v the acton free press thursday december 9 1948 v n lmblti evry thurtw authorised 31je artnu 3frrp jlrcbh y at acloa ontario oh foe ottlee department ottawa sunsckimon hateshu p ie nee united klelea se additional slnle cylee uoth old end new eddteaeee ahould be bteeet jhefc change ot addreae la aeuueeted atwkrtising bateso pnlljllo end ee aieen in vetloua column hcadlnge allnouh evey preeautloo l error ike free preee iwdi z umna on trie underetendlnx that it will liable or any error in any edvertlaeeaenl nlwiahed hereunder unleaa a proof ol euch edyertleement la requested in writing by the adeertleer and re turned to the frea preaa bltelneee olllee duly ed y the edvertleer end with eueh error or cor- recllona pllily noted in writing thereon end in the ceae if any error eo noted ie not corrected by the free preee ite liability ehall not eaeeed eueh a proportion ol the entire coat of eoeb advertleefrient ee the apace occupied by the anted error beore to the whole apace- occnpled by aucb advertlaeenent c arlop dtlls editor telerllones- kdllorlal and bualneee oillee 14 tlealdence v 3 mtmldpal affaire settled municipal elections are all over for another year the sectors have made their choice and rjgw the democratic thing- to do is abide by that choice and nivctnosc who serve every possible assistance in carrying out their duties wo like these early elections that leave the way open to enjoy the christmas and now year holiday time another advantage too is that last years officials have an opportunity to clear up any unfinished business and the new officials get an opportunity to study their duties before taking over and mnkc any inquiry that may be helpful iqlt3 recollections oi aclon orrzl l toe baciein898 working tofietlter one of the finest examples of community spirit is being shown these days in acton in the erection of a boy scout house on the school grounds there is being built a franie building for the local scout organization with all volun tary labour the scouts didnt have enough money to erect a building but it was estimated they could with some donations secure the mat- terial local builders came to the rescue and vol untary helpers gave of their time on off days and its surprising what i being accomplished s they work together with a little more good weather it appears thctscouts will have a roof over their head for the winter and a shelter to meet in we understand the plan is to complete the work as far fls the funds are avnilable much will have to be done by the boys themselves the part that has been most pleasing is to eejnen andboys working together in such a project with such a spirit in a community it speaks volumes for the present leadership and augers well for the future citizens of this com munity incidentally the newlyelected reeve and deputyreeve and the retiring deputy- reeve and several of those who will hold public office next year are among the leaders and workers early christmas shopping urged boing christmas shopping early gets sup port from a new quarter this year with depart ment of highways safety officials adding their voices to those of merchants and others directly concerned about approaching yuletide congest ion accidents are almost certain to increase on urban streets during the lastminute rush states j b bickell registrar of motor vehicles the only thing a sensible person can do is cut down the danger to himself arid others by starting now to finish up christmas shopping ahead of time the day before christmas is invariably the worst day of the year for traffic accidents that would occur under less distracting circum stances early darkness increases the danger especially to the many people who are out on the streets on foot slippery pavements and poor visibility make things worse shop early and make this christmas a safe christmas every womans opportunity the ways in which women serve their coujjtry nre important war underlines this but ijs equally true of peace- what a country doesho the life if womenis not always so fully under stood the life of women under a totalitarian regime differs vastly from that within a demo cracy uuder the nazis thaojgcrmin ideel of children ohihch and cookinjwas played up but this good if lljnited rdle was used to restrain women from taking part in womens organiza tions particularly those with international af filiations among the soviets the opposite ex treme was followed women were collectivized and viewed as sources of labor whether in farm or factory while different in emphasis both these totalitarian systems are alike in viewing the life of women as indeed of all citizens as subservient to the will of the state their duties are assigned to them not discovered and chosen by them what of women in our own culture the heart of democracy is freedom and in large measure our women arc still free to work out their own destiny instead of having it dictated to them sound fiomes are the foundation of the democratic state but the selfcentred home can be as much a menace as the selfcentred individual the modern woman is pulled in two seemingly contrary directions in toward home and family on the one hand out into the larger word of affairs on the other this is womans dilemma it is also her challenge and her oppor