thursday december 9th 1913 the acton free press page seven wflat ami i watched them tearing ten in buiy town wtth hohe and lustv yell they mtni a beam and the atdetwau tell i asked the foreman are these men skilled and the men youd hire if you had to build r lle save a laugh and said no indeed i can easily wreck in a day or two what builders have taken a year to and i thought to myself as i went my way which of these role have i tried to piny am 1 a builder who works with care m life by the rule and square am 1 y my deeds to a well- medjfp patiently doing th best i can or am i a wrecker who walks the town content with the labour of tearing down author unknown twenty years ago the sunday school lesson sunday mqcsmbeb 11 ims christs new commandment golden text a new command- bank of montreal statement shows record assesl- and deposits demonstrating the important ex tent to which it la participating in the financing in the war the bank of montreal today publishes iu 126th lm financial statement showing substantial increases in its main feat the statement which is in its customary easily un derstandable form shows assets of sl3l3jn0a000 which is s13oooouo a men i rive unto you that ye love one another even a i have loved you m that ye uo love one another jno j history 13- 34 v lion text mk 12 2jum jno 13 34 35 15 1014 exposition i the first com- bov h p cord figure of a nt and the greats sin mk 3 jesus had silenced both the phari- jw cwr the figure of 1m2 whn see and sadducee who had ouht j kported earning w- entrap ium and confuse him wai represent 4 jo per cent of the scribe who had listened was deeply impressed by the reasonlixc of jesus then he asked a question matthew tells us that he did it to tempt or test him matt 22 35 the ques tion was an important one the ans wer thoroughly convincing capital reserve and the undivided profits compared with 431 per cent last year with the heightened bus iness activity incident to the war this figure might have been expected to be higher but increased taxes have practically offset the effects of en- first duty u to cod cod is infinite and lar kross earnings at a figure lim auiy u ro j warly s37soo0 h gher than in 1912 man is finite and no number of finltos r v i iaim hanks dominion tiovrrnmcnt equals infinity so if man should do 77 j t mnm 111 for the current year amount- hli whole duty toward every member onwii v i tr i of the human race and fall in his o 911 mi of thu amount xlfis- people have been wondering 1r 0 ni km 1 readable under the- provis oes during the month if this iv far mor ions of the fcxr profits tax act times really december acton citizens ilnnd ga the hrst of a series of concerts on wodiies- day evening the acton hockov clu organized with the following officers president o t ueardmorv secre tarytreasurcr ii brick r commit tee j m mcdonald e kyder n h garden manager ft scott a town league of four learns is to in formed sir wuium markenile of toronto and partner of sir ivmald mann died at his home in toronto list wednesday sir william often visits his daughter mrs w w beard more in acton married mossopbahnes at north park- dale methodist church toronto on wednesday december 5th 1923 by rev a l addlsoa john inne mossop to elsie augusta daughter of mrs annette barnes vincentmacdonald at the methodist parsonage acton pn wednesday december 12 191 by kev charles hackett bessie al berta elder daughter of mr and mrs harry c macdonold to mr earl henry vincent only son of the late mr and mrs ceo w vincent how to ort more fexmis a judge has recently ruled that when n hen is hot necessarily n huts- ance just because she is n hen the decision is in accord with the law nnd the sentiments of those who happen to enjoy the full confidence of the food producer since the thicken for dinner every sunday era early in the eentur tie poultrv business him he- come n major fnnt enterprise there are minv fnims that hnve ft on five to ten thousand lners some imtih- erles count hah thicks by the million mum prodilttlon methods have sub merged the personalities of individual hem and something should be done idtout it onk those who have it small farm flock or a bevy in n sub- urbnn bncknrd know the ktlflttt jos of individual frlondshlpx kntli hen is n dlstltt rugceil individual nch ha us own trnlttf of chnruc ter some nr extroverts uenlnl triifctliic tlu net profits of svlfllku dlvtrlhuleil to horeholder to the ex tent of sjlcooikrvxvhlcli cotnpars with j7mmmt luwt jir nrul nn am ount of swiooo was written off imnk ft n luilanc- of 42 hx4 to lu- added to the prvlous luil- nnce of 5li in the profit and lofcm ncoiint ituvlui the amount in tlk account at 51k7l isrpaslts at reeord lvtolts the larketit it nt in ttw luilanc khe t and one which hext hows public confidence in the instit- linve u bnvt shown a markeil nd- vnnce in the