pace two the acton free press thursday dbcemben isth ims dlif adanjfrtr jlrcbb mtar u a o a assist 9 tr -a- win tj mm fcr is a4rtlmr as ws wfe ok or 4m4 vj v ccwrwctlmu s4ly i mf till mmtf m nnvna j the com l 4limw m hl c altlof wtxs editor vid hr tk mtod fee- wbl cttod by wl dvtii ttleriltikes- edlto j bo1m offta edtcdrjaj- just around thccomet with this date of december loth in mind those tight days until christmas make that testivc season almost seem to be staring us in the face to be per fectly frank we face it with some anvicty the things we had hoped to have done early arc still uncompleted although headway has been made with the help of others the corner seems to bo meeting us more than half way and the christmas season fairly rushing upon us there was a day when christmas shopping done two weeks before christmas was considered early perhaps many of our own age can recall when most of it was done on christmas eve but this year the christmas eve shopper will find the shop shelves like those of old mother hubbard bare what all the urging failed to do in times of plenty wartime is going to impress very deeply and when you are doing your christmas shop ping you will get another inprdssion the big stores in the city will not be able to offer you many of the things procurable in your own home town mores they never did offer you better values but the variety and display may have been more alluring and the advertising heavier we have often wonder ed why the community merchant never caught on to these acknowledged good merchandising habits christmas is just around the corner if your lists are not complete read the messages of your local merchants look at the displays and go in and browse around in you local stores and youll find the prob lem has fewer difficulties v pull up the basket its mall time publishers of newspapers often smilo to them selves at mailtime these days of shortages of paper of all descriptions newspaper mailing lists have been pruned to the limit and yet often two and three copies of some speech will be received in the one office and none of them used little attention has been paid to mailing lists of duplicating machine products am certainly no checkup is mado to see if tho material is ever used mailtime in most news paper offices means pulling the wastepaper basket closer and hoping that it has been emptied since the previous arrival a case of need of mailing list attention was drawn to our attention this week a very fine house organprinted on highclass paper and well illustrated has reached our desk each month for years it is mill addressed to h p moore and tho samo journal that comes to the milton office ts addressed to wil liam ran ton both these editors cerfscd writing fif teen years or more ago we know jweekly news papers are often accused of not keeping mailing lists uptodate but we doubt if any can meet this record of laxity what interest can the publishers hope to urouso in with the present editor when they havent bothered to inquire who it might be and worked on the assumption that editors are like old soldiers who are said never to die if many of these in the cities who send out material which they hope to have puplished in news papers in the rural districts would make a careful check of how little of it is used there could be an enormous saving in paper of all descriptions espec ially that of the duplicating machine type if it hasnt a local interest neither the editor or the reader or the weekly newspaper is interested in this propa ganda material v bacfctotbefam rehabilitation of returning fighting men poses a greatif not the greatest problem for canadas pottwar days undoubtedly thousands will take up fanning and thousands more would go on the land if fanners were able to enjoy more of the amenities of city life while farm life is healthier and in some lore enjoyable than city life the majority of farm homes lack the modern laborsaving con- cniences available in urban centres to this is often attributed the increasing drift of young people from the farm to the city some improvements have been made and m are possible under plans for extension of rural trtfication schemes in the various provinces farm ers may yet be able to install all the city conveni ences they desire but power and electrical equip ment costs are the big obstacles to be surmounted before this end is achieved simplification of rural hydro rates was announced recently by the ontario hydroelectric power com mission and it ts estimated that the changes would reduce costs to the farmers in the province by more than 500000 rural rates will