tunity her care for home and family needs to be deepened and freed from the corrosion of selfishness this capacity to care needs to be released into a world that is starving for hope and for new ways of living if women care enough to feel responsible for the crisis of the world today they will begin to discover how their homes can help to provide the cure har riet beechcr stowe wrote uncle toms cabin and watched the cake baking in the oven at the same time she had learned how to intregate her personal with her public life so that no part wjis neglected women who work to solve this problem can help to save a crumbling civili zation prorr the vamift of the ipwei l eaf reeceeriher lui lag the liojior roll for nnvemner in cluded the following murine bertie speight edith nickllm jennie flurnoy rolilc smyth riifiui wnl- i lace hnttlo noble ettle mcdon ald mabel sopor ernnt wllaoti mrtly coodcve moud colllmt flo- renr koper ida laird joslo sutyhcruton ethel coleman myr- lie- matthews howlnml brown i en pearson harold nlcklln jen- nle smith philip holmeej joan grant hnxel mann vidn folrter myrtle cook ruby clark frnnk hnvlll myrtle rhil irene mullln taunt moore chnrllo matthew mnrllm storey myrtle sopor alex mcqueen blanch clilbhnlm merle frlck florrle spctkht vincent oomlew ijiurn cblcmnn hazel mntthewr emma tovell john mc- donnui fern brown jumme mc queen leonard warden batle arnold mil it hew mccnnn the teachers were t t moore principal miss c mcphall h f featherstone e il mcqueen the lienvlcktfnuof snow ifor 22 years fell on sunday nlcht the stono wdrk of the new pow er house is almost completed the flftyfourrh anniversary of the methodist church was held last sunday lat thursday the nominations for the leprlslntun were confirmed at milton before sheriff clements the etumlnc officer john r barber was nominated by h p lnwson georgetown col kerns by dr webster of nor- val the rnrteesnttlu education mcetlnc ordered 24 double desks with separate sittings nnd four rear separate seats for the now fifth department roys taxi ala passengers fulay insured one jl m acton prompt efficient service at all times roy goodwin gordon mckeown fcmnxiy night cadla 40 rite a fh visit our modern showroom 8 cardcn street guelph ont opp fire hall ukjnrtkit tutd mastic ttlkfl inlaid linoucum waix tiijm irutadled in kltahemt raathroattui lleulwmytf starts ofrlme kta kioor sanders for rent or worlrdttia keating tile cot lxovd k kkatino formerly cuelph flooring service ihone slaw cjurxill aftea- ilonn eumm back tn 1928 from thn iuuf of tli fw itm of lrtiuirwly dmler flth 1028 editorial notes the shortest days of the year are with us and also the last days of 1048 not many can recall a finer or longer aut umn than we have had this year here it is middecembekand no winter weather yet this is written on monday it is rather interesting to learn that the i royal commission appointed in 1945 to study educational matters in ontario may not report i before next midsummer judging from past j predictions our guess is it may not report then were not goinjr to starve every little while someone tries to scare the world out of its pants by solemnly declaring we are on the verge of starvation says the financial post between us and oblivion these pessimists moan is only a few inches of irre placeable top soil and that layer is being speed ily washed doun to the sea by our rivers streams und winds it is true in this country and others as new n lot of good soil is bein wasted undoubtedly we should be planting more trees terracing more slopes und building more water conserv ing dams but to suggest that world famine is just around the corner that the human race is increasing far faster than f can hope to feed tt is nonsense all these theories of shortage including that of the famed english preacher mai thus early in the last centurv are based on the ifalse as sumption that an acre of soil is capable of pro ducing lust so much food and that the fertility of soil has a definite limit both claims haebeen disproved again and again much uill depend upon uhat type of food an acre is used to produce in this world of ours there are plenty of real dangers to be faced without adding bogeys science sound agriculture and better distribut ion shoujd have no difficulty in keeping the wolf from our door for many a century yet washing machines are rolling off canadian assembly lines at a record rate it reached a ilhxju day clip in september according to the financial post production for first 9 months ot this ear zoomed 53- above the same period last year rev a ijoyd smith ta bd tho popular minister of grace church brampton will receive the degree of doctor of divinity nt victoria university tomorrow ev ening i on november 21 n double wed ding was solemnized nt the homo of mr nnd mrs c a elsley of cnmpbcllvule when their dnurhter mnrjorle moud was married to mr nelson bouse field nnd their dnughtcr anna to mr j a pojjue of toronto j on monday evening about j00 of tho younj peoples society of the presbyterian church paid n fra ternal visit to milton young poo- pies society i tlfie election on monday had large vote recorded tlie majority for amos mason as reeve was 96 councillors are thetford nelson 1 hansen nnd harrison for school trustees mrs