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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1943, p. 7

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i sukismh ant io the acton free pbess pace seven q aw c c in u my bant on ra ratter kwt ito s- emmata roar tiuv lat nil dariak inland tajr btdlwu pattern at the sunday schools n h liooa war morale peace p- a vattaat axaru lord gl 1 r- ltutomlrlnl- though mine b tatk a nokm w1 proplr tte onmss ot my nxmorea 4- xcr neff on bmaajml knre tkn tbrr vrunboh the fatal wurti ttej tetrad foe cor tk vlctuv nun if my tost otn dar bid drnanrr 1u to dmth- uan o osbch morb1s vnitrd way sine 1s33l the uncondi tional tumndrr of italy marks the i first oa of the unholy trinity to abiding values from israels i pi under their enrlnrreatinc history imllht v oolden text rirhteoxsoesa ex- twenty eais ago ur charles patver ha the t ounda- tion excavarnted tor a w aericul- tural macmamry and supplies ware- hmm an young street he win also nut tea ue tvlllnc st ttr and mrs wuuwd munroe are about to return to their old home at campbeucrafu us dwtom county after residing two monroe took chare th primary room at the town llall last easter mr mrs john nicol and family who removed to brampton a yea ago haw returned to actoa and ar aettled in their hoar here again- the opening of the new highway from acton has brought a large voluint- of traffic through orwwiu coram the past tew week toe annual official tsit of r w cyru o hemphill ojlm of waterloo wa mad- to walker lodge a f a m on monday evening the lord thnr cod this i the source of righteous living if w love ood with aix our heart and serve htm with all our aoul there will spring from that such conduct as will clarify hun col 3 1t uwe for god begets the right kind of dis pouloa within us service to cod with ail our heart employs our time and talents in such a manner as will never allow them to he used for evil ends 4matt 633 fcph 6 s to induce the israelite to obey the lord promised seasonable blessing on the land rain is the ver life of palestine and lack of it impoverishes the people the rain is here spoken of as under tho control of cod if they continue in his favor therx- will be rain and prup it as a result if on the uliur hand they should turn aside then tiod would whut up heaven withholding the rain with the conse- i nuent lmpo ertshment in lrae w uase at teavt it is quite plain that seloor at his late residencv j71 ohedietuv to 0l k commands and grace street toronto on tuesday i national prosperity wre closelx unv- sl l it not liafe for us to conclude derives from us faadhruhkal should we not resolve now that we will nrriamw for the draw our eta- erry selfsacrifice and cooperation and so strengthen these power that when the war is ended we can carry them over into peace eadeavors and be ready to meet the postwar period with confidence rather than hension tice was received somewhat soberly alteth a nation but sin is a reproach la eneral public iheir prov 14m satisfaction was tlnred by the recoc- lfson text deut 11 13-j5- i nltlon that the european invasion u sixpositton 1 obedienoe to god aer becun and many harder days comma fttf meat ke4uired 131t i j y to come the lvraeutes were faced wit the gtnadimm look forward more or task of eettlnc and kecpine possession hppcaavely to the cud of the of the promised land they had l tbrn the crt p act on them wliile the wr lasts been 4rhvered b od from thel terms feedihe europe reha- ml lo ruo co tyranny of eeypt and led by h bllitation and ii world i bis difficult period but through the wilderness ttwr ljonirr whicfa m aos an bnxad th lays down the principles of their fu- u of tle overact ciu- they were tirst of n be the iponsibuity of the dillcently unto gods j umted kjjoh h conclusion of cotncojsndinents these were based unswetvinc i service to fhrlr utmosl matt and materials ture ucess nvv ilia ttve procress of a comtnunltv de- iends to a larce extent on how tar it u ready to welcome new ideas and the war will not last indefinitely and then will come a period of competi tive effort to adjust oursekes to the new situation and meet the condl- confuct which wiu have demanded lonit to develop in the postwar world lnqtiestionahly the tnrlnatlnn will be to cet throufb the aftermath as quickly as possible j field marshal vucount wtaveu ind ian viceroy elect in a kew years messace to his troops in 94l said in part have you ever thought what a world we could make if we put into peace endeavors the same enero self sacrifice and cooperation we ue lc the wastefulness of war a chain is as stronc as its weakest link and the strength of a country and its determination for better thine it will take able leadership and alert minds to know how to meet the new situations that will develop the most serious question will be how to find work for the returning service men and for all who are l for iolx those places that are most sue- cetxful in meeting these- problems will make