ht juien jxtt tt slktyninth year no ii acton ontario thursday bfiti mhhi iti itto i irih home ivinl fanes five cent citizens will be invited discuss town planning iftwallliii senafed to be advb- dry to ciiilt in partwar m- wwmh niitmlf in park to be reaelnd m beajnted cteaaaulee to blake plaa for prcoaratioci of bia councillors a mason w j o oalces c i klrkness and f davi son were present last evening when acton council met in regular vesslon and reeve j u mcdonald prodded it was decided to request tlie junior band to hold their practices in the hall on nights that council wan not holding sessions the second and fourth wednesdays of each month accounts were passed for puyme nt aa follows fred cooper rent of dump 5100 acton public utilities commis sion street lights town hall umw acton public utilities commix slon charge for 1942 fer lax collet tor 1 reusurer etc william shepiuird tiuckhig kenneth marshall luhor david flllott labor robert brooks itilxir james mrcullugh laluir llkl 57 47 nti too unit j oil 2 ho t40 more letters from overseas to tlie war service league chocolate and chccae were al amort forgoumi iteaai boy say thank you another lroup of llt rs from tlie ac tun and district tmn overse as n ctlved by tlu wat h rvlex a ague imv interesting to all itlsen and boeks m pr of the efluip we wish it were ixmkll1 to publish duutional prngram after tin closing n nmny tin- luutttttu mrs agar mm whitburn ami mus cede se rved lunch ioixe il ar the priaw winners in school commtitioiis mrs it m mclonald opened iwr home for the- s44mber meeting of the iuke of ievonulilro ctiapter im peiiul order daughters of tlie km plre n tueudtfy venlng of this week gratify ing reports tv r oelv4d from the dlffe rent ooninilt- tees final arrange im nts we re made for the tag day at tlie fair and also tlm ewve on septemtier 25th for he institute of tlie illlnd mrs wm hall as firesented with a war se rvlew iladge by mrs c matthews first vice regent the prixe- ixud rs and scrap immiks made by list different grades of the public 3cliool wen on display and the first and second trle ssuys wen read itiese winne rs are glvn all we ean give is ex closing 741 s7 copy of a lettr una roail showing that approval had been given for the purchase of a snow plow rite cl rk read corresiiondence from the iv art- ment of municipal affairs anil tub tnltted copies of a bylaw that wan approved for municipalities to en able the establishment of a reserve fund to carry on improvements in the postwar period reeve mcdonald suggested that u citizens committee be appointed at u general meeting to discuss the matter he felt the matter should have the in terest of nil citizens tlie question was given considerable discussion ami it was decided to call u special meet ing of council and cltlzenu to dhu us a plan for town improvements in the postwar period it was planned to form an advisory committee and to set up a retsetrvc fund to provide for major capital xiiendlture in the postwar jwrlod foi new improve ments in at ton the meeting dot will be named nfte i the next sesslon of council when more study could lie given find more information setureel accounts of indigent patients itt hospital wire dealt with mid itiutlth llohltiskued it was rcorted to council that the monument in the pioneers ccmetetj w hlch had been knorkenl over bud bech replaced on its base arrears of taxes were dim ussc i mid council issuer instructions for eollet- tlon of the amounts owing taking court action in two cases and blurt ing tav sale proceedings where re quired a letter from the wartime ware housing corporation wan re ad regard lng the lights in the arena und the in spection of the property council in replying pointed out the handicap of carrying out inspection without lights in the building the clerk reported on correspond ence with the wartime prices board regarding the appointment of n rent appraiser for acton to deal w ith rents under the new arrangements to be effective october 1st mr f 1 wright was recommended for the appointment by council complaints were made