thursday march tm imc the acton free press ratue of interest to women hello iloroernakera march hav ing- come in ilk a hon iu reason- able to hope that the first days of sprinc may be fair with a real tinge of spring warmth which will give us all uplift in thought and inspira tion to try new ways in our house hold duties prom the heavier meals of win ter day when more body warmth from food ww necessary change now to lighter dishes particularly in desserts have you thought for in stance of t new puff pastry with creamy oiling 7 iih rather truuy to make but with totalled instructions you may try them with confidence- having one mastered the auccess- ful making of your puff pantry theie are numerous dainty and delicious ricsserta to try kor example paty cases for hot creamed mixture or cold aalad ronrotlons naoleontf and knonch pastrlfs when fruit la in aeu- win detailed inreetieaut 1 sift tt juuntlty of bread flour once mfuuiv lvi cui into a bowl do this by npuonlng the flour lightly into u tnoawurltiii cup to pravimt luicklng add 1 tnp aalt 2 we measured the fat by fillhiu the measuring clip with mi up of ice cold water utul dropping chunk of very cold flit until with ull fut prcs- mod undur hit surface he water level rcuchc the cupful mark wo drain the at well to obtain m cup butter we use tin cup filled two- i birds with wulet u the shortening and the butter cup plu j cupk are then chop- pud into the sir ted flour olid sail a handy dough blender or two sharp knives muy be used to cut the fut into the size of large peatl a quick uharp keen cutting action i requlr- td never twist the blender au tbut 1ms a tendency to cream the fut 4 next we believe in dribbling in ire cold water use a fork to to the flour over und over au the wutor sprlnkjed here ahd there this keeps complete control of ibe add i tlon of water ho that just enough will he used to make u dougli which when lightly mixed hold together nicely and cornea cleanly from the sides of the bowl 5 the next step i to wrap the dough in wax tuur and chill it for half nn hour before rolling it fl we uke n lightly floured board to roll it out with a ribbed roll i tig pin covered with u ribbed cotton pull over which holds u minimum umouut of flour evenly iloll it- out to n thlcknemh of u third of an inch then fold it in half liack to the front und iiualn from the left to right und roll it once more 7 liiitcut the folding roll ll oul liuuln itlul proceed to use it tt cut for tnrts and rit loomly into tnrt pnuu excluding ulr par tially rilled with dried houm uuke in electric oven ut 4m dog until rlnm hrmyn it few mlnutcii l to 5 diiumdhig on the number of tarts i remove the wims und complete bak ing at thlu time of the year we depend upon the plnth vnnllln fluvnured mix tures if you have uny canned rrult left over put in u little crtmm fllllnu then u spoonful of diced fruit then more cream filling and top with ti piece of fruit chocolate filling in tremendously uood used or puxtrlcm tm lu butter scotch or u caramel cream mlxtutv fceey puff iat 1 cups oneeklfted bread flour 1 txp salt cup chilled uhortenlng m cup chilled huttur ice cold water rich chocolate kllllnr k cutis milk ii oz unsweet ened chocolate 4 thsps corn- smrch j tnp wilt cup granu lated sugar 1 egg and one yolk l tup vanlla meiiiuiv 1 cups milk lnt deep xiuicpm cut up uiul mid chuoolutu heat until the chocolate melt using electric element on low then beat smooth with a rotary beater and bring to scalding point mix corn starch with cup mirk and stir into hot mixture also add sugar and salt cook with occassional stirring und mix into slightly beaten egg and egg olk turn into a double boiler and took until the mixture thickens he- move from element and add vanilla cool partially before using for pie or pastries butterootch filling 1 cup brown sugar 3 table spoons cornstarch u teaspoon of salt 2 cups hot milk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla 2 table spoons of soft butter cornbine the sugar very thoroughly with the corn starch and salt stir in the hot milk stir and cook the mixture in a double boiler until it has thickened smoothly then cover and cook with occasional stirring ftrl to fill the new cuc post of talks producer in the maritime region is m lorthea cox ma wlto u how establishing her headquarters at hali fax kllss cox will visit various partil of the three provinces