cod progress it will be a time when the people should watch what is being done la communities of the same sice and do their best to adapt new ideas and apply them under their own conditions editor presents weekly pajiers with tnphv winnipeg cp tlhe textile trophy awarded cor the best editorial page conducted by any can adian weekly newspaper this year vas presented here recently to alfred w hanks editor of the st james leader tat a dinner given by s4 james vilinras the trophy uas presented by f j omalley managing editor of the winnipeg tribune mr 0mallcy said that a community minded paper should be one that tdenlltted itself with the life of the community so closely that the paper becomes a local institution understanding the pwuplc who make up the community this is what i believe mr hanks has achieved in a very large meas ure be added lleplying mr hanks declared a great deal of the credit was due to the efficiency of his staff 8th ann- liquutates miimoiiiips empire i v trxttlat tettkeo ijonivon cp majgeu 1 1 a lewis inventor of britain famed jpoundcr gun has been retired from the armys reserve list on reach ing the age limit of fl geo iettls volved the pou main artll lery weapon of the british army in its conquest of libya tunisia and sicily in 1sch- fhe final stage of the allied conquest of i 11 ya tkegan soim- jfco miles from irlpoll ulth a strxmii- auack by three w mtrale column of the ml army one column advanced along the mad the oilier lst uruck inland lo try to cut off lite tlratln n my forces in ihl way itommt 1 was prevented from making mon tlmrt a witf stand at any tolnt pittur- iikwii a brituh llofon h opening up on dnne utilrli ranw- rouwl to luxate gun mfcslluis in if ik to be llrel in i iv i4g ami stwcesxful drive on rrlmilk nn i in m llrst gun rec september iith 192x charles sel- wood in his h year midglfy at hr late residence 6ts gerrard st el toronto on nun day september jx 19tix vuon richards wife of georve it midg- ley in her i3rd year clean storage for fruits and yewiahle- from this that the nation which studies to obey goils conunantlments slll be troiperej 1 him and that nation which refuses htm obedience itl suffer impoxvrtshmen this prin ciple can eail be supported in evi dences from hlstorv h theawonlof god to be given first place ljl notice hos the command to lav up god s word in the heart u re- much of the damage caused to pndk urged upon his peopu fruits and vegetable bv rotting canirut 69 t 4c fv it 9 ig ps be controlled by eomparatvly simple n n lrov 1 1 cv 1 ltu wh n aieasures of vleanhnes and wamta i hvart is full of the word low lor lion says v r phillips lltvision of cm and deshv for iiu servlc- a horticulture central enw ntal tw 11 as purpose to do uood to otur farnu ottawa who ha made a stud j he th r also there utl 1 no of the ubjct irnwnng a r the wind of r uhng the chief aue of thlv tlamai l that unfits the mind to rad the- bible mould or funsnl rowth tt or- suh av thre u toila converta- ganisms live and thnxv on tie struc tural parts of the building a xll invading tiu fruits an1 nvtalu- mutv odours are frequvntlv uvloiel which ma taint any unprotevtetl foodstuff in the storage tlie rvat- est ald to the irotth iif these funcl are mtlvtur an i the t res nee of damaged or s nfle fruits and vege tables- if damage u ti le trxnl the initial step is thoroughly to chart the wtorage rvwun immediately aft r the slora season has terminated i tur uml idmomilin x xt w- that the storage is dry an i ith i fn th tlon vull lw vnritheil b gods word nwstks l public mn vill nior and mor rvvtl th it th arv s-itur- t tki with gotl s commimu ind ptir- vv lture vill le no scarvlk ot tl word afvcod m the land v witkniki ohlilttlon to teiih god v xwrns to chiuir n u laid on the israe lii th v are to vjv iu of th m lu n at horn so the chtltlr a ill ii lliuiintd uith thm iv 19 lhu s what the inntle p ml talu irmniii up th viildrn in the nur f tlie lvnl ivnwwts tnd vell vnttlatel whn ti in us fti j t si ill lvtr vvittuis tli it the use of a stove or halli tuvir tua tiom oim vv the worl of god tins en l nvsarj at thi tlnu gnkfrs to wlit tveame of th ustom eroiu appluatums of lump lime lu kr 1 1 of uting some portion of alst iiv st in doing tl utorag as well u absorbing an must twlrs uhkli muhl be pres nl if fungal growth continues appll cations of a funkit tde ma be nee aary car must ih tat n in select ing a funvttde to v that no harm will be d ne to th building or pro ducts stored in the building at a lat r date sue h a compound u formalde hyde kills the fungi but the resdual odors may damake or hunt fruits and egetahles this may ivl iartlu1arl true on tarth floor herv the fungi cide penttratc the soil an 1 cannot adequately he cashed avxay anoth r precaution is to avoid the us of cxvr- rosive suhstancvs hlh nia jamav wood concrete or metal surf ai thre are nany good fungicides of fered for sal which are efficltnt and harmless wh n applied th y should he used according to the direct