Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1950, p. 8

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jaoc looht the acton ffiee pttess thursday january seta 1mo vugookkn jatk and dorothy vugua ex4r ontario wash to tititfhf tit birth of tmair fctirniri aon bruce norttaa a st jepna hospital london xtomdny january j 1m nrelfcar lor paul hatwakd in iwtat aumary of l oa4oe ilayward who e- tww january ant imo ater fairer far than irvlaf j ao irare j wo or pala la eveneasiae beauty hop to you one anln hfilitisn f daughter and crandeuldrsn oakley la lr4aet memory of a dear mm sir aatj auiuaa oak- ly whe passed away- january 34 lall and a dear tathar al bert arthur oakuy wan died uay so ims titer a sad but swl rem m branr thr u a nuimsry fond ana iru thrr u a token of afieclun and a hearterh atlu car you ever rmrabrd by t rglna and pearl mokton in loving memory o our daar mother catharta llor toa who passed away keb 1st int qon dar mother con forever mow w mua your tmlllaa fai but you tort us to reosesnsr none oa aarth can tak your place a happy horn we one siluird how sweat th mmory till but death ha toft a loneliness th world eu never fill uwtacly naabcd by j hon tn aren duuin insrmitc maw eomtummons to isvolal n1n0s at mtxtino dublin women institute cut at th horn of mr i ferguson with mr w wetklna la char roll call was answered with food ov tb dollara was to b ftat to th march of diss toronto and to th federation of airtoultur to b ud towards children equipment at lnwvuie park iuport a tn standi conuahv taw were and airs van nntmmn tlsmftrmffatid an all yar found siigrsstlna or a euet puddlae lira d berber eavn or of canadian industries and a rirttlture pnajilad th fallowtn pragrul eta melntyf gave nepr aa boor cartas tad mrs m statey laid of has- trip u th nlas- tlr factory bs alton mr den nis raad a tiharitir in th book ttrty years of anhjmaunt a qulltta eras arranged for th fol lowing thursday at urt w wat kin lanen wma srvd and i social hour ajojred- w tier oauchter hon and uo uw and qjaadcnudri ahdtiitrt tui it tka u wk of jawt- try uuf lha 4y ara bmjr haw can mm to ba plaattful and avao nan attractive tkla yax nmr had hjdro cutoh this yaar and tu aomathlaj to b tkankfuj tor fann auction aalrt have cer tainly raard off tnla aeaaun tn com partaon with a year ao swer profrvas on main street has not bafn very fast surely th worat section re fuilshrd now you tl find th small clasaifird ads provide a quick and easy way to buy aril rent or ex chance by alaaapl uatar umuar e9ryorte tn th air fore tn the last war knew tna phrasa well ttirre mu i point where dectslon still remained with the pilot lie could go forward or return to his base it was a matter of course of fuel supply dut once he had made his choice and cone forwsrd the olee was fixed tliere was a point hond which there was no return ing ilut lhenr it another point of no nothing change quite su fast as return that is applicable to life as the weather wednesday s temper- well as lo flying it u a no leas de ft lure was 00 and thr day before finite point almoat anyone mould below rrvexina vatkmh oaouth havi smoju nights at acton v mcjl an evening of fun was enjoyed by a mis ad group of y atunlora last saturday yh prafraa feat ured modm and aquara dancing nd was hlghllgbtad by a houaa work ddtnontration by th junior boy a aklt vu also parforinad by manwhara of tha group anothar party la planned fnr february 11th and u u u of a paul natsva ptaaa ara undarway for an adult aortal avaninj on ilatorday vabru- ary 11th yhi wtll b opw to au maniban ana frlarww of tha v a tantattv erogrmm anoouncad by th program commlttaa includaa brtdfa music appraciatlon lunch dancing and aorae special antartaln ment point of no return january has been one long thaw this year with the snowfalla lasting only a abort time w re not complaining it u hoped train schedules will but th striking mlnar seem dlaagree with this opinion j areue that we are still free we can chang- our minds and go back if we will dut that u tha catch thu particular point of no rat urn den t mean that you cant go back it maana that you wont it meant that ou build up a