rjuaxwxx th acton rkee htess thursday january lmk 1ft artiy ianr ii u i iuim ipmi obriy omi tk orane 1u1i at hornby a wattomday of last wsafc wu th arna of th annual afaatlna of th i la i ton and pl gueny club wmh nry 100 ouanway aauuia- lasts in attartdanra j lloyd chtah oim wa th abl chairman of th day s program which got udr way at uu im fallowing rl bualnaaa session in tha morala i ha ladle of tha hornby w i trv- d th galhertne with a delirious turkey dinner fual inrlt ded don mramlater nf york county ireiiant nf tha ontario ourrmtay cluh ir camphal oualph 3a ratary of tha canadian guanisay nrtr auitrtatlon jark fraser of kraserdale farms york county and itrure hmjftrt gualnh harre tar if the ontario furnary ctu j a carroll superintendent nf linrtlrullurml and aurtrultura srv- r ellt f if onjarl u ihr ffueat raker ttila speaker a usual tad ihtught rrklng maaaaire m hi h jn ldd mucti fond fo- thouftm under preaenl r ndltlon the election of officer for iqn resulted a follow real dent arthur spends pa erino vic president john mrnabh gaorftown w treasurer knnts uaraxall milton tlra4nra hrdon king urn g booth m s alton john ully eroa j l chlholm fhvlay joye peel county j c jarvta e wilkinson w t ii olh joaept- llrounrtd luloela itraa4ara v3ah crj nuajly tufaa tha baat halite in ban quat in th provlnc anmlwr hlllrhl which remitted tn thla yaara atteiwunc balng a record wu tha opportunity lo i apect tha naw townahlp hall of wh eh trafalgar townahlp may wall h proud j y juaua fttnuara halt on junior farmers span sored a puhllr meshlng- in tha na sagaueya township hall on r rl day evening of laat wwk ihu meeting was hald in response 1 raquaat from some of the n i mirawvya junior tie old town hip iuii had a rnnvdad auditor lum for th programme rhalrad by miss uma keaa president of hal i n junior include were shn l adtrrxses hy mlu i ur ii ilarber ounly ilimiit riiimimlil i 4ll pellellerto man jay s atkins skll hv txiih n r ji and ialrrni junl r and lnjj s tng ifd h hftlliha grrmt llltlf vi n irndrr rrln i ilvdrrl i a mm mlttc rtmiaavt of tha mttafi jin frank audrr itlnrhart luibrl irook and maura flmar lllark lock ordon harhy and wallar lahy uaa apftolntfhl to lakr charge of ih flrat maatlng which i lo h hald at tha homa of ijabal flrookt on friday avanlng janu nry j7th at h to p m the enjoy ahl evening programme uu hi ought to a cloae by a thort danre to muir provided b al x n orrhealra w p uatmin lla stock com mlwdoner for ontario wa tbe gueat apraker at the annual meet tng of the llalton houteln ireed em cluh held at the new trafalgar townahlp hall on thursday lat mr atn in dlavcuong the ajtri cultural outlook for lrv congrat umted the houteln breedeni on the m ntlnued demand for thalr rattle al pmd prbew but he it a ted ttou cant hae pnwperit in the mil iteln buftlneaa w thoul a me mm hlance of properlt in other nf the hrnnchra of agriculture in ivlewtng the fel kraln situation he fttnted we in ontario must adjust our livestock population to the grain crop produced on our wn firm in abort with a mln imum guaranteed price for wheat of over 2v cent par lb in contrast to ronwtenibl les than 2 per lb for oat a and barle h did no anticipate cheap feed for aome time ft he alao potntad out that a long as grain prirei are hlff there ls not likely to be a erv wrl- oui collapae in ikeitock prlcet in concluding hu abta and mt erl addreaa mr walton atated the outlook for 1k0 u not en tlren black pric may be a llttl lower and if thara la any dapraaalon tn 10 jou will in th yea ahead look back on it as tha moat profit ahla dapraaalon youve ever exper ienced oo drannan holataln flld nan for crantral weatarn ontario iraaantad crlncate of pmmot ion to a nurmbar of halton draad ara bart arunadon of grmymar farm racelad tha world raid oertlflcat for gramar champion wawia rvcord ai a 3 yaar old u 34vt3 lha milk and 1130 lb far and alao for butt arm aid lalan1 a former grand champion at milton that produced 101jm lbs of mirk in five lartattonjl ron sagvworth raoatved a red saal certificate for poplar row cblaftan maid th 4am of th wuuhas fwifcainjr of dam an try at both tha halts amd championahlp ahowi tn ims tjili graat cow an two