war conditions but which was present in acton even before the war is adequate housing for the people who live and work in acton this commun ity has had much industrial expansion but no home building to nearly keep pace with the needs of the extra workers there have been several attempt but somehow thcyhave struck a snag anyway the houses havent developed rapidly yet wc hear of many other municipalities getting assistance and having homes erected where the industries are of a nature that their usefulness will be ended when the war is over acton industries fill a peacetime need as well a a wartime necessity houses built here will be used and occupied in the days of peucc is well as in these present days perhaps an inquiry of what is being done in other towns to meet the situation would prove as a guido toward solution here many workers now live outside the municipality and travel to and from work by bus service it makes their hours often unduly long it is becoming now that the only security of not having to move is in owning a homo and even the saleable ones are getting scarce v the one opportunity to visit within a few weeks acton fair will be the final local event for the season prize lists are now ready for distribution and indications are that in many respects the fair will surpass other years although the hall exhibit will be missed by many folks need to meet once in a while just now they have such good reason for cheerful conversa tion the community needs an outing when facili ties for travel are so hampered the fall fair pro- ides this meeting place given good weutherit is an outing that few will want to miss being stag ed on the weekend it means that those in industry can plan to attend acton fair without loss of time acton fair is on september 17th and 18th this year v editorial notes war 25 years ago with just a little over u week until school opens and fall fair time sturting nevt month summer can be considered about over v its beep a remarkable summer plenty of rains to keep the lawns gardens and crops growing and not a serious interference with harvesting v remember those who serve on issuing ration books arc voluntary unpaid workers its your job to do your share to secure your new book this week v honey jams and marmalade are to come under rationing which has now come to mean equal dis tribution to all generally rationing is more wel come today v of course the folks who have in two years sup ply of fuel face the chance that the price may be lower when they come to use it but the fellow with out any of this years fuel on hand has a bigger gamble on comfort v with the better news from all war fronts it seems only natural that people should gather again in acton park the functions there have been a pretty small percentage in recent years of what they were in years prior to the war v we want a land where without loss of freedom or the restriction of opportunity the weak and the unfortunate will not fail to secure the arm of pro tection walter p zeller addressing the conven tion of canadian weekly newspapers association v i in the days before the war housewives used to greet each other with i got a new dress yesterday but now the greeting has changed to i got a can of pears yesterday that causes more envy than any dress ever did in the good old days pictou n s advocate v modern science added today the indication farm ers should do their haying in the afternoon pre liminary studies at the new york state agriculture college show the food content of alfalfa and other hay and forage crops is influenced by the time of day at which they are cut rainy river ont re cord isanlaas moved bark late the arras mectsr fsr sirs attacks acsimt the lllssserawir by ii ii 420roon ajtaduan lress htaff writer victorious in the battle of amiens canadian soldiers 23 yoara bro again ploed n spectacular part in the n- tackfl which drove the onwim from formidable position in trje illndei- hure line for ttiu purpose the can adian corp uai attain hurriejiy transported from the sommt battle field to the desolate vtnmte known na the arrau sector their morale broken german arm ies faced a period that produced mime of the bitterest ftchtlntf of the first great war marshal ferdin and foch ccneralisslmo of the allies planned a scries of hammer stroke that kept the enemy n the jump from the north sea to the swiss alp again sir arthur currlos canad ians were ued as the spearhead in mime of focha flcrceht onslaught their immediate