pagfttwo the acton free press thursday november 18th ims oiilpactnnjirrejrfbb fsmlisis kwy tamest st acta ottmri ult4 stat se amltloml advutttstjcg katsso varioaa clsw hmum attatmt twry emtio nor pwr cci iw ultikhil tkm u mfw ft a a4 fbu soo4 4 adrntlmmat u wl lb dtntlmr m4 mm ok- 4til sicm by ib amttiam 4 with sack wr eortcltmit pltw mm4 wrfhaa then urfb that oat u aay ttvr w a to vet a b tw hm u lubiht sluu mi timt ch procwrtloa th tttrv cm of meh lwrtlil m tb 44 by th kotod tt tnit to lb wbote occupied by tcb kdvcvlimmctal c asejof mus eaifv telephones- editorial and bualnra offlc it 1 lets be interested with the time of year coming around when muni cipal offices must bo riled for another term ratepay ers may well give attention to making sure that men who have shown an interest in the municipality are urged to assume these positions of rcsponsiblity and trust more than ever men with a broad outlook not only on the immediate present but upon future municipal welfare are needed in these positions men who have experience and a vision of the tuture should be approached to offer their services in any municipality these men are known to all citi zens if they are in office and you know they have done a good job for the town do not hesitato to tell them so and urge them to continue often too often such men put in long hours attending to the affairs that belong to every ratepayer without much praise flrtd quite often a lot of condemnation it doesnt hurt to let them know when their work is appreciated as well as when it does not find favor j above all when nomination day rolls around at least show interest by appearing at the proceedings communities are built best when all citizens take an active interest in these matters and its hardly fair to ask them to do all the work of the year when wo are not prepared to give attention for one evening in the year the future of our municipality is mould ed by the men wc put into office the past has a splendid record but we are the custodians of the present and let it not be said that we failed our day and generation we write this well in advance of municipal elec tion time purposely because forethought on such matters has proven most valuable its our com munity lets be interested in it v we hope our friends read this we owe a lot of letters and in that respect wo presume there is nothing unique about such a predi cament but some additional responsibilities lately assumed seem to make it impossible to write these letters for a time at least we would be indeed lax however if we did not acknowledge tho kind things that have been said about us by our fellow editors in the weekly field and by friends in both milton and acton when we assumed editorship of an addi tional newspaper failing to write these letters now we hope those friends will take in lieu of the per sonal note this acknowledgement of our appreciation our only hope is that the future in both municipali ties will merit half of these kindly references v let it be different this time there seems to be no end to the ways in which those at home can serve these days for instance- there is tho daily thing in whvcn every individual can assist that is maintaining our price ceilings and staving off inflation we have yet to meet the man or woman who will admit that he or she wants even mild inflation and yet wc see not only individ uals but big groups of people who consciously or perhaps heedlessly do the things and urge the mea sures that bring about inflation the regrettable part is that always the producer and wageearner get the short end when inflation comes and yet they often play into the schemes that bring on inflation we have only to look back at the last war to see the evils vof inflation a short period of big sums of money passing through your hands and then a deeper period of depression for those who are tempted to urge higher prices for their commodities it will be well to remember that once the vicious circle gets undei way and everybody plays the game of higher prices for all it is worth nobody wins as reminder of last wars inflation we noted the store window in milton of r c cunningham where the prices today on variquilriicles are shown very clearly with those paid in the last war it brought the message homo and remember that in tho last war the working man wasnt the big boirovfcolder at tho finish he paid during the war and after it the big financiers held mos o ca bonds 1 see that its different this time v early holiday mailing now that the christmas overseas parcels are all sway it is important too that you do your christmas mailing in canada as early as possible the folks who ordinarily wait until a week or two before christmas before buying and sending gifts an greetings will cause great congestion of postal work if they adhere to this habit this year a time of labor shortage is one in which it will be hard to get mail handled and delivered promptly some people have always bought their gifts at a late date because as they said they did not have the money to buy the things before this year with national income greatly increased regular work gen eral and many people getting big pay it should be easier to buy earlier one would think most people could as