f pace six the acton press thursday october 7th a weekly ottawa rbcina taking a weeks houday from thla am letter turned out to be a tmaanaasqhallday and i wound vp la reginn statu queen city of the plains taking in the annual ion- weatton of the canadian weekly ne wspaper association after two days and two bights on the train ottawa and lis hive of war activities seems a remote place out feere on the lone stretches of flat pr airie with the manpower available the fanners are garnering a crop which whiiw- it tent bo much compar ed to last years bumper will contribute greatly to feeding the un ited nations for miles and miles on end one sees threshing rig going full blast and number straw st acfcs eoucn ye llow mounds that tell a story of nat ures gift in fruition on the train vhlch rumbles ceaselessly on is fo und part of the public opinion of ca nada and for anyone interested in the dlsemmlnallon of information i ere is a fountain of interesting ito- urs to be spent it i on si train too 1 think that some of the mechanic of public opinion is moulded and con i t intersectional goodwill i cemented but rumours are also sp read and misinformation is spilled around promiscuously and it is also where political hash u potted more people are travelling than ever before and more people are lea rnln more about canada than lhe ever did before good will come of it 1 was talking to a western agricult urist who had been down in quebec taking a looksee lie had probably hated to persuade himself but he ad mitted frankly that the quebec farm er u doing a good job that he was in most cases and in his own way really farming belter than the westerner had given him credit for 1 only mention this because it know what travel and intermlngllng can do for a people you run into interesting people on a train alright 1 talked with a diplo mats wife who was just three weeks away from stockholm with iter two ihtldren and a norwegian hure a high lurlorlty got her out of sviedcn by plane some of her olmcnntlons i think v111 record here something that i havent seen suggeted any where in the prom of canada or the united states she had spoken to ne wspaper people in stockholm to peo ple from germany who had been in sweden on business to refugees just escaped from occupied norway and she said the feeling is growing in ge rmany will soon quietly move out of norway and be rid of whats turning out to be a decided pain in the nark lo her- economically militarily and i otherwise this is the something i that i havent even keen suggested before i she said conditions in norway are terrible worse than what you read about there is an average of about forty norwegians getting out every day to sweden and she has had the opportunity of getting hnt hand in formation she confirmed the reports that no german troops have moved through sweden for some time ever since the sw edlsh go ernment pro mulgated that edict people recently from germany had told her that the city of hamburg tor instance v as really totally oblit erated fires so terrible raged there hfter the big raids that they didnt even try to stop tht m and cement llowed down the streets like lava berlin has taken a terrible tasting nnd li in a bad way but her informa tion was that the morale of the ger man people is not yet shaken to the extent where there is liable to be an arty collapse j to get back to this prairie conven tion which is thought important enough to be attended by the nation al president j w rowe of manltou manitoba and the managing direc tor c v charters of brampton ont as high note of the convention as it was at the national affair in toronto is the contribution weekly papers can make to the winning of victory why i mention this is be cause they merely reflect the opin ions and the physical and moral effort of those who read weekly n paper the people who live in tkirj areas not classed as urban the reglna leaderpost in an edl- toral today voiced this sentiment aptly and in the follow ins paragraph of that editorial showed what the omliy newspapers which moans the daily readers too think of the week lies whichas e mentioned before means you and you too the weekly newspapers constitute the veritable backbone of public in formation they reach a reading group that the dallies barely touch they enjoy an intimacy of relation ship with their subscribers that met- i magnificently nanhnih job sup the war effort they nave green generously of their time space and ene and will keep on so doinc untll the war is won they are not holding out for more of anything ex cept a greater opportunity of contrib uting t victory aton a similarly serious vein of thought was lremlcr w j patter sons address to the convention he aksed the newsp m in their ariou communities to preach lite itoctoria of nope and optimism which mutl ho be c by lite prospect of the serious problems w hlch art- still facing us lie thought it was up lo people lo retain their hue sense of proportion not to re gard the general outlook from any standpoint of our own personal prob lems we would take the broader and nation view lie meant we should not miss the forest because of the tiees- and hat end u rambling news letter thai had lo be despite the sup posed weeks holiday moisture and air in filling silos in experiment conducted lp the past srt year b the field husbandry okuton dominion experimental farms erlce it has been found that the rnolxturv content of the crop the most lmmtrlant factor the rnol suitable mobjure content is nround 65 per cent but ll u possible to make reasonably good silage with the moisture ranging from 5 per cent above or below that amount- kext importance and closely connected with the moisture content is the con trol of the air in the silage mass it is undesirable to force all of the air from the interspaces of the cut crop onl a small amount of air itelng necessary for the functioning of the ensilage process to provide the proper amount of air in the wllage the following pre cautions whould be observed 1 the walls and the doors ofthe silo should lie alt right see that there are no small holes or cracks 2 the mois ture content of the crop should be about 65 per cent 3 the silage cutler should be set to cut in m lengths hi the kilo should he filled as quickly a possible holdups over 21 hours should ite availed 5 the heaviest and wettest material should be placed on top to provide pressure on the entire mass 6 a limited amount of drainage should be located at the bottom of the silo to prevent waterlogging or accumulation of rnolvture 7 pack solidly taking care to fill and tramp well any pock ets that may occur near the walls even after the kllagc is set i led it u well to examine the top from time to time to kce if nny shrinkage from the walls has occurred farm cash income at high ivrint cash income from the sale of farm products in canada for the first six months of 1943 is estimated prelim inarily at j5833 million compared with u8 7 million in the correspond ing period of 134z and j356h million in 1941 the 1943 increase was com mon to all the provinces except ont nrio and was most marked in the pra irie provinces where substantial sales of wheat ahd other