lons the main considerations in ihoostng a fungicide iv to mak sure it it vf- ftctent noncorrosive and will hot taint or injure the fruits and ge- tables in storage fenccctlavnkjt oh rch1ll the farmer was getting old but he had to work hard because in this war h vear there was no one else to do the th work tl ol timnt on the doorway to th honi in orthodox j wish homes todn it is done in mun pliic i vuulk it is the uut psalm which is kiallsl to the doorpost in th form of an vtwased scroll and nch numwr of the housohold touch it wlun t0 ing out or coming in w isra 1 and chrittans had uhii mor fulthful ti all t he word of god in scrupulous obsiinv and ti tmon what u dlf- f r nt worll we would hive tod i its 111 lvi 1uu ilu auroncs of i rosw rity is rnwl in this i is- piovuhng th w of god u s fit plae life will be lengthettecl iv ji pcwterlty should njoy tin sum hi skini i low foolish ar tia tion to iiur the provivitmu gtwl his nuid we ciri iv ht h lp our own country in 1 the worll hv pro auut- mg goiis word md living h itv tachlni oursulvs i 11 m j in j 1m 10 in it um 14 10t 111 llhssngsprommd or filth fuln ss jn w must r m ml r the dlffu ultu s in th- was of th kra lite us thev face the op rati m of t iklng w s slv n of th promised lirtd it wus ckxupinl by a irrlflng pople sum 11 j vt wl wii iissurlni ii pnmlssl them victories if walked worthy of him sh go in and po tht me been thinking about churc itnd i was a wtd sir ich of terri hill he said leaning against a fence tor that was given to them r achim post and sharpening his hoe its to the river euphrai s the krne- been puzzling me how he can keep un hies nvr did possess all that tod such a pace and stilt look spry now ave them in his promises because ive maybe found the answer they failed in duty and devotion n churchill loused to these strains and the christian warfare we are under exciteme its hes been in the midst the same obllgatloi as were the is of thrm alt his life in a lot of wav raetltes because we are redeemed he u like me you see i can still hoe by christ we must obey him fph more in a day than any of these city j 4 i i cor 6 20 7 il the prom- tneti that have come out to help us ues of god assure the christian great they ar willing enough hut they rent used to the work they don t set the most out of the hoe with the least effort they dont nw them- selves with little tticka that a man learns when ha hoelns yar after year but churchill and i were used to it thats how we manage to keep olnr fuu tilt and even have ttfna to smile the printed word market possessions 1 cor 2 9 10 they are nqt always material but they arc always glorious heb 13 79 eph 6 1tm8 bex 3 12 a black market is not a pli it u a transaction anyone wjio dellb- erately violates price or distribution regulations is dealing in the black i i t t t i r i i i i i t i lsaskvsak91uelaubhubsc9qle7 want ads can help you i the ordinary farmer or householder eamiot afford to use a liig display adver tisement when lie lias something to sell that would not he sensihle there would lie no use spending fix e dollar on an ad if five dollar- via all von eonld et for what vou had lo sell there would le no profit in that but if v ou hav e something that is no longer of value to you an old hit of furniture for instance and you ean yel five dollars for it for an expenditure of fifty cents that is different and the fiftveent ad goes in just as many paper- as the five dollar ad does it may not he read hy quite as many people hut youd he surprised how many do read and studv thee little ads you should use some eommon sense in advertising of course it would he foolish to advertise seed grain for sale in july or -tove- for sale in midsummer when there i a demand for thiugg that- the time to let people know what you have to offer vl preent for example acton householders w ith room- to spare ean he lire of results if they advertise those with small houses to rent need only say so in the columns of this paper results are certain hecausc tinre is a demand greater than the supply on the other hand if there are rooms or houses to he had the surest way lo find out is to ask the fie hundred or more householders in town vnd theresonh one way toreaeh them without spending a fortune on postage stamps and that is through this paper you need not ahout vour adv mind consulting u prohlcms we ertismg wont advise an ad unless we think youll get results most types of want ads do get results we have examples almost every week for instance then- is no hetter way of lo cating losl articles there is hut one ex ception finders w ill turn in nearly any thing except small sums of money find ing cash is too mucl of a strain ou the honesty of many persons though fortun ately there are exceptions hut anything else will likely he returned if you make your identity known use want ads to buy or sell exchange rent or find a job or a helper the acton free press acton ontario s ii

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