pack kk3ht the acton fbee mless thursday rxbauakv mil id i w ii il m a feokn mcenery uoyd and inn i wuun arua onl innuuflr tiva alft of ftnti gordon sfan- uy bora on february 3rd at cualph uanarai lloapltal died campbell- suddaaly at hla ham in lturunftan on jan 2ttth akm oampball liuatiand of anal marlon 4larld in hit uu yar cajistanoai riulph onaral htal on wadnaaday k 1 john t dituni of hock- balovad nuaband of kraji- ca lllatat and daar father of john aj-l-an- suddenly al si joaapha lloaplcal gualnn on kb j la jamh huwin allan in al h year beloved huafeand of crc i ella clark and dear falhar of jim arnold muriel jarkle and romaw and aon of mra allan and the uu thomas allan cajumt ov t11anu i wlah to thank friend and neighbour and rpeenork women a xnlllute for ihe rarda and gift re ceived during m lay in hospital lha lllnnle j iiit 40 days until the official arrival of spring thii u february and th draa 11c winter father ha not arrived lok as if th hotkey season la due to be short in aclon this year and its nut entirely th fault of the weather our items for the personal column or other report of local ttiu are always welcome items for th horn town paper just glance at your label any date below m means your sub- script ion it overdue and should hav immediate attention the mrr on math street sulh are nearlv finished and traf fie can kxxi te ff the terrible de tour roads of the township hal ton count road program this year h tild ci rtainlv include that section from no 7 hlghwav to lialhnafad it has been neglect ed long enough freedom ih indiviibl sukrtkti ctttettaytno ooucn juaktt c nuesint church uulno although th history of ui bap tist denomination in acton dates herein resignation of the fd back to i ml it will be fifty year combine commlulonsr and th uthf this month sine th i controvray over hu report fin brick church edifice at th canadian flour milling in comer of uui and elgin sis was duitry has brought lo public not- opened with special services on nviat important yt sunday and monday february lllh knoun pieces of legislation and iwh 1h0 ute boo 11 uu on th jtth day of january for perhaps th first tlmr 1 ia43 that ten mn and women met svral decades politicians bual- at th horn of ur samuel wordn n umm and oortsumer ere tak to organ 1 1 a regular baptist ing mm out to reexamine our church on december 91st of th laua fuvarnlng trad agrtnntt um yar rv john oakley b- 1 urufly th comblna art rnakes ram th ft rat pastor h unlawful for any canadian to for th ftrtt fw yeara meetings ronsplr with any othr paron lo wr hld lo th luwtes school nmh th production or diatrtbu- hchia etc until abinit th year tlon of any commodity to un 1u1 th flrat luptut church was reasonably nhanc tna ptc reded in acton th frame uaed i hereof or unduly prvvthtt being that of a building mnvd from or tan romptltlon alao out- lot j township of erin nar bal- lewad by atatu ax dlscrimln llnafad this building stood on atory dtsrounta or piicaa 6aig elgin st to th rear of what it now ruled to destroy oomptluon only ur c bradley a flute her shop and oonalnallona of worklngmn and aa demolished only within th true co opera iv ar sampled last thre or fiur year aftv rv- fitm ll provlalona ing as a storage plan and during frh lttaurtion of antlcom th recent war the salvage room hn in canada twn for the war rervlc league ty fu yt mgn mna n nu the first proposal lr new n of simitar governm t building as made ibuni mil irhona in th united states the first money offered was the m n th0 tm tn frtirsds of an autograph quilt m mni lll frrdom ar made for the purpw by the late 4 rtl 1 ml j sle warren lter a lot at the rum r of mill and willow st- h r the ilak of montreal now standi was deeded to the trutee uf the t hurch bv the late mi- steel this lot was valuable and mast sultahle for huslneas pur xics and with the consent of mlaa slrel an exchange w as made for the comer lot at mill and flgln sts on july isth iftm at a spec ll mas field 4hnl ut m it was wrung for an poll ural clique t i irn npart from rxnstant re feren e and re lew by th elc tois wi it r w rtinff for any unill koup in thf thiumnilr field to tl price and profits apart from the free working of th laws tit aup pl and demand hault to this philosophy was th- lavbtislneumrrvlngit was decided contention that the cumulative de unanimously that th congregation the people are wliwr prticrrtl to build a new place of worship