vaox rout the acton ffiee p8ess thursday march district news varioia llttaa conemlng artlvitl in conuaunlliw nriy wtw many of osr vltitn ar inlmwtd ospringe mr austin mrcutchaon toft on monday for visit with rtuuvti in toronto mr oecll jackson and friend of ham ton apent th weekend with the formers brother and family ur and lira klwood jackson and mm mrs er cook visited ie centl tn toronto rricnds of ur a dullorn will be rry to laarn h had the mis fortune to break his mg to u nil limehoxjse the wus met st the home of urs benton on wednesday evtn ing last week test word wu an swered by a verse of scripture con tsinlng man curreapondcnce read told of a murh increased si location urs a norton tang a solu during the program thirty seven tadlrs from lime house w i and neighboring branch es took advantage of an afternoon lecture on health before and after forty conducted by ulu hamilton aeton-ldiiieti- still in playoffs willi milverton continued from peg on a double figure by periods is ran 24 10 13b 18- it fred kenlner wound up behind his own net wended his way through the entire pack of uom and ftlppad a pass to vaughan tn front of th mllverton net vaugh an playing an improved game slip ped it behind sangtter to open the scoring sangstar is the net minder who was injured in the first game of the series with glob in pen ance kentner fired a screened shot from close in to make it two tovtj mllvrrlon replied when c weatman broke loose deked ron anderson and trickled a shot in pait coulann not for i wig did the game even look rtftae brush made it 3 1 when he tipped in vaughan s rebound to end fr ampbelfcfcfceiiallon rural softball league ing lo load some alee barrals vwlcn one slipped and caught mr uul 1 m h t oe nassagaweya hh na t ur robert elliott presided over the voung adult ueeting in st emwf offifirc david s church ur a t uoor l ls vl f had charge of th devotional period uui dells vanslckle read the mln- roy coulter lowvill was elect- utea and read items of business ed president of the hal ton rural urs j k uahon and lira r j softball league for the 1650 was early sang a duet accompanied by on at th annual meeting hald at urs lloyd crawford the county buildings her last wk urs hartley anderson showed other officers elected were robert coloured slides of her trip to call- hrsthertngton campbell villa vtee- fornla this winter for urs james president robert h ford ullton wallace who presided over this secretary treasurer portion of the travel meeting i the treasurer reported to the the meeting closed with the different clubs attending that itiff lord s prayer followed by dainty waf the second year the league had refreshments been in operation and that last despite atormy weather the yrar was most successful the campbrllvltlc wi sponsored a pro club had a balance of tsflts on grrsalve euchre party and dance tn hand uembers felt there should llruokvlllr hall with a good turn be some rhangea tn the ronstltut out prtwa for euchre were won ion and agreed upon yearly entry by helen agnew urs j k uahon f re of t3 to be charged each club mn robert ingtls and william they also agreed that 10 per cent ultchell be taken from receipts of playoff aftrr lunch dancing was rnjoyrd games uembers said this would the second chapter townsleyto andy frank frrd davis urs i- give the lesgu finances with which up the right boards and hlaatcd crawford with ur wm ultchell to operate a three man committee angle hot past hangatcr to atart as floor manager lucky draws w appointed to redraft th con- a four goal splurge battel 1 alaprxd wer won by donna frank and dr stltullon and report back at a fut in mow at s rebound and mowat young ure meeting the committee in wu johnny on the apol f r two mr and mrs william bobcrt and rhidta karl cart w right 71mmer quick goali that came within the family wrrc sunday gurals with man grant norton tan tie y and w a- of a minute to give the lted mr and ur harry hood nf carl c eaves omagh men a 7 1 1 ad at the termination isle congratulating the league for th t f the undwlch session about 54 attended no 1 school urceaaful year rom praren who a cheap penalty awarded to fay n monday evening when mr hen conducted the installation of offle mowed ijnna to pot their second ry bamhaw waa chairman for the rrt praised offlclala effort tn or and final goal early tn the third discuaalcwi f nricanlratlnn in a kun thla sport among the rur period on a long shot from the blue community j m ieople in th county line however fsv had hla aar mrs wallace king urs george fight cluha comprised the league bout that when he backhanded in inglls and ur archie cairns were yrmr they were haltonvlll vaughan rebound at the 8 minute group leaders and a rousing dt hornhy omagh iowvllle palermo mark cu salon concluded by naming the trafalgar tanaley and jmmer at thla juncture kentner and c following active organlzatlona in mn i m suggested that follow weatman paired off in an exchange our community farm forum fed years wrceiaft other vll of punches before you could pat eratlon of agriculture hog pro- al young players of rural the top of your hat johnnie uownt duccra ulsalonsry