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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1944, p. 2

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pack two x rillil i fevsty hmuir t act- ostssta rates- sr t adittasl skuw i advkansma wkraso swoe eft ftjhrtummm u is ss b otoc 4alr icmd by tfcs dtu as wit sac w cm if uv trm m sl u at rwemt h fy it lubulty shu iw m raoftio of pij by tk ord ro besrw to lb whou xupi by uch ftdvrtltnrat g attlop mfjls ullor ttlepiioneji oic officials say thousands off canadians have lacked the shrewdness to hold on lo them they subscribe to bonds from salaries already heavily taxed and yet seem unable to carry through this easiest form off saving lo its natural conclusion they cash them to finance their christmas spending for a vacation or to buy clothes some regard vic tory bonds as a form off christmas saving club to which they paya small sum weekly for the sake of having more money at holiday time apart altogether from patriotic consideration cashing of victory bonds just isnt smart many persons are making more money now than ever be fore there hasnt been the same opportunity for saving in two or three generations those who dont do it are failing themselves money spent now does not give the same return it will after the war prices are high there isnt the same selection of goods there will be after the war at lower prices antl money- saved now is insurance against possible loss of work in the switchover from war to peace so if youre tempted to hand that bond across a banks counter for those crisp speedilyspent 10 bills remember that you probably wont get normal value for your money if you do spend and youll probably regret the lack of the money later when it can bo really useful the acton free pre manitoba village has grand record two hundred persons from stony mountain serve in tne armed forces stony mountain cp this tiny manitoba village northwest of winnipeg na second great war record which will be hard to beat the total population of stony mountain before the war was 400 and of this number 201 persons have enlisted in the armed force of their country five membem of one fam ily serve four members of eacn of four families are in uniform ihree members of each of 15 families and two members of each of 20 famlles are in the forces ninety- five stony mountain men are now overseas many of them in italy one man from the village was killed and two were taken prisoner at hong kong with the winnipeg grenadiers one of three men from village was wounded at dieppe one man from stony mountain was in the canadian raid on spitsbergen of the 73 boys of the village in the it c v most nre aircrew one bey ik george c vnndekerchovo won the week al ottawa br dovglas ween canadian rn stab writer and then there the possibility too that your i tin dkc for bin pnrl in n rnld on a municipal m intake it wasnt the custom in moit municipalities in ontario until this to have political parties us a croup take an active interest in municipal elections in toronto tho c c f ran a slate or ofhciols and the electors didnt chose ono of them lor office wo are told that as a group this party was active in other municipalities and with about the same amount of success there never was room in municipal elections foi any party to put forth candidates as representatives of that group it is difficult enough now to get men of experience from all parties to all all the posts without dividing it three ways or more just what could bo gained by having a liberal conservative and c c f slate in municipal elections other than u lot of needless argument and a consequent neglect of local affairs every municipal body needs all shades of opinion but tho question of whether that opinion conforms with a certain political belief is unimportant in municipal affairs the important thing is whether tho proposal under consideration is good for the community as a whole and on that basis alone should all decision bo made the c c f made a bud blunder when they at tempted to bring their party into municipal arfairt lack of experience und lack of knowledge of on tarios system of government iri a broad sense would seem the only excuse for the mistake and since it didnt prove popular with the electorate it will not likely be repeated there wus apparently an over estimate of the popularity of the c c f initials which may have induced candidates to run under that banner the unswer hus been given and a few more answers wilkbe given by the electors when they find that new names and vagile promises do not advance them any closer to the millcnium that the public us u wholo arc capable of advancing just a step at a time or of cpolution rather than revolution or turmoil v morealrtnivel one of the problems that will face every munici pality in the postwar period is securing a landing held for airtravel gray coach lines has already made application to operate a helicopter or similar aircraft service with passenger carrying capacity