Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1943, p. 1

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tofoe jvttjm sttt fjrtss sistyninth year no 12 acton ontario thursday september 10th imj four hume print paces five ccati county roads cost 39317 reported at the meeting omj ottwdb dm not pana atmhfawl und for hooae of rtfte halton not uncinjt disrtohnn of smtoojvrf qui krais afti socmy a short hnkm of halton county council was held in milton last tues day all members were present and the warden in the chair the meeting had been called partly for the purpose of having the cus tomary group picture taken of the county council this however was not possible since no film was avail able for the purpose reports of standing committees were read in committee of the whole with reeve campbell of oalcvllle as chairman most of the committee re ports were mainly accounts present for payment and were as follows finance 2tf230 printing m 3 hospital accounts 488 20 county buildings 6423 agriculture 341 00 total 93113 06 reeve norman gilbert chairman of the good roads committee gave a detailed report of the expenditure on roads since january 1 1943 the total expenditure was 19117 25 some of the main hems were as fol lows pavement repairs 4648 2h culverts 91231 18 gravel patching 2 214 41 superintendents salary l- 43831 car allowance for superin tendent s29162 sanding 102853 maintenance of snowplows 1106 16 tools which included purchase of a spading machine 234 06 reeve john blair representing the house of refuge reported that his committee had been unsuccessful in securing additional land for the house of refuge authority or the purchase of which had been granted at the lost mretlng of the county council the bid submitted by the county councils of halton and peel for the 100 acre of land on which there were buildings had been 12500 it hod not ixwn considered advisable ly the commit tee to plare a hid on the hundred acres on which then wen no hulldlngn l lie 200 ncrts woe lumver sold aw otin block to another bidder t18 000 mi blnlr further reported that an long mi the land now opt rated by the houm of kefuge could continue to lie rented there wus nothing to worry uhout reeve gilbert representing the hnlton nnd pool chtldr nu aid so ciety reported that no definite steps hnd as yet tieen taken toward n din solution of the combined urn iturn of halton and peel at n met ting of the board of tho childrens aid so ciety last august mi gilbert wild lie had told tho board that halton county council was quite mttuflcd with arrangements nt hit y stood at rresent but that if ivol count wish for n dissolution that of nurse was entirely up to them following the meeting or the board pool count council had passed n rcruilutlon to tho effect that the childrens aid society of halton and pool be dissolved and that separute organizations le sot up in each county but no action had thus far been taken members of halton county count 11 expressed a doubt ns to whether such action would be allowed by authorities at this time some discussion urone when ueeve may esqueslng wild he had been ask ed to place u request before tho coun cil that an open seuton fot door hunt ing be allowed in hnlton count this fall three or four dus wus sug gested membero from the northotu end of the count agreed that door were undoubtedly on tho increase the warden however exprujml him self us being very much opposed to tho idea mr gilbert thought that foxhunting was more netewmry than deer mr murray agreed that there were plenty of foxes in the country no action was taken council odjournod stewart lowrie sends first message since jap capture the first direct menage from his sort mr stewart lowrie was receiv ed this week by mr r w lowrie some time ago mr lowrte received word from ottawa that his aon was m japanese prisoner of war this week he received a post card with the fol lowing message gid to be writing this first mes sage to let you know that my birth day finds me very cheerful in good health and spirits please advise the family and also mr llthgow or marparlane t earnestly trust that everyone u keeping cheerful and well let kath leen know soon my fondest love to you all stuart there is no data on the card and no indication of tho place in which stuart iowrio is held prisoner tills is tho first direct word since slngo- imre was captured by the japanese friends h re will rejoice with lr iowrlo in this che ring message re ceived interesting meeting knox w ms at home of mrs blow the september meeting of the pres byterian womens missionary society was held at the home of mrs fred blow with mrs e burr first vice- president presiding the meeting opened with the