societies ladles actions might he eager to ente- lltltchle and family in their recent bmj spencer were in on it then aid young people a women a in- tr the ilaltpn league 7 schoo has bereavement mr illtchu having mnd rl txmr throwing atitute red croaa junior farmers t ork in acton h was aism j u dept of agriculture w i branch finl pnd acorlng all on umiday j served refresh j nrw wen again from thla dutrlctjbl seed fair at mltton srnal in the dlairid have leen c nfined to lh ir 1 omea with flu some lave recovered and able to he ut again all wish the real ma kkn be well again a number lenlrd the seed laat saturday ri farm forum met on mun da night at the home of mr and mra stephan cose there wens parker blair wedding in st peters two discussion groups aflsr th anglican church frlndale on rat discussion plans were made for urday evening the annual up per of forum mem j we eitend sympathy to mrs wm hart the teacher of n in the mentorial hall umehouar lad lea rnrnta the met- ting of which dlatrtct preaidmt mrs rlnehart waa chair man opened with the ode and con rluded with the national anthem mra miller lxal prealdent greeted ihr visitors we arc rry to r p ft that mra newton la nuraing s brtiken wrlit the remit f a fall on saturday among mra mllla birthday greet inga recently he received a tele ph ive call from her daughter mlu helen milli in vancouver mrs r lane and mr and mrs harvey norton were guests at the been sick and the achool wu clus paaaed away after a lengthy juneas ed for a few da a mrs houghley of edmonton alia mr era id hcnd rsnn of sarnla jjnt a few days with her son jack la pei of hla ding fathf few d at the h nie everton sundav vialtors with mr and mra alf llolea were mr and mra am old wllaon mr and mrs bert palframan mt vlcaant v lilted on sunday with mr and mrs w 1 hortop sunday vlaltom with mr and mrs j p lien ham and family were mim muriel and barbara benham and friends guelph mr and mna w alexander lalt ed on sunday with mr and mrs in in hamilton mr and mra albert alton of guelph pent sunday with mr and mm john alton mra hunter vt jilted a couple of dava in toronto laat week mr and mrs ted jeatln and famllv visited on saturday with mr and mrs max milne rock- wood sundav uitom with mr and mrs w head were mr and mrs fred murrav mr and mrs kitchener head and valerie guelph mr and mrs whitney milton iited on sundav with mr ben simons eden mills mr and mr james gilbert son are apendlng some time in the h me of their daughter urs gor don stevenson aqd dr stevenson at montreal mra w minn spent a few days last week with her slstr mrs wil son in guelph i ac and mrs uoyd be w ley snd teddy of trenton have ra turn ed home after spending a furlough in their hamaa har mr and mrs grant ingl spent last week and with mrs ingl s slater mra c elliott and mr el liott and her mother mra zlerrun at stoney oaak mr andrews of guetnh spent a few daya recently in th nor of un ohslloran mr uanselle taylor of stratord wa a recent tsltor in th horn flata a illlle to the aide baitell calf and pig clubs recreation ac- amused bv the outbreak placed an tlvltlea 1 tor key fuchre dancing arm comfortingly over dunsmore s uasontc iodge orang idge houghley and mrs roughley walle mimrr and blngoanolher fight medical association her way to vlalt her daughter tn brokf out win t w drcmm thrw do ov in four separate fighta taking place their actlvltlea hut leaders of the fortunately apart from a alight nrganlratlnna do not aeem to over mun in g up the combatants didnt i do anything more lhan get riled i pmkrf rur wa enjoyed referees kelly and burke inters en nj prij wprr ardnd to mrs ed in tlsne to impoae nx pennllle majors to mowat kentner spencer nnd weatman minors to hutt and rela naxtell and dnnwnnre were ignore m rhap because thi chicago sympathy la also extended to mr john fll rby in the sudden passing of hla alater mrs nibltt in toron to on sunday col and mra roun r motored to st catharines rtli friday where they attended a play in which their son a c bourne took part the w a meeting waa held at the horn of mrs harvey norton on friday evening when plana were made for a euchre soon a lick member waa remembered with a tox of awocts and mrs mllla read th scripture lesson l mc archie robert inglla mr gordr phall wallace king and smith robert hurren and claude inglla were nnmed delegates to attend the jioche rockw00u oulng to stormv wen km r inat r ridn the illngo game under tht nuapicea of hoc k wood sncrrl ii ivrt oiunh and oustlc waa can celled niii sl trm wenther the si pnlilcks it n held nt the horn of mra ioren j utld was fnlrh well attended monday evening was well taken up with scout meeting the first ittk kwood boy scouts hnd their weekly meeting in the town hall while the cuba under th leader ship of mlaaea joyce wallt nnd oathaxln unroot held thel wek 1 meeting at the public school the monthly mevilng of the hoc kwood horticultural sovi y waa hakl al lha public school on 1 mh t nnmeo neiegaies to aueno me rorh f h r j frrryd to aettle it in the middle of iwof cmintv rrfn fnnim rjily the ice acton won unanimous di clalons in sll the bouts including the preliminaries