contacting speakers for regional and trami-can- ada network broadcatil- a marl- timer by birth site ha hail wide academic ekerlence as high scimmii prlnrlial and university lecturer until no raw flavor remain ileut the rgum hllithtly and ii lowly stir hi the hot milk mixture itelurn to the double tioller and stir and cook aguln until thickened ltemove from the beat and add vuiilllu- add the but ter ulmiut 1 tuhbixum ut a time stir ring it well arter euch udilll ion this will prevent unytumklhlllty of the butter not working in uniootbly cool luirtlnlly imtfore tiiinlug into pie or tart mbelu vanilla oeani kllung 1 i cup granulated kugur t4 tuhhiuuium cornuturch teu- uiuhh wdt 2u cupt of hot milk uti yoiku or 1 egg l eu- wpwm pure yimlllm i luhliipoon butter mix uigur thoroughly with corn nturch und wilt stir in hot milk stir utid cook in u double boiler until mixture bnu thickened thoroughly cover und cook with occuslonul wllr- rlng until no ruw flavor remulni ileal the egg yolks or the etfg sllubtly und ulowly wtlr and cook uhtll again thickened itemove from electric el ement und mkl van 1 11 tt arul butter cool imrtlally iwtfore using lu pie chronicles ol ginger farm eroraiaiion nksimgd ijondon ci civil defence authorities stress the need for people in bombstruck areas to inform aulltohues tttey are safe otherwise tltem can be confusion and waste of effort the king on a tour of bomb ed ajreaa was told how one rescue party dug for hours to reach an wit accounted person finally a gui standing watching the work discov ered it was she they were digging or- diem at im uemdury kngland ci a wo man who remembered um irlnwan war and the indian mutiny died here recently hhe was 102yearold mrs harriet may p patient in ttte county hospital 1ertinent question luul why uo muth secrecy utout the meillcnl cutegorlis of young men wlto ure cuiiihi to undurgo military jxam natlnnut ask the averau young tiiun when he return from luklng hu medical what categoric he lu in and hch look ut you rather hlunkly und sny i dont know the doctors did not tell me why urent men of military uue told their curegorleu7 it doesnt upumr to 1h uny wtute uecret lu the united stuttts and why arent men men who ure rejected told exactly what lu wrottn with them we ure told that many mou who undergo checkupu for mllltury med ical exumluutlnini mv undergoing- chock upw by civilian doctors thoy wutit to know whut luikitt iwcn told them were quite uure it lunt the fault of the docloru who make the medical examination they muut ite worklrtj under definite orders wliy hunks comer in the st thomuu tlmctoui mil oikaitlno auc1ton sale of l hokmcx xuu vkal calvea mmplemknth tlie undersluuod has received in- utructlonu from- john ucuv to sell by public auction at his farm lot 4 con 4 towntdtip of trafalgar i mile uouth of omagh on fiuuav makcii 1941 at 130 oclock the following houses i cray 1ercheron field ing rising s yearn 1 black rvrcheron oeldlni rising 4 yearn 1 ulack per- chcron mnre rising 12 yearn 1 ler- cheron oeldlng aud 1 percheion filly 2 years 1 percheron celtllng ii years cows and veal calves 1 holsteln cow fresh calf ut side 1 brlndle cow fresh calf nt side 1 ouernsey cow fresh calf at uov 1 guernsey cow due april 28 1 blut cow due april 25 1 moist ein cow due april 1s 1 black cow due april 1 1 houteln cow due june 0 1 brlndle cow due june 25 1 red cow due june 10 1 red cow due june 9 1 holsteln cow in- full flow bred oct 27 1 roan cow in full flow bred jnn 10 roan heifer hred oct 25 1 holsteln bull 8 months old 6 choice veal calves implements 1 m h disc 14 plate 1 m h drill 13 disc 1 m h steel truck wagon new 1 m h horse rake new 1 mccormck derr- ing mower nearlv nw 1 hay rack lset of scales 2oo0 ihs capacity 1 steel milk vat 1 set of sloop sleighs 1 set of heaw harness 3 horse col lars shovel hoes forks chains and other wonll articles terms cash positively no reserve as the pro prietor is engaged in other work and the farm is for sale j a elliott auctioneer r ford clerk 422b we are living in a different wrkl partner and t a different world that u from uw one we were in lat week we are living where here in comfort and warmth and a fueling of intense satisfaction all that as a ivsult of having a furnace installed you people who have been ummi ti warm furnace heated liouses all your lle you wto have never had in sjtend half your time running from one