page bight the acton free press tiihlmoav novkmtlkt 41 h ims l3 s id onofl lloapttal il to wim ti t ims to mr udmn ii rtocr danchlvr loam lemmdtat st josfs llowjut guslph m suwlay ortobsc sist imvtamr wdmra rnnk lm- nwr tan unsni a aoa frantts joasp mccuknm 37 moaday novacnbsr ik istjohn mccuaa movad hosbaad o icva ryder and son of th lata mr tan uil mcown gimlph and brotlmr of atax jeanl and marcmrat hsmll- m mimomiam muck in loving mscnory of john h h prleo who puwd away on yaar ago today tsday tvcalte aad memoriss of our dear father son to rest and the oum that think of him today ar the ones who love him beet sadly mimed by gladys herb norm doug and cam akins in loving memory of laura m akin who named away on november 8th 1942 she suffered long and murmured not physicians were in vain till god above in his great love released her of her pain we do not know what pain she bore twu hard to watch her die we only know she passed away and could not say goodbye always remembered by brother ike and anna price in loving memory of our dear father john herbert milliard price who passed away suddenly november 8th 1042 one year has passed away since our great sorrow fell the shock we received that day we still remember well we think of him in silence no eye may see us weep but many a silent tear is shed while others are asleep ever remembered by family and grandchildren saturday la poppy day be aure to remember remembrance day services on sunday plan to attend send in your personal items the champion phone number la 220 rttio thunderstorm on monday night was a bit unusual for this time of year nassagaweya township council invested ssoo in victory bonds in the fifth victory loan uev it w imckerglll was the kucst speaker at the supper meeting last thursday of acton vs mens club practises are pretty often and pretty strenuous these nights for the cast of the gay nineties local show being staged early in december a cast of about thirty will take part in the musical show being re hearsed now for the war service lea bue under the direction of mr r it parker some of the halloween depred ations that included wrecking of prop erty did not indicate a very high in telligence on the part of the youths who perpetrated them early sunday morning a large number of american war ships damaged in action have already been put back into service at british naval bases ships stores fuel oil water harbor and stevedore expenses are all lendleased to american war ships and merchantmen about ten member from acton attended the annual closing lust thursday nt cut ten fields golf course in guelph the acton play ers brought home u big share of the prizes and trophies put up for the seasons pluy womkn war workers are urged to kmt for the red cross for the first time the red cross so ciety tlnds itself unable to supply fully the requirement of the national committee supplies in the bins of ontario warehouse are almost de pleted the calls on them are stupend ous what can you dot in the past four years the men and women of the air force the army and the navy the civilian women and children of great britain have learn ed to count on you they still do the need is not only as great as last year it la greater surely we shall not fall them as they face the cruc ial year ahead with the same courage and faith in us our hearts and our hands will answer a letter from national chairman this week says ws ftfrhr f- aatart ftf beg pled for them what will your response be surely the need of our boys in newfoundland and the east ern porta for protection against the biting cold of this coming winter la an appealto touch the hearts of us elftittttlt the community of milton heights w- whh hy the sudden nasslnc of edwin currte on octobet 38th in toronto where he was taking treatment lie u the son of mrs robert currte and the late mr robert currte he was born in nassagaweya 39 years ago- he is survived by hi wife margaret may his mother and stepson nobby and two brothere george of milton and robert of peru he was a member of all saints church at milton llelghta rev s a kirk conducted the services at all saints church on saturday oc tober 30th pallbearers were isaac hllson robert carglll robert mo- mullln uoyd tramsou martin mc laughlin and sidney dance all of milton llelghta flowers were car ried by four small boys donald cur rte bobby thomson billy thomson and freddie hllson burial was in st davids cemetery at campbellvlue robert allison robert allison 70 highly respected farmer of blenheim township died at his home on tuesday he had been iii over a year mr allison was born nt moffat a on of the late mr and mrs robert allison after his marriage to isa- belle maynerd he farmed at moffat and later resided in toronto in 1015 the family moved to their present farm near washington he is aurvlved by his wife six daughters mrs herbert evans br ight mrs george kalden chicago iii mrs elton clark toronto mm james simpson and mrs jean pd- weil rr 4 bright two sons roy on the home farm wesley with the rc af at llnifcrsvllle and three bro thers anthony of moffat john of mlllitrove and george of saskatch ewan and is grandchildren one son died in infancy halton breeders buy and sell at the brampton sale halton county holsteln breeders took a prominent part both as buyers and sellers at the fourth annual fall special sale held october 28th at brampton e segsworth a son of freeman received 3fifl for a four- yearold heifer and 5165 for a ton- monthsold bull calf while w s hall oakvlllo secured 335 for a two-year- old hlfor elmer carney george town pmd mh5 for an eluhtyenrold cow j t frame milton 310 for an el bull calf w a wlngrovc campbellvlue 300 for a twoyenrold heifer albert g hun ter fremim v25 for a two-year- old heifer and a h mckune of georgetown 235 untl 230 for