thursday mcbttuarv it the acton pkee mtess mobi of interest jo women oakvtlle rca fixity cumberland campaign nunajr for the osk- viuetrafalgar memorial hospital aubsetiptloa campaign want 130- 4300 to push lh lundraisljig drive owrlhf top by midnight eb 34 several fut fifth i and a couple of dozen penalties or more enliven ed friday night a hockey gam at the local arena when lhv qakville juniors played a 5 5 tie with hamilton aero vox in an oiu junior b league ruture a hy law to compel gasoline stations in oak vl lie to close at 7 pm eac day and remain closed all day sunday waa urged by i mannell president of the llalton garage operator association at monday a council meeting rec ord tar when reatrlruoft are lifted the end of march ilrituli vilumha will have biin tit laud of pacific coastal area t rrt itlr japanese evacuated after in art harbor catering banquets weddings arc no ruthmsx im aan w tm lira prompt uumln uab e coles chate st- ada the bowl hmom hello jlomemakep there u a natural curiosity yabout ho mr- sarin- as oom pared to butter li made jt does nut sem to long ago that grandmother laid now keep churning steadily until thi fat is about ha f the size of wheal kern els in those days on the farm butt r um made from the team taken from the u para tor and as teurtzed by j la ing the ran in hot ualrr on the stove we watcled the dm mi mt t r at it nv to 143 find ih n linnrtm if t r j ulled ii to tie ba k of hi m vt f r to mln uit j hit next j was p ur ng vkl u alt r ver the covered an 61 rt rtin nnd hill it quit kly to a ltinjefature of v dt gme mian- wtllt k irn ther seal led the turn on k uunl rnslnel likt a teeti r i llir ilk to am i ml it h miainim aril thi quantitv una lu ased i r inenurd as me third f n luirrt i wiih liu di jm of ml outing and thi n churning im tnn orv of ui sat on a stool and turned the handle at a aied that would glvi the criarn a r drop or fall aftir txuiiliiik to ho we pulltd the p ug ami drained off a quart of liquid hi uin alwas ri mn k d that sjiould the i turning tie atop jxd too soon the small granules or hutttr wiuld be carried off ulth the first drawn butli rmllk allt i tlu butt rmllk was drained out the butter was rinsed with about a gall n of cold water at 40 deg rmit again the plug was pulled to ut the water drain off tern eraturv waa a mor important factor than quantities as the outit r wit ladled into the big wooden low i it was sprinkled with aalt aimtut h ox per pound of but ter but the meavuri waa a hnndfu or two hie wooden ladle worked vics photography studio portraits films developed enlargement up to ii x 14 complete wedding se2v1ce photos socials and banquets mill street next to y commercial photography phones bu 85 ret 32ij jiow you can hove lhal5 refrigerator siitht tvouiientary hew compacfrrigidaire omr hi um wlm holds 30 to 50 mom food in the sam kitchen space nwhy el new lor svirymihs la ut h compoer frlouair ift actually blflor but usalur imnut it qlww about cuue fm of sodra food ipse ltt im ikow you ihii and of ww mavjalf manning electric mllxsttteet acton or creamed the butter until u was free from holes and the beads of moisture were very small finally the 1 pound print box was fllwd and turned out m a square of par chmenl paper to be packaged foe uiarket end so were h or 10 other pound irtade every other day of the wvek hew la margaiik mu 1 his depends upiui available fata mivt manufatturrri will uw illi fr in va b ana jxtanutb cotton vii flautl and iiir i m t of the vegetable i 1u are ktliii rnei hanlinlt until rtnly to he used mean w- hi e the skim m ik iiied 1ai1 la inspected and it juivltun 1 as in tit putter i t k at l hi dairy milk is usually put in an uprtl i tank c ntainlng i t t water i oil which rt v ives through the milk throw ing ml ik in a hn film and quhkly heating it to 1h0 degrees then it flows into tanks where it is chilled to tj u green by jncaiia tit revolving colls ctintalnlng cold brine to this awe t skim fvaateurliitl milk is added a itarter which is a ladle ft rm nt culture 1 he milk hegtna to rtjmn in lanka fitted with coll conialnlng cold water then hot water itie ternferature of the rnlls tl nccufttel on trolled to obtain ihe proper di grv of acid meanwhile the uli have been chlorinated by blqfcrmng method and hydrogen a ted by chemical ircatmtnt after the various mi lertals are measured the mixing process requires ahput 10 minutes the temperature control is very importnnl and both mixtures must he itlr red qulckl as the rmuuon forma ttm final stage u eryvtajllzauon o that the ingredients do not separate one method is a con tlnu ma processing try a long re- oklng chilling machine it la then printed wrnnnrd and pjuimh in canons ulaat ue know about margmribe 1 dial aa a spread it keeps well und r proper refrigeration it does not become too hard to use when inken tllrectl from the oold 2 margarine is an economical aprtad 1 if the oils are high quality and pnslruriztd anil if skim milk u ad ded the product has high nutritive alue 4 margarine can easil be colored tn a delicate yellow tint hy mixing with egelable colouring 5 margarine adds flavor to vege tables and sauces and can be used as a butter substitute in the moat tender cakes and cooklea oraage and kfu mofftaa h cyp margarine 1 cup granulated sugar 1 up bakmg soda 2 eggs 2 tbaps grated orange rind 2 cups oncesifted pastry flour s tip salt tap ground cloves h tip ground allspice 1 tap ground cinnamon i cup sour milk s cup orange juice s cup