the acton fkeb pbess tiiubsdat novcmbes nib ntr istlnight vision mighty factor in modern war plenty of bmu with a la 112 over 1mi the or tn 1m2 13u pounds as iplto the jwfioo year oft jehovaha witnesses techno cracy inc ad vkalaun ftoncr temple lifted canada force vocational tr off the aromd lac tor all vrtcnnt 6 ahead off all other parts of the bnlbb common- tssnm saiga st cafeteria which will i sdlfa and empire bnac d as a head tjooo civil eirranrs there i model cor similar pla la the u iv conversational a mjs major 1l 1l bell vcteransf is being started i welfare officer ivonou and health in mkh school off comme ottawa top canadian red cross r off 400 at tlnsial registration i sonety has undertaken to provide busy making 1 loojooo parcels off food for french i a ir in br j pnnmm i of war in germany as well of about ain tnillioa canjj medical supplies and vitamins for b children and nursing mothers in pol- land tbe new synthetic rubber branca of the wptire ore very apt to go boom at tjb fas ottawa under the direction lover 35 mph at overload or if tires off byrne hope saunders better i should be undertnftaled is warolnr known as chatelalaes editor are ask- 1 from rubber controller big truck bar canadian t to ramiuarize kind is most liable to gjh trouble iff thesuavtve with the working of re- bused improperly tafl meat charts initiated into the ways off charts throuxh the faeeff order one side of war is a huge business of the wjtb the job of shopping an a from munitions and i is now further simplified by the addition of a lamb chart which will show the ceiling price of any cut off lamb- any woman who doesnt know her cots can learn to dtatjn- 4jsb between loin nb roast lee or breast of lamb by studying the cut- tine chart accompanying all charts- featuring slight l prices than those which have pre vailed the lamb seems a break for the nation btggesf caterers the by the department of labor declaring the meal packing in dustry essential to the war and the ti interest has a background it has been estimated that meat park ins rf ha r will produce the asto volume of l577j000j000 pounds of meat products during 1mx off this an estimate is that nearly so per cent will go directly into distri bution for war purposes obligations to great britain will lake care of be tween ten and fifteen million pounds of bacon alone while the can armed forres will be fed with 102 c8gooo pounds of meat product the swedish liner rnpholxn which u expected to arrive in new york early in dece will bring a good- supply tracts 0 war 25 years ago either tn the dead off night or to the before dawn keen vision would therefore be to the gr off comm andos or paratroops who at any 11m may net foot on the rampart of ieuers e fortress a newly developed darkroom lest d by the army researc bureau at ottawa to establish n soldiers abil ity to nee in dhn tight will be set up kaiser wubetana el- bubmria turkey and austria- hungary had folded up leaving only the germans to face the growing allied might- on nov 1st the aulas began their final drive on the wars major front across france and belg ium on kov 8th german emissar ies first arrived at rethondca franw where lb armistice finally was shortly wuh srclally or p they asked trained members off the canadian wo- 1 ror mn 1 cessation of hoslll- meavs army corps in charge event- lie w refused by slarsnal ualry all military districts wiu con- 1 rdinand forh allied commandcr- i inchief lie presented to the enemy i terms which mild have to be accept- tfae normal eye adapts itself to dim h light la about nsiran hour to three- ortlng on instructions from quarters off an hour in the interval crm amv h9rters in siu immediately alter the subject enters wum the enemy agents at reth- ondes made unqualified acceptance of the allied terms at 5 nro on nov 11 and or were issued to the armies duct night vision testa a darkened room he is as the mechanism of the eye has not jet begun to generate the optic purple the purpose of present ex periments fcs to reduce this interval to minimum anyone who has stumbled into a ihreatre without the gtiidanre of the uxhevw flashlight is acquainted with thu interval of btind- the test is simple the subject is placed in a dark room on one wall of which is a shadowy landscape pro- ftrtstatxac ladtralrre off the way the war i seal on nov 9 to the allied it by our repeated attacks yields on the entire front i appeal to the energy and initiative of the comnsnndecstachlef and of inetr armies to render uwilsni the resulta cissflty war the armistice brought to an end fighting which cost the uvea of 8j538 315 off the workts fighting men 1ds9l 919 of them from the br empire lost appiostmaly cojdoo 354000 canadians suffered the evening of nov 10 found the tin canadian infantry brigade endr- hons scene of ile sirv flrvt