iftm work started ectmomlcally and politically than e ulonm of a unall group no mat er iiom learned and how unarlf the new building and progrvmacd uh h u m r ln bfl rapldlv and by the end of january there was a time in the history 1000 it was so near completion tha of canada when most politicians nitnl businessmen and most ele tors apparently shared this btrf it wa a lme when free enl r prise and fre competition were onslderetl easentlnl to pollllcnl progrea in the past decade nnd espec itiu murine the war rnrv how er mn prnctlre hae grtmn up lo ncuale ihu policy iulnem men profess hwi a i men labor un t nuts e en agriculturalists w ho while puling lp aerln in publu in he prrvepts of private rnte priv hne in private ajtreenl 1 1 ani cut down high fa1m fill losscs before ituo com to an end fir mill destroy some 110 000 000 worth of canadian farm propertv statis ticians predict scores of families will b lft homelesa a large num ber of adults and children will neer ae th dawn of 1h1 thatr charred bodies will be found among j th gmouldfrtng ruins of what had been happy homes a rural fir la infinitely mora temfrlng than one in an urban cvfitr where a modem mr brigade la onlv aa far away as the corner fire alarm box when a farm build tng catches fire the best that can usually be mustered is a bucket bri gade of neighbouring farmers who are willing but often helpleaa it ta vital therefor that rery farmer institute his own fire protection program j to check th quick spreading of flame curtains and other fabric materials in the home can be treat ed with certain flame proofing chemicals fire retard en t paint ar now on the market inexpen sive fir extinguishers can be hung in easily accessible places about th house and barn i outbreaks of fire can be prevent ed if a few simple rule are follow ed cil agricultural new points out keep basements attics and out- i building free of rubbish store gasoline and other inflammable liquids at a safe distance from main j building proidf a safe place to dlspoa of hot ashes from stove or fumar watch th careleas smoker and th child with match ii careful using keroaen when start i ing a stove fir j b sure hay is wu cured befor putting it in th loft unlets thr la a safe mowrurtng system tirtpect th lightning rod system one year if thr isnt one it would nay tn th long run to hav on each spring and fall check over chimneys and flues for cracks that would permit flames to reach other parts of th house a ladder long nough to reach th top of th high est building on the farm should b kept tn a handy place if there is a water system a few wellplaced hoa connections ar good protec tion if not a barrel of water paint ed red and lettered for ftite only should be kept near every huldlns and used only tn case of fir if the statistics mentioned tn the first paragraph could be halved or eliminated altogether weye posi tive the statisticians wont mind being wrong tn their predictions in fact they will be extremely plesed committee decided on sunday feb ruary ldth for the offlcjil opening the building committee w as a follow- rev w s mcalplne ba chairman and first pastor of the new church j i warrt n secret nri mr t f m sccord treasurer james mcintosh hmn carindcll hugh ucdoiigall wm worden jr cordon mavward and s wordrn isrpo congregation tumrd out for both morning and evening ser lr s on sunday and again on the mondav evening with manv visitors fmm out of town it is onlv fitting that the present the philosophies of combine congregation should in some w av monopoly celebrate the golden jubllc- of spokesman for such groups av this fine building that has served ihe canadian manufacturers aa the luptlt denomination in acton soolallon have contended lhat com as their church home and place of bines to is uniform prices are worship for the past fifty tears not nrcesaarily of themselves sunday february 10th which is w pong that thev mi in fjicx just fifty years and one dav from rencfk the nation by promoting the opening has been set aside a slahillty of employment provided oolden jubilee sunday when spec of course thai pro fits ar held to ial services are to be held and con a just level ducted b the present pastor rev i professional men have set in charles r oouer and the guest illation fees to discourage compel speaker will be rev 11 c vrlest of itlon ijibnr unions have introdu toronto who w ns the second pastor red feather betiding allegedly