regarding the smoke nuisance in acton it wns pointed out that the only procedure possible was for those objecting to lay a complaint in police court ns a public nuisance it was decided to have the band stand at the park entrance repaired and repalnted the dressing rooms for the outside rink were to be paint ed the grass in the park was to be cut and put in good condition the bushel on the main street and on the edge of fairy lake were to be trimmed and cut back to avoid drift ing of snow 9 it was decided to ask the war ser vice league to appoint a committee of three to attend the second meet ing in october of council to discuss rules governing the placing of names on the acton honor roll which will be compiled shortly the clerk was instructed to write neighboring town ships to see if honor rolls were being compiled there so there would be no duplication being drunk and careless driving bring court fines in police court in acton m veek bert clapham of brampton was fined 10 and costs on a drunk and dis orderly charge stafford downey paid a fine of 5 and costs on a charge of careless driving both charges were preferred by chief har- rop them all tracts eordon ceietk cetokle wilte u puree i jttsl tvee lved ilie ettiit nts weie really milne thing to im hold ami nieiitl set luiiell o u lie le wikttl to thank iiih centnilulatlonm em mtur kueeeh ill the houttti vie ter iemn and iiojm nil ae ton h t ntl nveirs will iimh i with mm ii uhlle 1ij nival lilt k vn eeie ii mil w l hunk ml lilllth it vnti mile ii klll pileel hit ehoeotllte mid lit e he are moilie tiling we ulj m llloiil set eve v iii re mill we liiue itliiefct foi u what the mk like and whti hindi the like it wliw elelleloum lllll tilt luht thing eif ull in th mih but vtill imsiptt at home have te weilk to send im these pne 1j ilelleie tilt it in uppree lateel johnny 4oy wi urn my peireyl eame in tewbty and everything wjiw swell esintlnlly the ivory soap i elon t know what you ladle s can k t out of u imr of washing seiap hut i e an munuge four big wauhlngs out eif 1 itjir and usually e iiough left for thre or feiut imlrs of tucks he rh ctuik and iluu cftuholm we re up to tne lat wee k they lloltl loau line ft lit tik ou ull ukuiii llandsniiin notmtin olbuetn in iiim letter he id the iuim i off the box lie reeeleel juut to niiow how the pate el uihie through he says it wau an i th ill uolth ru tmk mo ului wild the lmi wire proud of acton n nuauu in hi vletory ioim mul were on the wuteh feit the alton iioioim r si rlt tlm ivible who huu kiiic imh n re tinted muklug wiote in augukt juut n line te thmik you for om ptirtel i le e ueml i til rdllv i el ttilhly tippled lute sending me pu- e u und t igure ties ve ry mtie it slgmn hlllguhi mrlttti jurilit- ctlved itinel pareel will piu ki d und eveithlnc veiy wedeome and tlie tiuni rilmply wonderful hill lllnnihe ll with im hire ii dlwpiitfli tleler in the unit und appreciate s the pnreelu lintiie iimi 1 sot ku fit we ii e uiidy griind tuvjip ve ry useful unil foewl e n jo ed immensely dude i itiduii sent tlds messuue seured your part el in exctlumt ton elltlon cue to the fnct thut it win packed in suth u neut tompaet foim it would hreuk n mans heart to own ii ho from the folks around home and see any of those luxuries siolled during the course of my duttis around the camp here i mee t u great many of the lutys from ull over can ada und naturally the subject of mall from home and parcels and clgarettes from the different organizations crops up veiy regulnrly to date i vc heard of no organization that remember their boys as regularly as the acton and vicinity war servle league however that is to be oxpectod be cause when the peoplo around at ton decide to do anything no half way measure will do cord slim cook und i have boon trying to conlnco t heue people of t hat fact for some time now and i belli ve now we have just about won our point herb taylor says cigarettes are coming through regularly con gratulations to acton for winning the content arid having the mosquito ruim- ed after the good old home