between british and german in 1311 just berore midnight the dominion troops entered the sil ent city but the germans had fled dawn uf nov ii saw the canadian cautiously pursuing the retreating enemy beyond the eastern outskirts of the belgian town but they hadnt advanced far before they received rw that the war was lf end that day the last known canadian battle ca sually occurred only three minutes before- the cease fire order when german sniper east off hons killed pie i price off port williams n5 a member of the 2thbatlalion deliverance of mons was the i notable act of the canadian corps which had begun an advance east of arras on aug 36 and had fought of the war on if na in ian fiisih fflihlan assuks to arras thi switch canal da nord a railroad agent in africa had been bawled out for doing things with out ord from headquarters one rtn boss was startled to- recede the following telegram tiger on p eating conduc tor vmmjtr tmaskh worn rjinort london cp large stores of young british frult tree are being gr for the reuorking off europe s devastated orchard c j pratt mas ter of the fruiterers company told a lord mayors luncheon canadas doing a job ilere are m few of the things that it is easy to aee v hero cu fit into the psttatro producing 4jd00 motor vehlcjea and 4so fighting vehicles making m0 heavy gun and 13000 rounds of small arms i putting out lojooo tons off ebemicakl and explosives from plants that eover an area equal to that of the cuy off montreal turning out so planes producing mjooojooo worth of in struments and communications equip ment launching six or more i sli cargo escort or patrol ifiese days when tea must yield the utmost in flavour quality is of supreme importance ask for salada total value of con- rarded and commitments canadian united kingdom and other account has exceeded the slwmkuwaooo mark end of scptem- j b motion picture machine her- just count the veros contracts thu uaoce reresenk what the placed on canadian account alone nomi would see at some m0 totalled over four and a half billion dollars including contracts executed for plants plants extension and gen eral purchases consolidation by the prices board on three previous orders clarified ma ximum price regulations fo- used stoves ranges at other healing or cooking appliances range from 90 per cent- of listed retail prlcee when ac or rebuilt or equivalent applian ce a yar or under in age to go per otnl for those more than four years ola- this appues in nice extont coal and wood appliance ranchs and stoves are about as valuable these days as horses in the good old boss tradin days a royal commission has been tablishcd to investigate uage rate tud to ersoiu en operation of coal nunc in albrrtn and british col in tests re best quality dark tobacco saed canadian party repatriated i cro tne conducted in an exchange with japanew the majonty of the c are- mt- uonanrs roesnber of religious orders business m and their wives and children more than half come from occupied china and hong kong some from japan manchukuo and korea and some from the phulipines mwl french xndochina the voyage or ientward carried medical supplies and vitamins from canada sufficient to serve sjooo people six month- with other relief stores these u ill be made available to canadians and other al lied prisoners and internees still in jap hands the vegetable oil industry in can ada gains in importance as the war goes on gross sales last mr hit the sst4al4s0 mark of ten active plants four are wi the montreal area two in ontario a couple in manitoba one each in alberta and british columbia linseed oil was tops in production gross sales in 1942 being t5252605 for 7390240 gallons soy beans are corning along too production in essex county ontario last year was 173jj05 bushels sellini for n total of 229339 saskatchewan is now experimenting with large scale growing of sunflower the return to canada of a proport ion of the canadian forestry corps from lumbering operations in the united kingdom is announced by national defence 11 q the british government has agreed that the out put of timber for the war effort of the united nations can be increased b using these stout fellow in the for ests throughout canada where the resources and quality of timber are better than those now available in great britain lumber u one of the musts for the united kingdom nout as always a few highlights of the joint agri culture committee meeting recently completed in washington conclusion wna reached that an expansion tn out put of certain products is possible but increase in overtoil production is limited by acreage manpower equip ment fertlliier particular attention uas paid to suggested increase in u s wheat acreage from 34 million acres in 1943 to 68 million next year made imperative by abnormal dis appearance ot wheat