to of this church serving from 1004 incnvse employment agricultural until 100 it is expected that manv organization have pcnuarffd gov former members and friends will ernments to police eompuuorv be present for this occasion and auo marketing schemes to promote ns for the special iervtce to be hi ldj thev claim price stability on mondav rvmlng when rev j weeklv newspapers still mai w bovd of calvarv baptist w ftr example of compellllve en ready many industrial and com mercial groups have openly stated their intention of working for an easing ofth limitations if w ai individual rltlxna bajlev in free enterprise in free cumpetlt- lon end in an snd to private agree ments fur private gain w aa hav a responsibility to make our poaltlon crystal clear ctty haix vote the mayor f canada nvai populous village is predicting bltf tmutat in hi municipal lax rat if earenllal aervlcva fcrv to be maintained ttila might ti read lo mean if th cam numlitr of half idle ieokl ar lo i kept on the lvic layroll th working sh week is w hour leas th doled or so legal jual usial and sira hojutaya latere haa been no apparent re duction in hie number of pm pi collecting a allhugh tens ol thousand uf tutmes are now healed with oil or gas which produce ahe and other tens of thouvatids luive htnwera and stokers w m b rrtluce the ashes rhe street cleaning depaxtmtni has epnugh lalmr avlng nvarmn ery u tioosl the tax rale because of capital citst but the workers so ailed are as numerous as ie fore and the streets no hean r itrently a household ignored y the refue collector fir seven wek wjt nlil thai the rul pre ventel the pl king up of more th in a buvhel a wes k a bribe of ii was i hi mi ana of getting rid of six tiuihct- at once moot municipal tax rates oum ike nsdueed ly a fifth if the hectel represenlallvea of ihe taxpayers did not feel dejmndent on the an tailed clly hall vole th printed ord mrmn n of ihe rtek orthodox ctiun h do not celebrnle hrllmsi m detmlker 25th ijmttruttrznhx krniino th erlllcal issue faring th government in 1060 la to keep th nations i defense budget below tn vuk mlulun mark says the fin ancial poat v ven this figure would well above that fur 1040 wlihh in turn was vi per cent up from 1wh here i he proltlem how to dbv- barge anada new defense ree- imnsllilllliea aa a member of ih north atlantic part and at the sm um avoid ell her a aubston 111 deficit or higher tax sjnr the overnmeftt is deter mined in avoid both higher taxes and budgeting for deficit it has now taken ihe alternative course la mi ted a celling on defens spend irg we are now living in i lie geo- loglial epiarh holocene farnworth memorials ckmtteky letterjnq eura ma at c ultijll ont expert radio servicing for home a ai ni hassard radio liiove isaj inlaid linoleum marboleum battleship pattern inlaid also new shipment of 2 yard congoleum in niony beautiful ciijns nd cotois h ity i ill acton home furnishings phone 30j church cuelph also a forme pistor here w ill be guest speak er sev eral other pastors are ex peeled lo take part in these scrv ice terprse now buy from a paper industrv which hvis long lnc ib- andoned anv pretense of price competition in the dnllv newspjipei and radio fields from groups v has ttir pistor and congregation are monopolistic tendencies are clear- looking forward to a week end of h evident already combine in fellowship and reunion with manv the production and distribution former members and friends and fit ids have acted to curtail com also to commemorate with thank- peiltlvc advertising the lafeguaid dance auspices acton branch canadian letfjion arrn town hall friday february 1 7th debonnaires orchestra modern and old time dancing door prize dancing 91 admission 50c fulness the work of those who were responsible for the building of the church that has stood so well dow n through the v ear hi re we berrv t ret t do not rtow ar hind the mul corn mulberries n busjies rare pflts among the newer furs en in collection in britain are w hlte mink and the rare and expensive pastel mink which s a lovelv shade of beige w ith a blue grev underwihil another rare pelt is starlight which is a cross be tween ranch and a mutation minx these furs are used in such inter eating items as sling capes i among them one tn white mink worked to f a fre prru commenting on this trend har rnls prf xsor scvmoure harris w riles our economy is no long er predomlnantlv one of millions of