of machine of not less than seven persons and in all probability a capacity of 12 to 14 persons applica tion is made for eleven proposed routes in ontario and includes this section in the days between the world wars it wus scramble by cities towns and villages to have a highway serving the community and they were built in the greatest number in the most thickly travelled sections after this war it uppcars that the town without un adequate lunding held is the one that will be practically off the map gray coach lines propose to operate at least one roundtrip schedule per day on each of the eleven routes and serve all intermedi ate points as rapidly as equipment can be made available it may be that the companies operating the air lines will provide the aircraft terminals just as has been done with bus terminals but it would seem the municipalities would do well to cooperate in secur ing these fields and have a place on the air travel lines of the future v jeopardizing the future christmas season cashing of victory bonds has emphasized again the lack of foresight of some cana dians who scrimp for months to save forbonds and then convert them to use the cash for gilts there arent any figures available as to the number of vic tory bonds that have been cashtrl- but government conscience may develop an image of a mudcovered soldier in italy smiling ruefully at you v paper i short the shortage of all grades of paper und its effects were brought to the attention of all newspaper pub lishers during the first week of this month when they received permits to purchase their newspaper supplies for 1014 it was noted that on the permits issued this year for the two papers we publish the udded words this is your maximum it must not be exceeded attached to the permits were explunutory circu- lurs which read in part the holder of the permit to which this notice is attached may bo allotted suffi cient print paper to provide for increased net paid circulation provided the newspaper or other periodical for which tho permit is issued is sold by subscription paid in advance and has no subscribers in arrears for more than 3 months its not a case of not trusting subscribers as one of our readers put it but one of playing the game according to tho rules when we insist that all sub scriptions be paid in advance every week wc are pleased to welcome new subscribers to our lists we want to serve everyone and by careful supervision und use of our quota wo hope to not miss a single issue during 1044 to all those who have their sub scription paid in advance- you can help in another way by saving all your wastcpaper and turning it into your local salvage committee or where one is not operating to a col lector paper is short and it will be some time be fore the depleted supply of pulpwoodcun catch up with tho present situation the regulations are dc signed to meet the shortage but all must cooperate for their success v explaining reconvention donald gordons announcement of the resumption ot production of electric ironers und washing ma chines is to be commended as a model for other war time officials reconversion to civilian production while the war is still in progress even on a limited scale matter open to misconstruction both at home and abroad in tho past there has been evidence in other departments of a desire to keep such incidents hid den a policy that can only add to misunderstand ing and much illwill when tho facts leak out as they invariablydor donald gordon by issuing his prompt and frank statement on this stage of reconversjonhas made sure that subsequent discussion will be well informed und that no one can accuse canada or the industries concerned of trying to put something over on the sly one of the basic steps in creating goodwill is to disarm bud will frunk und prompt publicity is the only sufe way financial post v editorial notes ttarlln from virhlch he wnri roimtrto mlunlng hiknt kaitlv itavk at fauiht iaiacr diss noupoik kiiisiiiimi ci mrs annie mnrlu ilrhi who ueiit lur rhllillituml lit tbv hoyul pnliice of tlie ciiiu lit potrngt ml litis illeil bero lit llu ii of bc iter fntbor wus in clitituo of the roynl mud tor alexander the hecoml mill fluid empeinri of uuuiln her proudetit pociuilmi wan u litrijo portrait of tin flurhltiii iloynl family ulvtn ifr ly auxniucr iv to regulate butter shipments tliofio pnrtu of canada where butter supplies are low will benefit by an order issued december 23rd by the dairy products board the order prencrlbcfi that nhlpmentu of butter from tho pralrlo provinces muut bo made only to destinations authorlod by tlta board and stntcs thn no no pertton tihall without authorization from tho dairy products board ship or transport creamery butter in luantltleii greater than 1000 pounds from the provlnceu of albortn sas katchewan or manitoba into any other of the snld provinecu or ihto any other piovtnce of canada to days order resclnda an earlier pro hibition of butter uhlimentu ihto al berta and