stove to another atul then of having th house warm you dont know what it means to feel that you are finally through with an annual light to keep some jtenthlaiice of het umi comfort in your house of course i dont ineuh to suugekt that a houe 4tttinot m piielly ltetel without h funittc many can im and are h dehnds on the houite on itn con- utruttion its immltlon and us si we have tried our itest with stove und uttr figuring tblnus out fioin eviy niigte we dwldnl tbut a fur nace would tuke lesm fuel ulld givt udter rokillts than three sloveil wfiy havent we install one iwforet well ionsidei farm pilctm for leu years previous to the wur und you have the answer well iliad no bleu putting lit u fui mice meant ttn much work took wt much time und mude so much con fiiklon the plumlr lelu me that ihu job in a tuw hou u a cinch luuhilliiig one lit an old milldly built houwe 111 wntuthlnu elm iiuuln hut he didnt tmnni to tell me i could few for myself we have three cellar under the houu dlvldd by stoije walls twelve liuheti thick holes hud lo lie mude in tlitke wulls for tlu pipes to go through und untie of the plus weie twelve and fourteen inchen lu dlumeter partner was helping the plumlter ami the two of them were pounding away with picks and crow bars there was u tlmo when i won tred if the job would ever ite llnlshed both partner und the plumber developed neurit ui and t lwu one t imo when part iter was working ut the stone with a sledge hummer nnd spike a big chunk of t one came down on partners hand crushing one of his llngeru from the ulve of the stone its u wonder hlu linger wuvnt broken i dont know whut the plumber thought of me every day i would kjiy shull wo ho able to lluht the furnace toduy finally lust fri day came the answer for which i bud been longing i think we can light the fuinuce about four oclock to- duy 1 hud to an out that afternoon but itelleve me i wiin buck by four oclock however it wuujjix oclock before we mt u match to our llrst furnace tire oh the joy of it the uhci t comfort of standing neur it rgluter und feel the waim air rklng it is almost too good to lw true partner and i have been cold in thlu liouwe so long thul we feci now au if wc wimt to mimu up nil the heut we can ucl as you piohably know the weuthor lu cold iiuuln with a strong wind blowing from the eatit we remind nurselvcm ever ko often during the day how cold and miserable we would have hc tt hud we been relying on nloveu to keep tiw warm of course i am finding plenty of ext ta work i o do hectiuue au euch room in finished i get it clouned und the furniture reurruuged and how much easier it in to arrange thlngn wlifij there lunt a ktove wtuck in tl titiddle of the room the plumber will iw here for another two day yet nu there is still the upkitalr to do saturday i was ho tired i waa almost ready to drop in my truck und yet there win nothing i wan led mt much uh to keep on working perhaps you will say ve pu ling in a furnace may he nil rliht but dont you know there in u uur oncouidnt you have waited to which i might answer ye we know there is a war on terhup better than same wo aliio know that we have been farming twenty years that we are both pretty much likj the old grey mare and that if we are to curry on we cant afford t have our vitality drained by cold and discomfort in the house i need a warm houwe to work in partner needs it for the little time he has in which to relax yes we really feel we can enjoy our longdelayed com fort with a clear conscience j train as wtkbinabmeh llalui northern rhodesia cp sixteen africa boys are pupils of the veterinary assistants training school when trained they will go to native reserves to help improve the standard of animal husbandry 7 fjuuunu auction sale in ksqhksino township rarm mtocs vtlkntntsuc i pijcmkntm flstain tlte undersigned has recelvod in- si ructions from heat andkhhov lo wdt by public auction at his farm i- 27 con 5 ksouesing 2u inlles east of a ton tun no 7 highway on tflkhlkav mawnil ib ihi comnieiu ing at one oclock sharp tlie following hoitf 1 orey horse years i illak horse 10 years cows 1 ayrshire cow bred feb 1 spotted cw bnvl feb 24a hini helfr hnd feb 22 1 calf 2d ii months old 1 calves tt months old hiikkp ci2 suffolk slueii supiuw ed t le in lamb 5 kws with lambs 1 suffolk i lam 1 ewe iamhs impiemenisheering hinder ll ft cut leering mower fl ft cur noxon see