january lih 1sb0 the acton free pdess patatthrer the m bowl w ku u tall year a u takl4malrwu vfcab dob a l i lab far tfce aaayfchm iw inia adrtv lichw i w paub na- rittoa ualmntty of flranaata h i i n at th a ili in faka 4ehaaetal mutrhim coaaaajttaa ii mill wtu b nanaflla aw 0- nraiaahna aat aaly fat ptthbaahaa aad dlattibbuaa of autrium tut mtul but alao la dm nlatirt4 f toublti laanmtfaaiaaf ajgaar yw petal of riimtiaaii fai th racanl ontario humuaa buuatla la a aahafartftry eourea at vha- aala c tucb u a glm of tomato juiaa an onnja or at ephead optometrist 8dl umealtr quick repairs to pfsonk ibm gublph a ml make your selection of new wallpaper the lahgest stock in western ontario pritml to aull rrayonc vouti find it st chapples bookstore 125 wyntutmi st gtmlph angus kennedy proprietor fruk iwy day ad the follow ing t an exoarpt from uw bulletin ww vfa la f to hi t to hs ttuju tsofb d tu vhaaala d calcium and tlvwphor- w e trr i tli j for tat sas purp v pewea scurvy nm ta wttircfe uwti u wjmalnf of tfc wall of- the small blood vwiiu on alga of scurvy 1 swob gums that hlaad eeauy to he healthy ta adiajuaf ta- taki of vttamia c ta hi ili j o au w vlumln c u found in cllrua fruits bcrrie tomatoes vitamin ized apple juice and certain vege tables especially cabbage viumln c u easily octroyed during cooktng urge portion of th vitamin c content of vege table ran be lost in cooking to emu re that satisfactory amounts of the vitamins are obtained it is ad- vlublt to use good source which are served without cooking i lew mb vuwai t u nee children need every v amount of vltsmln c contained in any erne of the following foods eight ounce tomato julc he left in fairly urge piece and placed in boiling water ou little water a possible should be used and the cooking water should b saved to be used later in soup gravy or in vegetable or fruit julc drinks veejetsftoee tat bet ter and vtuxnlo c is retained to a greater axtant if cooking time la ahoired aad if the visitable aw seirved aa soon as poedhle after txmx a tut 1 when orange juice u made at home be sure reeas emit at last mlaute or store juue in cowred class in elwcttre refrtter- tr 2 qe4ri tuirea are our favorite fwl omuigfee and atlee efcihiiiuj arrange ta circle n bread saj butter plate 5 make yur serving of rw sal ad really tiiaidiss uldd puuty or finely tainted ftanley grated carrot turnip or onion to shred ded cabbasye cooked potatoes or cooked lima beans i pehd silvered carrots nr lur nip kept in a covered lr la th refrigerator make nourishing tidbits 3 inmatoea canned in the jars or tins contain much mon vitamin c than open kettle processed tomatdee sen commerdslly canned tomatoes oold right fnm the can to get their beat value 6 a dash of lemon julos added to fish or as lad at the table and your family will be rewarded more vitamin c about two inches across one half grapefruit four ounce one swell gu oraaf juice or eanned four ounce vltsmlaed apple juice containing added vita min c one large serving cabbage salsd sufficient vitamin c can be ob tained from a combination of read ily avallsble foods tor essmple one baked potato and liberal por tion of raw tumtp or one small gists tomato juice and one serving rabbag salad what i the osetf at average present price the daily requirement for vitamin c can be obtained for owe cent by using raw spin arh turnip cabbage or balmd po ts to- far two thrrf cent by using oranges or grapefruit or their juices or tomato juice ft- ltamln lrd apple juice rwsefc te save 1jnla c although sll vegetables are not good sources of ltsmln c some of ihr commonly used one are ap petizlng and cheap mram of ob talnlng this vitamin some vitamin c ran he 1 m when ck table are stored for luvrrnl months a crest d nl if th vitamin c ran he rr- n ved or drt roved w hen veee- tnhli r imprperlv cooked to 1 in n the m tt vllnmln c for the n onev vitamin c rich vegetable i k rnhhnko nnd turnl anould be umed rak in salads or in wedges if rooking i doni vegetables should waakftiihtawtt wbivseav iiwvhe ffvvawl atmsi aassl asehw yassb tf tf ttg t j kj3 jy k laili bj aakaa i hal am tanf f a aj 1- kitchener upholstery it doccat bimtur how bavby rout cbla4aftcid f datlr u want w chi ub umh look likeiww spiwkavugtihlir ed for h l 8900 1 frwkt fkee pickup ako deuvery ptlomb 1h acvon wm r bracken real estate and gb4esal insurance mortgage loan arranged when housecleaning dont put aside furmmibb that can be rhjpholstered our new patterns and colon and expert workman- ahip will make them better than new for the beat in ckeatertied reuphobtennf phone 87 acton 7 day ktvk no waulac ifiaay payiwaaht ajtagaal iff jaaiikai ait awaftalataftajaa aj turn ranlirtilal tv