devotional period conducted by mrs r m mcdonald and mrs f blow assisting a most educational address from the study book was given by mrs thomson referring to the church work among hungarian people living in canada this item of interest was followed by solo entitled planting roses rend ered by mrs anderson mrs e barr contributed to the success of the meeting with an article entitled the angel and the child by rev bishop r j renuon the meeting closed with a dainty lunch asvjainanlmous vote of thanks u given the hostess mrs blow for her kind hospitality e married 57 years have resided here for 45 years congratulations are extended to mr and mrs ceo chapman main street who will on monday septem ber 20th mark their fiftyseventh wedding anniversary although mar ried in stayner mr and mrs chap man have resided in acton for the taut fortyfive years we join with many others in wishing them many more happy years together navy league plans fall events ami supplying dittv bags tin atton branch of the navy l ague plum to tmpply 75 ditty hugs for the sailors this fall othor ac tivities dlw uwsed al the mooting on i uoudayvilnlng were the draw o be hold at the dance on fair night and the kale of tltkottt infore that time i ho league will also operate u booth at the fair grounds si altmnt culld turned in 0 pairs of not km a kweuter and a ktnrf mrs shultlh and mm mtlmuhb of the uotluilong institute turned in 0 pulrs of socku 7 palm of long hack and b im cuter iho league still has some wool on hand for knitters esquesing council authorizes holding ot a tax sale by i aw paused assouilng the sev eral school sections for the year emiuuuing township council lit id their regular mooting on monday uf- temooh deputy hoove c w mur- tny councillors g e cleave george currle nnd wm a wilson wore pres ent kocte c m may presided adolllith paused included uell leu plume co 510 cecil chuholm 8 dog llceiiitos j 00 h robertson stamps 7 00 moved by currle seconded by muiray thut relief accounts lo paid s4 to carried moved by wilson seconded b cleuve that rond accounts ik wild 1971 00 carried v bylaw to asest the several tattoo ettlnn of tho township for lp13 was lluduced roud und passed by council moved by wilson mm onded by cunle that the treasurer be auth orized to accept 11 25 la payment of the lx months interest coupon due october 1st 1943 for 22 50 on bond no 3777 province of alberta for 1000 held on account of the rail way bonus fund carried moved by murray seconded by cleave that the treasurer pay the inspector of income tax 53 30 carried moved wilson seconded by currle that the reeve be authorized to issue a warrant for the holding of a tax sale carried moved by wilson seconded by hurray that we do now adjourn to meet on monday october 4th 1943 at 2 oclock or at the call or the reeve rrted letter front acton soldier who took part in sicily event dave llorfge tells of trip in heoitemneaii mm thanks for lurfctng of hossse folks tm fmsx passa received this week the following letter from rte b 1 i lodge who was with the canadians in sicily under general montgomery it is the first letter we have received from any of tlc acton men there ant we found it so interesting that we pass it on without any comment other than being thankful that kods came through he wrap without in jury here is the letter hello mr 111l well at laxt i have found time to drop a few lines to you thanking you once again for my ikxuo of tus ftm lsn tills morning i reccked fen copies so i sure not in on all tin hark new x cannot loll you mu h about what has hapicned wince we left scotland two months ago hut i c r- talnly have imn n plenty of slmnuc thlngk and placets enmclally here in mctly we saw glhrultnr and its ll on our way down whhli wus the tlrvt light we hud mn outside for two nrs our nod gllmiuu of land was whi n we ntoppel for a short kpoll nt algiers the mediterranean is really a swell sight nnd rwvci imve i snli such blue water at malta we looked over the inland which isnt in such had sltnpo con- iderlng all tho alrralds it has had then on to sicily where our fun was over and we started on the job wo joined the army to do i sure felt lurky in lielng in a unit picked to go on such tin operation well its old news now but our boys put up real scrap and i can see by the way acton has helied the big victory hond drive that the folks at home are right behind us 100s and it is an honor to nhow the boys from some of our cities just how much thiho small towns are doing for the boys well where wo go from hero i havent tho falntokt idea hut i oko4 1 that more cnnndlnnw than vvi r will take part in tho- n big show nnd you enn rest assured thut the boys will do their htel 1m st of whatever