worker farmer and small enler- 1 rise operating in a competitive manner rathr each monopolistic group is organized ln large agglo- n eratlonx struggling for the max imum share of the natkmal output t ach group hai tremendous polit ical as well as economic power and is in a position to paralyse our cconomv the overnmrnt s rracllral policy has to he ti recognixe their existence and irtski the stmngeat effort to get chern to achieve fair and workable ar rangements in their wage price end output pollclee assure above all the maximum output and a dlstrihut on of economic power consistent with the sale of thu give a serrated edge effect at the vt reaaonabie prices lower edge and a cape which us i to n for u tp remember so ingcnmustv planned that it looks like a jacket and can in fact be transformed into one in a second so ingeniously planned that it looks lha cvrmany ln manyother k l mna k- parts of furop and the orient some weed attempts are being made to grow cotton commercially in south ern alberta and in great britain itself car tels combine and monopoles and the poihioal and economic i philosophy which makes their ex- a trrrat battlr is being fought in istene possible are the accepted india to free 3 000 000 acres of land rule from the stranglehold or a ffiffsntic in canada and th united states weed known as kars grass if won alone have the jjeopl so far millions of the countrys hungrv greed that in the individual clt- populatlon will be saved from star- liens should rest final authority vatlon i and that to remove that authority j kara grass grows to a clrcum- li to take an inevitable step to- ference of two inches and sends tap uard economic and political feud i roots into the soil to a depth of 7 ilm feet- when plough were unable our federal government has an- j to cope with the job of its cradles- flounced its intention of overhaul- tlon tractors were pressed into the ing th legal limitations on cotn- servlce as weed pullers bines cartels and monopolies aj- the classified section bay sell exchange wasted etc advancement undar ihla heading 3s eaal wlta ordar up to j5 wurda additional word le par word- 1 raah doaa aot ac cumpaay th ailvarllavmant mlaittium raark boe am le pur wurd additional for ach word ovar 35 subaaquaat inaartloa ac of 1au riniftt jus ua vim saik arm food roodltlon aply llvd ku sai r 1whi hlu laf tvim rvnlfii iprvtn ih ihonv t7w kylit ha 11- hji v aipl wtkly drllvry mian itotilnion ihum ulllon miu poit sai i lxlval marling mlllirr 1 unll a ryt r uml h ir t um howard swllwf xa 1 4lh uor krln wants want1 hlngt imi and adflntf ur mlkr 1 mix sji ur- ijonakl lllvd arlon wanth to llly llulldlnk lot for rldfn or lo with hulln ing ftultau for dvmolltton in at- on or dlalrltt writ jtox ftj hill sai k krtgtdajrr rafrlgr ator 7 ru ft raoa bod a nw mra nll urfjbb ill uuai lllvd tlmin i71w kill sai r dry mapl and br4 h flrrwood alw apla by ih itakkrt fir igmijirr w h in right it it a ihona hors if keep a roof over their heads provide security for your family and your future you carft padlock a fire but we can help you make sure you have the dollars fd retlore your home should fire destroy it don tbe caught with insurance that will only cover a fraction of your loss see us for adequate coverage today w r bracken t estate end general insurance phone a y acton onl vok salt llys j oler navy serge suit alar 4 years 2i lloys nmvy erge allnr suit ue i ynn ju alk sailor hat lo inn1 h ihunc mw rxt sai r suiirlu ihali u i on ti nit t tfn tnii d i humli suit ahlr- rir klt lrii or iwikmhh h ir mrlli u m intfrvifv mo itnt mmal h rinlerli k st ixft sai 1 iall k u title ski tin krl and ikhmi l n also hniy 1 ple e il aet t lilmnit wlih white fur sin 1 r 4 ennt kn inmrs ilmrvr ill 21 main st mk sai i- acres imk1 uar ilen land new iwlrk uuse 11h t l rooms and imthroom lunrihun hut water h allng oak fuorini n v iv dwi ratim el rl thruugh- out small lnrft with henhouse and tie up two tow arage and wood shnl with inlt sultahle tor hens or storage ro m ihiuh e hrooder h uutves sme sjnall fruits situated on no 7 highway on main st of acton llou no 1 24 loasejiloi ihls prlntc apply i um hranh wt 1 ai ton onl for sale wantu chicks and tewt lllshest market prices phome coliect ituttonvlile kg uradlsu hasllon hrsmpum 34lrh 3usj wawth to itknt a with two or more bedrooms with ail convenience will pay up tofbov er month wilt leaf ileal of ref- eremes write li