grains were made from the large 1942 crop the great est increoke was in saskatchewan which was the onl province recording a decline in the first six months of 191j as compared with 1941 increas es in farm cash income occurred in all three maritime provinces quebec and british columbia although the change in nova scotia was uf minor nature income from the sale of wheat in- t rened substantially from the rel atively low figure of 194j but the greatest percentage increase occurred in the receipts from marketings of oats and barley for canada as whole receipts from the sale of oats amounted to j27 million in the first half of 1943 compared wttht only 96 3 million in the corresponding period of 194j the sale of barley increased from w 3 million for the six months of 194 j to 19 6 million in 1943 other substantial increase were recorded in income from the sne of hogs and dairy products the income from the sale of hogs totalling s1063 millions for the six months nnd si 103 millions from dairy products canada presa htaat wsttea- fouowed up a victory along canal du nord by occupying cambral in the first great war 35 years ago under command of sir arthur cur- rie the canadian corps had cracked the llindenburg line along the canal in what was to be one of their last decisive bailies on the western front- while final plans for further at tacks were being drawn up the can adians rested along the west side of the sheldt canal directly opposite cambral great fires showed the retreating germans were systematically des troying their supplies and in two or three districts of the city it appeared lire was raging through the houses much of cambral was in flames when the canadians finally entered the british 3rd army attacked the heights dominating the city from thei southeast october 8th 191h and at the same lime an artillery demon stration was carried out on the can adian corps front the british did not reacri their olijectlve but were ordered lo continue their advance the follow lngliv in lite earlv morning darkness of october 9th canadian artillery laid a heavy barrage along the length of canal de iescaut between the can adians and cambral at 130 am the 2nd canadian division crossed the canal on the left and an hourlaler ktekl a bridgehead at itamllle v 1th patrols piuhlng out north of the city meanwhile the 3rd canadian div ision captured lite bridge at lont daira and penetrated cambral it self while the occupation was in progress time bombs left by the ger mans were exploding and tires broke out in all parts of the city tireless work by canadian engineers and fortunate shift of wind saved the city from loal destruction contact brlusb vnlis meanwhile the british 17th corps had tak n awolgnl ami worked n- round east of the city and late in the day made contact with units of the 2nd canadian division advancing north of the city patrols were pushed out but had difficulty contact ing i he enemy air reconnaissance indicated the germans had withdrawn from the nnn between scheldt canal nnd can- nl tie la sense and all bridges across the latter had twwn destroyed ttint night the canadian 3rd div ision was withdrawn from the fight ing to rest and refit after 1 days of battle the 2nd division continued to pursue the defeated enemy for several das and was withdrawn from the line october 12th when they werejko miles east of cambral oats for poultry many poultry men feel that there is some special virtue in oats both as a growing and laying feed and con tinue to use them in quantity when ever practicable this claim however ktates the egg and poultry market iteport dominion department of agr iculture marketing service tins not been suhstalned in a scientific way sprouted oats are again growing in favor especially in the light of the increasing consciousness of the need of green feed the greatest problem in the sprouting of oats is the avoid ance of mould and a suggestion of dallv turning and watering the oats seems to be the klmplest form of mou ld prevention oats for sprouting khould he soaked in water for 24 hours when a sloping bench is used the soaked grain is started at one end and the bprouted grain is removed from the other each day the grain is turned khaken up and watered as it u mved along the bench this will assume that the oats remain sweet and freev from mould a movable board is used to separate the different lots and more space is allowed as the grain becomes more bulky a con tinuous dally supply is thus main tained axxmu1k3 to hchedlle a oung air force officer stationed rmewhere in egpt was flying- near t he great pyramid carrying out exercises in naviat and discover ing his geographical pcsltion with a sextant after a series of involved and con fused calculations he turned to his pilot and said take off your hat why asked the pilot because according to my calcu lations we are now inside st pauls cathedral japs to produce synthetic rubber london cp terming it an in dication that the japanese entertain doubt concerning their length of stay in the netherlands east indies vrlj nedcrland dutchlanguage news paper published in london said tokyo had announced that mitsui biggest japanese business concern jias started t company for the pro duction of synthetic rubber rather than take advantage of the natural rubber in occupied territory if jks304050 ftp ns war sea cadets win scholarships to naval college rfiij five of the six royal canadian codels who untitled for in trance to lloyal roods royal canadian naval college wrr awarded scholarships by the navy league of canada km h kcholarshlp it a a value of sltmrtk which u siiffliunt to pay fur tuition lodging meals and uniforms for the twoyear course and leave about i0 aei for inrulenmlt a recent pelure uf tin rollcfe icmnled nur victoria bc is shownln the layout with photos of the scholar ship- winners upper left david c mather right brian mat kay lower 4lclt lo right robert c stone frederick w white and vler mcc cornell the sixth avy uauue cndet to iunllfy an drew c mcmllun ktood high among the 130 caiulldites and cum vi ry rlw- to being among the tuhularshlp winner a day will come x 1 toao oi ott tyl kiy t v w tn r o wo e rtv s- r wffat is a victor y bohd1 a victory bond u the promiae of the dominioti of rnnwla to rcpy in caah the face value of the bond on the date of maturity tvrith half yearly intereat until that time a victory bond b the aafeat investment in canada ba by the entire reaourcea of the dominion canada has been itming bonds for 75 years and haa never failed v to pay every douar of principal and interest when due a victory bond is an aasct readily marketable at any time yes a day will come when hell be back ready to take his place in a canada he helped make safe for all of us to speed that day is in our power we at home in factories in offices on farms work long hours to hurry it along we go without and lend our savings to provide what he needs to win quickly this is the least that anyone can do and when that day comes youll want to welcome him and to help him make his hopes come true to speed victory plan to buy as many victory bonds ai you can m o victory bonds im v jtaffanaf wmr flnmncm commit s k hiswbjsi