uarva gallk- baat now ha naoducad ltshtm iba milk and 4s31 vba fat uorlay wat- ajt had both a had saal and blue saaj wtiuiara erta abbakark colin tha in laeuuona baa produced 134m iba milk and 4ms kh fat wbiu snow ball syma saauty haa producad 1us06 lb milk and s0s5 iba fat another blue taal winner wai kfttharln thitchland mrcde- wklrh on two tlma milking has produced for harold bingham son uotfb iba milk and r iba fat i other red seal winner wcr aahvtle marena dakol for f pu- atterlo a sana and kanland gladya plaba for johnaton nvslanda i th election of offlcara for 10s0 wr a fotlowa praajdant k cmlk raid 1st vloapratldcnt a g huntar 2nd vtcslrldnt gordon sinclair sacrauntroai urr v j lawranc i director f o hunter c f picket parcy ltall w h bls gar jo trimhl tom ilaya e t ford a t woodlay rots ss- worth m t watson wm mahon and euaa eaatertwrook i r o huntar praajdant of tho halton chib for 1m9 was th abla chalrmatf of th day whtl mr v 3 lawrantfe waa tha eawnjr of th ldlm commit which n- i ivatlu rt not proud bv jojeph imtrr fttitledu we ca i take a measure of pride in the proirrrfts wt have made in the pant quarter rrntim in the age 1 ng batth aitatnit iivsm and vt sports by il coles www voluntas of malaria rlat to chij roluma has ba atiubu u tha part few wavka if w eottw only kara torith th runuhir fro ifc art and thra vara tn hm for pub ileal id x at laaat lhafs fh rrplv uva baa qurtq to wai uho out of a tp4rtt of rttaeuy rd uher tha ha of malarlv utuallu ta thu pojttlon had ttoaa imprfud that aoaaaoaa bacldas our rloaa ealaitoaj artually w mlu tt 1 hu u eek ue re bark to dllir an ley buaf at wrvo9 la fjeweral end otmul in parftrular out of ha awime rptetl u hich pmaanted aoana to uk u here ihr roluta tnu flear u ith ui u iii inu i w a winn k havftt i thr convincing wlrt of actoti inu n their flral itatt plu the itubuitl table fighting iplrlt if th lum at orange villi agalmt a well con dltl ailed outti rln club jt finding iu reaponae at arrna turn alllr proof again that actuti i a no 1 hockey town whether it be with a home brew team or one slightly iprink led with i m porta in comparluvn to georgetown and milton with lth artificial ire and tacked team the crowd her have been enormoua theae advan tagci srtlll dont bring out fan to league games in number of any quantity in either town both games plaved up tn monday have created no little enthusiasm for the local club especially in the goal keeping part men t and solid blue line brl gade a the season pmgreaaea and physical condition improve tha punch of the three forward airings will likely follow suit we hopelj to cite a cae take the dufferin game when art on popped in four goals without a replv tn the first period the opinion of this observer is death twntv flw mop ago the orangrvllle ti one of the bet death rale in canadj ier thousand rr n hf rn up walkerton of ptmhilation wai is i a ear two u to he without peer just rm ago it ha 1 dr to 0 4 per dufferlns 2 i lat wek or thousand in imn e had 23 u w tn high powi red walkerton lub taking it eav until it n thar to chack as wall as acora its going to be a sad story for thlsadl tion of the juniors thy ar uabl to get an inferiority cosnplax any way but wa re counting on them to win thalr first hare tonight at th xpna of oakvlll www along tfts daauorst acton banlanta absorbed a 1 1 ni- faat while th mldi tfabwd m 44 iu ta i uubuhnrtsr whh atsora hr laat friday on atopoy loa camscst fawlshlsa th 14 ha lnfuawrl orajlavlw wk4 plnty of kaekvy antkuasassai this urm as tuaybta- coach k ha wkiopad wiouay crew into aaam iiaahlinr of bualto motlmilj a bavra his word la law erin th play a rron rllrk from punkln crk waa raa4 ta the achnol on wednesday avanlng i y a local cast and sponsor by tha cgit tha hrartars mr ward ilru v and mrs cawin evars a nd filayers daaerva grea t eredi t f r their atlng from atari to fin ti it u full f humor and each plaer rirayed thalr part in fine lle a highly nsjmmted liett f ijtn tmvnahlp jwamad away lit f uelpb 4eneral lnafltal m rat urday january 7 itrv in th pel ton of peter mcttll following nn hint s of a few days from a paralytl stroke in his tsth year i he village nunril ax pacta a re