hnvlll mrs h s wilson george hall e w mas ters mrs robert laing who spent the summer nnd fall in the west has returnd home mrs ralph swnckhnmer of hamilton sustained painful cuts nnd bruises about the face when their automobile nnd another machine collided on the guelph- hnmilton highway i died j francis at toronto general hospital onwvdnesday decem ber 5 1928 lsnnc edwin francis in h 76th jenr elimination of the blackouts in hydro are certainly helpful in these short days other tvpes of lighting are pot quite as convenient rut remember that there is still a shortage of hdro and we may have more power interrupt ions if saving is not practiced an editor onae wired george bernard shaw for hib opinion of babe ituih and uw question came imik who is she the davs for christmas shopping are down to 13 and it cant be put otf longer visit your local stores now while selection is at its best and oull find ample stocks and courteous service a perusal of the advertisements in your local newspaper will point to the shortest route fo- v anted articles t the citizen with a good home is taxed t the hilt his slipshod neighbor pavs about a ittivd of the taxes and yet enjos exactly the same civil sersieest for which the other fellow is paving this kind of inequity can only go so far when civic costs continue to mount as they have been doing the tax load on property owners becomes heavier and heavier if the tax rate doesnt go up the assessments do event ually the penalty of owning a good home in these highpriced times could become too heavy for any working man vancouver province make your selection of new wadpaper the iaiuest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it at chapplfs bookstore 1x5 wyitdhajt ht- giulpli angus kennhdv proprietor when housecleaning 1dont put aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them better than new for the best fh chesterfied reupholstering phone 87 acton 7 day rcrvice no waiting knay pymenta armnknl iff tlftftlrfd on reupholstering mud new cbmurflnldi up to 12 month to pay jack sudermann of john dick and son it pays to 3 shop at national 8weet mixed pickles 4lc i i i i i i i iiiiii sheixed almonds ibjl9c trilby chocolates ku 27c crystal cream bells 37c french cream candy hard festive mix christmas jellies mixed jelly beans bulk mincemeat christmas pudding oaeouna onooolate coated bweet biscuits mc i iiif green cutov lb- 35c 35c u- 55c i 35r xib 21c 53c thla for only 8 tomato juice jg 19c diced carrots cuucrhousc mi 9c ay1mer peas 2002 raise quick quaker oats h 35c komar peanutbutter iff- 37c shirriffs puddings w 37c cut mixed peel p 330 seedless raisins ustuli pound 15c sunmato e currants vige pitted sair dates 19c seeded lexia raisins 17c sunmato 8eedles8 raisins australian currants i5c romar coffee o 27cf 5 del maiz cream corn lie frys cocoa 29c v 49c tin new irop nuven ouamies sie 2ks dozen p e i no 1 rade potatoes pu imported tomatoes ib kreh mushrooms lb 36c 39c 18c s3c business directory dr w g ckenney rhyaioban and surcoon surccrmir to dr j a mcntvm orrlci in symon dlock mill st 1 acton offlrei ihonei reeudoiioe ohnroaa st ltono 1bo dk d a garrett ihyajolaut aoid buraeoa frodivrlck street acton formerly dr nolnoha officer office phone xib rcaldenco ma denial dr a j buchanan dtitaj suraaoh office lelohman blick mill at office houra 9 am to 6 pin xray telephone 14b dr george a sirrs dtttltad surgaou mill st corner frederick acton office hours 000 nm to ijo pm telephone 10 l wilson doetea aff clrir6bolle eluotoeaipl bell telephone building acton phone jot hours 10 nm to 8 pm ucoal fc c f leatherland ba acton hauruter eti solleltor netauy pouw office 22 pbotvh rejdu ltu lever hoskin chiartarftd aeeeuntausta successors to jenkins hardy 1305 m bldg ii victorlirettoronto el 0131 veterinary d young vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office brookvillc ontario phone milton 14gr4 f g oakes vs bvsc vrterirumry surgeon office nnd residence knox av acton phone 130 i misceijjvnkous i johnstowe rumley victor b rumley i funeral home heated amltolaae serving ihe community for 45 yenrs phone 30 nlaht or day willoughby farm agency largest oldest agency incmnadav headjdffice kent bldg toronto georgetown representative tom hewson phone georgetown sjjw travellers guide gray coach unes coaches leave acton eutbsund n6ll a mb741 am 838 11 hi am 2 mi pm 441 pjn u 31 pm ax pm dl056 pjn weatbound i to stratrord 10 4 1 am u44 m 250 pjn 5 20 p-m- 724 pja xom pm yll34 pm to london 1041 am x pm u5 20 pm 724 pm b9u4 i pm i nkxcept sundiiys and holldaytt h sunday uml holidays l saturday sunday and holiday x to kitchener daily to stratford sunday nnd holidays y to kitchener only i railways canadian national standard time kat hound iall ll am dally except sunlas 0 52 nm 7 10 pm sun- da inly h 10 pm dally except sunlu llor nt cleornetown 6j7 p m dally klyer at cworgotown id 11 p m vwathound i iiai fcipt monday 1 17 artv mumliiv lib 12 00 am dally ex cept sunday h 10 n m 650 post 7 11 p m snturdny only 23fl pjn sunday only 043 a m nagatop rlwr at elluelph except sat- an sun i p m e phead optometrist eyes examined scientifically iieaiuno aid batteries quick repairs to glassex lunoeulaifl field glauses etc ss st gmeaa a phone 1519 guelph bo t yeelf