twolvomonth mrlol notwlthktnndlnt the heavy inroads important than where he did hu duty our duty to cod can be summed up in one word ioc what u love io love nnolher is to have u delre for and delight in- his welfarv it t not a mrv motion or affction hut the attltiwte of the whole man lo love o4l with all the heart nnd soul and rnlnd nnd itrnnlh is to have a kiiprtme delre for und delight 1 lods nlory o that everything tunondnry to that to do this is to keep the llrt nnd rat command ment matt xi- 37 3tt lo have failed to do this h committed the ernteal xln n man an htssthly commit ami nt home 1 4 xm made into surplus fundi by uhsirlti time in our life all or us have failed 4 to do this nnd have thus broken coils tlrst nnd great commandment so nere is no difference for nil have sinned nnd come tdiort of live glory of coil rom 3 231 if nt any time in our life we have failed to put god tlrst in everything in business in our pleasures in our btudy in our itolltlcs in our domestic hfo tlrst in everything then we ers to victory iutitu under the di immijt heading the hank khows an am ount of sl2nsh74mmi which u l 10- tnkmkmi alhwe the figure for vm2 which constituted n recorl at tlut time commercial and other loans at 2263991000 are only slightly higher this is in line with the trend of rec ent years in which the need for ban king accomodation has been substant ially decreased there is the fact also that many firms engaged in peacetime pursuits with much re duced production are not now re quiring the financial assistance need ed in former years uke commercial loans call loans have shown some increase and now amount to 22036000 as against xigj j1000o in 1s42 loverasnej as would be expected the banks holding of government and other securities have risen sharply and now stand at s7o9462o00 compared with s683ji350uo a year ago the banks investment in portfolio as always u made up in large measure of domin ion government and highgrade pro vincial and municipal securities which maturaterly dates in line with this is the increase in the hanks quickly available resources hich amount to s 1035610000 being h3h1 ter cent of liabilities to the pub- h ah i n rvaw of nearly slooo0000 in iiicm r sources is recorded in tush on hand and money on depoult with the bank of canada which togetht i vtnnd nt 3jj j77o00 as uualnst sl22 710 000 notes of the hunk in clrululloi thow ii rvdiulloti from sikimooo to v7mkmwt rwletllng the trend whlci im gun kotne yi ngo when under the terms of levlhed iwnklng legis lation the hnrtcrid haltkx com- uuihxn the gradual kvdu tlon of their note drculullon in favor of the bank of canada with total rkourcef uhiountlntf to 91i30g40m1 mul liabilities to lh public amounting to si 21363 1 000 there u left an exceiis of rmurctmj of s77433mk thu is comprised of he capital of s3tmm000 nnd rcsorvo fund profit ami loss account and re- urve for dlvldmls totaling s41433- 000 whkh together rcpremnl the shareholders multy in the luink nnd keenly interested in local politics rf to uh thv truth c and current events some arc j that one is not far from the miud l i ft 8how god have tine another i low much he iovcmi brennrstand great command- 1 l delink in verse 13 he laid down ment and there is no hope for m his own life for us there is no grertt- exevpt through the atoning blood of r lve than that lsslble cltrut tlleb 9 22 horn 2226v there is a ucond law like unto the tlrst not equal second not first llii a like the flrvt its central word too is l 1 frihi love its object- our nelghlior our fellow men i his second command ment requires that we imve the same dewlre for nnd delight in the welfare f our nelghlor ns we have in our own w el fur- lhe cond commund- ment lw renllv involved in the flrd for if we love god whom we have not ucn we miiwt lot our uelghlmr whom we have ween l jno i 20 21 i lw nnnweme for n man to pretend to love fiod if he does not love iiih neluhbor for love to cod involves love mlghlwur i he urine vvho nsked the lustlon was n mnn of wplrltunl dlwccmmcn he nssonted to jesus iiiwuei itiere are many today who cull themselves chr 1st inm who lack the clear tnornl nnd spiritual dluocrn- ient of this kcrlw jciw pronountel this man not fnr from the kingdom verts thev ore brood in the btond sense and do not ml well with their fellow k some are tarclcut ga nnd take no thought of the morrow some are serious earnest and deeply con cerned with the rsponslhllitles of lun exutence oiu counirvniun we know contends that hens appreciate cheerful phil osophical conversation he tni a few minutes talk in the morning u a aunrantee of nn extra egg or two in fact after keeping hem for fort- odd tear he wivs the resemblance betwjmn hon nnd human pvmonnutleii is so closeas to coiistltuttji phenom enon however that wnv he most cit folk will lu willing to admit the