town i read tt in an english patter but we must get along ttu ro are other letters in this lot of mall from e patrick r s o hara george w stroyan a e mills a j irwin glenn britton franklin near w h barber g c allan w m caldwell i tent norn kenney jack honeywell h v dron p a elliott f turner frank kelly j smamman r ander son p kenney f c french gordon mrkoown r e vance geo stringer r a johnson g w williams j g lamh f a van wyck c w doug las doug mcdonald p elliott l a crlppa f kelly n u mcnahb w h brown g bayllss g t pargoter jack alger g c lambert e pat rick e landsborough m mcmillan j b fields walter gibbons no olthralion iln- until lite virtorv foiiipitv newt of the millllder elf itllly le e kid i ht itlu eielhtt fen nti ee hrutloil lie in 4ii eekkjitjou eif wetik in aetoiik plants cuia uu really that italy in etnly th miialli 1 eif the avu pultlie is uli i that ge iniieliy lend lllphil ule vet tt lte ett jilt with ull til the name terms eif uiifttiulllloiiiil mitre mhr 4ele muele with these wet the war in not flnulutt and there mi lie ito iwilfe- west lie meluy u war ne wjj wan tllet im tit eif the feiur ye nrs the fhht iarthe r in the vllllanous ere w iium dewrted the sinking ship acton will re le biate when the other two rats elreiwn but until then the job must lo on big slock show and fine midway indicated here knuuirich show kecta inurert la 19s artoo lalr atlrariioemi hooked for to isaya indicatieuiil wie list tlve n kmi w4alher aetoti felt will in imi h- euie of ttte fine st knqulries from live stoe k eitielilliltois and iote n st in tte hig firlxe nieuie y im lng 4fferel toliit tet all 4 xee t leuially fine slietwing of ike uetek lliltl in mmleularly lrm in iih iiuim lams and with tue h an etulktaneting iiuim man txti it w liwllt us ttllh yeulm pletlde iii tu ll ull tettiue tioll inliilit well tie atltlelpat est iti midway width in kulh an at tiaetleui at any fair will he tuade mjin f having plenty ef fun lite jul4he shown will im at aeten 1alr and 11 im in lul u win i khlhitioii feiiln whet i me et iuuitui and iuuir pheil ill uilitloil to le eltlil eithe i evimt kletlm 11a ii theie ulll ik all the filth l n i lit ejie latijiei eif iwuithd mi i eome kklonw both lot al ami tioiii tint eif teiwn it piejnilk hi tei im the title ki liliduiin kem ii at mill of the lite al full it will lu 111 full emialloii leftei the fiikt nl klum olid tit sallll tj lefte moon elthti attiaitloiiu llmve 1mm u ml til ui fit iii tilling nlili sliow unl tur filling in the odd inetlimiltm em satlll elay aftiiiuhin that will make at till i all eif 1111 em that will long im inelilbelesl iii the im ef lite i tlillte is attention hat llee ii paid tet make mire thletueiile eif the pi e lam mluts 1 hi vet apjw ureil tu fen e aeteui audit nc s hie anatim me nts thlu eai ultu allow fen ii imw tyl of prelum fot itle fil- lay ve lillig hllow ne other show in this ellhtihl eon filets with afloti fair elates tliu year und ii big tiviwel is xiieleel feir tbef a u ttu til ve nt on se pie mhe r 17 und 1h this wlrk the arcsa von rraa nt 44u1n l wxtrr 1ji im mtmtt wrttor first stage of heating plan approved lor school italy has surrendered small third ol victory operator of a barber shop in whltehorsc yukon territory w as fined 9400 for increasing prices of haircuts above those charged during the basic period sept 15 to oct jl lmev annthinrcinenl made yeestvrdoy of itncondmlimiui surrender of rir of attin vahiuru her- many und japan still to icv deuh withwar keviehed huh llem ntifthelurylri thim wotli lit kvltanli ijowti ivnadbut vrud htmtt uriter ituh huu uiirie ndiie t utkomlitloii- tilly i lie itiinouiite me nt wim miulc fiom allleel he jmltiuiirtciu in algiers on wedne seluy morning forty five ilnys nfte i mushollnl wqu ousteel ami five dnys nfte r the llrltlkh hlh army inikkcd the metisluu strultu the ally of nazi germany is the first nation to lie forcetd to comply with tlie churchllluoomjvou de mund of un- eonilitional surrender genet ul d d rlsenhower hnsgruntel italy a mili tary armistice tim news of the tapltulntlon