weight oon b abla to return to normal wojl benefits rut th rfrtklna mlnr em t of lnnar or of the iii will of our fellow citizens that ajv a dead send in your items of local weight hamperlna jour hi illative nw or personal to the free pre challenging our power to ivlurn they re always wrelcom a letter we read of thr rerent election box on th office door make it in new zealand and australia and convenient we a e the forcea of a free enter- pr e standing half im potently be- official oplnj of the fin coompluhed fart of a i er jti ny uke king can- or u kmum for this saturday uw tney tq lo it a fin addition to th bualnea 1mrthf hut thv cttnnoi h action ot acton t or chjinbyi count noih the infant son da id normal 1rrmi holund of new zealand of ra r- ii and mrs armstrong prmlr menzlea of australia waa chrtatened at th sunda nv be io th pp morning rlce in kno church ha n itovernmeni will not interfere with the social ills wel fare measures and will movaow- iv in an 6- nationalizing of in dustr the conarnatue part in britain promise if elected not reeraal of social st policies but mainly controls b rea james clarke b a oitr onto lee miller who has born bust nets manager of the toy theatre acton has bcrn transferred to brampton and mr aurn of dramp- that h tallied indiutrl ton is now in charge of the theatre will sta socialize that dionnc guiotuhits hftst stvtn day utcawld imdiocsy llow tha dtonaa quintuplau war kapt ahv through thatr first praoarioua wk by tha patianra mn4 iaouwafulhiaa of dr a h date la told by kaith aftinro in tha january iua4ra ixl tit artel la oondaataad from tha book tha aaplrln ia th dlgt author thao a ra- portar for tha toronto star reaiw that an odfajhlonad baby incu bator haatad by hoi wtr doubt laa aavad tha uva of th tsttauaat and waakaat of tha girli maria and emilia in toronto tha stir was having apaclaj incubator mad maanwhlla thar wat no uhru currtau in uw dtonn hotaa and maria couldnt wait for tha nw in cubator to airtv 9ha had too tlttl to wait wittl th tbnallaal hablaa dr dafo had 9vr aaan and ha had dallvar ad mm 1500 in 35 yar 1i flv of tha quintuplets toajvthtr walch ed la than 11 pound on their fifth day crtaaa war fraquan marl s ufa hung la th halanc for all of tha first weak- rum ad ministered la twodrop doaea uv ad maria tlrn and asain th author rontanda aakwd y soma promlnant doctor whyhnad rum lnntaad of brandy dafo ra- pllad charct artat leal ly rum i fhaap and baydaa it worka dafo who look ad uk anything but a world flfur aftarward in alatad that ha had dona nothing much baby toaclajiau tald later that it was just this diofjungluta that tavad tha qulnta thalr sark of ufa wfta to waak u could not hav aunrtvad tha kind of itandhng norma hahua t raattaina this dafo told hla nuraaa dont tak than up mora than one dsjy famworth memorials at meaie4 ceuettry lettering lent ma at osamtarj uutxptt ont on mens and boys rubber footwear aunj lack womt iuuus suet 6 lo 1 1 spacial prico a pair mint iuuii boom sirat 6 to 1 1 spacial prica a pair oys- hjuovfl iubuu s i to s special price per pair boys- iaci0 lutuju sliat 1 1 to 13 and 1 to 5 price par pair 189 on 279 is 69c ii to 13 149 mens ptain over tuueis special per pair 89c saens at cuo rubseks v pic 110 chiimens ruuer per pair 411 7 laoies rubur over shoes uned reg si 98 a pair special to clear sjluu boots suet 8 to 13 special price per pair 149 198 mens two buckie overshoes all suet 1q spec price pr 9i4a mens 1 butltl owhsiii zt 189 ml brvi j jvll m sd clothing and footwear mill si acton use classified ads for results her j o0vinment aid can m a rio handicap i hn gnernments hava mad a a liable tha result of adaquate rttrarih to fre farm people and hav estabuahad sound standard lor th grading and tdantincatln if farm produce and ha main tained a fra compatttiva field for operattvea thay hava dona atl that thay can do uaafuuy to pro- mot a aound aftlcuhural acono- m in which farm paonla will pro duce tha baat raaulti in thalr own personal growth and in the produc hon of food th rwtaratlon of fr markata and of fraadom from all compulaovy muatm schatni would do mora to it ira u tat farm production and lowar farm