task on their return to arm was to recapture ground lost in the german offensive five months before back at arras vanuhlnc from the antlens area as m steriouhly as they had arrived lewi than a month earlier the canadlnns started to move north on autr 10 by autf 23 the corps was back in the position occupied during the winter of 19171h and ready for nn attack planntnl south of the stiver scarpe in front of the canadians were the fctroncly fortified defence of the ocr- trrans at orange hill monchy-le- preux and wahcourt tower hide and beyond those position the outer defence of the drocourtqueant switch itself part of the famous hlndcntiurg line in the early morning of aug 26 the 2nd nnd 3rd canadian divisions moved across no mans land the artillery barrage that preceded the assault was nothing like as strong nn that used at amiens but in the early stages the canadian machine gun brigade mnt over n heavy bar rage capture orange hill the 3rd division quickly over whelmed orange hill in the centre of the advance and monchy wo nlflo in vested on tholr right the 2nd dl- vulon itucpt over wnii court kldgc by night fairthe dominion somlont had penetrated deep into the ger man porltloiib nnd were four miles from their utnittnir piikvh the following day the 3rd dm s i on fighting north of the arrascnmbrnl rond advanced over broken ridges to- wnrd the boik do snrt and the bols do vert the 2nd division fought their iny heond the canal do la setikce and captuied the villages of chei isy and fontalnolescrolslllem again an advance of four mllen had been made on the night of aug 28 the 1st and 1th cnnndinti divisions relieved their comrades and by the end of the month most of tho high ground notlti nnd south of the arrnscambrnl road was in their posesklon east of tin sensee cannt omo ridges remained to be captured before the battle kwunc across the plain which wan broken by the droucourtqueant switch british women teach polish london cp british women are being trained to teach english in polish schools after the war a spec ial course for them lias been arrang ed in edinburgh said an t official of the polish ministry of education women married to poles will be glen preference hapkty fimmr a missionary in africa was trying to impress ukin a negro convert that it was not right to have more than one wife when ou nt hack home ho said tetl nil our wtes except one that they ran no lonwr look uoti ou as their liuhlmnd the niiito m ralched bin head thoughtfully nnd mild you tell them ntiimui new montreal street real ly llpsibe imwn it really isnt topsyturvy but mon treal has a new street which lu prac tically upside down that 1 to say tho office and btructureti it serve are underneath tho roadway instead of being nicely regimented along ench id e of the pedestrian walks the name of this htrcet is enst nnd it was built by tho canadian national railways nn part of the facilities re quired by the new central station it is 115ft 5 feet in length with n width between kerbstones of 54 feet and an ovorull width of 71 feet 10 inehet it 1 paved well lighted nnd affords a handy bpai in a crowded area throughout its length only one door way appears and that leads the eas tern ilde of the now station building however below the street n re facili ties sufficient to make it populous and busy there is a big covered garage an entrance passage to the station concourse the canadian leg ion welcome room for men and women of the active services wo mens rest rooms part of the general waiting room immigration offices colonization office barber shop the companys investigation department a soda bar taxlmens shelter and some other offices in all of which business is transacted without any awareness of vehicular traffic passing overhead on a small scale east streets affords an example of the pos sibilities for future extension in the canadian national railways station area when enterprise will lead to the erection of buildings over the entire track area london cp william halcrow british engineer and world authority on dam design and construction says it will probably take the germans anything up to two year to repair and replenish the eder and mohne dams breached by the raf amendment to the unemployment iwiunfliro aet notice to fnfrrf employer and empiyva at its 194ft session the parliament of canada rk amende the unemployment insurant art lmo the effect of llieae amendments ia o rrqulm thai additional worker lo covered under unemployment