of ituly explains prolongml titay thut prime minister winston churchill has made in north america the virtual agreement of llrltuln and the united states to maintain military collabora tion nnd coope radon in the immed iate itostw ar iierlnd will no doubt come into nctke operation in dealing with italy the surrende r of italy mlw n the problems of the germnns still in ifuly and the italian occupation nrmleit in the balkans it is bound to have tremendous effects in both the bnl- knmi nnd the axlu satellite countries weekly war commentary like a boxer n roundhouse swing to the wolnr pltkun that hns been tele graphed the blow iii n inst the uoft unil rbelly of hitler b europe ame as no surprise but it landed w ith a satisfying thud for nil that because just a few hours after the daring as saults were mode the world was told that thej beachheads on italy i toe were secure with brltltdi and the now battle tented soldiers leading the attack the wall of hitlers fortress was breached in the predawn darkness of the day that marked britain s fourth war an niversary choice of such a psychol- nulcnl date may have been the work of either hlstor minded prime mln hter churchill or spectnrular gen sir bernard montgomery txicky leader of the fabled 8th invasion army of which the canadians are a part two things make it clear that this blow must only be a prelude to others first there is the fact that other great armies the british 1st 9th and 10th and the american 5th and 7th as well as gen henri glraud s recently equip ped french battalions are all fbig- j lug the ilm of th mewlltt riant mi awaiting only the o klj mil i he ii teio lliikuu lu mill ealllim fell mole and hit ue i e ffoi ts fiom lu i pnillnh tl iikliiu allies to e um the pre ktuie on the euktern front and lliiu might mtm to la the epjntrtun- ii v to elo juki unit not on a nttond ft out htnlc imlat leawt on u miiid that will he tmffle l nt to dlveit ull- leis attention nnd it glouu from eon ee titrating uguintit the iuh a i my poi allittl rommiinde n emplumlze thut this jump into italy was never lute tided to the umiwe r to the old uf- nnd front plou they te rmeel it u vontltiuutlon of the tumpiiign lie gun in north africa und contlnueel in sicily kperuutlon itife and that stiittment too helghlenh the senuei of expectuwy with this cumttalgn termed meredy n continua tion xverth nnd gue ssers began kpeculutlng on what other move u might im packed in the nllleel kit bug lltey seemetl to discount a thruiit acrotui the fnullhh channel pointing out thw the wtuther will break there shortly hut t lit re are dozens of other uiotu where new campaigns may be begun and continued nnd it is ntte mptlni to anticipate these rather than concentrating on the itnl- inn attack that is keeping the world busy i first reiuirtfl of tiie fighting on thtn italian mainland told of the estab lishment of a 10mlle bridge head be 1 tween ilegcln calabria and san glov- i nnnl by the british 8th army of which the canadians in action form i n purl and tly capture of mellto by a second wave of allied troopswhlch rwept across the strnlt etmesslnn a landing also wan repnrteml at cape partlvcnto mellto is about 1 miles south of itegclo calnhrlo where the first luntllngs were reported and the cape is approximately an equal distance to the east on the lowermost part of the calabrlan peninsula harrrndes in droves eye witnesses including the can adian press war correspondent boss munro said italian troops were sur rendering in droves and even rowed across the straits in small boats to surrender before the invasion began while italian headeptarte rs spoke of embittered fighting the allied com- and said 8th army spearheads met relatively weak opposition british and canadian troops sent back wont they had scured the benches within 2m hours after the initial landings rttss move ahead on the russian front the soviet soldiers gaining momentum in their summer offensive rocked the ger mans back on their heels all along a 600mile front and threatened three continued on page eight iii m metve tet