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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1950, p. 5

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thursday april th list the acton es pubs pxax nra mr and sirs j lambert and jfohn vtalted at drayton on sun- uy ulmia uurui end shirley iui arton vteitad in stimtre over the mihwl afayor end ura amoi mason re turned this week from a holiday in nortda ur r u mcdonald u visiting with kar daughter ad family at kiifira falla ur george k melallan of data ware ha been visiting at his baava here this ur bob storey of yoroeto vtaited over the weak and with air end un sub uattww ur and mr ouy cofauni of lakefleld called on ur and urm j ralston tuesday evening vln fred lawman i a patlant tn dw general hoapttal oualph friends wlah har a speedy recovery ur d g uclun la taking irfttmrnt in ualton 11 capital all hope or an improvement la health for him mr and ur frisj warren and jimml of toronto vlsltd during the weekend with ur and mrs john wood cnr hunter hai returned to camp in ptcton aftar spending a 11 day leave at tha noma of hia parents mr and ura frad ifualer uiiur frank 1 coopar and mr charlaa scott hava raturnad from tha general h capital oualph and are progreaalng favourably ur robert mcpherson of toron to has been visiting durinf thla week with hla alatar ura j symoa and hrother mr a u ucpharaon don gunn who had uw misfor tunc to rut hla hand badly while working at tleardmore recently h returned from st joseph lloa pit gurlph and is pmgrrsiins favt urabl fnmds of ura charlee w ma on rr glad that she la showing a litllr improvcmeat following bar erious lltnaaa har daughter ur u m ramsdrn of buffalo ha been here rating for her mother fnrnd will rrgrrt to learn thai mr john j coorxry it a patient al sunnvbronk hoapltal in toronto and that hla brother cameron oonrv la alan 111 in toronto hoe pital all ulah them a prompt re engagement mr and mra rredrrck u niock ih to announce tha engagement of their daughter joan marlon to j imri 11 dennla eon of ur and mr ii dennl art on the marriage to uke place saturday april z2 a safctyfltst farm ptoject t arm tractor among the moat iit ful piece of equipment to farm- rs can eallv be among the moat dangerous unless kiltfully driven and kept tn tip top mechanical con dition surevs of accidents nad fins on farms shoves that tractora rank quite high as causes th gives point to one of tha pro ject of the boys clubs in ont ano a tractor maintenance club thc clubs completed thalr flrat eaon with tractor driving com petition during the recent con- cntion upfk at the royal winter fair buildings at toronto the beat driver from thirty two counties competed for the provincial cham- plonkhip which wa carirrd off bv donald steckle of esex county tht rtuntm tition was not ana to ih undertaken llghtlv contestants raced against time to hook on to a wagon mount their tractora drive within i inch a of a platform had two milk cans negotiate a few turns w tthout touching obstruct ion unload again and finally back the w agon into a shed without material damage but the contest wa not all driving each contest- ant wrote an examination and each tried to identify fifteen defects on a tractor these tractor testa are a develop ment of newly formed junior equipment project in ontario de al gnad to emphasize maintenance for the moat efficient and aaf us fifty nine local club and over am contestant took part tn tha flrat year of he enurpriae a eutttlax project will be a moat active part of th work of boys clubs tn manitoba this year and the dub member tn saskatchewan are showing a keen interest in organ txlng equipment projecti and trac tor teata with the ever increasing- mech an 1 tat on of farm equipment tha hazards of fire and accident are increased too a baye club pro ject that can educate and guard against theae is a safetyfirst pro- mm of real importance muttes xbtsrh at ttattab sueea oasurte persotuste bww avecms ma o at lms4 amual ortaatat um chair i tirtar sunday april mh ima spwimj euur strvtam iffoo nv sunday srffcaal mm am homing srvle 700 tun evolnc worjop rh iluth e uaorhou mlnljar all m cortully invlbj ttthgttrimn gharri fat gumal max imomem aowvh tucv nomsemrr h amobrrmaha iuu uuuui good pruur 11 00 un olvln worship sunday april mk ism kaatr sunday 7 00 m sunru srvlc 1 1 00 m m divln woroilp 12 15 pin sunday schoo 7 00 pjn dlvln worehlp a warm wkom awalta you al thrar arrvtrva comr and drliul your frlrnda now u ckrljc rin from ik daait bmat ojhurtl lai oiab oowb itso sunday april mh 10 30 amsimday school 11j0 am th ileaurractlon of our lord ijj0 pm