thursday rebruary 2 130 the acton fs mttss pao wajrmmo mom socialist alktftaua the peopl of australia have 1m1 out the socialist govemment t j b chifuy and placed in power eoalltltlon of liberals and coun try party member who made tntl toeiaura the main plank in their caapajgn titer li a moral for canadians fe the downfall of the australian socialists fir elected in 1m1 tfcwy proceeded on orthodox social w line with the support of the totajertty of the australian people tsaul chlfley became prime minis ter in 1h5 from then on the main purpose of the government was to sjsda control of the commercial banking lyium finally by national- italian legislation that wu unset by the courts- in the proses the ajftvvrnment lost the support of the australian people who determined that no government should lay hand on their savings or set up bureaucratic lending policy where a socialist party button and social- ut dortrlnee would determine credit application the moral for canadians is direct and simple beware a party that would get loo eleee to your private bank account or rxpoae it to poll ural scrutiny there is a salutary lesson for the governments too in action and in policy governments do well to keep even so much as the fain teat aha stow of the tax gatherer from fell tag across a voters bank book or the faintest suspicion that his pry ing eye is there pokd lkada aitto saucfl for thr first time in years mora fords had bean sold than chev rolet reports the financial post on the domestic msrkrt ford was having its greatest year in history kxports were down due to cur rency restrictions pert of the answer was tht big jump ford got whllr gu and chrysler wrre shut down for model changeover ford made iu major postwar design changi mrlv lait year now it looks llkr ford will lxa lis competitor t lh punch atfuln although this will taki timr ihi advantage wont be an grt at bcfurc the end of the year ford will be out with 10so models canada has developed a 15 ox vest pocket oelgcr counter for uranium prospectors radio service guaranteed repairs to an malta an modal manning electric phonbsm make your selection of new wallpaper the largest stocfc in western ontario priced to rait everyone youll find it at cflappiis bookstore 135 wyndkam si gualpti angus kennedy proprietor yxjsj the l umal llello llomemakers we promia ed ourselves that we would have a few games ready for teenagers party on valentines day having decided on several game to use ve hope lo glv you an idea or two a party is off to a good start when guests are asked to find their own partners from a hat each picks a tle of paper on which is written the name of an animal goat goose duck row hn doe ewe cat dog horse and turkey then from another hat duplicate names are drawn by the boys the noise will he deafening but satisfactory as each guest moves around the room imitating hi an mat in search of s ttartner making a aim liar noise simple games are bast i- or ex ample the clothespin game pro vide two milk 1m tie and twenty clothe pins to the twi contestants place the milk bottles behind th chairs kaeh hoy in turn kneeis on a chair reats hi wrists on the back of the chair and drops the clothes pins in the bottle from hla mouth the boys partner feexis the cloth eaplns to him nsme the movie is a gueesln same clip the advertisements of current movies from newspapers and cut off the titles and number them ask the partners to write down the name of each allowing 1 minute per look per picture a makebelief sleigh rare may be fun- fasten strips of paper tspe the floor with scotch tape mark off irregular snares on the lajw and use one set of dice for th game ask each couple to select a w inning number set six empty spool with a number marked on each m thr itartlng line when e rrvone ready let someone throw the dice a mate from one ati of dice will indicate the num ber of the xnot u move and an ther of dlftrrent colour the number of space it w ii be moved the winner will score ten second i in re seven and third i lace four have sr mronr lead the singing whll refreshment are twine pf pared tv the hostesses aknttvf fritt ratjh 1 lap butter cup kugar l ct feu grains salt s cup chopped rlato s cup chopped nut a up until c loured cocoanut meat butt r sugar and ecg to- getler stir in unit dates nuts and vnnllla on p h spnnfuls into n how 1 containing red coloured coc oanut mould into halls uilnp fin c rs ilncc on haklnfc heel hake in electric oven at 1v degrees fo minuter makes about 1h prop cxkmufjs co kh rlenlng iv cup brown sugar t eggs s cupx slflf1 cake flour tap baking soda s tsp nutmeg s tip salt 1 cup d ced cherries or am shortening and sugar to gether until light and fluff add benlen eggx and sifted dry ingre illents then fold in perl nd rher- ric prop on greased sheet and hnke in electric oen at 400 de grees for 10 minutes make 4 do2 ntherour icf box cake 1 box cherrv powder 1 cup hot water 1 large can evaporated milk v cup finely d red peach v tsp almond extract 16 graham crackers chocolate sprinkle- dlssok e jelly powder in hot wattr and set aside until very thick and svrupy heat until fluufy iteat chilled tvoporaled milk in chilled bowl with chilled biater fold the whipped mixtures together 1th fruit and ftaorlng crunch graham crackt rs spread sidt and bottom of a spring nan w ith soft butter sprlnklt uith crumbs pour mix ture into win cowr uith chocolate sprinkles or shoved candv chtu for m t rnl hours and rrmov e from pan makei about b or 10 serving crxam uttvtft 4 cups granulated sugar 1 s cups wattr tsp cream tartar a drop of oil of peppermint you will be delighted with this fragrant tea saiam f chronicles ol i ginger farm wriuaa hfwhj tr tke aalaai flraa wm combine sugar water and cream tartar and boil together