drill ll smtul ket four section harrows horse iakt muu ty harris cultivator walking plow rutting how set llblttlelghij wagon wagon box lluggy twoton sorrlo with tole and shans hllngs draw ltote crosscut saw mall box ouhmrees neckyokes fork llfxm chalnu shoveln mflolte creum sep- nrator and other article harness hi harness with hat ching kl plow harness set singh harness 1 horse collars hag and sucks pair horse blankets chain 100 bus 1042 mixed orulli 200 bun intn mlxeil oruln 100 buu liml curtler oats fimnrmile- cook stovrt kltilun cabinet dining room cimlrs couch kitchen chairs sldeltourd extenion tubl pull termscash no article to ite removed until settled for no iteeive leawe una expiree and mr audersjin is rtlrlng roy hindley auctioneer u u 1 acton phone lnru erin c h swackhamer clerk 2n sugaftsuppukh hnix-ngiit- there is no hope for in cr sugar ration nor for increaacsl cannlnsj sugar allotments this year the prirea hoard haa announced through its sugar administrator s it noble ttie administrator revealed that there are indications of an overall world shortaca canada imports fourfifths of tier total supply mr noble pointed l this is allocated to ua from a world pool under an agreement be tween fanada lreat ifrltain and tlie united uta tea numan roti rtom to feed pigs properly they must be given both the right quantity and the right quality of feed farm grains are lacking both in quantity and qua lity of proteins in minerals and vita mins and so do not satisfy the needa of the pregnant or nuralnsj aow of growing pigs to farm grain must ite added feeds tlial are rich ul pro tein minerals and vitamins without lliese addllkmal materials rowtit is alow and pigs may be weakened t such an est end tltat tltey cannot resist disease ssfor you mm your tttphon is riglimvrs islsnj ine i tal f keur trirpbm le give lu uiu at eeeiimusaiff e ass imrh ffuut ilie llp wltm year lip aie fwtkrr wsy ibau uds yur wwlio is tfsmmmltied ism klrwusjy lew cleail railur le remwuducr uitee slimple fsrt acuul far the seat lusjerllt ef ireulile rmir if ip avoid imadless service lekupj aiwl al lbs setae tfrns ul llum r talk iw bear yeo wllbwul slfslu just rtimtnalisri veflv cfmufy ttotmmuy urecsfy inui ca l uik yeisr lifim ii essequarlar sus fadb f ff n- ttjk uu alb m esses dlw6rtd mpu i bum cwald v uldia ibe awmmbpws ei- toily lie ttomt si im lij4 if yj mj to lmu sfm4 fout dsb w bud u milu4 lu kulj lbs iu4m li tflum iu u ups wdl t cse m t m tit ihmii huj wtm 1 set la fw e4 li o th4 yt lim si diiktlf in thml vt sea lumlulktf sstiwitf 4m lue lalfc simms fa fms slesys as ksxisvsea m tiiu i one in u writ of udveriltuittientu explaining probleinw of electric supply to fuiui und hamlet cohuumers wtrvwl direct by llio hydroelectric power commission of ontario new hydro rural rates reduce your bills note uu- huvlnir you will obtain under be new rate of 4c 1 0loc and ac in the followinu euunpleu nhuwlni comparative uarterly billa for ueveral commonly uued uantltiem of energy where old rate was 4c 2c 3 stanoahi farm kkkvick 1 mnndiu kllouilt ilourm youk mia at ohl new kulo itutu 150 860 300 1152 600 1735 656 886 1353 hamikt zwihk kehvick t month vouil mix at kllowutl oiil nw hour hutu itulri 100 693 200 887 754 300 1082 910 these examples illustrate the savings you will secure in your hydro bill in rural districts where the old rate was as shown above thv amounts shown arc for quarterly net bills including dominion govern ment war tax the reduction in your bill in a district having a higher old rate such as 6c 2c yc or 5c 2c y will be proportionately greater than the examples shown above please note that the service charge for farms is discontinued but the minimum bill for such consumer is 656 per quarter for which amount up to 168 kwhrs can be used in a district having a former rate of 4c and 2c this same arpount would have cost the consumer s82 hamlet consumers have the service charge cut in half but th- minimum bill is 4 87 per quarter for which they can use an amount of k3 kwhrs in a district having a former rate of 1c and 2c this amount would have cost the consumer 646 these explanations arc given to help you understand the new rate in our next advertisement we will discuss for your benefit the uni form rate in the meantime if you need further information please ask your rural district superintendent hydroelectric power commission of ontario