well get their christmas gifts within a very short time and get them off promptly hard worked postal people would look at such a change as a godsend v the war comet home tho grim shadow of tho casualty list has fallen over canada her soldiers march in their first campaign for four years canadian airmen gave their lives in europes skies sailors died in guarding the north atlantic life line but until now tho army saw only sporadic action hong kongs catastrophe fell like a flashing knife- stroke dieppe was one fatal day sicilys sixweek task ended before its cost was counted for the first time canada begins to realize the oppressive cost of freedom bought with lives col umn on column from italy come the names of dead and maimed they carry none of the heartwarming glitter of troops marching off to battle tho war has become more than a hectic round of bigger wages bettor jobs and higher prices with tho battle half -a- workl away a new meaning has come into the headlines newsreel shots and radio talks ration restrictions become all top reasonable factory overtimo seems little enough to do at last tho war has come homo and many a canadian wonders whether he is doing his part buying a bond becomes no sacrifice when the next- door family mourns a sort v a parents have a responsibility a writer in the saskatchewan farmer states that in some communities the latest method of dealing with the problem of juvenile delinquency is to hold parents responsible for their children a curfew is set and if children or adolescents are found on tho streets after that time the parents are brought into court and either fined or given some other punitive sentence this plan has much to commend it and is a reasonable course of procedure in some respects ut least it is surely not unreasonable to hold that parents should be held responsible if they allow their children to run wild after all they should know the evil consequences that are almost certain to result from tho lack of control and discipline m the home tho children have not reached tho age of under standing and are therefore not in a position to esti mate these consequences at their true value if there is to be any punishment at all should it not fall on the shoulders of the parents rather than he visited on tho children it hats been suggested that such punishment woud tend to improve relations in the home this might bo the case but it would at any rate awaken the parents to a keener sense of their duty and responsibility for the good behaviour of their children proper control supervision and direction of the children in the home would go far to curb juvenile delinquency and give the state a better class of citizens in the years to come anything that can be clone to awaken parents to their responsibility for tht good behaviour of their children should meet with general approval the training of childhood should not be left entirely to tho school and the church and this unfortunately is just what too many parents ure doing v editorial notes mums woid now as seamen gather the snow and freezeup have not improved that highway between acton and milton not that wc expected any marked improvement from any direc tion until the postwar period v with christmas just five weeks away attention is justified to the gift season and remember that our local stores can best all your needs try them first and save time and needless travel v the tax assessors office had to decide on which side of the canadaunited states border an old ladys newly surveyed farm lay surveyors anally announc ed it was just inside the united states border the old lady smiled in relief im so glad to know that she said ive heard that winters i canada are terribly severe men of merchant navy keep lips tight as result of no talk lag campaign ney york cp four years of fighting have transformed merchant seamen from garrulous gents with a yen for sab rests into passable rep licas of oceangoing mummies in fact so bad has it become no report er would be surprised if on asking a sailor how u the war that that worthy replied what wnrt seamen arent calkin r anymore torpedoing days spent ungina co llferafta and lifeboats the ejjjll of watching shipmates die and the iron authority of security officers- have all combined to deprive all those mod em slbads of their second favorite offduty sport and the change is quite remark able during the first few years of the war it was a common thins in any waterfront gathering spot to hear l sailor announce loudly he was sail ing in the morning then in an aggerated whisper add but dont mention that ewn tho walls have earc you know or he would make fun of another familiar warning poster golntt through the motion of buttoning his lip those were the good old days from n reporting angle when every irnuohouru hnllor had a story to toll nnd the yon to toll it and mnbye lie would embroider it junt a trifle m ho landluhlcni would got their nltkelit worth llven i wit iwlks hut nil mint hns nlmotit dlknpvcnrcd it noon 1mm amo apparent security officer werent kidding about their ho talking campaign stiff penalties handed out nllonrod some men hut wisely author les n alized that in timidation wouldnt work with km- hicn so they took tw trouble to illustr ate to