to soft ball stage pour the hot syrup into a shallow buttered pan and allow to we had a houseful again this cool to lukewarm undisturbed 9ur weeknd and the fun and chatter with a heavy spoon until mixture that want on was a welcome isa creamy mass knead until it is change from a weak of considering soft then store for several hours in problems that were concerned only tightly covered container whan with falling- farm price and the ready to use melt over hot water i eccentricities of the weather add food colouring and one drop of i daughter was home and la great peppermint flavouring stir wall form quit well pleased with hit i t j then drop by small spoonful on housing venture but still wonder p when its pergonal it hurn by jtiiasi uua ratleage nobody likes increases in his tan personal easts yet we bear with a measure of fortitude cost increase that are indefinite- or hat do sot touch us too nearly we are well aware that virtually every cost with which we are familiar has in creased sharply we know that our cwn income which is a factor n all costs has increased equally yet when a railroad compaay or a telephone company or a landlord suggests the need for increased in come our gorge risea and we burn with a sense of ahsrp injustice we luumi that while it was just and equitable that we should rectve more similar justice and equity wased paper allow to stand until firm okafe fizz 1 tin lime juice lemons 1 large tin apple juice 2 curst grape juice 1 hcupa sugar 2 lsrge glngerale alls juice and sugsr just before serving add glngerale pour over crushed ice and ladle into glassea makes about 55 smell glasses so big unea ng bow she can cope with the var ious things that need to be done all of which coat money ilut a she says even- tf she doexn t make a fortune at let the hsi a com rort a me home the young couplr friends of ijeujrt ters who occupy the ground 1 juum ln w fl y room hve been helping ulth thw rjomwilon bureau aome of the dec rat ng of sjufm ngur pvmn tw just wall until you see my dub future include a measurable part hie uoorn say laughter lt ih permitted rent increase it pany or a landlord thhik of it while moat prices including our own income hav in creased 50 to 100 per cent rentals including the recently permitted increases have advanced 94 pr c nt the average home rental in montreal u 27 00 tn toronto f30 echoed in be ptrvati htoct lbs than hmuc waste the entire coat of management of all the private industries in north america is lees than fifteen per cent of all money earned by industry compared with th f ficlency of operation of publicly- owned industries privatelyowned industrie have a wide margin of saving an eminent economist who is working on the problem of th relative cost of private and public j i oaugthev until i discovered ownership gives us his private op in ion thst he will find thst the total cost of private management i more than absorbed by the in creased efficiency it affects those fcuell hubble itoom wildered surpnae yea that what we call it laughed daughter you see we got a bargain price on soma real trttod wall paper but when it came to putting it on it was so hvav that it wouldn t hold the pasto properly so because of the var lous places where the paper didn t stick we called it the ilubhle room it quite evident that the cltlxen renting a home is paying a relatively small part of his income for shelter probably not so lars rereentagv as he paid years ajra it is true of course that these ere svnragea and that there mut he many individual cases where those on fixed incomes or thoe llvtng on savings find thamselves faced with a very serious problem in the msln however the figures covering our general spending ln dlcste 4 hat our problem is thst we have broadened these spending and if we have less in reserve fcr such primary necessities as shelter the trouble we spent most of our it is because we have spent more time blowing fusea partner hss on other things alreed n cknsmcd her the isnd i thexe are and always will be lad and before starting hack on persons to whom a minor lncrwse hect rlc wiring has been another of her worries the house bln i old has insufficient rircuua so en properly into account the nsste f political operation and the loss of taxes to th g vemment fr m it wn tax free industries if governments owned all the meanjt of production and war seeking a way to secure the bast results from industries and serv ices what better contracts could itev mske than to agree to pay c mpelent people fifteen per cent of total sales provided that this fifteen per cent was earned out f the elimination of waste and an increase in efficiency fortun i mel governments need not seett nuch contracts all they need to d t secure these desirable re sulti in to let capable people or- pan ire and operate competitive tx pawng industries capable of serving the public the scene quite a bit colder oh the dirk ens a daughter a an extra heavy gust hit our houe i hope that wind dies down it s going lo be hard on m oil furnace what a lot more inter st a person takev in the most ord nary everyday at fairs of life if he or he hai to toot the bill joy was also here snd her big worr was making out an annual ust be found to meet these 8 tu atlons with understanding and con lderatlon but to use these indl vidusl instances to imply that rent ali hsve been or sre being lncreas- d exorblantly 1 to be dlshones with ourselves and to play into the hands of those who would use any and every argument of the kind to undermine our social system be rn we let ourselves be so led agriculture has been defined as the science snd the art of untlllzlng the soil for purposes of prov idlng food and clothing for man report t the board regardlnc her mightnt we relate