a u mialai to hay jack sudeshann of john mck and son auaalaabxalahbt sa aat jkla vvwrcmboysj ir ssa grscx aiolm pay m vbtt to lb folks bode he no th form ovr thow- aands of mil of ontarios highways fast and modem bus provtd froquont and canvanunt sorvlc ewtlo tkofarm fares are low stsatkmto toronto owfn sound bauie j1j3 1 75 490 4 75 subrsct ckana round trip hckeis a tntowaatlon hkr01d m0tt l 1 chronicles ol ginger farm writ isjrdimj f tw aw tr rv qtosbtjix r rtiststst after swruij what the twoday wlndstom did bt other parts of ontario i dont think we have much to complain about is this district w tiad ik tie more to put up with than a certain amount of inconvenience and unpleasant- nasa friday night th power was off in town but ours was still on ijut you can be quite sure we had rand lc ready just in oase saturday morning ah that us different story th power went off telephone went dear and the kltrhen stove smoked partner made one attempt to light lie fire hut tli 1im1 blew more smoke itaik into the room thai it tarried away so we did without a fire at that time the pouer still on but we had a feeling h might give up the ghost n any t me with that possibility in mind i made coffee well ahead of time on the electric itove half an hour before breakfast off went the pner of court electric burner stay hot for a long time bu even so the coffee would naturally he getting a little cooler alt th time well whats a thermos fort i said to myself so x got out the thermos result hot coffee for breakfast we had boiled egfs too managed that by dropping th eggs into the coollnff water and leaving until needed on the whole it is rather fun dont you thlnlc jutt figuring out how o keep thing on an even keel during an emergency of course we still have un oil stove which i could hav used but i dldn t fancy the idea of standing out in the hack porch fix ing the olutove not with a 70 mile wind slri ing in through the crarkj end knot holes ourtnff the forenoon the wind became stronger than ever and colder shifting n little towards the north rut that was better for the kltrhen stove so we tried lighting the fire again end this time we were not smoked out that gave me a chance to get d n ner the hvdro wni still off and did not come on until 1ta eight hours without it was quite t stretch the telephon is still out although there have leen linesmen workinjf on it tw o poles w erf blown down just below our pin e it n ccrtalnlv an awful wind wi w lndcred if the door on the horn nnd driving hrd would stand lir ra n even with extra bracing hut ihry did nnd m except for a t w thlnlc ripped off the ban roof ome fence knocked around n hit brnches of trej strewn ht re nnd there we really mffere 1 v er little damage from the mrm r all need i sa we are very thankful i hope vou people whi end this column were equal lv for tunate there is something verj frightening about a high wind isnt there you feel so nowerlejs again it and except for inform tlon given out by the weather bureau you never know how bad it will be how long it will last ror who or what will be hurt be- frre it la over important plan are hap ng up in the world today of far greater importance than any freakish weather that comes our way and yet how much mora attention we give to the weather it has even stolen the show from egg price discussions imagine that one thing la certain farmers mty not be in the money the day but they are certainly in the news the outlook for farmers generally is particularly cheering just now nut this much we can remember to our comfort since the depression days of the 30s we have com a long way better prices sine that time have given farmers a chance to sort of catch up ulth themselves mortgage have been paid off new machinery purchased livestock built up and improved tractors have taken the place of horses modern conveniences have been installed in many farm homes and farmers on the whole are working shorter hours altogether the farm family standard of living has been raised considerably isnt that at it should be farmers in canada are rot peasants many of them come from well educated famulee with a cultural background dating hack many generations men of this type farm because thev love the soil they like working with ant 1m- drunk driving by lad under 21 had jail sentence tkeft cum tttd c drtvhstf charts rturd u mjislialsa court qtargad with stealing a diamond ring valued at over tsh frees th bom of an oakvlu wosnan phyl lis lawreno j7 was re an ami ed to oakvule magistrate court wbaa she appeared before sugjstrate k u langdon ta lsllton last week donald alclntyr m aoton wu sentenced to aevea days ta salt and had his driver permit suapended for a period