vixnt two the acton ffiee press thursday january 19th imo lji artmt 3fttt ttbb atttboruw u itul fl 0tt dtptllmml oiuv uij ststss t ti bmk 14 tad ww jum luiu w w a it nvwlu advsimikc batks o u nor u fr k fcjtijf u iua a is mtwrtttadaaa hh toa m itul cam u ur f to i4 i hi mfruud kr tk fim luldtir i umj htk 0mtiua ol tk mmu cm j litb saltuatmt ik iftm rmpts4 bp ik sted w k to lk whew a br efc jwlltwliit g amldv onux swii mitorul mj buut otffu rw w4 i sith wmut mmaiho many tlgnt are baffling thshe day oipkk tal ly road hqfit one wondri often how long tuch signs man at work are left in pot it ion fr tha men have ceaied work or the ob it conal4d its rather startling to go along a highway at night and tee tuch a sign and later find out it doetnt mean anything but jutt care- uunau that it watnt removed another highway lign that bothart folks it the familiar bump sign one would comider that tuch a tign was an emergency warning litttil rapajri could be made often they become permanent hxturet and no attention it given to repairing the bump such a one hat been in ute for rwontha on no 25 highway utt north of mil ton itt tuch neglect at this that lead to non belief in tlgnt and warningt control need to hurry alcoholitm it it indicated by retearch con ducted primarily in the united states is one of the leading public health problem of the present generation but according to h d archibald director of research for the liquor control board of ontario the problem is by no means new going back almost as far as civilisation itself mr archibald reviewed the course alcoholism took and tald the typical alcoholic starts young by the time he is 25 the first tangible indication 01 his affliction appears it was the liquor control board s intention mr archibald said to continue a thorough study into this problem and the primary purpose of his remarks was to seek the delegatus cooperation vi hen his department called on them in the future for assistance in the compilation of alcoholic statistics if it might be asked he said why this study was being undertaken by the board i would ask you to underline and note the word control that word is now being interpreted in the broad sense to include not only legislative measures with respect to sale but also to include control of the drinking habits of the people with par ticular reference in this case to the excessive drinker and the alcoholic greatest canadians what canadians have contributed most to our national development since the beginning of the century the financial post puts this question to nearly a hundred prominent citizens historians newspapermen people in public life and similar positions these five led their choice rt hon w l mackenzie king leader of the liberal party since 1919 and prime minister of canada with two breaks from 1921 to 1949 sir frederick banting who discovered insulin sir wilfred laurier prime minister during the great expansion era of 190011 sir charles saunders originator of the famous marquis wheal john w da foe one of canadas greatest editors wmm peg fra prett from 190144 not far behind were tom thorn ion painter of ontario lakes and forests sir william osier world famous turgeajn sir robert borden prime minister in first world war sir adam beck founder of ontario hydro stephen laacoclt economist end humorist gubr ublrve prospector end discoverer qf uranium field in canada sir ernest macmuun who at cn observer put it made en unmusical people twaari4 mutk arelft k0dtm of lleeujta the recent puhliceiion of statistics on cane- das consumption of intoxieatlno beverages gives reason to believe the the educational policy art nounced by the ontario liquor control board- it long overdue and will hive to hurry to keep pace with the ipread of the habit of drunken ness that the root of the disease is the unsatls- fled demand for profit and greed for more money is the subject of a front page article in the temperance advocate j some years ago e thorough study and report on the beverage alcohol business by the rocke feller foundation had thocondusiom the profit motive is the core of the problem unless that motive is divorced from the retail tale of spiri tuous liquor unless society as a whole can take ever the business in the protection of its citiens the future at least in america holds only the prospect of an endless guerilla warfare between a nation fighting for temperance and a traffic that thrives on excess it is plain that the materials cost of beer and spirits is very low beer materials cost at the rate of one cent per glass which sells for 0 cents hard liquor materials for e sixty cent cocktail cost less than e cent here in a word is a business in which the profit motive is et its highest and monopoly control is fully eighty per cent effective