provide luinir uhtd onlaiie falins with tdudeiit he ifi mm eualary n into ktutle tits in third fourth euwl miut ymii liave let4i ranted an estia twej weks etealioti it ii jemrti a ilew ire ulier and mlnlmer eif 4duetlem ainieulleed tie e xte iulett vaejetleui miieid for tlteee ktueleiittf dutlng tlie iiytvinelal fsim ewmfe ielnie lee im ueu im not only lieimd tlieise fctuelellts wtiei had liee ll winking u failtli elulllig tlieii fu- lal aeatiem imflotl weukl 4mttitiliu unit weiik dullllg ttn additlemlal twee wee ku hut hat other m nloi stuthnttt hot ie vietuslv uj uut em failiif wlilt pitell ill tei help tlie 111 fettle kltumtletll lite itu i upfilietl to ull 4 hd alio m htwdte wllhout e vex p ill col itvw oatd the e title iel lii ft i fmn elviildem viy elh1 ewm kit latitat he uhni h wieldtl ii illul isttmml tilt evtla imlltn uun hit tet he re aided mm a holidus hut wau tt jl4 the itllehntu tile elpjull i ullt teielti vital wotk lilt pre lule i h allllolinie hie iii foi i wtti the unaiilmouti appteiviil of u f mihltitii wliltll leie oiilllle ll e i tilt fieelll eif m lliot stlldtllth ill flit kt e ttiidaiv m bonis to unult them tet ak tlkt fatmem iii te koliitloii had liee n kkoitktm i b paul hkint eif hut unit teitt r pi ke ittliii tht lliilteiti otinty rede latltiu eif at le nil lire 4 iiamiltlnkllll iua4 k ano uiiist iiav hhc oakviijjc ail aoitouimm ii let 1 1 liam just itoemi nittite tie lletlkte in t evsiait akml e latioii eif otitaiio that oh tianidoti ship etit feu ttiiri mhtiettl of tlw o vinevt will tt ltld in hit- 0kvlllt- arena eui flietay ileiolter ktll four ol tltem leylitueel lihllideteitliip 4 ve its ale im liljl im m ill tie plot lilt tlhilit ly at keiiiittvllle 4imio ef aiul i at im out mil vhow the teip anl- i niulu ft ail the county wht twee ill mioevm eik ihi w4 llliiuleiil weiteiltml wldwoittl it itnl neil folk lliiminieeid vllaill i liiottl and hamol will nll- i ii dk 111 i ellluliploiotiipm it u vmil ithat 11 hai ef eattl will al 1li oakvlllt khtn ihitt anal illtotk lilt ullluiouti ull tilth lellm pitu of th halion t ouiitv ifolktlit how aitoilhttc tu ediii lau eif h lotal i lull ei iiihioth at ii oalilll altui ate m al foi tilt shov lllu will i a it ii iii i juhioi h fii all ovtt e f 1 it ll ehikm sti i hfh iii ml pit mitt iww minimal up the ug ihltltlire evitlfelellte un the im ulil- llltlg eif a lie w lit ill felt uuilt ultmi ill the plovllieet elf oilfaijtl title saltl lie lllipeel le uulatltlll wollld tlve he pttl villtmi u furtil olguulutletll willed weiulel lkeililt it wotthy hlotlt i feu the ell he r preivilice n of iutiudu lllel eotlfeetuet 4 ntubllklletl u m i mutunt jl me mln r uelvlsoiy boaitljii mill col ore w we id it weillhl im e leutk- l hell tilial to i t h lie lilt ull i i etiv i notes ii mii jllli da it i anus ijiit it 4 fieial julue i nt width will 4 f will u i i in vi iom will ii ii t 1 ivnlkmwohmat k wkihiinf satiumiay in ixmonimmiintni iii iiiaiiiiik ef phyliii itila me tfvltniulk elutiulite i ef ml all i m ethut me ell mat it tel le i it lieitiultl llymltj imamc wfiu ol iniilsi satureluy afternoon in diet ehtlte h of the itsaile tu itininto tia bllde uteitiitl lu the wall elf ml illld mm hill le it llytiiiu fen on t y eif ae ton sttmdiilelu eif tlaeiioll udtlltletl diet e lull eh ofiit lilting tit tile ee le nieiiiy wi1h lie v lollll itempktei iikklhteel hy 1 allatt huielmm mlkti i liiiklltu molt phlvetl the wedellni tilukle mid ml kit 1 le anot ciule kshiutk wau the sololkt he i llpm r kutlii si with the full authority of the pub he liuiuit u w mt litres m mla rs um still to u uametl to re pre m nt the llutliy leibueeei reiwe rs akstulutlem unil noi tin ni ontailo i he either 1h me h i cruise i in etdn count v le pie si titing the fiult liiweiu m m kohliikoti haltnine luldi itlve ti in imilu by wu able iiviweiu w muillutmuxivf unit a white slipper k pllliee kdwald eheeke pteulueeitl ioutt lie i filigetti veil wnuetlllght mis o holnxn iliiktillttu oiituilo u u lute skull tup she eat weimnih iitktltuteu llnriv seolt ok- lhil a bounm t of elm k ilnk