coats than all th plana th parfectlon titt hav vr produoad earnad proflti ara th principal factor in aacurlna th adoption of batter farm practlcaa and nothing u to pettuaajvv su battar raturtu from better efforts farmers who arc free to profit by their own intelligence and industry will pro duce the moat food at the lowest cost and mamiain the highest fert ility of their land because good farming pays beat the scene th and sua ran teed pricea for farmer will ta that all the sivurtu service will he ma int a n ed there l a point of no return w hen people accept benefits an 1 f ro freedom onl th other da we tvad a new sto- of the town of deep rirr th horn dty of tha cana- dlan government atomic energy project at chalk river dap river 1 a plratant place it la gorn- mentcreaied governmantownad it has a hoap tal and racraatlon club and houses renting from s22 to 15 monthly and all whthout tava yet th 3000 dtlxetu remain ed blandl dlslntereated when an attempt was made to create a com- munlt council to handle the local veiitmrtt the c4tlas of deep rlv r man for man are probably better than the average of all cjt- iten vhat is th matter with them then that they have no in terest in thalr own affairs tha matter thy have passed the point of no return when every thing u done for you when de- culons are made for you what im pulse la there upon you to do thing for ourlf and what li there to prevent others dong som- thlng to you while you are not looking that is the lesson there 1 a toll gate on eer lire ignore it and ou may not pass that way again jibtammmaaanimmmiabiibi innimiiiibmmwwmm you are cordially invited to the official opening of our ne- building main stmt cton on saturday january 25 special prizes refreshments served from 2 to b p m the new 1 950 pontiac will be on display in our show room until saturday your friendlylxjl m dealer lome garner motors ltd i acton ony aas immrnmmm the classified section buy sell eiduagt wanted etc advertisements under this heading 3s cash with ord up to 35 words additional words le per word- 1 cash does not ac eompsay th advertisement win tm urn charge stv and lx par word aiiliuonal for each word ever 25- subtaquaat niirlbht 25c i rot latl yoh aat u dodg sedan slfiu apply to 21 mason olvd kok haik 1 pair hoys skati six in good rondltlop jhan lttlrc for sal m kurd nnvhan rally good good condition ihon 110r31 acton kok salb 3u0u bukheu ajas tats suitable for aed apply to chaster ityin rand valley kor sal fc jo0 butnek zt beautiful turnip- apply lwj mall orton or ihon iand val ley strls kok hatr 5 room sturco hout and 1 room cabin behind uomlnton motet immediate posaession kd jennings ijon j5w xk sal r iry mapi and beecti flievtood also apple ty i he basket or hamper w a 1j tight kit 1 phone lltra ti ixjll sal 1 bern roomed ho us with all convenience r n t rally loraird immediate poate- blon write hux 4x r iras kok salf washing machlnr apsarunent jtortable site rtndrella vacuum lee trie used al months rxcellvnt mirhlne for small wash ings jhon 10aj for sale cheap 100 cords or more of tre top in bush maj ority maple and beech lamonih or longer for removal w r wright hit no a arton for raix 7 tuba combination radio phonograph play 13 record with automatic changer ims mod el lovely mahogany cabinet with record compartment enclosed 31 young rt htene 3nj for sale ktcw iy c uton ieluxe sedan h ton i irk u thja 4f monarch town kedan ltoiw 4t ord roarh ilvhl 41 turd stn jhoof 41 r ord trdan oui j7kh 41 lor 1 ilnn n u j77 k 40 lord n nvrrtttilc 177m- t ront roach ian k si t4 1 1 w i mtrti jviki 11 1 r1 tnlnn 4kt t 1 ixxtiir icdnn 7h hrvr in m ann 7ltltm xx trrlnnr j jrtl 00 id llfcht trucks and tractor e a r l y s sales and urvice mllton anil ampbn4 iijjc mackenqd muh wc worf down to lh kink 1rtday night and wish to con gratulate kill hollow od son llutl and itew elliott for their effort in giving the youngler game v hen weather psrmlt a reall permanent improve ment to our home is n new hardwood floor in compart son to good quality flo r covering such as inlakl llnol rum tile or carpeting w won der if hanlwood flooring it so exponsiv al a coat of 24 to 10c it wiuare