be stabilized although the dweller in the hamlet will be called upon to bear u slight increase in the stabilization process the government proposed to establish a hydro electric advisory council with representation from municipal labor farm incviitrtal and mining groups the interesting statement was made by ontario agriculture minister kennedy that the government was investigating the possibility of selling refriger ators and other electrical appliances at cost price and it is hoped such facilities will not be confined to any particular class group of the province in manitoba the government is working on a great rural clectri- beat ion scheme at present wartime restrictions handicap broad- cale expansion but farmers throughout the domin ion are hopeful that the postwar period will sec a great effort made to bring about cost reductions present and prospective developments will serve us inducements to returning servicemen the sailor soldier or airman wants to go back to the farm nnd start life anew but he wants vastly different conditions to those that have faced farmer in the past v the public and the store the business of running retail stores has been subjected to a severe strain during wartime the proprietors and managers and help have had to do plenty of worrying to get through this pinch and it i far from being over the public can fairly be nsked to cooperate heartily and not do things that aggravate existing difficulties a spirit of good natured tolerance of deprivations on the part of the public is important those who gripe and groan over deprivations throw a sour note into the air also people should not complain if they have to do some waiting many stores have been plagued by labor shortage or have had to do the best they could with in experienced help also it takes time to figure out ration coupons in so far as people carry their own packages they make an important contribution to the war effort gasoline and tire shortages have dealt a severe blow to ho delivery system which the stores maintain on such a generous plan in normal times when you carry your own things you help the coun try meet this situation which so severely hampers the war program there are rush hours in the stores when more people crowd in and often make life hectic for those who try to serve them it would help if people could make more effort to avoid those congested periods also it is more pleasant for the public to come in during tho less rushing hours the store people both the managements and their help should have the warm thanks of the public for the good job they are doing they are meeting a hard situation with patience and courage and good nature tho people of acton have been greatly fav ored by their good service s the stores have come to the most congested time of tho year when holiday buying creates extra work end new burdens for those who serve the public it is more than ever necessary to avoid making un necessary trouble for the stores v editorial notes on being kqt track of hot lona aco m canadian immigra tion officer was beard to remark as regards trawl across the boundary that he hoped that the regulation requiring passports would continue he said m helped to keep track of people and now comes canadian press dispatch from ottawa sukxecting that iome ottawa people think it might be a good thing to continue national registration in time of peace pro vincial authorlllea it la argued and the registration cards useful in vari ous ways indudnar the sale of liquor and they also help in cashing a cheque being skeptical of think stories that come out of bureaucratic centres we suggest mildly that the ottawa report is the product of some civil service brains which have been real izing that it would be a shame if all that neat filing system established in isio to learn which of us can milk a cow were discarded after the war its a filing system that must make a lot of jobs it would be a pity from the bureaucratic point of view if the filers were sent out into- a cruet hard world to do something useful as for keeilng track of people there may be a few people so very fctrangely unorthodox in these times a to think that free people who a lawabiding should not he kept track of parents and wives and hons nnd dauulr nhd other kxvlalv k not to mention n ljhlwrr do flr jl with out the nwtutnnee of n wru tiinl nn- lloiinl tvklidkiitlon and if cllleii vilia i not wnnled l tin pollee doew not unlit to l kt tuxk of offl- inlly he tdinuld have thai jirktlere ii iimh to lw a ptlvlhjfe why not iiknln lhe pilnld woid wftb dbcuutgs w ar on paper gremlins the wartime