teiwu find tottre nti ate d milk ireulile m t htidiil alte uelaiitu wen i he in li u hoy i lik ontaiio whole milk pio- i imiih i au tmild eif limiot mln diiieiti association shwiul llteiwn itutli llnih y btidekiuald and siiuih i luln hief pteiduee is m v cot linen i j mtinl n e eutslii of the brme ijllllirk mttltultlltjll soeltleu w jfhtuel tltl ull st llleil liltetieilllllu brtiekeill ililltotltiop lmpieivmieuit blue and pink lpe t iikuoclullon alex me kltllleiy peel lively the inju of th fiotkw made of plowman u nuktie hit uiu hurry wilson und the hklitu of atlnl despilt chuilnr cioms mid harold huffman i y u skull eapu with khoulhr illetihelm sieiltil crops iiswhliitlon ln it vdu n shadiw to tnutt h their lames he tide rwiii portsmouth w a jjdte ss u und eairled imuiiie ts of reise u nryelen und outi le u iloyiiton vot k h- floue r ultl in yt mow taffeta county purebred llveiitofk hrveelirs turrled it iwikeguy 1 whyte ht uforlh ioullty indus tries n a i it teller humtott on tario aurle illlurul council loytl grit shurh colllugwooel junior fur- me rs agriculture minister k miedy de- scrlbeel the ndiilsory hoard as a fact finding committee n i mewl at helping ontario fnrnie rrf elo their own hllsl- iitks their own way tlie tonfe rence kuggeuted that organization of tounty etommltttes similar to those in viuct in grt at britain since the liefilnnlng of the wm would lie worthy of inves- tiuntlon me anwlille the provincial labor vot is stirring inlior mlnluter daley hits announced he is going to wnd fn- vltntlonu to labor management fnr- mt r and thtirch groups in ontario to appoint me mitt m to n factfinding committee which will be convened ati soon as pouklble to discuss lalior- manncement relations in general and ontario iabor court and the prt- vlncliil collective bargaining act in particular acton institute have good program rxr september mrs h johnson wim hostess to the acton women s institute at her home for the september meeting trt president occupied t he chair the motto was act well your part there all honor lies was given by mrs e ijimbort nnd current events hy mrs 3 f wjjds roll call was answered by uses- for stale bread it was unanimously decided to hold our hot dinner friday as usuel plans wore made and committer appointed a contest was conducted by mrs johnson and was won ty mrs collier at the close of the business the secretary read mrs lazenby s resig nation from the chair she felt she could not carry on mrs v wlderspln stepped up to the position the meeting was brought to a close hy singing god stave the king and mrs johnson and her com mittee served a dainty lunch and all enjoyed a social time chariot m hynds was hlu brother u gt otimumim ami the guestu we ret ush- ered by donald mccormae k brotln r of the bride und normun leu at a reteptlfin laid in the hr i itvs parents home mrs mccormnt k reeelvetd in pe ruvlutt roue t reie with black ce ssorle u utiel n corsage of yellow rost s hie bridegrooms ntothe r also reice ivlng was in romuncei blue rivpet with blntk accessories and a corsage of pink roseis for the wedding trip the bride tlonnttel u moss green wool suit with brown accessories good irogkam at iiyimj meeting tuesday evening mr e w anderson was in charge of the program whe n the members of the hyimj meit in the baptist church tuesday evening the st r vice om md with a sing song mrs akmstrnng and miss graham sang a try lovely due tt the president con duct el a brief business discussion mrs anilt rson read the scripture les son mrs chos lincoln led in prayer mr anderson gave a most interesting topic baseil on genesis 1119 fol lowing the ulnging of n hymn mr l atkinson toitd the service with prayer coming events r ihi pe-e- lakeside chapter ode will be holding a bazaar on november 20th in the town hull proceeds for var work the young women s auxiliary of knox church will hold a rummage sale in the town hall on october 9th dance b rook vl lie hall doris hulls orchestra ernie packer floor man ager sponsored by busy bee cjulv tuesday sept rtth aaailr aiotiits o rerport eiia k