port from the engtnen- roivoarnlng tha waterworks projact at any t me john huntar had in misfortune of turning hi ear ovr while re turning home from th village laat saturday evening no one waa hurt and th star only slightly dam aged advocate georgetown with town wk char lea wilson administering tha oath of of flea members of tha 1050 council took hair iili for tha inaugural ml ing on monday in the council ehambar mambar of us oottfldl are mayor harold claav rhve w g marahall deputy rv k p maedonald and councillor gar flw megllvray wilt law turk lurry hal norman hill tho l tyoas mn4 frank pth forecasting a policy of atrtet ar onomy in tnwra affairs mayor claav said in his inaugural ad dreaa 1hat th dabanlur debt of ovar half a million dollar put a debt of s5 par rant on h sstfti valu of properly in town and that we should pause in th orgy cf e spend it ujtfm that haw nacanily tee made and put our hous in order an rscellent financial ymtr wa nilei at the annual m ting of norval ttntted oiur h laat friday wmd re pir la preaenled frnn the vailous church departments show ed aim u700 raum during tha year hie most notable increase waa for mission a former dlillict fan jamea a nickeii f pontlac michigan hat ix en named thrice llluatrloui mai ter of pontlac masonic council 1 royal an 1 select master ii wai elemed and installed in caramon les recently at the masonic temple that city mr nlckell u the son of mr john nlckejl and apayt t im youth at ij me house ills father has mada hi home in ftvn mills for the past year herald the church of england in cana da no longer insists that the bride promise to obey concnrrc mocms concarra amesta ctnocm aiocaa ouaijty sconomt maufy maple block tile ltd mlila taai awuca liai buoy a smoother softer ride on tw new thompson motor iss tuu tt mom t lftb iau s uatvtci th naw jupar- cuihioa u uu m new kind of lira la ii yaart it incraaaaa coafort and aafaiy baorbi thock and vibration coma ia and find out how yoa can gai supcrcuthloo on jroor car no wl so infant death in 1027 we had only 1a324 in 1024 the toll or the tront 1 srourirc f chlldhmnl dlpth rla i scarb t feer whooping cough stood at 2mtt in ioc with a population almost half n great ngaln death id the oh a s blessing at the mmlttce met ting on frldav i thi- lb m is ctilbd from milt ounmlli column in thi toronto from these causes had dropped to slar nc rnlng tat frhlnv s meet of thi top brats v ill the gi ntlrmt n from wi krttn acti n ftrldgi port flora iirmin ind oringlllr klndlv iitrp i in and ttali thi lr caw to the sub c mmittce it develops thi acton nnd trgus di b iti didn t arrive which causes mc lecfink om ing tht nnn wh are on hand because th iv acton and f rgus were the club which u re loudest in b mnndlnj this protest pilgrlmnge 401 it is progri hut is it enough when it could so tavilv be better john gunther in that heart rend ing storv of the struggle to save his hot f lift that he entitled death bo not proud had a mc age for all of us he told the pitl ful torv of ceaseless unav ailing effort in the hope thit he might dia other people into the fijtht p ath had no ground for pride it had on but onlv oer an exhaust ed and weaponless opponent fvcry 1 toronto thing that human knowledge or what a thi fquawk walkerton science and stmpathr could provide ha a picked team some of the had been tried death won in the others sav and thert s no point to end but onlv after the bitterest plnving against them its the old fi r of ttreak up the yankee not manv of us todav would ad chuck shannon the old pro serves mlt as our forefathers admitted nn early hint that th caac for the that suffering uu of divine origin complainant u crumbling hal to stimulate our christian fortitude handling the orangevtlle club ou yet implicitly many of us are acldont get no better playing clubs w that ore worse than you are shan non says sagely if m trifle ungram ceptlng just such a doctrine ar ready to lt death have its day of pride while we overtook the ob vious weapons that ar ready to our hands we have saved childrens lives and tha uvea of adult too all that is true but we coold have saved mora of them we lost them through neglect of obvious and available