thlt however 1s only e part of the profits story the bigger half of me profit scoop is made at the stock market level canadas biggest breweries common stock sold et 60 cents per ihare in 1941 at the time this breweries chain with headquarters in toronto kerf ebesj 00- 000 the ret on the market that slock went as high at 29 00 par common share and the tharet on the market have been stepped up from 900000 to a new level ol 7200000 shares in other wordt e stock market gain of 45 million doltart or more was made and being a capital gainits makert paid not one cent of taxes why watar b taarae one reason for the shortages it that the demand for water by cities and industry has more than doubled in the last 15 veers air conditioning expanding industries sewage dis posal and a hundred new uset ere dreining off daily millions more gal ton of water with the result that the underground level it being stead ily lowered it is generally agreed however that the greater reason it the general waste of natural resources uplands have been stripped of trees and water allowed to run off into ttreamt and rivers experts tell ut that an acre of mature forett land will absorb and return to the water table 500 timet as much rainfall as an acre of land put to quickyield crops the importance of forest reclamation plant ing of farm wood lots and even shelter belts m both the east and west is therefore emphasized if we continue to strip our forests without re planting there are bound to im increasing water shortages this is a conversation argument that city dwellers are beginning to appreciate almost as much as those persons who have seen fertile areas converted into dust bowls and who have suffered greatly as a result winnipeg tribune japan coet modarn things are apparently picking up in japan signs of progress have not been too numerous lately but it finally looks as though the japanese have at inst introduced a modernization project nimed at raising their status in the eyes of the rest of the world reason for their claim to modernization comes from a report issued recently by kyoto news agency in tokyo according to the report japan s leading industry textile manufacturing is going modern in a big way a new type of cotton spinning machinery says the release expected to cut the production costs m japanese mills by about 10 per cent has been installed tn three of the major plants in the country this new machinery is needed to cope with the potft war problem of higher labor costs if it werent for the fact that this information contains serious ramifications for a great many canadians the statement would be extremely ludicrous the socalled higher labor costs in japanese textile mills represent a wage system which is close to outright slave labour for example a girl employed in a japanese textile mill must work ten hours a day six days a week for a year and a half to earn the equivalent of one weeks salary paid to a young woman employed in a canadian textile plant if the wages presently paid in japan represent a post war problem of higher labour costs canadians can shudder to think what japanese wages will be when the post war problem is eliminated editoftftal notfs not tuch e favourable season for sewer work this year at was experienced lest winter the canadian wtrvler it nor fully coope ralmg with john l lewis this year its been an easy season in fuel consumption the molt remarkable january that folks can rememberjust one long january thaw but just imeolne whet drifts we would have if ell that rein had been snow another change is announced in weekly newspaper ownership the br ace bridge gazette which has been owned for many years by the thomas family is now owned by the bracebridge gazette limited e company which has c e bond of new liskeard as president d c thomas as vice president and sec trees v l farrow as manager end editor and alma peacock as assistant editor cioillo1lczolfciocul recollections ot acton tioc3irotrsfof back in 1000 tlim f tfc tmm w uw fy pre tieay jam it if plenty of enow oow about sin uirhaa m during monday algttts storm farmers ere busy teeming wood ur cowan shortjil hat baan ap- poloiad ttmmnr of eaquaalnk townemp for 1m0 batwwn eleven and twelva oclock laat thursday fareneoa air john watson one of ettr tiiniiit farmara of lot sb con s biqoee- litf mat with an accident of a auit arious character in company with hit brothers robart and hanry i h waa caef d in tearing agntn an old stone bouse at hi brother robert when the heavy plate on top of the atone wall lhlrtyalx feat long fn tfrfklng him upo i the head and back and then re bounding a short dlitanr by the blow hi spinal eolumn was frac tured and his head badly cut con trary to expectation the medleal men give somr- hope for his re- covery mr