a pair of mature cows a total of 22005 was realized for the 74 hend solil the 5fi fcmnlcw nvernged 310 46 while ib bulls mostly calves avcrucjed 228 the top price was 500 paid by norda farm venk- leek hill for a threoy earold heifer connlcned by john h older thames- ford highest price for a bull was 350 secured on the bid of hu r bonne i sons thorndale for t sevenmonths old calf consigned by smith haven farm woodstock seven females brousht 400 or more seek tourists for scotland plaits heine blade ready for the postwar influx of visitors edinburgh cp scotland after the war will have its greatest oppor tunity yet for building up a vast tour ist industry allan chnpman joint undersecretury of state for scotland said in an address here as soon as things become normal people particularly the americans will want to have a look at the people who stood solitary in the breachthe people who could take it chapman said our tourist industry must be ready for them that means more roads and hotels and international nlr lines opening up the islands when we get them to the home of the 51st division we must make them want to come again and establish a habit bow and arrow intntkrs to emulate robin hood observers say that a lot of army commando training really cets back to the prlmatlve days and it is prob able that a lot of citizens generally will be glad to accomodate themselves to pioneer methods before the war ends scarcity of sporting ammunit ion presents a bit of a difficulty to outdoorsmen with a few days spare time in the autumn period and the desire totake a shot at a deer or bird- as an example to what this difficulty may lead to e g poole iwho la the outofdoors expert for he canadian national railways recently received an inquiry for information as to the kuicef kiippllt for how b a hunting as well as the names of indiv iduals capable of providing instruct ion in the use of these weapons mr poole furnished the information but no far he has not received any newt as to the success of the modern bow- noventber meeting of nassagaweya council on monday nassagaweya council met on nov- ember let with all members present and mr near reeve presiding the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read after which the correspondence was read the auditors for the township gave their report for the period end ing september 30th 1043 the renewal premium on the treasurer bond of 16 00 was order ed paid to mr a t moore also the following accounts alex near sel ecting jurors ft 00 chas norrtsh selecting jurors 400 c il turner ambulance 1000 municipal world supplies 1011 and relief account s7j1 the road superintendents voucher no 11 for 66703 was passed for payment by the treasurer it was then moved by mr van- sickle that this council adjourn to meet again on november 30th at 13q p m and that the clerk be instructed to advertise that the tax collector would be present at this meeting and would welcome the payment of all past due taxes the hartteycikave wedding saturday in georgetown frosted cedar trees and pink mums flanked the pulpit of knox presbyter- ian church saturday afternoon for the marriage of dorothy walker cleave only daughter of mr and mrs herb ert cleave to joseph edwin hartley only son of mr and mrs david hart ley milton rev cc cochrane offic iated given in marriage by iter father the bride was gowned in white brocade satin the front of the gown was panelled and tapered to a scall oped pcplum her fingertip veil fell from a heartshaped halo and she carried a white bible with cascade of white orchids and bouvardla mrs hyatt mcclure jbrampton cousin of the bride as matron of honor was gowned in heaven blue georgette with lace inserts her veil of blue net was caught with white gardenias the groomsman was gordon hume mil ton and the ushers were cedrlc hnr- rop milton and william g potts toronto mrs r paul played the wedding music and mrs william g potts toronto sang following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlor where the brides mo ther lecclved wearing rose crepe with black accessories nnd a corsage of red roses for travelling to eastern on tario the bride wore n suit tnllored in nuvy pin stripe with gray top coat und navy accessories mr and mrs hartley will reside in milton telephone scare anyone who has ever been as start ed as this montreal business man is invited to report it for entry as my greatest scare contest editor the gentleman arrived hack in town after n trip to ottawa went directly to the office and telephoned home to advise his wife of his safe return unknown to him an old school buddy had arrived with his family and was being put up for a few days at the businessmans home he fail ed to recognize the male voice an swering the phone tm sorry he said t must have the wrong number what number are you calling t he gave his own home number and the gruff male voice said thats right to whom do you wish to speak t in a complete dither the business man asked for his wife then heard the mysterious stranger turn from the instrument and holler tiey mabel some guy wants to talk to your bund boys are scouts believed to he the only troop of blind boys in the world 15 sightless boys on the island of cyprus do rcg ular bcoutlng under a lady scout master several of them have gained their swimmer badge can strike n tent without help nnd can pitch a tent with very little help know a buck hiarkett hereto how to teix perhaps you think a black market operator looks nnd acts like a boot legger of prohibition days a swarthy fellow with two days growth of beard or perhaps you think or pre war speakeasies with peepholes in their doors a black market isnt that easy to identify it may be the gas station where youve dealt for the past ten years here you can get an extra gallon or two without a