our own galni nursing activities and snyone who t the needs of those who serve u has d alt with snnusl reports anv kind knows what a h adarhc ihev can he then johnnv enmc in for sudiv dinner end h s hlg prol lem was w hether or not t head for tie kl atsln in time f r siring seed ing i artner snd i have our prob i m too maj r and minor tie trouble is one cannot always be nure which are msjor and whirl are minor minor prohlems rr e4lsil become major whereas it k 60 flcppbcllj gingerbread mix kitchener upholstery it uuh hftuw kwr uy tsar c1irilsd m cit worn we a fviu tkm utk ilknw 3puesul i i r d for h uw u ia9m 1 m mtrvieu huee pickup anb deuvery puons lfcl acton concrete blocks coffcrcre micks cinder blocks backup tile ouauty iconomv hautv maple block tile ltd tufu ohtabio kill mm hunb hatlb aomaoo mm roys d ensy riu phone jygl taxi tpmdy acton ont re latfhione 12i i utmost in safa courfaua transport atloii sorvlc 128 holland teaches lesson in practical economics posmhle that major problems have the editorial page of the montreal 1 v t become major onl because we are szette is campaigning to ihow th all a 1 ttle inclined to make mount upumv nd irwdy of dtro u mol now lhr j li vrr en 11 th rl i while other points are ln ned i u i hope ou can figure out what i planned destruction of surp u ki elv sacuiuu mrxiu nd lo of moun mo rvvhrr lu cut r i d mo ing lkth f indicting kilh govennment snd business in answer to this problem the gazette printed the story of a bumper crop yielding surplus or 300 000 tons of vegetables in i lol land the dutch gov eminent attempted to sell this surplus tj american and british authorities in german but the 1st tar had neither the funds nor the authority to buy it the dutch government says this story had little to be thank ful for to grman5 professo- slring at the annus meeting of th federation of agr cuture being j held in niagara fslls this wecc apropos of thst gathering i like the headline to- lotta demnsey column today ou cant tell an ed lir from a farmer at the fall t after all what does an editor or a farmer look like i sm not go- ing to vtlck my neck out bv giving vou m idea of s typical ed tor hut i do know that some folks idea of a topical farmer is a man in ov rails pant legs rolled oer adviser to the dutch mlnistrv of overseas affairs ttad even leas to he thankful for he had in fact eer reason for hating th germ mi who had put his wife ln con centratlon camp where she dlea during the german occupation dv rifts howeer taw the im posslwho of building a decent world on hatred through his own chsnge of heart hp was able to induce the dutch government o send this food as a gift to the ruhr and when he found the german had no means of transporting tt he was able to go back and indue his cabinet to defm the trans porta tlon costs th aftermath of this artton windbreaker cap pulled down ovet his inrs and a beard admittedly a little on the fuzr s de yea and vou can find this tvpe in an smal town in on agr cultural area be cause naturallv each man mus dr vss according to his trade or pro- f sxlon if the farmer had to shave and change back again brfore go ing to town and then change bark again 1m fore starting his chores or gxtni out to the field ther n w mid vure 1 vse a lot of tlm but when ihe farmer is throug i with his w irk for the da an i intends gong out or when bus tne or pleasure takes him to the city then as lotta dempaev isvs ou cant tell an editor from savs the writer w an improve- tmrmtr the editor also haing ment ln trade relations between bnwl nl vvorkdax clothes and glv germanv and holland and it en nu tnk tamed fingers a bit of resulted in hundreds of marxists extra scrubbing reexamining their own philosophy nee to he careful in our of hatred and reaching wnclus- of y cat x ion like that of professor devhea me getting lhto trouble one this action starting frorn chang by caving that an unknown visitor- in one mans heart transformed na thf a of a typical economic loss into gain out of insurance agent man splitting svlfconearn and dls- i arreement u produeod a nation oovatlvtiovo big bl riwesa uniting fore it met the tidal wave of an idea that cannot b legislsted su business and other conven organised of bombed out of ex tioni mean big money to the ciues istenee and owretmf it with the ln tt they are- held of m ml- power of a su men hons ln totel revenue from visitors 1 to toronto the financial post re- creataouled is the literal ports that at least tls millions came translation of manhatma from the conventions alone i notice to ontario motorists tta unsathflmd judgment fund fmm under in amendment to the highway traffic act enacted in 1947 pro- tision wai made for the creation of an ununified judgment fund out of which will be paid in the manner prescribed judgments for personal injuries and property damage sustained by reason of the operation of motor vehicles which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors the method prescribed for creating the fund is the collection of a special fee when required from each person to whom is issued either an operator or a chauffeurs licence while this legislation has been in effect since the 1st of july 1947 the unsatisfied judgment fund fee has been collected only since january 1st 1949 total fees collected for the fund and repayments to the fund from january lstto december 31st 1949 amounted to 638430 37 judgments paid out of the fund from july 1st 1947 to december 31st 1949 amounted to i 630644 03 as there is not now sufficient in the fund to pay judgments for a period of a tear an unsatisfied judgment fund fee of soc will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1950 operators or chauffeurs licence ontario dsmumratt op highways geo h ooucrrr mum