resemblance if the can get a uw more eggs even nt tlx bit a dozen chruti m stlentv monitor for feed grains to purchase western feed gralnt fnrmers in eastern cannda or in crltuli columhln t hould pluce m order with their regular feed dealer oi direct with n prairie farmer ex plains the agruulturul supplies board hie dealer can order thu brain ndvlso the farmer on cotju and handle all details of shipment to the station nearest to the farmer whom the gruln is for should the huston or british columbia farmer deulre to obtain gtalu direct from n prairie fat mt r t he order should u pluewl direct the kind of gwht wanted should im kpcthled unci it khould w made cletir thut the grain must not have more than 3 per cent dockage llie farmer pluclng the order should also lie prepared to accept grain with in one guide of his rvaueut pur- when one sees chme made by elthor one of these methods gives the hiivvr the lieiufits of itonuses freight nlstnuce nnd other dominion government subsi dies if his shipment compiles with the regulations oats nnd bnrley will ito charged for b the bushel at the celling price or disilphs is fast drawing to n close iteltytscnidi price if this u lower bnsk leaves them a inw of life that lnw m store at kort wllllnm or port he ti actually in it the truth he is near the kingdom when one submits to the truth he is in the kingdom jesus has silenced all oppose rs and nil questioners h the new commandment jno 1 1 m 35 jesus knows that his stay with the talking turkev ltie main titlnt about ui chrlst- nas turkev is that it should be tender brown and wellstuffed 1 nutters title whether the breed was n brone white hollnnd borhnn ucd blnck norfolk nnrragnnsett or snt dproof of a bird w in the eating how ever our nturkey holds more than gastronomic interest according to ornithologists of the royal ontario museum young ns it mav be its hlstorv stems hack several centuries indians of the american southwest first domesticated the turkey a spec ies found native only on this contin ent spanish explorers took mexican breeding stock to spain from whence it spread to other countries of the old world it reached england between 1520 and 1540 it was brouaht bock to america by the early settlers in the course of time the several variet ies mentioned above were developed by breeding apparently all originated from mexican stock the wild race which was once plentiful in eastern north america seems to have contrlb- uwdnothlng to yoarcrlstmnsjln ner although your pioneer forefath ers feasted on it wild turkeys which once roamed the woods of southern ontario are preserved as specimens in tle royal ontario museum is the inw of love moses had wild that we should love our neighbor ns ourselves jesus goes beyond that ami ws we mutt love one another even ns h lavoduswemust not merely put our neighbor on a level wltl-hcmr- stktw but put him before ourteles he teiidv to sacrifice our lives for his hint is the chi kt lim law of life 1 1 jno t 14 ltm8 it is our 1 ortl ilnnl and allinclusive lommnndim nt the one unfaktljig proof wbeuhv nil men shall know tint we arc liuhtd dlsitplcs of jesus v ir 111 ukem in jesus found in abiding in him is- hv14 one of the greatest secrets of the pi aver that is omnipotent is found in the terse 7 what it is to nbjde in mint we have seen before when we thus iihld our prner itself is a mnnffest- nllon of the christ life it is christ proving through us nnd the father henreth him alwajs tit 42 so he will hear all our prayers that are of that sort but note that there is something else mentioned in this verse besides our abiding in him ond my words abide in you it is through the medium of his that jesus comes to abide in us it is vain to talk of christ abiding in us if we are rejecting his words meditation upon his word laying up his word in our hearts is one of the secrets of mighty praying three great things are mentioned as res ulting from abiding in jesus christ power to bear much fruit power to get in prayer whatsoever we ask full- nessof joy v 11 this joy that we arthur celling price are on oats 51 t cents per bushel barley fill cents freight londlng charges com mission nnd war risk insurance must hi paid by the buyer the government nsautnwce on feei giiiiu purchase k us follows per bushel julisid one cent in novemboi onehalf cent in d centner fcfuhiat nay ment 8 cents per hdvliel frelrbt tlssutitnce on fed grains horn fott williamport artnuf lo all points lit fastetircatutdn and from calgary oi fdmonton to points in british tjolum- bin the minimum grain ord r in n cnrlond difference in weight between one per cent dockage and actual dockage is not included in cott of gialu to buyer after receipt of the grain the buver should apply to the feeds administrator confederation building ottawa for the necessary forms for refund of freight and othei