coupon or perhaps its the corner grocer who gives you an extra can of this or that without a coupon or the butcher who gives you a choice cut of course his price is above the wptb celling but who minds the extra pennies yes its as easy and simple as that and plenty of folks buy and sell that wav without meaning th- i- hnn predicts vast u s shortage food director toronto tcpl ontario provin cial police will no longer obey orders issued by the federal oil controller in the matter of padlocking premises in the province unless directed to do so in a court of law this was made clear in n directive to the police issued by attorneygen eral blackwell which informed all of ficers that they shall no longer car ry out any order issued by the oil con troller to padlock the premises of any individual or company in the prov ince a grave injustice may have been done the cttutens by such action the order to the police said r it added however that ontario pol ice are to continue to assist the oil controller in doing everything poss ible to enforce the speed limit on the highways to prevent bootlegging of motor fuels the trafficking in gas oline coupons the sale of motor fuel during prohibited hours and in auch other public ways except padlocking as may be in the public interest successful law enforcement in tlte final analysis depends on public sup port both for law and the metltod of its enforcement and the attorney general for ontario feels very strong ly that the method uf enforcing the regulations of the office of the oil controller on evidence received nnl accepted by the oil control office is not acceptable to the public mr blackwell said agriculture minister kennedy thinks an efficiently operated county unit aystom in ontario would place the provinces farmers in an advant ageous position when peace conies the ontario government lias an eye on postwar markets in its plan to se up the unit system col kennedy sold as he announced that the system de signed to bring the principle of coop erative action to the farmer will move toward realisation at a confer ence of county and township council representatives in toronto on mon day nov is the county council and the town ship council ate closer to the farmer than any other body and we want to gut representation on the county un it committees that will speak the voice of the men in agriculture col kennedy sold the report of the agricultural com mittee set up recently at it confer ence of furmers and farm bodies will mrvc ni the blueprint for the county units the report covering all phu- kes of ugrlcultura is in the course of preparation each of the th counties in ontario will have n unit committee which will be responsible for agriculture in itm partlt ular county the system is aimed at increased production of foodstuffs more efficient marketing eradication of diseases improving methods of soil conservation better quality in products increased prices nnd the solving of the storage prob lems a 50 victory bond fifth loan lisue is on its way to russia ad dressed to the famous marshal timo- shenko the bond is a gift from russian bom steve yulckyezyn a resident of london ont who walked into vic tory loan headquarters slapped down five 10bllls and asked for a bond for his hero details were soon ar ranged and the bond started on its long trip should maintain growing soybeans the expansion in the area devoted to soybeans in ontario from 10000 acres in 1041 to 41500 acres in 1042 might havo been expected to find a shortage in the available seed suppl ier thnt this did not occur was lar gely due to the constant supply of foundation stock seed maintained each year by the dominion experi mental forms nnd distributed to the seed growers through proper chann els for multiplication as the result of thk arrangement thoro have been adequate supplies of high quality seed available of the recommended var ieties in 1041 there was again an abundant supply of registered and certified seed td meet all demands further expansion of soybean pro duction is easily possible as long as adequate seed supplies of recommen ded arletles are maintained war or no war emphasizes an official re port every endeavour should be made to maintain the present acreage and with the present interest towards a greater industrial utilization of form products expansion of acreage would appear to be justified for no farm product offers more possibilities 1ft this direction than the soybean and 8tmrsctf i vcaublea by adbuuimd kstha af rreas waff writes nkw york ci peaj sarah lllandlng saya tliat american house wives face the greatest food shortage tltey have ever known and that they will liave to use a lot of food tricks to feed their families adequately this winter miss illandituf u director of human nutrition for the new york state kmergency pood commission and dean of the college of home econ omics at cornell university although her work deals with only new york state k she says that shortage condit ions exist generally throughout the ccuptry ifeat milk eggs butter fresh fruits and vegetables ore going to be scarce said dean lllandlng on a rec ent new york trip tliere will be plenty f food for nourishment jiur- pottes but not plenty of everything we have been a nation of meat eater and we are going lo have to adjust ourselves lo a cereal diet dean mendings dark eyes snaped with intensity site reached toward u little table and scooped a pile of packaged foods onto tlte lap of her brown and beige pluid suit wo are going to use a lot of this kind of food this winter she said as she hined a liag that held soy iteans another of soy bean toast and a third of noodles rich la rreuuss hoy beans are rich in protein con tent and they havo a nutty meaty flavor she went on w ran use lltrm in meat loaves and soups in soy bean