ratnedie why shouldnt death be proud though pasteurization is an af fective protection against aome of th great iculars it u not manda tory in moat of the provinces of canada wa prefer to take our opinion ohanc though toxoid la an ab solute protection against dlotharia that one draadad ravager of eh lid hood rtill as lata as 1 wt 1 30 children bad to make thalr own small fight against tt and iso of them loat typhoid whleh once decimated whole populations can be easily and cheaply defeated yet death could laok with pride on communities where tt had used its own weapons effectively not year ago but this year there are many agencies engaged in this great warfare with disease not least among these la th health leagu of canada which la work ing with the medical profession and th health departments of th matlcally well play walkerton and beat them it soon become obvious the other will try www that fortunately la just one side of the story acton official captain it this way what in the heck they said in effect was the use of us going down there to make fools of ourselves with walkerton al ready playing game in th schedule even the oha could hardlv re draft it fergua was of a similar this great country to the knowledge that death which ultimate mutt com to all of us nad bot coma too soon and moat of ajl nad not come to th young thar u tha reason for health waakjantiary 3fl to february to malt dear to all of us that this ta our battle that w too may hold our haads proudly knowing that w hv done ur ut most there rund th challenge death be not proudf canada provide schools for mall communities of indians ani eskimos in the far north t original agreement waa that a mratlni would be held before a bame wai played with wik hon bridceport contacted official on the nlht they were ilated to play the iron rirwnen and were told to o ahead so there you have h dlitanct- dldnt even enter the pic ture on thla ilde of the fence it looka ai if the oh a neednt have bothered to bring the caae up ap parently it was aettled long before any fathering or the clana another development at said meeting was the request of an el- mlra club to enter the league pro vided arrangements can be made with tha other cluba the bmlra en- various province tt u doing its try g utmort to educau lb rtttoen nf jz il pin annie the local ctob are in accord incidentally rockadyz kedmkn down the drain went two rood chances for acton redmen to mark up wins last week nio marios fledglings dropped two one goal decision to georgetown and bramp ton reapacuvaly when on both oc casions with a helping of braln- julce they should have won in a breaie on saturday brampton de cisively inflicted their third loss on the junior redman 71 unless the front lines atari producing goals and the defense reallie they are out t was the day after new years twos the day after ntw year s and down in our town a merchant wis fretting and wearing a frown for tho new year before him an open book lay and what sales held for him not one soul could say for ihe customers came and tho customers went maybe some of them looked and ihe other ones spent yet expenses kept climbing with taxes and such and to know how to meet them took figuring much for gone were the days when he hofd most the time h had to anticipate right down to the dime it took to much for lighting and to much for rwit til had figured it down to the very last cent now he said to himself with expression forlorn i have got to tall more or my profits are gonal for best results place your advertising in the liut lo icll lhat much more took wisdom too wise til he remembered t paid to advertise so he figured i s cost and he figured h s rent and ho rtdded below it a proven percent now with this said tha man twelve months a year i will use to tell people my store is still here so he started to tmila as his worries took flight and sighed with rlif that the year was planned right proven percentages ar amounts of far soctewsfol latall ba shown w of sjmee oesarli star oratory store habonuahar woawaa wear shop furniture oonoral martlimibia drug store jewelry miulnory meat market teeiauranta special shop portmlae few sao bo li l m by acton free press