thursday jlpbil mi un the acton free pbess pagk ttnaor m ss the mlxlhg- bowl aaa easter which this year falls april 0 1 what tha cburdw call movftbli feast- tha aim ifjtfca curly church was la pwiirw tttfa same relation batw the ueu el etr and pmsovt as e4tad at the urn of the resurrection on this basis easter u calibrated on tha first sunday aftar the first full moon occurring oa or aftar march mm shredded wheat udi riom iw whole whut heee wltale ahtaet a ks aaaet popmler fares ia need all tha goodness all h ncwruhmnil of whole wheat a your die li contains rtti food rumntt and naiusco shredded xii eat u tmsd irwm toox uswe wawas tb anorrow serve fresh golden nabisco shredded wheat with milk aad hrowa sugar youll love ui 21 since march 31 u tha first day of spring w associate easter with fresh colorful new things so ws colour our eggs make chocolata candtca in tha form of nnau enl mill with putk eyaa and gtuue tha baked ham wtlh red chertlee and such vegetable garnishes enhance the laste appeal and also add a touch of colour to nearly every food takk a to 1 raaat rf oven bruwned po tatoes asparagus with pimento trips 2 baast ldavasts- carruti rolled in finely chopped mint mashed po tato nests filled with apoonfula of 3 basal park shred iwirl pota toe on baked orange slleea but tered rahbajr sprinkled with rat ed carrot 4 brail fish covered wtth lemon juloe and watercress mash ed potatoaa and acallopad totnat oee with minced onion top 5 arrange alternate dark and hgtit cold sliced meats in a spire on a platter jernlah tha centre with watercress celery and rad- ishea a make cornucopias wtlh round cold cut by rotting them around cottage cheese which has been mix ed with finely shredded carrots and wateccreaa oarnuh with olive and pick las 7 koll bnukgna slices around cooked flavour asparagus place in twn rows on platter separated with cooked whole earaots 8 launch box sandwiches can be given added interest by placing col ourful crisp vegetable on top of the filling before adding the second slice of bread if they rteep out around th edgs ao much tha better 9 jellied fruit salads made in shaped moulds and topped with tinted whipped cream are always enticing 10 jellied vevelahle salads may he more satisfying with creamed hails or quahad joambtnad into small rolu with a j4eld draaalaa and bute 11 stuff fruit with frsab vet table for variety cookad stoned prune ara good with naiad ear- rot baited apple with diced oalary halved piece put together with cottage cheaaa and lota of water- creaa kjdqcetd sfkxafats fi chronieles ot f j ciitger farm mr c ottway noted arabian harbalitt kdum i of llarbsj mnj is coaasa as boroub of ki uium to nlaniaj tk i r at hw of o cuuu ur uttasr aw ku iiwm haru iyo4ur aims vj by ouil all otlwsy fradurt w toto km llorte md roati b kxmfuj or khtl tewmiu oniao twy hao hama laltl tad inaij h t public sv tkaoot so yasto ordol by mail now iimlll kiomfy mawcwh isr acsm lsr o4 kuuy dtaaron tas bonu 1 st uvat sjiw is llror llhamssii usifibia as bofiu 1 mttm maasal usoicmi ol captutu far simma lnr osurk 4 diok otsmrdvw m howto 1 is 50 cspxul i to hmaal tontc tor tomng up irikm tot bahtofl 19 hsasal iaxattvi ot cwnm tok mm lasomvo tar wi os oemufl is asruua cattusst tar aaltioiq cowqjm cowt cotarrtt 50cofmlt t so cotxw strut tar sfqachim covqk colds e ou i 00 oalotl ta wo threat tonul aoloapmc mow wmm 4 oomto m tar ackato uutcut tiro oo swnuna rl i oa bohu f 1 do foamo ps s dov o uouy odw 1 im wtculh 1 every tax c ottwav limittd dpt 1 mbmh t owiu f t 01 m t twu sa j you are planning to instal a bathtoom lat when sewers are coaapieteo why not do it now r and avoid the ruslin estiaaatjes cheerfully given i i- you may hart buying your material new and pay u you pa aloha r o stapleton humbino and heatins ehomvm acton i s from a ham with rind oa as re quested scrub tha ham t warm water with a stiff brush put in a doap kettle rover with warm witer hrlng to tha boltna point simmer not boll until a stal fork will penetrate readily to tha centra allow about jo minutes par pound cool tha ham in wiirr in whlc 1 it was cooked jtemove from tha water and peel off outside skin pit m mixture of cup brawn sugar i taps dry mustard mixed with 1 taps canned cherry juice over ham insert whole clove about h in h apart place on a rack in roasting pan and bake in electric oven at v0 dgrea for about flo mlnuira ilatte on ca or twice kastar kgsa la eauall ht an inch of water in sauce pan to bolting point add tap salt to prevant shells from crack ing placa eggra ona at a tfana la a tablespoon and slip into the hot ling water cavrr and turn off elect rk elernent it stand 4 mlnutaa tor sortcooked and 9 minutes for hard cooked time dapends on number of eggi and temperature of egg with crayons or transfer vvorat egirs for serving in lh shell t1ik qtjht10n box mrs w c aaka how to make jam from fraah pineapple mkkarrtto jam select two medium full ripe pineapples slice peel lake out core- and grind using finest knla f food chopper measure 7 cups uigar for rour cups pineapple mix