the men uht how cnrole- talk was hlnklng whips ther were informal lectures on the decks and in the focastle of the freighters and tankers of tho united nations aitd to day more than one seaman could tell you exactly how it came about that his ship won nunk and others perhaps even mow inv pressed will traoo for you tho so- ouence of event k that titartcd with rome idle barroom chatter and ended with a toritcdolhtf that killed mhuo close friend about the only yarns n reporter can pick up how tell nhout n brunette in alglom or n blond in liverpool tihd although tlieiie might link the tmlltnry censor they certainly would not get by an editor shortage of fruit trees lack of trained help and scarcity 6f root stocks is making- it difficult for nurserymen to propognto ade quate supplies of fruit trees accord ingly wlso orcliardisti will lose no time in placing orders for trees re quired for planting in tho spring of 1044 yn fact it will bo to the advant age of all concerned if orders can bo placed now for trees to be delivered in 1045 and 1046 this will ensure propagation of the varieties which are doilrcd states a j mann domin ion experimental station summer- land b c the shortnge of nursery stock makes it more important than over to take care of young trees which have already been planted thoy should be given good cultural treat ment and protected from injury by mice rabbits gophers and deer in case a few trees hecome girdled dur ing the winter in spite of precaution ary moasures it is a good plan to lay in a supply of scion wood suit able for bridge grafting in tho spring well matured shoots of one year old wood about two feet in length nre dcslreable for this purpose tluy keep dormant a long time when placed in dnmp peat or sawdukt in 32 degrees f b torn ye if cold utorage is not available the next heht thing ts to bury them on the north side of the building in these das of keen demand and good prices for fruit old trees merit kpoclal enre wuno spray and care for mature trees in a mnnnor which ulll ensure maximum production coops in india sixtseven per cent of tho more than the 100 million population of india is directly engaged in or dep endent on ngrlcult ural production and while the country offers vast scope for the development or agri cultural cooperative marketing organizations only 4 577 agricultural coopernt ive societies with n mem bership of 450000 are at present in existence these represent about 4 4 per cent of registered cooper ative organizations in the country whose combined interest range oter questions of credit purchase prod uction insurance and other matters the main reasons for the alow dev elopment of cooperation in agric ultural marketing are the lack of oiganizlng ability among agricultur alists lack of sound business man agement and in some cases the ten dency of the peasant classes to cling to traditional methods itherthairj educational series all- trust to any new schemes canadas population as to racial composition particulars regarding the racial com of the population of canada as shown by the census ot isftl were published recently they indicate that one out of two persons was of british isles origin roughly 1 in three was ot french origin one cut of six was of other european de cent one of every hundred was asiatic and a slmllur proportion in dlnn and eskimo compared with 1931 the distribution showed a slightly lower proportion of persons of british isles races and a correspondingly higher ratio of french racial origin actual percentages of the total pop- luatlon in 1041 by groups with per centages for 1931 in brackets were as follows british isles races 497 31 0 french 30 j3 428 2 other european 17s 17g asiatic 06 0a indian and eskimo which included half- breeds on reserves in 103j only 1 1 i2k a comparison of tho net changes during the past decade showed that persons of british isles origin in creased in number from 18107 to 3715 004 or by g2 ht cent the population of krone h origin increased from l027ioo to 44r1w or by 10 per rent and other euroiteytp knccm rose from ihxvisi t ct4t9m a gain of 110 per ont on the utliei hnnd die iiumlxt of akhitlo diophtd from h1 118 to 7uw n ihw of 12 1 u r lit mi ms i t hlrlly by u falhimorf in the humlhi of chlitou in ontiiidii i in toullatlnn of vliilmlt- m orliln lomiiluisl fnlrly coithlmit amounting to 21140 in 1041 or oh per ci lit iokh than in 1011 compar ing tho other european races individ ually the inruotit proportionate- gnlnm wore noted in tho following origins motherland 4 0 ier cent c h ntid slovak ii 2 iter cent ukrainian 35 0 per cent hungarian 34 per cent polish is 1 per cent and italian 14 7 per cent those show- ins a fallingoff in numbers were austrian 225 per cent rumanian 150 per cent russian 5 per cent flnnlssh 5 per cent and cerman 1 9 per cent ramistg jtimctm iivtnybm mfclx wtll in masuucto the atlantic oyster with the sea tang taken from the waters of nova scotia now brunswick and prince edward iilind nre in oonitnnt de mand hi the city market montreal ottawa and toronto taking largo quantities or this choice sea food from the porta by express and freight fac ilities of the can national rallwaya this seasons deliveries of oysters in barrels are heavier than for the