btitlkh columbia 1 lie object of the order in to pre vent accumulation of butter where uuppllen are plentiful nml to route it to deficiency arena kmkiuiknov uhjiitino london cpso that enrllcr dis tribution of vegetables may be made on winter mornlnga one of london hiruct markets is installing a special lighting system controlled by a master switch which will be operated by police without warning in event of an air mid the lights will ho 10 tlms stronger thnn the star lights now permitted ottawa tcp dewplte the rising volume of agricultural output achieved despite loan of manpower to the forces and industry canada faces even greater demand after tho lib eration of europe from the axis pow ers since the dominion is looked upon as one of thj principal contributors to th work of the united nations llelicf and rehabilitation adminis tration in postwar years the fact that canadas arglcuitura production in 1943 is expected to ex ceed that for the bumper crop year of 1042 is looked upon as an out standing tribute to the work of the formers generally it is- considered probable that 1043s output will bo worth about j t 600000000 against a ht value of fl 70000000 in 1042 and ir2e4o0tkio in 1039 the united kingdom which de pends uon canada for much of its supply of bacon cheow eggs and other products has itself raised agricultural production despite tho taking over for military purposes of almost gooooo nercs of arable hind lord de hi warr ihalrmnn of the united kingdom agricultural it soanh council wild in ottawa hint it is pokhlltlo britain wilt iw uble to feed herself to the extent of f about 7a ht cent of htr total requirements by the end of vm before the im the uiilud king dom praduted about 15 per ent of its food needs but soon aftet tin ton- flltt started n program of htcreiued land utilisation was embaiked upon when food supplies were threatened by shipping losui now arruti alunit roooooo new acres have lwcn plowed since the war started und much other acreage reclaimed after the war said lord de la warr ugh culture the united kingdom generally may be better conditioned thnn it was in prewar ycatn though shortages of manpower in high priority industries still nre seri ous the likelihood is that these will be relieved to some extont with the conversion to civilian production of wnr plants however the change over is unlikely to be widespread depending as it does upon the pro gress of the allies and alterations in their strategic needs a start has been made upon such conversions notably in chemical and explosives plants tank production has been curtailed and ship repairs reflecting allied successes against en emy submarine now have a higher labor priority than shipbuilding workers laid off create a prob lem for national selective service authorities but because of the over all shortage of labor in a b and c priority groups relatively little difficulty is being encountered in placing them elsewhere thuilsday january 13th 184 business directory d w foster associate director of national selective service forecalt before a meeting of the canadian llestaurant association in ottawa that the situation will be reversudln future wltttiooooo men niter jobs instead of jobs available for 100000 men ills suggestion a postwar cm ployment service modelled ort pres ent day selective service be set up after the war raise the question of thf extent to which canadians will in- willing to aceupt governmental control measures in peacetime i here is lltttlo doubt however that wartime controls vn if modified will 1m tarried into the period of msl- wr re on kl ruction meeting of the full cabinet three of wblth weie held in ottawa in the past ueek are seen as an indication that sessional preparations are ttelng mndy involving 1 he preparat ion of legislation for piirilament at jli forthcoming session new hlef jftimtlo mr llistlie thlhaudeiill itlnrrrt ci him been nitmwl chief juuthe of can ada sue ceding kir lyman p duff who retired at the age of v setlloi memlur of the supieme court of canada after sir lymans relliemcttt the new hlef justice is a native of montreal and umi appointed to the court first in 1021 in announcing the change prime minister mackenzie king referred to sir lymans nearly 40 years of ser vice in the high court ho was ap pointed 37 years ago and said that in many of the judgments he deliv ered sir lymnn interpreted the spirit rather than merely the letter of the low medical or w g c kennby successor to dr j a mcnlven office in symon block mill stiwu acton 7 dr wm g cullen ljujcjc rtsyslfsas smss wsugmi office hours 34 and 79 ptn except wednesday suvd sunday jfllll street near frederick street phonk iii dkntat dr t h wylie off tsrsssta taking charge of dr buchanaaoa practice for the duration for too rrsmons offloe ihmni svns to ism ehrevy thursday vrmsv office telephone 148 chester cp edward rogers of chester won first plowing prize kl years ago now 73 he won the cheshire championship recently carrolls washington is a place