currently for feed and industrial alcohol mainten ance of dairy production by using grain and protein feed was stressed at experimental station harrow ont- crop sequence show ing best result w as tobacco corn oats wheat and alfalfa while barny ard manure and commercial fertilizers proved highly beneficial proper crop rotation was necessary nlo accidents reach new high record cawialticw in british war factor ies very heavy in 1912 london cp accidents in bri tains war factories reached a new high level in 11z with particularly leavy casualties among the hundreds of thousands of wotmn drafted to industry indications art however that th peak of fcuch lapses ha been passed the 194j report of sir wilfred gar rett chief inspector of factories who wed reportable accident uf udull males were j03865 of adult females 7144 of male ouths j9 02k and of female youths 10493 compared with 193h figures adult ft male ta- ualtie increased 389 ptr cvnt iml adult mole casulatlec 51 per minutr of ubar hu r rent on bfctinl utr of labor hupecton these seven main causes 1 increased employment of uomm and girls in arcldentproduiing indus tries j rapid acceleration of produition combined with incrased weariness 3 increased demands on overwork ed supervisor staffs 4 the patriotic idea that speed of production comes before ever thing 5 evidence that older men art- taking their full share in the war effort and are not always willing t admit the have tn some ways lot their sprightllness 6 losses of maintenance staff 7 the close connection between sickness and accident rates and tho need for more adequate supervision ards in dun light adaptability u calculatidi from the length of time it taks the subject to see progres sively the rough outline of the land scape and then a his optic purple functions the details which gradually become visible some scientists maintain that the generation of optic purpl- is directly connected with vitamin activity and therefore largely dependent on diet at one time the rclaf red it tilers targe quantities of carrots in the be lief that the vitamin content of that vegetable reduced the interval of hlght uindnes although this theory has been virtually exploded research authorities say that special diets for night fighting men are a possjbllty the men are taught n few simple trick to improve their night vision for instance if they have to use n flashlight to study a map or for any other purpose they are advised to cover one eye in order to retain its power of night vision the glare of the light will momentarily destroy the night visibility of the eye cx loed red glascs nre also advised to cut down glare and help preserve the optic fluid necessary to hlght xlsion wings for our town he careful of that hack pasture and guard xealously some of those vacant lots outside your town both may have a place in canadas postwar aviation picture already a rough outllno of the shape of things to come in canadian air route when peace returns is be ing scratched out but the visionaries predicting most things for the big cities are missing a point or two they forget that the small town and yes the farm have a place keep in mind the future of the helicopter just as the branch lines helped the railways prosper so in the postwar wot id feeder air lines will help con solidate the dominion place in civil aviation of course there are many branch lines now but the greater field has yet to be tapped it is all very well to say montreal halifax and saint john have a place in future transatlantlc flying that edmonton will be at the crossroads of routes across the top of the world but think also of the prosperous towns of the maritime ontario and quebec and western centres they will be important point for holiday or commercial agricultural traffic all of which brings us back to that back pasture or vacant lot they may be airports for helicopters and the helicopter surely has a place in postwar aviation because of th small landing space required it wont cost much t fit up these heli copter airports and thus will be overcome the big landing ground ex pense that marred the prewar avia tion picture for smaller ce to transform into reality this pros pect we need only a practical imag ination cooperaton ot pubtlc-cplrit- eu bodies in the planning and the will to carry the plans through recokd price for heifer reading cp highest price in england for the purchase of an in mllkuheifer was paid by lord beaver- brook for 2s yearold rowden coun tess hi the heifer which cost 50 guineas 3070 has been sent to the peers leatherdale farm help youth of brstxan birmingham cp every cou nty or county borough in britain now has a youth committee to promote social and recreative work for young people the government pays a 50 per cent grant to local authorities for operation df these committees