sim ilar period or last year said harry f walker freight agent at ihe bon- a vent ure station where shell oysters are handled for the local trade the malpecquu variety is but one of the several choice oysters from the marl- times which go to the interior cities other well favored varieties come from budouche shlppegan shedla newcastle and orangednle elderly citizens in montreal recall happy days when schooners from gulf porth would tie up near bonseoours market offering n khrlful for ton rents i hey could ho tiiton tben nnd tht re provided the pure iikr rnrrlod hit own ht i knlfo business directory dr w g c kennby successor to dr j a afcnlvenr ff yn fl m acton office rawsm n suslif dr wm g cullen umcxx office houra 34 and 79 gun except wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick street rotors ia dkntai dr t h wylie taklns charge or dr buchanaw practice for the duration per uw rt otoea itetttai statu te pjm k tttsusssar vsmsssy strati balufday office telephone 148 aolmw to kt uknt aluihtmhnt oiiawa it- ntnl kkulntlons of- focfuo oholwr 1 iitvo tenants ground for h licno in icitt if tho to ham imvoii ii hkxoiilttt of fmnuhlikum nor- vlcou oi fiullltlim supplied landlord may not wthmit tho auiooinont of bin untilit dot r nse luntlug lighting hot or cold water services unless ho ihtalns a porntlt to do no or unless fuel u not available or tin- lessening m duo to novo nniont order dr hugh s austin desstaj 4uraon mill street comer frederick acton- office hours 030 a m to 8jo pm evenings hy appointment telephone l ijqtialj hostages in concentration cam belgian national tay in brltan and cermnn ocruplod bel gium wax widely celebrated tho underground movomont in belgium is utrong nnd there nre many clandestine newniuihirm cir culating widely in nn effort to stamp out resistance the germans have taken hundreds of political prlitonors und hostnuoii picture shows tho fortress do huy converted into n conrontintum cump by tho dermanu i mutagen and political prisoners exorcising in the intorlor ot tin fortress cloholy watched by nrmod gunrdu a a tl on a l emergency 0 a v jcktuctite suntejtul cewfvtf an pacific c k lfeatiikrlani ba larrbler and hullcllor nousy pubua tumor of mthtlttku uccnsos itcslitmr of ulrtlts mnrrluuos doatha aofon utile is ibono reddanm mi kenneth m langdun butultr solicitor notary public ohicos ooorflotown gregory tfioatro builds action ovor t soynucka car for appointments phono acton 0b or ceorujelown 88 offlco hours- acton tuesday and thursday 1t0 i m to 4 00 p m evenings on itequcst vktrjunabv ii 13 young vs bvsc veterinary hurgeon offlco urookvlllo ontario phono milton 14dr4 f g oakks vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office ntul lltsldonce knok avenue acton ihono 130 hum scutate willoughbv farm agency largest nnd oldest agency in cunada i loud office kent llliln toronto georgetown iteprcsentollvo tom itewson khone tieorgetown in time tables canadian national railways going wmt dally except sunday 9 01 am saturday only 2 30 pm dally except sunday 7 4s pm monduy only 12 08 ajn dally except sunday 114 am flyer at georgetown dally except sat and sun 615 pm flyer at guolph dally ex cept sat and sun 712 pm oolnc esvst dally except sunday 0 40 am dally except sunday 956 mju dally except sunday 6 00 pm sunday only hlqpm flyer dally georgetown 0 29 pm flyer dally at guelph 8 50 pjn gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 6 41 n n 016 am 2 06 pm 6 38- pm d 16 p m bo 51 pm wettbound vl0 51 am y2l8 pm a5 08 pm 7 13 p m hh 38 p m xll 28 p m a to iondon b sundays and holidays only x to guelph dally to kitchener sunday nnd holidays y to kitchener 2 to st rot ford part of tho canadian pacific rail way s campaign for rigid conservation of coal during hu heating season ii a special booklet of instructions t ic front cover of which is ulustrutej above and all those immediately re sponsible for handling company ceo must follow supplementing this booklet a general appeal on homo saving possible has gone to the al most 70000 employees of the com pany and the subject will be kept alive by a continuing intraoomnany phaseaofthe campaign announced by w m neal the vlcopresldent are expected to nvo 500 000 tons of coal through the sysem itself wth home savings by canadian pacific people expected to nrd considerably even to that im pressive figure tho company saving will be ten per cent on the approx imate s 000000 ton of coal required nnnuolly a remarkable saving when considered in th light of the canadian pacifics own conservation campaign o increase operating efficiency which hasbeenlntenslvelypurs years hcoitliva jlffxph a soldier a former canadian scout troop leader now on active service in africa wrote to his former scoutmaster in canada thanks to scouting the transformation from civil life to army life uni made without the usual dis comfort most chaps experience i have been in tho army three years now and i stlfl find my scouting ex erence helps me out on many occas ions canadian di8play london cpa collection of pictures by canadian artist has come to britain for wartime display thay ftro reproductions of canadian scenes which were specially painted to be jmng on thewallsandbulminf upled by the canadian armed forces