job lu nukd of them cnornl montgomery montv nve us n visit after the capture of the lu- lnnd and he told us how pioud he and the klghttt army were of the canadian hoyu who me here with tho fight h army now well i must sign off for how tin the kun is blazing down and u are not allowed to sit in it for any length of time m cheerio and con- liratulutiom to all the folks of at ton for the rine job they have done also i would like to thnnk the war service lenguu and tho other clubs who look utter our welfare ho mag nificently hoping to we you nil real soon i remain yours faithfully davis honak more than 70 million food ratloa coupons are in circulation euch wuk in canada 10 for sugar 12 for but ler and 4h for meat third mkthiiay overseas otic cuiwokd mrlhftnald san of mrs ancuu mclunald wtto on tuoda m htrat his third blrth- oay ovrnram he jolrnl tlut loroe 5cots in april 1041 nnd two monthti later wnt ovtimuti coiiiniuiiity sale and cliritnm boxes war service topies op celling nmt rials u ady fur the ov rm un chrutmiim lnvt tf for the aiilve s4rln form uaw the hlef item at the war n rvloo league nutt ing lait i huruluy vo humlrefl pound u of fruit cuke aw lx ing supiill- l hy wilds ilukery chocolute bars gum rowr hlad t are iwlng purchas- ed hut the honey which was to be mhuroil is apparently off the list the during of yarn for knitting socks is nlwo a problem but thtroll lx a pair of uocks in every iwx mcurs chi mukmiio and wm mld- dleton were appoint m a committee to uhukt council in preparing rules governing the names on acton honor roll i hoy will attend the meeting on octolwr l7tli salvage for auguu brought in 7101 tho thurter under which the wur service ioogiio operates was re- nevd and certificate lcelv4sl by the k r tary riunu w to aluo muile for the com munity sale to be hold in novemlr a committee mooting was to prepare an agenda 1m fore the next mooting and lot ten distributed arranging for thlu event snow plowing equipment not suitable lor roads the knox yava rfsumfs meetings plans activities mm numb vs of knox y w a nud u the lutnie of mrn alex mduauc on wednesdjiv evening kept hth to icfume the work for the fall and win- monthi iho president mrs ohnrn imkldid lhe devotions w re taken bv mrs krid wilds and mrs krunch wilds the study topic on the work nmong tl e fndlanu in canada was taken bv mrs kred anderson many lt ms of biulnt j4 weie arranged for the one important event was the plans for the annual rummage sale in the council chamber early in ch- tobor mrs mttsnac and the progrum group entertained with refreshment when n delightful kocioi time was en- loyikl by nil acton bomber arrives overseas first oanadianbunif mosquito was deliv ered in britain recently by this twrvman crew after a factorytofactory flight of approximately 3250 miles in 14 hours 44 minutes they are fo j c uren left of sioux lookout the pilot and fo ft c bob bevington 334 hillsdale ave toronto navigatorwifeless operator plane was named after acton ont in fourth victory loan campaign i council will try to rt plow this year many other mess of township the kramosa council met at the home of the lotw at 8x10 psn on iieptemtter ttth the members wtn all present enoept counrluor huther- ford arrangements were made in consultation with the road superln tendent to invite the district engin eer to meet with the council and ma chinery agents at the regular meet ing of council on september 13th to discuss the proposed purchase of snowplow equipment the council met at the town halt ituckwood on monday at 731 pm with all the members prewnt j v uidgate of st rot for iltrit engineer of the iviuirtment of high ways was preunt along with mt mint kn llrown and orge crothers of the ccoige cvoth m c of loronto iv ral t ndois for niathlmry wore sulunlttnl uuhject to approval by the unlnlon ciutrol hoard none of the firms wore pr utnsd to supply tho townxhlp with lther luw or umsi wnowplows with u wing it was the unanimous opinion of the engineer and the council that none of the equipment offered condi tionally would u nultablo for snow- plowlng in the townudp ttiv engin eer recommended that efforts 1h made torent mulpmont for the com ing winter ami the koad superintend ent was instructed to inquire into this mthad of winter removal of snow erin kail pair was grunted 10 on motion of messrs henham and imnfc- ney the auditors report for tho months of june july and august wus accept- isl on motion of messrs benham and iclle moveil by meiers hutlterforxl and lltnlmm and rarrleil tliut bylaw no 1 for 1041 le ami nde by fwing the salary of the assesur at 3200 for the 1014 itoll on account of wartime onditlons 1 he road insurance was renewed on motion of meusn