john a tracy the new clerk or esqueainc is a son of the let it ir hard tracy who was first clerk of the township mr john n rordar or nssssga- weya who went out west to york- ton last april has left with a party of ten to act aa smuts or rough j riders in the transvaal mr and mrs j b chlaholm gave a ferewelt party to their daugh ter mrs johrmtun and miss ettt nnd mr park dills on friday ev en ing before their uavlng fo johnstown n y najuuxx woodmajjmckay on wed nesday 37th of december at the methodist parsonage george- j town by itev j saunders mr crnmner woorthall to mlu kll- nheih t mckay both of gcorct iimn i ankmimjaic on wcdnrwlnv jnuitr 3 mr willuim a l-itn- of ksqucaink mia marjmrim i mllnr flnufrhtrr of lh- lato john millar of the 7lh con fquiftlni nrra pi1aii al hrr home willow si arton on wertnrlii morn inj innunra 7th chrtmin wwlnvt of th lati wllltnm mi ihull ikih 77 vnrs b ack in 1930 i mm the lur of thr free prevt of thunula janumr it 1ba0 i noi ton motors arton mml thrir firi slummc ot thr nr f r curs of loan this wf k on mnntn evrninj i hi mm hinnrt skating nrt of the kno ohurrti nml thr united yminr peoples societies was held in th- ntena last snttirdnv mr ins smoi nnd mr 1 kcnne ohserv h th- first robin ieported this enr on mill sirrel at the annual meet nc of t li a ton full fair hoard mr j p kennetu was elected president the choir sundn school orch esini nnd music committee ver imnquctled in the indic aid sim ietv of the chuich inst esrnlng j pitch j inik on thuntdnv iiinunn 1di0 nt the home of her son-in- inw ile 1 w cordon s j cnthnrlnes mnrgnrt lnrle wid ow of the lnle genrce ingle n n smi k w e a to w n sji 1 p in her 82nd yenr roys eti taxi dont bi latfm4nt 111 iaey tk ulimm ui t cuwi lpn triiitf iilillaa phone 128 acton whnt vse consider mum uline nnd feminine nnmef nre kcn to ks- klmo chtldien tndifccrmnnntel cecil a carr optometrist ousiph douou st tl 1091 ssoatangs juiesnjrsst kelt apple juice sff 1 aylmer soup 99e th faounu vthuty pkf mruj tin dtfftrcat buy by the 0asz golden kernel corn lykh valley vacuum pack 314oz m swak tins jt satdf 0abx 200 special praeea vs peas x 2 19c globe peaks imi t x9c oi n xic aylmer peaches ve sttnmaid raisins srtolcss em raisins australian bntmi raoio 1w as manning electric pbonb2m maple leaf lard 19c hakvest margarine 29c soap flakes 28c 79c ivory snow or flakes 3xc tomatoes a 90oz sas ohoia m ml tims 9c qiuoky 2s0z tnre z9c green giant mex1corn 19c heinz ketchup u 24t velvet cake flour u 3c tttteet spicb cake iffit 33e lemon pie puxing st ie omr mrt clkaneam a ham wia paamattrtftt saa tjum wlmmim toost gloss tc jnroatr soap ssr- se cat pood a m rut vbt 2tc business directory medical dr w g c kenney succcuor la or j a ucmm otficr in syman black uui m acton omn rwu tt hmijiim ctnnh m hmw 1m dr d a garrett cararr of wloow tad uvr m kitranc iuvr bu ncion ontario phonb dkntax d a j buchanan office luhmn block uui sc offlc llour ftjn to pu xrav teijupuonb la dr george a sirrs datal 8artm will su comer rraavrlck actoo crfflcc houn 0 00 bjn to sj0 u telepnonc 1 lbqal c f leatherland b a acton burtahrtmwtor nturfnub omtm tt rsuue inlliiii in lever l hoskin ut4ml ahlwlnh fhlf iimmiih to jknkxnh iiamor 1909 uatropallun dur 44 victor stvtoronc i tn vtrtburnak b d young vs b v sc vthiuu7 aart office brookvlue ontario phimt milton 14rt f g oakes v s b vsc vetartnmrr horceon office and rritdrnr knox av acton phone 150 mihceujineohh i the victor b rumley i funeral home runermj llormt llrted amtpulaaae j phmn 30 ntcht or day srwik the cnmmunit for 43 i jtan wiuoughby farm agency l l olrtim airncy in canada hunt urfict kent hldg toronto 1 gtorkituun hcprcm ntattve tom i lew son iruinr tfcoraetoun s12w i wright real estate and insurance k u witigirr n i whigirt 20 wilbur sl 38 york hd- aclon ont guclph onl i phodc os phono 1403j vajualora realtor liuurorm m mlu r aptirantal institute of canada mcmb rv gu iph 1 ulatrlct real rilali- itoard mmbrs gurlnh 1 district iniu- runrt aftcnts aftxociatidn ownssmies lb mm far iwlcm kmhda okanocs 2r d4w impshad onm tops bunch carroea ml b 2 lb ftorltta ms grapefruit 4 for -etauh-jctlip- 25c 29c 15c fmh dally brsccell rhubarb now cabbapa oeaan ohlantstilnkch caulhlowar and orapaa celery hearts bundu travellers guide gray coach lines tyiaclikh ijjkvt acton eaotbound il am bin am 1 1 48 am 2 08 pin 4 43 p m fl 33 p m b 33 p m blo 511 p m weauhmind 10 42 am 1212 p m 2 37 p nv s i rn 7 jl p m 0 u i m fl p m a dally except sunday and holu dayt l saturday sunday and holl- da railways canadian national daily excapl suaday 0 33 0 37 p m ana vm pjn dally exoapt sonrmy 848 aja so run ymia 3axaada only 3m pja flyar a gtwb exoapt saturday aad sunday pin tt j 3 jmh 7 douglas street gublpb eyes examined glasses pitted 77i i