foot you can buy ufflrtrnt birch floorlnc particularly serviceable i birch at 24c per square fool which on nrcount of its close grain l ci to finish and ea to keep sec iu kreflng an e- n t w ather reports j a mackknttk a bon auction sale ol rtjllhttjini and oraof a rkitlttji x3na1tcn htkiv i atnj 1iornkh 1 auw maciiivebi tit uiasrjua mi m hon pm th ruxiprrt of r n titjis atoldlnl wsnlm housing no 7 hlahuay at georsrltmn hank pftc1i au cljnr expert radio servicing fob ii0mb e avto hassard radio piiove m wakito wantcii- wo ton ha nysij manure g2 00 pvr ton dllvtrd u f c hrunsklll it h 2 norval wanttd housltaplng room central by employad laoy 1 month apply lk so free press wanted room and wanted by s ngle business a man apply box m vtw pi board entle- wamtbi fxprtncid arpn- ter gixd all round man on trim work and rough daalre work in arton wr u i o iiok job a ton wantkal chirks and fowl highest marl at prices phona collect muttonviu tgg ctrading station uramptun 343rt4 3usj waniid io 1uy cash for old giasawat old dish orna ments vas oil lamp dolls oddl buttons odd iiver snd furniture tc phon 47 or writ itr and mr keith urber king and unloas sts cvorgetown lftlx r ios7 ijosi illark and tan hound an- twer ir name of jark john har ris hutch si phon j3w hthayex from lot 4 con 4 lrtn iuwnshlp torn tima in no vember 1 lort horned ewe any one knowing whereabout plaa contact mcdonald uro r it x acton ioht ia light brown colli pup 14 inches high and answer to lhe- nsme of dutch would finder pleas phon sirs p fetierfy at 30uw or writ joan courtney 171v uelph st acton as this dog is her jwl 3un ruminn reai ewtait iiousl for rent a ftnr rountry home about six miles from arton i his tine 8 room and bain h kck house has hdro throughout u hot watir hratrd by etal lurna e ha rlertrli hoi water heater full iljr divldel basement hard and stift wmr in rx use thrre pieie bath nl4 a uarage and gardt n iluild- li tf iju ti uim to road a d s oo hm plait for retired oupl nilnjit imtitrd trnt hr or hmr vriiool rnrtlnklnu r work in at ton con- ind r i hetcher ileal 1 latt llnkir 1 rin nt ph n 40rf aucrion sale of valuable farm property i he itndcrsign d hiv bc n in- irin ted by mkr tjtaa m ijuuik to sell b auction al the dominion hotel acton on rati r1a kebri ary 1 1 lb at 2 clock the following of lot jh con 5 township of nasjuigaweva better known an the cameron kamshaw farm rm- rising f 1vi acre more or lesa iout acre of buh balance w rkah stone houe itank tvarn 1ik hd telephone hiro avnll- ahlr larm in good tai of rultlmit on poasrsalon ai of lcne expiring april 15 tfrms io percent i ah da of nalc balance in v d pntrty will he ik1 subject to a rr erv hid rrr further particulars apply to c i icath rland arton f pitch auititer notice to creditors ad trnirrn in the ratal f aijifht ri- ar1 chowkman all perm n having rlalm nmmt the 1 ntate of alht rt idwm i i roas- man lair f ihr township f n ts- vilmfii in ihe count of hal- tin former of the township of rrxiutilntf in the vunt of llal- lon larner leceasd whi d ed on oi ntmut the fifth da f no- vemhtr lw are reourxtfvl fn till r f f mr with the undersign el sollrlior on ir f it the- llivmlh dav or rrhruaiv 1lvl nftcr whlrh ilnte tin 1 t e wilt h dutrihutr1 hnvlng it- t oi t i the rlnimt ihn filed il m at act n onti i thit s vrnlientt in of lanui ao man r in i rn f- ecutirl hv h r it it r y leathrrlar 1 atn ontario notice to creditors t the ejwatk of kkvvttiig ixx uoaduas l all person having claims ag ainst the estate of kenneth co lat of the townahlp of naassgn- weya roadman who died on or about th 3rd day of july ad 1049 are hereby notified to lead part cular of aama to the under signed pn or before the 4th day of february ad 150 after whleu date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims or which the undersigned shall that have notice and the underslgnedl wit not b liable to any person of who claim they shall not then have not re dated at georgetown this sirs da of january ap- 1050 marlon pearl barber wllmtrmtratrlk of the estate of kenneth cox by her solicitors dale and bennettt george town ontario

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