of six months when he plded guilty to a charge of driv ing while intoxicated on december is he was also ordered to pay the costs of the court smountlng to txs oi in default was to toend one month in jsli according to the testimony of pmvinclsl constable jack ksye he not i red accused driving s car in a lig rag manner about lj0 a m on mill street in art on he side- swiped another vehicle and nearly stdeawlped three others the driv er was slumped over the wheel the car was stopped on young street where witness found accused in an intoxicated condition lie intyre said he found the beer on the side of the roadway provincial constable forester corroborated previous witness testi mony adding accused wanted to pay his flne if 11 go in his own defense mr in tyre said he had two bottle of beer but re fused to tall his counsel george k elliott where he obtained the bear he said the rsr belonged to william cos he attributed his driving to the poor sight of one eye the court is very critical of anyone under the sge of 31 who drinks declared magistrate t-sng- don in registering the conviction wiuiam coi owner of the car and occupant at the time mclntyre was apprrh nded was fined t30 and costs of sm or 30 dsys when he was convicted on a charge of being drunk in a public place i1eding guilty to a charg of careless driving on october 33 kenneth mcmulien milton wa as scswd 29 and cost of so or in de fault of payment to nrvr 13 days in jail corp ry mason told the court he investigated an accident about 8 ti p m on saturday october 33 i at crewsons corners on highway 7 he found the car in the north ditch whlrh appenred to hove been travelling east and had failed to i mnkc the curve to the right the car had gone 100 fe t turned over several timet and had come in rest j at a fifteen foot enblinkmrnt sv eral occupant were injured ln- i chiding the accused the officer said mcmullcn told him he was travelling too fat to make the curve on the highway the rar was owned by john jeftcrv of milton ttomemade splcf cflcf7pbll5 l- foot ailments treated mbs allan rrodlt tf ceema vansoaa iagt naisv wnsilaa- baa oarha apajtasw fr 27 arikur si guajph mm u90j 11 11 vour hnt the 10 mile train trip from london t brighton was televised and hiwn in f ur mln ukihrt aitlkomftn luajcvtrr hhinolkm that painful ailment shingles treatmcntojvwhich has been mostly unsatisfactory in thev past may have met its mstch in an antt blotlc drug called aureomycln two newport news va doctors m la binder and tu t sfubba report in a recent issue of the jour- nsl of the american medical as sociation that aureomycln produced relief from pain to four patients 34 hours after the drug was adminis tered in two cases the rash as- soclsted with the disease disappear ed in five day and in four and seven dsys in the other two cajes shingles is the popular name for medicine s herpes sorter ki mix world boitsusw op rvtsay diflctrssfttd experts from many nations will assemble in britain next summer to discuss how to use world source of energy to best advantage they will exchange views at the world pow er conference to be held in london during july proving their livestock growing things and being close to nature but very few of them are satisfied with a low standard of living be cause of better price thnga changed considerably during the last decade if th present level can be maintained ther ta lees danger of young people leaving- th farm for jobs in th city tha average farm provide them with n better home a better living and penty of excitement if they want to take advantage of it if another depression should come our way dont take it for granted that it will but if it doe we are at least better equipped to meet it than we were in th syt the higher atandard of living whfeh we have attained in the in terim might well be regarded as an i addition to our working capital s plumbing and heating inital a new idea all steel furnace now and get ihe utmott in heal ing satisfaction like the doctor we are a i way prepared to handle your emergency colli for your plumbing require menti phone bilton plumbing and heating phone 34 1 w acton ont amqmytm tkaia what oakad cevanwaaal annuity paff aanlollva i woa wytag to bolo k family boow at ava skw end laid mai ihot ska aaau hoi wotara i hod to taay plaeaa to ipaad ay paydtado ay eeoeiml wot laaoot ika aaal of aad naaih tit ha ahawad ma a aimela aavlno plan to paavlda aa inaoma la mm fulura vial wai ai pracncol aa a inp to rita barttar oad a plan whldi tuaad ary budoat afora you toy ii a good loan but i ui cant often v talk ovar wm a uhuus mvuwtbtt unnhty rapraaaaiahva or ivrma far infonaahm im aiod i did i dkpattmint of iasoub annuities mktwt cuahv