chopped nuts 1 cup raisins 1 cream margarine and blend tn sugar gradually j 2 dissolve soda in beaten eggs aodj add to margarine mixture a little at a time beating well after each addition add orange rind 3 mix and sift flour salt and spices twice and add alternately with sour milk and orange juirel to margarine mixture seining just nough to blend 4 add nuts and lightly flavoured raisin j 1 turn into margrinecoated and lightly floured mufln pans 6 bak in moderate oves 350 deg rees about 30 mlnutea yield 10 to 12 medium sixed mufflns batter tarta 3 tbaps margarin 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg h up salt t up anllla v cup curimnts or walnuts recipe for double crust pie paste 1 cream margarine and blend n brown sugar gradually 2 add egt a little at a time haat- ing after each addition 3 add salt vanilla and currants or walnut la shallow tart una with pit paste and nil to with filling 5 bake in moderate oven 375dg wes until paste is cooked and the the pijll of the moon on the oc eans causes the earth to wobble slightly and make imperfect rec ordings in our time eystera which lahased on the rotation of the earth a bevomhire chapter reviewed work of past year the following report of the year activities of duke of devonshire chapter of the iode was pre sented by mrs ii main prize the secretary at th mteting last week 1 beg u xubniu the follow ng as tke thlrt second annual report of duke of devonshire chapter lo dk our chadter now has a member ship of 67 with a many subarruv era to lchoea the offlrlal maga xine of the order we have an as sociate member an honorary member was called by death dur ing the year the regular meetings preced ed in most instances by an execu tlve inert ing were held tn the home of members with an at erage attendance of tl as part of our educational pr- gram addrrue were given tiy mr hoblnaon field aerretar if tf e nnadlan nail nal limtlt ite vt the lllinl apt j m andiron mt ti i hsr and ty mrs skuit ji- n al dutatithal ntirlary of t ordi r ih is w it it n i b mt- idim is if tl ia tir niwl l mls i andtrrsun if ai ton i utilic s4 immii staff i rtjs wliimn fj in ixnnei ll n w tlh i n i ir i ka mmr anif in a ton public si ikmji wi re read h the wrttrra of same lhe regent nd eduiattonal l retary attendetl the provincial an- nual meeting in i lam i ii on from which they brought tnformntlon and inspiration to the chapter memjh rs our kegent honorary h k nl and a ounr u r w re gut ats ol i hi nf at a luncheon when ladjumtunllmllcio ua g honor our annual officers tea wai held in march at which tepch rr of our acton school- and n p resentatlves of lakeside chapter were our guaata the chapter ionored a lag day for the canadian national inst i tute of the illlnd and conducted a tag day at acton i- all fair the proceeix of which was used to send parcels of food to britain thivc such parcels w ere forwanied aa well a a genero daw vlnrlal headqua iters shipping charges during the year showers of new i b i j ft to theaaaxewa ape sytwia our synapitby the keynote of the order iur vice and our motto one flag one throne one empire there is great work to be done work of the hands to assist those in nrd at home and abroad offices to be filled and money to be raised but great er t ban t h- le is t he pow er and influence for kkid that can tie exerted byour c hapter mernber may we strive to atain the fulfil mi- nt or our mowed dtre or un ity that peace and the spirit of brotherhood may lrevajl through oat dwuorld uartha mainprise kec just add one cup of milk or watee ty- campbelk cake mix tir and bake fnoy fresh knmcmaiir cake always hght tender and deltctoua try u cfln7pbllj cake mix tm h were received from he members and four shipments sent to llrlt aln throe ithlpmenu of used an4 new clothing were received pack ed and shipped to britain through provincial headquarters all of which was our sharr in the post war service work of the orel r to enable the chapter to en kagc in the parly program of the order funds were ratvd hy talent money or voluntary contributions of five do lars for members as well ns regu ar membership fee chap ter members also acted a caterers to a woddlng reception ihua aug menllng the funds in the treasury a budget carefully prepared hy our treasurer enabled the chapter to make the following granu and donations tor educational work an award was given to the pupil of highest academic standing in grade viii of acton public school a christmas parcel waa aent teach er and pupils of the chapter ad opted school in northern ontario iode calendars were purchased to be given to the various rooms of acton hchools and the neighbor ing rural school a contribution waa given to llalton musical fes tival board acton boy scout building fund acton free library board and acton boys and girts band in child and family welfare a contribution was given to the can adian mothercraft society remembrance day was fittingly observed and a wreath purchased and placed on the cenotaph a don ation given to the poppy fund and to the navy league of canada an annual grant to the upper canada tract and bible society was given generous response wa made to appeal for national and provincial fund of the order aa follows en dowment fund shipping fund british and european reliet sea mens amenities fund film fund lucy morrison memorial fund and empire work in india from our flower and gift fund to which our chapter members contribute at each meeting gifts in remembrance recognition and