prices and trade board has declared war on the paper gremlin in each of the boards offices across canada an official has been appointed to mobil ize forces and to lean the attack on the invisible little wastrel who puts small abse stationery in large envel opes writes short letters on large sheets of paper and destroys envel opes after one trip already the paper gremlins are reported to he withdrawing under pressure and the docks of the precious material on which they prey are said to be im proving aondon cp 7 preparationti are being made by british shlpbreakers to salvage sunken vessels after the war fortunes it is said lie at the bottom of the seas in the form of scrap rnelaht and valuable rarcoes was wisutnm hoc stttxt urn or uum london cp the brltiui air plane company finding that a large proportion of lis employees had no idea what happened to aircraft parts they produced arranged an exhibition featuring tlx british hercules engine and invited the workers the oxperlment was a huge iiucccta men and women who without any particular interest had been turning out 1m 700 parts which make up lie 16v horsepower enclne used in lncattr siirllngk and beaufighters agreed that sight of the finished pro- duet give- them more incentive to work one citf the mint powerful engines in allied bomber tin hercules weighs 1890 pounds and is noted for lis ab ility to deliver power for protracted iteriods the great takeoff ower of the ermine enables brent bombloads lobc carried 8th army pursue germans jn sicily railways hanihk 1ws rush of kkko zuain tin production of grain in the kaktern provinces this ar has been far helow that of the previous year mainly due to adverse weather con dition cxtrlcnrel lakt spring thlw situation lm mado it necessary to transport millions of hutdtcls of feed grain from the western provinces to maintain live rtock production ac cording to reports received by tho agricultural department of the cana dian national hallways the agricultural suppllcti board points out that it will bo necessary for farmers throughout the eastern provinces to save supplies of all var ieties of teewl particularly barley nnil oats for planting in 1044 kvery former is urged to look over the grain grown on lilt farm to n- eerinln if it is kuunble for seed if this grain should ik cleaned nml set aklde it should not ho fed to live stock it u altogether probable that largo quantities of seed grain will have to ho transported from western canailn to meet tho requirements for spring sowing every huhhel of seed grain raved from the homogrown crop will ensure seed for next years planting nnd assist tho railways to meet the ab normal demand for feed grain for hvo stock in eastern canada waterlrhs lavtkbky is rahavav krattlrk just seven more shopping days a week from sat urday is christmas v an icebox is the place where things dad is es pecially fond of cant be kept london free press v the christmas wish of everyone is that 1944 will sec reunion in the homes again but really isnt the 1043 christmas the brightest one we have faced in the past four years v in the western provinces we hear the nearest neighbor may be 120 miles away out there when a man buys a lawn mower or a snow shov4 it is practically his own peterborough examiner v the ottawa citizen propounds a grave question for the social column it asks why cannot we too have more realism in our wedding news like the platrtville wis papers thescription of the bride as a perfect photograph of her father and phonograph of her mother st catharines standard v we often wonder how long some of th who are now spending money as fast as they make it and passing up opportunities for savings will last after the wars end without applying for relief les sons of a few years ago are in some cases soon for gotten headorn whose memories carry back a generation or so will recall advertisements of a typo of soap which nfcthrdlng to the maker wont wash clothes the canadian na tional hallways operate two big laun dries which do a big job in cleaning but they wont wash clothes fur thermore they use ho soap starch not even water nor is there any after ironing these are dope laundries and this particular dope has nothing to do with drugs dope in this instance is the combination of oil and cotton waste used bytho railways lo lubricate the journals of locomotives freight and passenger cars so as to pro vide easy running and prevent hot boxes the material u packed in the journal boxes tho waste acting as n wick to feed oil to tho bearing surfaces after a period of service this packing removed from tho journal boxes nml sent to tho