insurance on and after scplrmlwr 11 1913 employers must txuuve ronlrlhullona in respect of ilia following employees 1 all persons engaged in employment hitherto insurable rcjtnrdlcaa uf the amount of earnings who may iw paid on an hourly rale on a dally rale oa a weekly ralejor m trc rate including- a mile age rale 2 all empijoykes paid on monthly annual alary lasts whose salary including any cost of living bonus wnlrh btuty he received uoca hot exceed 82100 a car all employees a above described must pay their contributions a required by law the combined contribution for each employee earn ing 926 or more m week will be in class 7 vie a week to employers obtain unemployment insurance books from the nearest local office of the unemployment insurance commission aa soon as possible for employees above described who will become insurable on september 1st 1943 to employees it is in your interest to see thai your employer makes contribution on your behalf from sep tember 1st 1943 if you become insurable through this amendment unemployment insuhaivck commission humphrey mitciiem u i timttlfn cunlntmh b j tamjon ijmr allan m mitciikij carrolls fruit kepe eh xse zinc rings jo zso jar rubbers 5c parowax x pw- zsc mcmba seals xoc savoy pectin z pi- zsc certo k zsc celery seed sc auspice 4c turmeric 4c mustard seed 4c iwhol mixed pickun spice pi w rassrvs tfas right to limit quantities of all narcbaadlss roman meax pw z9o has coaaansad tomato soul ioom tin 9c poatum cereal i- pw- 43e unrationad noca pv ase powder is- ti sac wheat z pw zsc jaafc tablets x ri- asc swuujotm cjc flour ae hw lutt lw extract m ate dntmjum asparagus ii- 7c p a soap 9kme fir spmr shell tox jt s4 nbob coffee ib 43c cocoa lib tin 24c kuo cornflakes ceaps wats flakes a 1 pk a7 canrair cleanser u 5 x la 1 umll white shoe polish to- 14 bunche ammonia sc fresh beets or carrots firm homegrown lettuce laffe head eucs fresh celery large stalks tomatoes special weekend price 9c 6c 2 for 15c frolt and vegetable price until saturday nlht onljn business directory medical dr w o c kennby tsucceoor to dr j a mcniven office in symon block mill street acton ofltee rhoaa 7s bealdenee chtueli 8t paeae ih dr mcm g cullen lmcc phyalhaa aad harawoa office hour 24 anil 79 pm- kxccpt wcdnewtay and sunday mill street near frederick street piione ma dental dh t h wylie off toronto taking cliorge or dr uuchanan practice for the duration vor um preoeat office llour1 aja to b pjn every thunday friday and saturday office tkikihonk 148 ok hugh s austin inntal suraon mill ktrrol corner krwiitlck acton ofrico hour 0 31 am t s30 pm kvrnlnca by aiiimlutiiiont telephone it fa motlai c f lkatiiekland ba larruter and hollrllor notary pufcuo lumer uf mnrrlntfo licenses itccltrar of ulrtlis mnrrlngca deaths avwmt ofrleo jj phonea reoldenoe ifll kenneth m iangdon llarrlaler holleltor notary pubuo office ooorkolown oresory ttumtro builds acton ovor t seynutkn cafe for apihtlntments phone acton 6s or georgetown hh offlco hour acion ttlrkilay and thunuloy 110 pm to 4 00 pra evening on hoquebt vetkkinarv b i young vs bvsc veterinary hurgeon office urookvllle ontario phono milton 14b r i f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary hurgeon officii mul itenlilum u knox avenue aclou phone 1 hi auotionkkim frank petch aiictltneei svlwl iteitresr illative com merclal ijffl assurance co i lion- mi i liarlm htreet urktowi russell johnson ijcrnaed auctioneer tor this district it it 2 action iceaij khtatk willoughby farm agency iurttit nnl ollest alien cy in canada hrml offlci- kent bldic toronto oeoruetown itupresentntlvo torn ifawson phone georgetown m time tables canadian national railways loins west dally xept sunday u01 am nturuy only li j9 p m linlly irxtept kuniluy 7 4a pm njnncliiy only 12 08 ajru dally itxtept sunday 1 u a m rlyer nt fjeornotown dally except sat nnd sun t 15 p m flyer at ulih dully cet xut nlid sun t y2 p m 2olnf kat daily exi4pt sunday 1 49 a m dally except sunday 1156 am dally except sunday 150 pm sunday only h 19 pm flyer dally fjeorcutown 9js pm flysr dully at outdph h50 pm gray coach lines coaches leave acton easthsnad 6 46 a in d16im 206 pm 6t p m 016 pm bo 51 p m westbound yl0 53 am y2ji8 pm a5 08 pjn z733 pm b838 pm xll28 p m a to london b sundaya and holidays only x to guelph dally to kltchsn sunday and holidays y to kitchener to stratford cut coam rhw tni wg i old chum an mu nit cioutimsw

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