when play resumed and higgling ci iscd loth sides were nt three iirita tvi -w- dlvuwlon lender for organization apiece with nothing at atake nut nrftt known aittiior what hook c r author has brought most preatlge to canada since looot this waa the question the financial pont asked a group of canadian and american literary authorities msjorlty opinion placed stephen ieactxk as the writer who has nude the gn atest contribution wllh his tonk sunshine sketches of a i ittle town taking first place in humour vcond place went to maro de la jalna series her i pointed out 31 books in m vearsi have sold more thsn st the vwooo copies in the us alone in the honor vaughan clicked for the itnrnc a final goal on n passing pliv from towhsley and fay in milton on march 20th no fl farm fnnim met home of mr and mra nell martin furope have been translated into with iii present allan parsons was n languages the third writer mentioned seas lnuls hemnn for his marls chap- detalne which ran 24 editions and sold 700 000 copies in france community one suggestion brought forth re enled each president ihnuld not monday evening when mr rich ard harris ahowad pictures of flowers and fruit on th screen with the reflertoaeope the floral picture dealt with catalogue nam hers of rosea a number of picture post cards of port cnlbome tior- old in connection with the wei la ml ship canal as wall as srnry at long beach on ijike em also hamilton and gu4ph following the plctuars members of the soc lety held a brief business aeaslon followed hy refraahmanta mr r kelly who snant aom two months with her mother mrn powers left for her home in van wi i i vi j i1 i couvej bc a few weeks ago ar of hu sister mrs lindsay tolton homk f a ver pwwnl evening was r r pleasant evening spent in the town hall when mem bers of the rockwood and eden mtlu band put on a varletj con cert assisted b taleyit from rock wiwd and guelph mr r davtm waft the sneaker who gave an tn- tert sting dlscturse on his traves in bermuda there waa a good atttndance mr and mrs will gllbsrtaon visited recantry with the lattars sister mrs irene flllott of bur llngton the svmnathy of this community is extended to mrs james husband and family tn the death of u husband mr and mrs husband were former residents of this vll- tagtv where ur husband earned in a successful buckxmlthlng buti- nesa th sacrament of th lords supper waa observed tn the pres byterian cjiurch oh sunday pre paratory aervlc wu held th pre vious thuraday both avrvle were in charge of the naator rev fred williamson congratulations and bit wishes ar extended to mr and mr ken neth watson nee jun oox who wativ married on saturday mr joaajvh laaby f toronto pent sunday with hlsrnarents mr- and mra wallac lasby detroit and chicago mrs kelly also stoppesl overnight j seattk with her aunt the man frit nds of mr russell peart regret to hear of his sudden illness during the weekend while at work in ttte office of bongard and ca brokers due to heat n the office he waa attended to h dr a vcklnnon and removed to the home of hla daughter mrs henrv hosktng where h was reporjej feeling somewhat improved earlv this wk mr arch mcvabb a pent sundav in toronto with his brotherinlaw tr wle wuder mus minnie nlckell of toronto spent th weekevd with her moth er mrs effle nleketi congratulatloha to mr and mrs kenneth g watson nee june cox on the occasion of their weddlnj saturday two of the party who figured in a aerloui motor mlahap new years day in front of rockwood ceme tery are reported making steady improvement from their inturles when jhejr sustained bad fractur to right leg they ar ttm tn the guelph general hoapttal the crowd appreciated the strict hold office any longer than two hand kellv and burke hnd on the tni all ngreed that farm fonim game at all times apprcclatlv iv w n around for all booing them nt intervals however community projects it was agreed kellv and burke were just ns mf that llalton county should have fled rvrr nnd plyed their usuil poultry iakf fttt iwtvdijks inconsistent trade first period a vaughan krntnrm a kentner mowat m c weatman a brush vaughnn favi pins- kentner glbb second period a townsley a bastcll mowat a mowat kentner a mowat hutll pt ns nil third period association euchre was enjoyed the rnmcitv of canadas tourist industry tn earn u s dollars will progressive tn n dv blow this summrr nyi and prize th pnanclal post meq big changa ar ahead oa the mat fashion front reports th financial post com summer ifiat if all go well youll b able to hav all ny lon ward rob everything frotxs top to toe hat suit u shirt uadar- vest shorts socks shoea th buss war manfuacturers arc worlclnj oa it now suitings will b lighter la color lighter in weight and ar now being made in canadian and soma english mill to meet an overwhelming demand the piccolo is th highaat pitch ed of all musical lntrumaata j4j v4vjuugn heavy purchases of cheap japa- ea cotton teaul goods mad by canadian importer raetotly auy cost them plenty reports th flo- anlcal poat the goods arrived at canadian custo ports wllh invoiced valua so absurd that national revenue appraiser immediately ruled that th