communion prtday april 7th aftmoan and evrntng ouclnh aaaoclatlon iiypu sprln rally et albiwa ilhrtl awluam w a lartra ba sunday april mh 1060 eater day b 30 a m holy conununlan 1100 am holy communion 130 pm srr lc for sunday school urmbrrt 7 00 p m special service ol eaa ter leiaons and music a walroraa awalta you cecil a carr optometrist ouelph douflus st tal 1091 listed marhiiu fob sale 1 v i ti actor in al hix 1 allu t halnn r tractor 3 umhi ma nun spnadi in 3 used rertillltr drilli a feu ne fertilner drills n nd ucd bpreathrra tract or or horse waterloo garth n tractor new and uwd cultuatoit and harrow d s leitcii matsy harria erin ontario govt buildings to cost about 5800000 the ontario government will erect two new buildlngi in toronto at a coat of 13 boo 000 george dou- cttt minister of illfhwaya and public works announces one bulldlnx five stories hlf h with tlda wlnca three ttoiies hlsh will house the workmen a compensation ba and will be erected in tha york- rieet streeu area to coat cs00 000 the second building will ha for the treasury departmenttilx stories hllh to ta erected on th south side at qrosvenor strval betwasn surrey place and queens park crescent tha exterior wtu be faced with canadian stone to match the cast block of the parliament bulldlncs lust to the north an undercround pass will connsct it with other government bnlmrnn the cost is estimated at tuoo000 mr doucett recently slated there will be another government bund ing erected oa the south tide est queen street at york opposite oe eode rall among other depart ments it will accommodate the pub- lie trustees staff preeently housed in osgoode rail el i fcvn roo gj nt a o i eat m w ye aioaas ft i j uduaa r swl l m-v- j t q wiiun i u wfurtaf 1 ehsi till alton baaemenuiw haa a utility room neat to tha kitchen houaaa the heating unit and laun dry eqtilpmvnt tha alton haa three bedrooma dlnlnf and llvjng nwmi and a kit chen tha utter with dlnlnc apace tha refrigerator to tha left of tha kink and tha rant oq the aide wall are built into the cabtneta tha chimney la acceatlbje to the kitchen range if needed the utility room storage wall haa a coat cloaat and apace for houae keeping suppllaa there are bad- room cloaete e veatlbule coat room and a large rloaet for linen and bulky item the bathroom haa a lavatory built into a counter with cabinet on each aide of the mirror and drawer be low there la a teparate toilet itall the 13 by it foot garage haa work bench apace and room for cardan tool and other atorege tlreetewar and garage are optional shown with aiding the eater lor may alao he concrete block or brick vrnrer the low pitched roof la asphalt ah ingle dimension are 44 br 23 feet with a 4 foot inch projection the floor area without garage 1 137 square feet with it tot cubic feet chinas great wall is 1500 ml lei recoto attenojueci acton v m ci month of march a record high attendance of 1340 la reported in y actlvltiee for the month of march compared with 1013 for february new actlvltiee have been introduced including a high school girls class on wednee day evening and additional mem bera added in all group in the la teat house league ilaa- krtball game the lied tram moved into first place by drubbing the latft place gold squad a 1 18 and the niurs took over aecond place by a rloae mio win from the luack team in the latter game and the cloaerat seen to date the itlue team gained a ahort early lead which the blacka were not able to overcome in the aecond atage the gold and red tuazlr aaw the golds make a commendable effort in the aecond half but were thwarted by the bust ling red team a rry ucrciwful april tools party was held bv the junior teen towner the main feature of which ami one way stirel arrangement with novelty regulations which re suited in a host of violator having to aland trial tn court latrr in the evening lunch games and dene inc were included for the 4t who mended all regular program at the y has txvn canctllcd on good friday asparagus hooli grow very rap idl cicciall if the temperature it high and khouhl be harvested regularly they are cut with a special knife and ahould be moved to a packing plant immediately to prevent wilting interest in quantity yes that is what will be contained in our special anniversary edition an il lusfrated history of the free press and acton with months ofp fanning behind it wilt be published and in cluded in the regular issue on july 6 a limited num ber of copies available means oedeft now by subscribing to sip artmt rt tyrta srurr operation to hr uiidft utilities comm onflnued from faoe one connec tlttn with the fire pumper