ii and bring to full rolling boll stir constantly while boiling for 1 minute remove from ectrtc el emertt and add 1 bottle pectin- then stir and skim hy turns for 5 minutes to cool slightly and pre vent floating fruit pour quickly into hot stejtllted jars real with paraffin vra j t aaln ro you use raw or c hkcd plrwappli in a cream rice dessert answer u r ut frtvilv cooked pineapple nt this seavrn and be caue we uv milk in place of wat r here tho rlpe scvip 1 cup milk aod add v cup washed rice ook over hot water for mlnu tes or li minute for minute rice j tt rn nib thmuah a slre and add 2 tlps sucnr tp sait and 1 cup diced plneappv to rice paste chill jum before serving fold in cup whipped cream makes k serving garnish each with a red cherry mrs ii g asks how do you store maple syrup answer pour cold syrup into stenllied pint jars place on rubber band and partially seal use a deep pressure saucepan with an inch of water in u and on the rack place lor pints of srup heat to steaming point then to 10 lbs pres sure and at that time count is minutes let pressure saucepan cool sesl jars tightly and store in dsrk place mrs ft it aaka do you put any thing other than sugar in rhubarb pie aaawar we use 4 cups finely sliced rhubarb with 3 cups granu lated sugsr cup flour gratrl h orange rind for 9 inch pie filling georgetown man friends from gcorgt town jtti tided a piano rvcital last fnds in the heliconian hall toronto b margaret bradley daughter of mr etnd mrs wlliam f bradley of toun it was the official debut as 4i concert pianlit of this talented young isdy who has been studying coneejt work for several vears lat tertv undtr the tuition of b hay- unga csrmcn with the roxy theatre packed to the doors bv r1s sunday evening an estimated 300 people were turn ed away for the laorne scots man thly band concert an added at traction w as the appearance of bruce smith whose early morning radio program toast n jamboraa is so popular introduced by i v maccormtck mr smith provad i himself just as amusiruj in parson as he is on the air and ha kept tha audience laughing in his rola aj emcae a former local undrtaketlajut furniture dealer william h will- son died at his daughters home in clarkson on sunday h was tha father of town clerk charles will- son and was in his 90th year- herald canada largest and most modern passenger terminal u the cnr central station at montrml wrilssa rassissbj ta fata aaasa v ifrau it takaa a ion unit but finally lha consumer public gata aroasul to complaining about tha things it doesnt like years sjo tha trouble was eegs tha re was a muttering that grew to a grumbling and a grumbling that raw to a mighty rumbling and oul of the rumbling came tha system of having tggs graded and candied according to site and freshness milk was an other product that was given extra attention now milk is given the greatest possible care properly chilled and inspected every so of ten for bacteria count and sedlm enlatlon tiwi much of either and live milk is condemned with all thli care at the source if ergs now lose their freshness and milk becomes stsje and contaminated the fault lies with the attention or lark of it which these products ncettr after being purchased now the spotlight li on potatoes housewives complain that potatoes haven t the flavour they used to have they have lost their old time mealiness no longer wtll they fluff when shaken aflrr being cook ed worst of all old potatoes often turn btsck when cooked and even new potatoes have lost that cer tsln flsvour we liked so much in dsys of yore so st lait mrs john iubllr has got around to gatrlng what s wrong with our ontario wrtatoest now that is a qui itlon becaus- u sec grading of potatoes has lihig rlnce been compulsory graded to sire and quality that is jutt bt a f i w tittle potatoes slip lr with the big fellows and lh pr ducers have to answer for it and f course scabby potatoes are m vrr iffered for sale at all so the con lumers go to the store and wh n they buy pota toe i by the baski t r bag they can be quite sure in y will be reasonably uniform in s1e nd firm and sound actually o all appearances there shouldn t tie a kirk ht the world about thi e nice looking potato s but ihe proof of the spud is in th cooking y u imiii them drain iht m and mah thi m and accrdlng tn ihe tern peram nt of the pota loci th y mav either watery or waxey turn hark or lixik and taite fairly ed 4 von trv i ther wavs of cook t nm them start thi m with rt ilrr hot water add salt firxl lnt r jmt an thi cme to 1 but it mikis very little ft if f rence lht- fluffy menly potst s iu m to be gone for good fxpi rts haw come forward with inou explanatinnn it the vil nr the season or the type of potato or the wav thev an cimiked well fhev are right w e don t grow potatoes for cnmmrr clal u nuriele s we don t pre tend to know but in our small uit we have made certain observa tions and have come to the con elusion that it is ihe use of chemical fertilizer and constant spraying that has ruined the flsvour of our ontario potatoes how