taascm ivr- aabueiun rato to inipila ubht stvlermbrs- istfc tu aaaiat ia vmnm work lttnicua tfjcriirl- eraie of eaapfteerr ktqodcs snkrr itesaw aft hseavbcr mch- inff of scfavol ikmtei at tlie mjit4iiilei iimelng of aerial se lie mil lioeeiet till lueselay veiling ilitsteeu v ii ifutlliey o mmsui it s mletw aiul li 4 oaken we le pii se it and hull man t a lulls pi klde1 illlleipeel m m lulled mimhh 1h upils lit hist ftmo tblu yetel sup lieu wetlld tie olde letl ttet i with elieltlity t0 pile u tel im i ehlillt loll e tilloiill ile sl plv eoitinilttf i lie 11 i hh ef it tie 1 i day wi list um d and tla lioaid suuije ttetl that it tte eoiiliiillnt aialil thlu at an i in i1 etiojieiati it ml iiiith piiiiiiial ef th id lit tilt 1 uul alsel i i sent tlltl it utile ntuitliilotl witii the aittiii ant io evotilll illu iililkllit it foi supllo wau ti ft ii h until lat i til lhll of til illkjhetll ll e 1 til lull i uas iteiitl iiiitl liustt lilow of th liemity onnolh- ipthehl that tla htetssaiv ijidtn i ii lu u niattt oil spoiid tie viltu leal flout tlltl miiilbte t ef lduiulioti i nailing til etmtllllif elf mhool and tlie ullltluhm 4 eiltllty ulllltf fell ttiwilklilp puplu a lelto flout mism lie title v at lie iii llitlei t letjue stei twt wekk e ave etulllg tet 11 lleitltll altullue tile tits hiitl lae ti inattt fen miu he aid to supply until miss lie title y ttuuit tile iletjuhy tfomiiiittet lpetitetl that the feiiei was lu lng eoiutiut tl um tttiaitu- tuitl weiuld set 1 1 im tout pie te pe tmlsklem was utuntetl tet ktlumtl pllpllu to pi u fruit and in lp em tie t u- kdiy fat m weak until mid im hiding st pte tulle i ihiil hie pilpllu set uh klhlitiu ttiiist lu ujipiovetl hy th em ploying flintier and eitlfhil to the tlnyu employeel a list of thus thutt employe d wiot io lu fund lad to the plllie ipulu of tin ki litiolu a lilliulu l fieini ai toil tlte pieklnt fllill mild tin ir stivleeuwete letpw te d by til i jw e plovfsleill wtii lllliilt fill thill 111 till lllkttlhllotlu iii impieive me iitte to th hi atlng system we let illko dlse uiv t flat lloatt had datititl to elo ihlu wotk in hi 1111 h utlel piovleieil fljlltlu tlllu year fen the flint stage of the wejik tlio iuklallutlin eif it eotidi rotation pump atitt e entile etlttu with the pie ne nt sys tem appreivul of ti 111 si pluti hud final ly lue ft se t lire e ft wi1u prttpoee to liitvef the wliolee system survyed nnd the id art on the weirk woull lu made tlilu year us funid ullowed flu lighting in trutlef two was tu- t unkttl but it wus found imiiosslble tc 11 1 the fixture u di blree1 to omplete this work ut present 1 rustre iletei mason gave a refuirt on the imisslblllty of operating u klnd- emurtetn class at the y m c a and broude nlng the pre se nt plan trus tees v b itumle y and chairman g a dills we ret upfolntd a committee to confer with a similar rommltteee fiom the vmca hoard and draft a plan for submission to both board in dlsxusslng permits for those le uvlng school im fore thee age of 11 yeurs the board made no change in its former ruling of adhering strictly to the regulations us defined lot the guldanvo of truancy accounts were passed for payment rim followsl atton public utilities com mission services national geographic suhscrjp tlon bell tf lephone co services f mccutcheton cartage c n it fre ight on coal f itnnna co coal a harris unloading coal f olllffe sanitary work a t brown supplies w d talbot supplies stamps flllott bros supplies symon hardware supplies whe blair repair and in sfauatlons t green welding boiler s jhw 4 00 s9 jh 18hh1 19m 400o loio 20 41 10 00 591 28 110 07 39 00 i 7s38 lakeside chapter contributes 100 to service league the regular meeting of the lake side chapter i o d e was held on tuesday evening at the horn of mrs j j stewart routine business was transnctekl ji0000 was voted to the war service league after the finish of business the meeting took the form of a party with mrs a orr a recent bride as the guest of honor ftffrs on was pre sented with a beautiful tamp and a social time was enjoyedfcy all p