inun dries at montreal or winnipeg to be reclaimed the oil is t le tired tho wasto cleansed and put to use again tho process effecting subntnntlnl dol lars savings for the cn nnd inn nation al kallas each year e r battley chief of motive pow er and cor equipment said that for the first ten months of 143 6 547- 200 pounds of dope had been treat ed an increase of 182f910 pounds over the corresponding period of 1942 depending on the size of the journal box from seven and a half to thir teen pounds are required for a pack ing hot boxes remain a problem to all railways awaiting the invention of a permanent preventative steel lifeboats london cp steel lifeboats is britains answer to the danger from burning seas to crews of torpedoed tankers the ministry of transport has or dered 500 of the new lifeboats which will be fitted to the tankers the lifeboats havjt been tested to safe guard occupants for at least a quarter of a mile through intense flame at down on july loth lttn allied forces landed in k tlly one month later axis resistance in the mnjoi iwih of the itjond bad lheii crushed nnd the allien had to their credit largo qunntlllet of t np- tured war material nnd well over 11wuh pi iwotn rs ierrmnn trooptt in the north eastern tip of the ulmid weie lighting n d kternte rear guard action to cover the evacuation of the remainder of their sicil ian army under heavy pressure from land n and air picture khows a ilrltlsh ilren cntrler patulng through the countrywide in tho paladin nren carrolls coupons to use tea or coffee1 to is sugar 1 to butter 3s to preserves to 9 meat zs to so ivort snow pwrsse ivort soap med bar c silver lasf pure lard 14k pl 7c quick qualnnr oats u tk 19c javex uaca oxtdol s3c w meal pk s9c dr baharas dfcfinu cat or dog food s 19e cunll ieo tfa 19e evaporotoa apples pi 9c brrrbblt mol mkriic mussels u s7c cmckon haddus ti 33c kami waxpaper ron 10c no coupons reqalraj for noca spckarosse wooaorva facial soap a -k- ise ammonia pk sc wo 1 tko rill to liatit ooao of all ohiltiajn oranges fob christmas california and fuorida all sizes delicious bating apples ate 88 5 for crisp celery hearts bundle juicy lemons siae 300 das fwt aaj arataklo prteo ootil satarawy alakt ty business directory dr w g c kenney sueocaaor to dr j a mcnlvca onto in symon block mill straat onto rami dr wm g culj vixen lca j i office houta 3a and 74 pja except wednesday and sunday mil street near frederick street roone it dr t h wylie taking charge of dr budkaaaavs practice for the duration far ike r office lioanl an to a paa every taasraiay vrktay and hatarday office teletoione 18 dr hugh s austin mill street corner frederick acton office hours 030 n m to 330 p m kv nlngt by appointment telephone la ikoai 1 c i lea1iierland ii a llarruler and hollcltur notary public kmk r til miirrliiu iiiik9 ii f illrllm mu l ivntli acton office s3 fchonc llndurnr lot kinnillll m rangoon larrulrr holldbir notary public olllc11 oritown glvuoty llimtru flullda action ovor t keynucks cofo for atulhtmont plume aclon cs or ceorkitowii hh ofriint llourtl alton ufwloy and tfiurulny 1 m p m to 4 00 i m kvcnlnu on itequcst veterinary ii d young vs bvsc veterinary huraeon office urookvllle ontario phonomlllon mar 4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary huraeon office nrul hcililonce knox avenue 1 acton phono 130 keai khtate willoughby farm agency lirui t orul omct aizcncy in canada ii111i office kent uldk toronto ceorcclown icrprccnlntlvo tom lleweou lnone oeoraelown mt time tables canadian national railways gain wast dally except sunday saturday only dally except sunday monday only dally except sunday flyer at georgetown dally oxcept sat and sun flyer at cuelph dally ex cept sat and sun kiolnt east dally except sunday dally except sunday dally excupt sunday sunday only flyer dally georgetown 0 35 pm flyer dally at cuelp1 8s9 pm 901 am 230 pjn 748 pro 208 ajn 114 ajn 6 is pm t12 pm 6 40 am 0 56 am 0 50 pm ma pm gray coach unes coaches ieave acton easlbound fiin am 916 am 206 pm 626 p m 9 16 p m 0 si p m westbound vlo 53 am y2 18 pm n5 08 p nv tfai pm bbih pm xll 2h p m a to iondon b sunday and holidays only x cuelph dally to kitchener sunday and holidays v to kitchener r to stratford w t patterson r 0 i 8psc4alba in era rt oruhptkrt lat wtnuham btt oueltrl im completely equipped office balow uator shoe store aoiwoman pined leamington england cp joan parsons an alnvoman who won fame in 1938 by a solo flight to the cape of good hope was fined the equivalent of 2zs0 for falling to co mply with a hlnlitry of national ser vice order to work in an aircraft fac tory