dominion government subsidies the documents that should be kept in clude the original invoice or a copy signed by the seller a receipted rail- any arrival notice the grade certi ficate of the grain showing it is of a words established under the cannda grain act and does not contain over 3 per cent dockage thus get own jo world has no such joy as that to give the secret of loving one another is abiding in jesus his love to us is the stalingrad shield which will shar- the standard arid measure of our love uy4e sent to moscow sword designer honored by king london cp cpl leslie durbln 28yearold member of the raf has been made a member of the royal vtctorlanonlcr an lion orotrtfcrred for personal services to the king he designed the gold and silver work of weatherman gets help from women replace men joining serviced in canadan meteorological ildreau ikv katiiukkn icky canadian press hlaff writer vancouver cp give the wea- t hot mail a big balloon utid he will tell you tt lot about the weather once an hour red balloon floats gaily into the alt old at the vniunuvcr weather bureau but it isnt any plaything to the girl who hiiu just released it with scientific anxiety she ik check ing the time it tiikes the hid loon to dlapuar red celling balloons are used lo doteimlno the height of visibility said a r mccniiley chief nivteorol- oglut nt the station evon at night halloons must he rolontcd they have n light attached so weather observers can follow their passage through tlio sky and now that the weatherman has gone to war the wcatherwomnn im tnkon ovm his job in motoorologlcul hureax across canntlii from vancou ver to halifax rcglnn to ottawa wo men nro stepping into tho shoes of mi n who have lefi for the sorvlces ihoyro also replacing men who have gone to tho more isolited wo i ther atatimm said mr mccaiiley tho girls dont actually glvo out wea ther foroinits but theyre doing a good job vttncuuver was one of tho flrnt stations in canada to employ girls he added we now hnvo ii wot king here right of them nre miteorolog- iciil ashititantm four nre teletype opor- ntors nnif maths and physic help kllyuhoth sentnnn from fdmonton a itnlv ersity of alhcrtn gi nduate finds her college ninths nnd physics cnuise most useful lit this now war time job a meteorological nslstant she hopes to tnko eventually n special course lit meteorology in toronto theres a reat deal of toutlnt work she said hut then its fun to u atch how rapidly weather c at imngo from one minute to the ncu in addition to iht ceiling bnlloons 1 white pllml is released once evtry nix hours pibav is short for pilot balloon miss seaman explained it is used to determine tho velocity nnd direction ot the wind when in fin ted it is 32 luchec in circumference lar ger than the celling balloon mona rice of halifax is one or the four girl teletype operators at the bu reau it makes you feel pretty im portant to know youre sending and receiving the weather she said the vancouver meteorological stat ion keens check on weather- as far north as whlteborse y tvsouth to seattle west to victoria and east to lethbrldge alta its teletypes receive nnd relay weather bulletins to and from bureax throughout canada and the united states day- nnrtnlgm the small square bulidlngnout here at the airport is a hive of activity tff buzzing radios and clacking teletypes keeping track of tho weather la a fulltime job now ready established 1862 of eonrse therell always he christmas shopping and christmas gifts for friends and loved one just where that christmas having in done depends on where folks are invited lo do i heir shopping for christmas everyone has many artieles that will make splendid gifts and eonie in at a most acceptable lime now is the time to tell ahonl them after the war new gds new styles new trends in living will make many of these present useful artieles ohso lete customers need them now to assist local merchants we have new ready a big hook of lav- mils and illustrations for christmas ad vertising it is llie chicago tribune ser vice of illustrations and is uptothemin ute in every respect it is full of ideas and helpful suggestions to brighten your local store news its yours for the asking if you cant find what you want we will be glad to assist you in arranging your store news theres only one stipulation selection of illustrations to he used in your adver tising must he made on monday of the week of publication we are operating with minimum staffs and can give splen- d il servicetf your copy ifearlyt just two more issues before christmas better call now and invite the folks from town and district to slum in your store if your store is open for business its open to sell we carry your message to all your customers in the most economical way g a dills publisher the canadian champion the acton free press mil iiavoij lhj-