flour for blead and cakes and in many other ways we have also learned to sprout them and when they are sprouted they hstve as much vitamin c as tomatoes in the cor nell laboratory we found it is prac tical to freeze these sprouted soy iteans and now quickfreeze com pun les are doing it the sprouted soy bean will be on the market by nov ember 1 we an also going trf use a great many cereals noodles spaghetti tend so on as extenders of n small amount of meat we can cook hood its with meat and serve spaghetti with mnt uiiuc right now housewives should in crease thilr provlwlons of food by can ning tomatoes apple gractj and everything else powible tliey should also store s many carrots und turnip as they can procure and to ih pre- imred in case of further hutt r short age they should prepare u lot of spreads apple butter tnmhto relluh and things of that sort it looks as though the protein khortuge would i nut for thin year any way next year we must plan n bet ter food supplyhead repe1 j jcnt protects trees prom raiihith for the protection of trees against the depredltlons of rabbits in winter time the dominion experimental sta tion scott saskatchewan has tested many repellents the best of which is a mixture of resin and alcohol states g d matthews the superintendent this repellent is easy to prepare the rabbits do not eat the bark of trees where the repellent is applied and it does not injure the trees like most things around the farm the making of the repellent calls for attention to a few details which must be followed to obtain the desired results the alcohol used must be denatured ethyl grade 2d under wartime regulations avail able through hardware or paint stares lump resin is used but it must be finely powdered before dissolving the lumps can be crushed by placing them in a sack and using a wooden niallet the renin can then be sifted through a piece of fly screen the proportions are eight pounds of powd ered resin to a gallon of denatured al cohol it is preferable to mix two pounds to n quart nnd uw it right away ah it must bo kept in nn air tight container after mixing the resin and alcohol nre stirred until dissolved under no tlr umstnnces must the solution be heati d it w well to keep in mind size of container i when mixing as the addition of refcln i in these proportions prnctlially dou- i hies the volume of alcohol i a small paint brush is used to apply this repellent to the trees if it be comes gummy uhlle mlng a small 1 amount of alcohol con be added to restore the original condition when applying the repellent the hark muit be absolutely dry without mist or falling snow being present at the time all parts of the trees which con or may be reached by the rabbits during the winter are treated it is advis able to treat the trees as early as possible in the fall for protection during the winter darning and rarmsno hum- kngland cp potatoes cabbages and oilier vegetables are growing on scraggy land around an ordanre depot in the north of kng land because some a tji lied a brain jftayj 11ipjieadfsijaojjuergai tlie depot were complaining about tioles in their socks so tliey said you cultivate tlie land and well darn your socks smmnino tins winnrrm moscow ci more than loo soldiers of various natlonalltlea incl uding danea caechs and slovaks liave deserted- tlte qeftnan army and joined soviet guerrilla detaclunenls thk dtrmofmatm way kntkiiiik uganda cp-invltat- luns to a garden feat in tlie grounds of government house liere bore this iiote owing to tlte stuirtage of cro- kery and glass everyone lu lequest- cdliibiimxjilmtwn tup saucer spoon nnd glass wurkm in hbcauct london cp tlte george croak the george medal and lite ob r have leen won by lt cmdr glddan of the royal navy for deeds which jtavenut been disclosed ills work u secret and even hs friends can only guess at tlte job lie is doloswlh auch distinction j cadesky will be in acton on monday nov 1st anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or head ache sliould not miss tlte oppor tunity or consulting this eye sight specialist appointments may be made with mr a t llrown druggist offtea house im sjs till 4o pm dmt j h noti power will be off sunday november 7 200 to 4h0 p in acton public utilities p naval inflation sheds these inflation sheds house mark vi navy balloons used on drifters trawlers and other vessels the balloons help to protect ships from air attack picture shows a lineup of balloons inside the shed the cable parade 1 unoimi -it- i tiit but its a lot of little things like this that make black markets yet not one in ten realizes when he geu one of these hard to resist special favors that hes nuking the job of winning the war that much harder free phone caixs monroe nc cp the moproe telephone company has asked the state utilities commission for pet mission to cancel all charges to sub- cribers for the month of september abnormal profits originating in the nearby camp prompted the companys action fbont line b a melbourne cp an austral- ian infantryman who studied mathem- atlcs on a frontline battle station has obmpleted the 18 months of his bach elor of arts degree course he studied by correspondence through queens land universitys external studies br anch oamaoiam natiomai tckgrspbs mm and women call it the cable parade ikcauae it develops each tune gcocrsl leave la granted to airmen receiving f he larger training centres in ca young men from many parts of the empire are trained here under the cbm- moo wealth plan on arriving at their depot or on the eve of forlougfi they storm the nearest telegraph and cable omccs to send mrasages to the folks at home the upper photograph shows the staff doing capacity business at one of the 1076 canadian nat kmal telegraph office while below other airmen vnit their turn to file