appreciation wergtven we pay tribute to the officers and executive members and in particular to mrs n balrd who very capably and graciously car ried on the duties or regent we acknowledge the lojalty of the members to the order and to each other and appreciate their wullng- ness to do evry thing required of them to those members who opened their homes for our regular and executive meetings to all who brought u a measage in song in music or spoken word to the gen eral public for support on our tag days and to all who have helped in the work of our chapter we wish to express our appreciation at annual meeting nahhaawkya church ihe annual meeting of the naa- miawa i resjjtrtan oiurrh waa held the evening of january j7lh wllli m splendid attendance mr fl iredge waa i ti rted rlutlr man an mr vutfrll kennedy lir hi- minutes if last riveting nrwt flnar 1st rt jk ris f tin vear were itsd wll li tw wed a mm rar with a k i italnno- off er elt i t ed i r tie cumin ymr are hoard if mntii mt it m nunni orertfe amnio mart all iti it kit ninn j il n ljirly i inus mt m llun stan it t irw i r irner i c r un thiliku jiwli hen derv n man ommittee invtf l iileim herlm rt iredge j ihn kail mrs 1 adbur and mis 3i v e iunkl e oimnhi mr n nn cam b ii i ruues mrun j j henderson ampttell mrklnnon hertiert drt de tlaht rs m- sjus jim ph hemlerson laii nee dred ir 1 inua mimlllnn olln dunkle semlary iviasur r mr wi frld kt nneil auditors mt sara m drlgp john karly and mrs am id marshall mr jul imlge gave a repnr off a olm ineelltig or l dav d s and nasuikl church hoard of manaisvnwn4 which ttrought forth mime discussion on several subject mr padhury voiced the need 61 iiulh eilucatl n toward tlve church and all it stands for and against mmmunlhm and all it mean he was su jmrted by rev macneil and a ntmmltt v was formed name mr arthur padbury mr lifcia jrluul a mr ri dredge in find some way to in terest the youngsters of today that are the rhurch of tomorrow q is wprh mnii f la fcip mzjc44 provide entertainment suitable to their age and energy mr j j 1 lenderson sunday school superintendent giving faith ful aervlce tor twenty five years was prvwenud with a lorie watch and chain engraved with his in t la u the presentation was made by mis donna mcmillan represent ing the sunday school and the ad drt va wm read by mr arnold mar shall a short mwtlng of the hoard of management for the purpose of chootjng a chairman elected mr john early for the year the lad les served lunch and a social hour was enjojed the muroochmcphrxson wedding last week at rockw60d church with a setting of snapdragon and daffodils the marriage of firace ileene mcphcrann daughter of mr and mrs james mcpherson guelph and philip jamas murd och son of mrs w i murdoch and the late mr murdoch was solemn lied in rockwood presbyterian church on friday february 4th rev c hmlth knox presbyterian church guelph officiated the wedding music was played by mrs george ilarwood mr angus mc- pherson brother of the fcride sang i love you truly during the sign ing of the register given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin w th fingertip veil held by a cap of seed pearl and rose buds she carried a cascade or american beauty roses and bud lea her only attendant mrs george oung cousin of the bride wore a gown of pink moire with a match ing headdress and carried a bou quet of white tulips and forget me note frank murdoch was best man for his brother and george young and arthur murdoch were ushers following the ceremony the re ception was held at the home ofi the bride s uncle wm mcleod ac- y ton where the bride s mother re ceived tn a gown of ruby clarvtte with black accessories and the grooms mother wore dove grey with black accessories both wore a corsage af snapdragons and for get -me- not guests ware present from guelph brampton burling ton and ottawa then the couple left on their wedding trip to toronto and buf falo the bride wearing a dree of brown crepe with brown accessor ies and a corsage of snapdragons and forgetrtuvriou the couple wll reside in guelph canada s lumbering industry has the greatest payroll a quarter billion dollars when housecleaning dont put aside futtnttube that can bejleupboirered our nev pittrmi nd colon ind expert vorkmin ihip will mike them better than new for the best in cneotertied reuphoutering phone 87 acton 7 uj service no walllac etsjr pajrmtata mmgmd if tilrt m nw tmhlilt u to u m lla to par jack sudekmann ot john dfck and son the canadian army insurance for peace wings of the atrbome the red beret tjte p rout j wing of lite paratrooper are world famous hta is one of the many interesting and exciting joha in the new canadian army active force the new army givee you every chance for self improvement and advancement there is unlimited opportunity for promotion if ou have what it takes you can become a paratrooper and enjo the thrill and excitement of tho newest branch of the canadian army tin is your opportunity to join men who are starting a career with a future if you meet these require ments good physical condition 17 to 25 years of age veterans with airborne experience will be taken up to 30 pas the armys entry requirements there is extra pay for parachute service if you would like to win your wvngs write or visit your local recruiting ojeoe today bring our certificates of age and education with you uil bjw k1ncston ot cfcaiui ttk binsln uh toaomto at iwmu ouaulk susmt london h s eiitiil dpi lu i rskmibi 1