declared values would not b eccpid since use consutuud a clear and flagrant case of dumping example shirts 24c childrens dresses 1 v aprons a few cent each moat valuable flatfish caught by canadians u he halibut open this sunday for sale nkw ujstin 36 clikvitolet t plymouth hchev rostej ballentine motors frten 197r33 your tikaco dialw adon onl 5 10 forest mrs nell martin mr jas i h rulscd the great iakes this on deforest nnd i lord stoke mr and summer there win be but two with it 0b mrs i loyd siokes convened the n ibis lunch we are pleased to report thnt mr i frnnk bill la murh improved but 7 00 still in st joseph s hospital in 40 1 guelph i ing ihr summer holiday season has 15 4 friends of mrs jsck early will dv through catastrophe and is so be sorry to hesr she is confined to 0 pffr bcd rev mr wnlker from sterling i ont preached for a call at st combined passenger rapacity of thats the situation as tt stands now thats how our great lakes passenger fleet which once carried thousands of it s passengers dur- snow removal sidewalks must be cleared noltca is hereby fjlvmn lo alt property owners and tenants that snow mutt b removed from th sida walks promptly failure to do to will result in potic action with court charaaa under the by lew re car parking street or drams and cars must not be loft itand ng on the parked for lengthy periods in order to clear catch basins equipment must have room to operate neglect in parking especially on through streets will bring police action citizens mrm asked to cooparat failure to do to maant poltca action without furthar warning acton town council e tylar acting msyor 41v mcibb afay vaughan m i david s presbyterian church a vaughan fay towmley 15 37 s pens fay nels j mowat ma j or hutt kentner major c west man major spencrtr major coming from behind in the last period to tie the score with barely two minutes of regulation time re maining acton forced a fourth game in the bestof five junior playoff by hanging on in overtime last friday night in mllverton it was the third game of the ser ies requiring overtime and ended in a 4 all draw unlike the first two contests the lions failed to punch in the winning goal in extra time despite the fact they were playing the march meeting of the grace mission band was h4d at the home of lots inglis on saturday after noon in the absence of the presl- den the vice president anna hur ren had charge of the meeting the devotions were taken by jane smith and marianna greenlee plans were made for the mother and daughter banquet tn be held on good friday the following members took part in the program audrey hurren read the atorv of lao lee gets a present piano solo helen agnew recitation donna mitchell the iiimmmmmmmiiiiiiiitmmmssmm f on their own matchbox the red- first chapter from the new study men hung on to the tie grimly de- i book where the carp banners trrmlned to bring the series back i w read by mrs o inglls to acton the roll call was answered by nam- paced by s hat trick from mcjnir a favourite hymn the blrth- cartney mllverton had a 4 2 lead dy was sung for helen ag- at the end of the second mowit tn president thanked mrs and vaughan had scored the acton in and l t p of h there a eight furlongs mile goals third period saw keith fav notch a goal in the early minutes and then slip in his second with time just about expired to knot the count mllverton tried desperately in overtime but couldnt dent the twine hence a fourth game was billed for acton worldw first gas ttobixi ojorvr motoring history was made in northants britain recently when a gas turbine car uas demonstrated for the first time anywhere in the world it is an open twoseater with the engine placed behind the seats the engine starts readily by ordinary electric starter and the car has only two pedals y- accelerator and brake fuel may be gas dlesel oil orparaffin during tests the car j made by the rover company reached 83 mplh and accelerated from a standstill to 60 m p k in 14 seconds meeting wss closed with prayer by jane smith a short time was spent in sewing and coloring pictures af trr which a lovely lunch was served by the hostess the blair evening auxiliary met at the home of mrs mendes on wednesday evening the presi dent opened the meeting the re ports of secretary and treasurer were received and approved bible readings were given by mrs r el liot and mrss cramp after the usual routine business was taken care of the topic from the study book 2nd chapter was read by mrs robertson mrs roger mahon j read a poem note well the roll call was answered using the word faith i refreshments were served by the hostess and social time enjoyed i the hard maple and tumitc are i canadas greatest autumn exhibit- 1 lonlst turning every shade of red after early frosts kingshotts actons newest restaurant heartily invite you to viit and inspect our modern soda bar and restaurant 4 i our motlo cleanliness quality value we shall endeavour at ail times to provide you with food of greatest quality our restaurant will serve meals you would be pleased to serve guests in your own home phone 348j next to boxy theatte iwwaiaiaaaamaiaiaasbawatjb