else can we account for the following differ encri in the potatoes we have grown and those we have bought every spring as seed potatoes we use the small potatoes left over from those we bought for estlng the vesr before we plsnt them in the ordinsrv wsy we cultivate them bank them up and dust them if bugs become troublesome but we doa i use commercial fertilizer we gen erallv have a fair vleld from the number we put in but nothing wonderful not a great number to a hill and nothing extraordinary at to size but they do have a good flavour as new potatoes we tat and enjov them as they mat ure and vm before the skins are set thi potatoes become meslv and fluffv when mashed for winter ut we buy potatoes from s com mercial grower from the same grower that our left over seed came from his potatoes look big ger and better than our own the would pass inspection 100 per cent but when we cook them how dif ferent the ftaour actual it fashion hint pocket emphasis the sxnsrtest accent note for this spring say the fashion experts on a light asalr wool shirtwaist type dress three quarter sleeved and highlighted with a shiny patent leather belt doesn t pay us to grow potatoaa for our own use it is cheaper to buy them we grow them only because they are so much nicer naturally the potatoes we buy have had commercial fertilizer to help them along a man who grows milatoes to sell needs big potatoes and plenty of them and for that purpose chemical fertiliser brings good results perhsps you may say oh its probably a difference tn the soil in which they ara grown maybe- but our soil is clay loam and the potatoes we buy are grown on sandy loam which i believe in generally considered tn be the best soil for potato growers what la she solution for improv ing the eating quality of ontario potatoes welt that 1 one for the xperti to figure out i am just ffrring our little bit of experience for whst it is worth and that miy be nothing at all maybe we had tiettcr consult the irish what you oct for what you pay n tiwl some thirteen million andian tp nt an sv rage total f a little better than 775 for all the goods and services thev wanted nd required for ihe social services that fhey had wanted and provided for them elvc thev same thirteen million individual paid a little better than tm each that in the simplest t rm ineani that canadian are paving one twelfth as much for ao i lal tn tie fits that were virtually un know n a decade ago as they pay for all the other needs that face them in th ir dailv lives that la ni t to artpn against thcc service it li merelv to argue that they are not free and that thrir proportion ate cot to ui in relation to all our minis should be fully recognised womerulr aptcared a pro fes kmal dancers on the french mage in the 17th century hancocks haulage road gravel ctmint gravel sand fill prompt delivery vicmgaaaenaue phone i13r7 georgetown david cohen painter and paper ihuifriu peel street acton phone 367j garbage collection notictn it hereby given that effective april 6th garbage collection day in acton will be mondays and thursdays of each week intlead of the present schedule of mondays and fridays it is felt these days will be more convenient for citizens and collections and the cooperation of all is asked in establishing the collection days acton april r 1050 a kipkness town foreman easter greetings to my customers and friends acton beauty shop elda dickenson proprietor uiij- street acton brll trlrphone bulldinf for appointment phone 245 oktlwtw pamlaa lat yatf osamaa fcrf b feb b masai tp w l mat sarwa tin uj pba fat a cm m kab m tw a mat jack t arnittroiva district raairaiawlahva m muiittow v ovr branch olfica brampton ofit n loggers and lumbermen aa from april 1st your employees are ln mired under provision of the unemployment insurance act this means that confrihufionj must b paid for them beginning on that date if you employ anyone in lumbering and logging you should i kwgitur wile jrear avetfeasj casafee- j asa oare 1 obtmim inaurtmc bookm a jour eassjoyees j gel inilnicrieai shaof asaliag ceav frioirtieaf aad aasf rtox tour national atmployment office la ready ta eaaist you with all necessary informatics all sawmills and planing mills coma under tha act an april lat rtgsrdlesa of how many weeks they operate farmer and any other persona whose nubs occupation is non insurable need not be insured if they work in lumbering and logging for ao dsjea r laaa a ytar and apply for exception c1i mt the nearest national employment office for full information unemployment insurance commission calhotc1tmom i o bibsoh caaaa4aajaar cul cmmintm kjtallom cam juvttr who jiara stake in the telephone business whan you think about it atvryaaatf has a acake ona way or anothar la tha tab- fthona butinth m000 ball amployaaa and thalr faaailiaa o0m bau ihanholdan and tjwar lunulas thoutanda of nippliara of nutariala foe tala- paona coattruction aad aipaaalnn 100000 talaphoaa cuatoauta la oatario aad ooahac la bomaa oscaa hnaarfalt abofa tbi bttl itilmmw ttwilt usisi arc 0b