plnkney ami ih nhum with the request that the pr mlum of 142 le rtnlul in ut- eordiince with the reduce risk on ac count of murh um trnfflr i he itontl sup4rlnt ndent was in- htrtklel to consult the iloyd suterlri- tndent of the townshiiof erin re garding the improvement of the road nt lull 11 town une mr john iuter of the hot k wood police village trust ee requested the council to arrange for hss umi of the town hall by council or officials in ordt r to conervo fuel tho trea surer wns instructed to arrange for tho use of u mailer room by the audi tors during the winter months tim clork rearted that the sieclal bylaw providing for an increased ex penditure of 92 000 on road mnlnten- unce for 1941 had been approved by the department of highways a no action was taken on a request for a loan by a local school board or on n sugg stlon from the department of agriculture that a roadside demon stration of weed control hy spraying ho undertaken the council having ai re oily used the spray method for some years an unusually complicated case of need for relief was discussed with the ttollef officer and his proposed method of dealing with the matter wns npproved it wns decided to hold the annual nomination in december with the election if any in january the ueeve rejortcd that the county hail ollvtted a hospital nc- tount amounting to over 400 which hnd previously boon charged jointly ugalntd the county and township correspondence from the village of acton regarding the method of com piling an honor roll was referred to the clork with instructions to secure further information from the depart ment of notional defence a letter from the unemployment insurance commission was laid over for tho opinion of tho county solicitor accounts passed ampunted to 36710 and council adjourned at 12 45 to meet in the town hall at 7 30 on october 4th ready for acton fair tomorrow and saturday fteimirtttl missing now officially prisoner of war word was received during the week that flying officer jas iobte who was recently reported missing la now reported a prisoner of war in ier- many word to this effect was officially received from ottawa by his father mr james iohle sr of clifford the mesxake read your son jas it doble officially reported prisoner of war in ormany acton frh nds will rejoice with the imrents and grandparents here tliat his ncouraglng wonl has now been received 400 pupiis at acton schools knkoijki tiiik year rlirolhuitt ut aton continuation nnd ilthlh iooi shows thut nearly 400 children on in attendant this ur rtu continuation school has an nrollmeiit of trj tin re are 40 in crnde ix m in rude x 21 in crado xi nnd 12 in crade xii the 1ubllr shool has a total en rollment of 300 pupllb tlierv were 441 lieglnneni who started this year in tirade 1 john w blight milton publisher died last week john w blight who in partner ship with u white has publislied the milton champion since 1027 passed uway on thursday luxt in hamilton ceneral houpltnl he hud been iii nltout two wei ks and wus in his u vntyhventh your mr blight was hultons oldest ali tor and ituhluhir he was born in irufnluur township nnd when n lad urved his uppn ntlc thlp on th champion und r the late wm pun- ton he wus continuously associated with j he champion for over sixty yturu he was udlvc in churh af fairs and was u member of the fire ilrlgude for nlany y ars his widow who wus before marriage murguret mt knt hern survives him the funrul was held on saturday afternoon with a mrrvlce at the home on churhs street interment was made in evergreen cemetery milton acton soldiers in england follow acton bomber send clipping from english papera write home of see- insc acton machine mrs ostrom gave address at the ayjmj meeting the regular meeting of the bypft was held tuesday evening in the church with mrs cha lincoln in charge a singsong followed by a hymn and prayer got the program under way the president presided during the business period mr anderson read the scripture lesson and mrs chas ilandiborough led in prayer mrs uncoln conducted a bible qui the speaker for the evening was mr oatrom she gave a most interesting address patience since its arrival in england tho acton mosquito bomber is being closely followed by the fighting forces who have acton as their home town und ure how serving overseas in a letter to hu parents mr and mrs orrip lumb pte j lamb tells of seeing tho acton bomber in flight over england slgmn ceo williams in a letter to his parents mr and mrs lawrence williams sent the following clipping from an english paper it was manned by a royal canad ian air force crew flying officer j c uren 22yearold pilot anil flying officer r c bevlngton 23yearold navigator