s no g waniri jo ituy cash for old glasswar old dtshaa orna ments vase o 1 lamps dolls odd buttons odd sliver and furniture etc ihon 47 or writ ur asvav mr keith liarbrr king and unloe sts eorgetown lalf tkmwks kmt wood hrhool heetlcms net i s i is l is and 17 21 oru i2m i u ft iu 1 maple body w1 ut 12 lb in in k as reuirtil nl 22 ilngle n tn iik ioku of kind ing rut in 12 htiglh to tie delv m d and pllr1 foi tin asurlng at oie s- hiwils ten era may le in full or in rt and nnv i n h r not iiim rarll a epled saui frmlerh lo tie in ly i- eb 17 mis ituth i- vans s irea lownttiip shh alfa n 1 1j- qufitng irfyrtow n ontario for exchange ikall klt allll or mil mvw hniris lipin r oinlnnr ft fl an l u v llru k it 3 ai t n ill ne li 11 t rin im lil i n p k ti i an im html n li imit monan h sditnn im hi vrolt t si inn 1ml r m 1nn 1h r omi milan lho font omti i ujr 1wl rrd iiisrh ltf imii mhtan 1lv hi vrulet mhiaii i ill y onl sen tan m rv lord coarh inquire re nplal i ric on nil of ihi almivt unlu we he new and umi tractors omi lmili iim nls etvd l go km rent lolt 11 n i mrorlajl i ni i n nl o i i mini rol u hum litiiiftt m n rranitt ap i l iu x ti i i ri miscellaneous earlys i sales and sevice milttin and amibrl j iijf mocuizmie afewa pic sewer contractors after n paue are making good pro- grea now on church stc et we can now j t into the front of our propert ti wa of the main ntnvt w e are afraid thai come spring the mud will he t hirk hut at 1 he moment wi have a rood entrance i frr n complete line of it a ii inuits for every use thev hav e added tiuve new ninun iaaurentlan illue grey and sunshine ellnw to the tigshell wavhahle semi glns paint ttiu paint in soft tones mnkn n heautlful wall for the hedrom or living room of vour house s e mm watching the kid sknle on the old curllru kink that llarrv hunk holmes and harr oakley have made avallahlc for the tmflnncrs skating iakwh i hhailt s1io h4 mill st llli irs tejaired and i huil i sflwj and i aw n mow- shaipfid and rejialr t ihon executor sale of llduaekald s4la ajsd keau kaul h he i ndersigned au tneer iv e received instruction from hrtrutof of the elates of j b macuxnm m son 24n kidd baker ccxej plnerldge mountain ryans auditorium ouelhi every friday nlfjkt dejselng from ipnttsl am admiuion 50c pr person town haul rockwood tuesday february mrh ih majujartt i melakan asvd u1ujam meuan l sell bv public auction on the i ienilw on mrillda fmllllain ih 1i0 t ih hour of one thirty t lvck in ttie afternoon the following hoiim hold gokls and effr i name 1 hhmtiltl oak ilning hoorrs suite insullng of jtound i able lluffi t nnd li hairs to match hrst hair seite 1 centre tab- h chi st of drawers walnut drop 1enf i able cherry iare stand ami jardiniere wicker arm limr 2 in diktats hall table hall itaik hall hk several paintings pictures hall mirror io hia kxki old kasiiloned sidetiard t ouch 2 linoleum hug k12 axmlrtxter hug hxfi si eel ih d springs and malt rev xim oak bedroom suite steel llett springs and matt rex- full ki odd dreer and washstaml hid tialrs iledimom kockera 2 v ifhr tliks ilamboo table singer irtphead sew ing machine iarcr het cimikstove with wat er rrmt odd kttthen table 6 hitrh n chairs ileatty fleet lie washer rleitnc imn curtains dratek 2 tini s ts odd ilthe slurware lassware kitchen i tenuis i mens imdows comfort ers crocks rnpt sealer ant other miscellaneous articles tfrms cash no arucl to b removed from off the premise un til j wild for rkata khtatt at three o clck of the am afternoon the heal ktate will be offered for sale subject u a re served dm and also to conditions of sae th ral estate is comprised of lot one and th upper part of lot three plan 13 town of mil ton lot one having a frontag of 71 fi 7 inches on the east sle or martin street by a depth of 131 feet 3 inch and that portion of lot ttiree to the rear haa ttlm enslons of 33 feet 3 inches by so feet on lot one there is said to be erected a substantial two storey brick residence and on lot three a frame stable with overhead loft of approximately 15 by 33 with garage attached 0 by 33 feet terms of sale ten per cen tum of purchase price at untie of tale and th balance without in terest within 30 days thereafter for further particulars and con ditions of sale consult the auction eers or messrs dick and dick solicitors for the estates dated at ml ton this tth day of february 1bs0 hlndley a elliott auctioneers w r randall ark