where sound travel faster than light eric johnston president u s chamber of commerce v whatever the balance of this winter may bring in cold and stormy weather it was pretty well be haved in the first part at least v every effort is to be made to avoid formal control or rationing of new civilian goods that muy soon be come available and it can be avoided if tho public will not become impatient v while the sleighing has been good this winter the wheeling has often given to motor vehicles the same sensation as a sleigh ride on the icy pavements and often with more disastrous effects v jwe owe something better to our men who are fighting the national socialist enemy overseas than to surrender to socialism behind their backs w tburford secretarytreasurer canadian federation of labor no racial bar entebbe uganda cp a new clnomatograph exhibition ordinance introduced by the governor of ugann provldetf-that-nanibmberqfthe-pub- lle may be oxcluded from a public cinema show on tho grounds of race gave holiday dollar for first train ride holiday crowds were surging through the huge concourse of the canadian national railways central station nnd appropriate music was coining from the public speaker out lets ulum into the stream of travel- leru heading for the information desk enme itnhert v pntteuon aged four teen uitli a mission in hand i want my kid brother to hav u railway ride for a present how far can he go and tetum from this station for a dollar stephen mcklnnon t lie information please of the moment looked into the tariff book and tug- geited what about a trip to st druno and hack the fate is under a dollar and the change will buy a couple of chocolate bars that was 5l tift and kid brother got a ride to st bruno and back for his holiday gift hde the lad got full xaiue lie rode out and in again from canadas newest and most com plete railway station across victoria bridge historic and useful monument to the original builders of canadian railways through busy marshalling jnrds whore a lot of canadas war time freight is assembled past the st hubert airport now crowded with war activities and to st bruno where nre gjjown many of the flowers that decorate montreal homes had the lad gone up the hill at st bruno he would have entered mount bruno one of the swagger gotd courses or can ada quite an educational tour bbws r 3 tim now you can gt real homc- balccd flavour in quick cook ing aylmer dehydrated bean no uttroi everything u in the tin 1 dk hugh s austin denial burgeon mill strmit corner frederick acton office hours 910 am tos30pm kvinlngh by appointment telephone 10 tkai c f leatiierland ba llainruter and kolhlfcir notary lubue issuer of marriage licenses registrar of births marriages deaths acton offe 12 khonr kmldnc 101 kenneth m langdon barrister solhltor notary fubuo offices georgetowngregory theatre builds acton over t koynucks cafe for appointments lhone acton 6c or georgetown btt office hours acton tuesday and thursday 1 io p m to 4 00 p m evenings on request vetketlnattv b d young vs bvsc veterinary burgeon office b rook vl lie ontario phone milton 140 r 4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary burgeon office and res ide nee knox avenue acton ihone iw ukaij khtatk 25 eh odex sparkies quaimv pug palmolivesoap super suds ctuj nl ixc i pv soe carrolls cleanser ko dog poods atlb bag 19c frys cocoa 9c black mission figs 19c iceeiirs mustard 10c mackerel sli u z9e macaroni o spaghetti se shredded wheat a 3c w nam u rlkt to limit quantltu all i willoughby farm agency lurutut ami olilckt auncy in canada hi nil ofllci kuiit ulilu toronto ororuitown uiprumntatlvo tom llrwaoii thonn leorutttown 881 st7sistaxas av orwtb 32-oz- j viustard 6oz jar kq cmtoiis tea m-u-p- sae blrmmo or ix vo bhiciph teero ksllog braa flakes cblckn haddie is ti vfm cuipi tawt aoup a u- ssc pmnsasi or swifts lard p 17 ch 13c xxc x lis ac l- pk 143 time tables canadian national railways oolng west dally except sunday saturday only dally except sunday monday only dally except sunday flyer at georgetown dally except sat and sun flyer at guelph dally ex cept sat and sun uolag dally except sunday dally except sunday dally xtvpt sunday sunday only klyer dally ceorutown flyer dally at guelph 0 01 am uio pm 748 pro 12 08 sum 114 am gfcs p m 712 pm- 049 j56 o-ns- iso pm h19 pm 0 25 pm hrj pm jhay coach unes coach ks ikavk acton kulbminil 0 41 un d16 atn 2 06 pm am pm us pin bim pm wmtbowmt vlo 5 1 ii in y2 ik ii a5 w p m yxl pm bhih pin ill h pm ii to london b kuniln nnd holiday only x to flllilpb dally lo kitchener sunday nml llolluayt v- to kllrbinor x to slrutfortl i special navel oranges size 288 uoz iuicy lemons size 300 dor mcintosh no 1 apples i lbs for firm fresh cabbage lb 27c 44c 25c 5c fruit and vegetable mm until saturday nbjht only w t patterson ro nwrlajit in rr eaml 18 wvndiiam st ovklfm rkaoa liaa compkwly equlppwl obicn below mahrr shoe sjtor ic0bac tbrtkuzco

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