they brought the worlds fastest aircraft in a series of hops to green land and iceland and finally to brit aln a distance of approximately 3 250 miles in 14 hours 44 minutes the mosquito was named acton ont by reason of the high place of the townlnthe fourth victory war loan drive it was followed to britain by the mosquito named after new glasgow nova scotia flown by an american civilian pilot of raf transport command it was a very nice kite to fly said flying orficer uren although my colleague and i were a little cramped for such a long trip as the mosquito is not a transport aircraft tpefomrh victory loan certainly carried acton right in the forefront of the fight and citizens are proud of their effort it will require another big lob in the fifth victory loan to keep acton in the place it has earn ed but with everyone sharing the load it can be done and acton will not tail or falter only haw weather nc4ed to- ac me on of the beat faira la yearn fine tfofatfock shew and hi midway wtn he aaaesjar auractjoasl tnt night show has a new proaraaa and plenty of variety trepaiatlons at the acton park are pretty well completed and givn good weather the directors are seady to present a program that will mark 1943 as another outstanding event kurrly last years deluge won t be re peated but rain or shine the show will go on friday and saturday th friday night show being out- ofdoors enables a variety in program the mrry mad cap itevue is a group of singers musicians dancers magician tc in addition to the other items billed the y m c a group under the direction of mrs johnny ry will give an exhibition of tumb ling and pyramids the high jumping horses musical elialrs and pofulu race will ik presented on a floud lighted track before the grandstand after lite performance the mldwa will be in full swing this year ferris wheel merrycoitound and chalro- plune are promised and the oncrs- slons are assured to be more plentiful than usual the boys band will give a street parade before the show indications are that the horve show on saturday will be one of the best the prise list is particularly attrac tive this year and the president r w lowries visiting other fairs many of tlie prominent exhibitors have as sured him that acton fair is on their list this year in the cattle sheep and hogs class a very attractive prize of fering should bring out one of the finest stock exhibits seen here in years of course there are all the added attractions that go to make art on ralr popular both with exhibitors and vultors there will be the iarode at one o lock led by the lome sots band with school children blcyelei and doll carriages warden jf m mcdonald will offic ially opun th fair and the president u w low he will ext ml a wehome hie optnlng will he the signal for midway and program to go into full swing the band will glv a pro gram on the grand stand during the of- t rnoon bill george radio ulkt will sing and hod roderick will have everyone guessing with his magic 11 1 tie june checkley will give acro batic dances there will be the fid dlers contest and step dancing m the baby show will again be a fea ture last year there were about thirty or forty bonny babies entered in this event there will of course bo the rood races judging of stock in the various rings culminating with the grand parade of prize winning animals before the grandstand again on saturday there will be the contest for high jumping horses tho potato race and many other events the problem seems to be to crowd it all into one afternoon with the contract made with jub ilee shows for midway concessions rides and shows and games are assur ed to fill the space the other con cessionaires who have always attend ed acton fair have all booked space and it looks like an extra fine mid way this year and one that will please children and no doubt a few grown ups the exhibition is still off the ual acton fair is the best substitute for it again this year fine weather is all thats needed to make it the sea sons finest outing coming events announcrnat of if tlsff c el or other evau nnjcr tbi hmdutk r cbrbil i cat per lia ajth a minimum cbr for r announcfanl of afc duke of devonshire iode are holding bingo at the legion hall on september 29th good prize given at aoo pm euchre will be held in the pariah hall on tueaday october 19th under the auspice of the scout mother admbudon 25c dance to be held in brookville hall on september 20th 1013 under the auiplcea of naaugaweya women in- titute al yvataona orchestra tat djr far usat la aesoa tag day will be held in acton sa turday september asth 1943 under the auspices of duke al devonshire chanter mums

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