the information was filed a letter from the hoard of trana portatlikn cornmualon was rccelv d rtgardlng the installation of a wig wag on the cnr eroaalng a repl had been forwarded stating thr town a position in regard to coti and accepting the division of in atallatlon costs and nalntenance council refused to accept hosphl rhargen for an indigent patient thr bv law lo amend the tail csb by law wa read as required and paaaed under thla amendment owners of caba mut also secure a licence and wear a badge the provincial police were ap pointed agents to enforce th taxi bv law and make inspection if caba the property committee waa to make i urt tn thr purrham f a xmir mnrr for the cemrterj mr v brlstow asked a refund n bukincu tax a he would be el ami his buiinrss at the end of april complaints were made regarding limajre to properties from sewi r construction and the work of on trietnrs in n t taking prop r pn cautions thr aewer committee uerr to nee the contractors and r quin that these conditions be re mrdlrd immediately payment of accounts was to be stopped if in stnictlont were not cnrrled out n n gard to traffic the clerk presented a statement of finances up to the end of march which included sew em arena etc the arena ahowrd that receipts had barelv coverrd expenditure and had been operated at a loax the clerk reported that no tend er had been received for painting the water tank applications for the position nf assessor were opened and read from e ii whitley m sinclair j q hargrave c j hassard w it nor ton j it a damson w coleman jr a resolution was passed that gar bagc collection days would here after be mondays and thursdays starting aprtl th council discussed at some length thi positions vacant and decided t file for the present all appllcat ions for the position advertised of ivm ssor it was decided upon mot i m to advertise for the position of assessor and aulatnnt to the mun iclpil clerk and treasurer uhl h uould be a full time position the auditors report u as ncelved and accepted and the clerk instruct ed to have copies printed as usual thi town foreman was author ized to secure two pair of hip rubber boot council adjourned at i 15 am srvrntvont ilifili mapij product conditions for the flow of mapltf sap n quebec are reported to be promising with pelnty of mow and good moisture in the trees but of course all depends upon th weatrwr during the three to five weeks when the maple crop is harvested sunny days and firoatv nights are an essential for a good flou of tap eighty per cent of canada maple products comae from quebec 18 per cent from ontario and the remainder from manitoba in addition to the domeatlc de mand for maple product there is quite ah export market for theae products mainly in tha united states whe canadian staple suc- ax and syrup has an excellent re putation fly joseph f uler ftullrd a few weeks ago many protest ant churchee held their annuat mr tlntf the fltirea there made public inuit have led more than ona curtoui person lo do aome rapid figuring the results were atart ling the annual contribution of mi mix rs for all church purpoaes ran from an avrragc of 20 in some mitanc to upwards of aao in others but the average was a high of m that was for a group of 3 churches of all denomination and all sires in one average local itv granted that this argument is not broadly based enough to be conclusive granted that many churxh memlers gave unstinllngly fvtn to and beyond the 10 tllha or holy writ granted that indlvi dual churches aomctimrs stood up nobly in relation to their abilities nut thi average still standi 70 cents a win k for thi work of the ird serve and the assurame of some measure of the kingdom f god on earth or of napoleons rmxims v a to the effect that an army marches n its st rnach rwi ntly a lav rt pn aentatlve of a crrat church set hlms if to nppljlnc s ni such pra tical maxim to this problem ii tw gan tv arguing that our very word giving was nut of character i u don t sp ak of giving he urged w hen vou pay the landlord for th roof over your head or the doctor for keeping you alive you rvcoknlze thew is obligations due fir benefits rrct ived but when it c mes t the church wc speak of th pav mi nt of our obligations as kiving w send our children to sundav school iwcauso we believe it lm port ant for their future well being as cltirens and christiana to that end wr provide them with five or tt n cent to carrv on the w ork nut saturday w r cheerfully pro v ide 25 or m cents that they may keep company with thr lone rang er the voung man who spends 13 or 10 on an evtnlng for the girl of his heart would feel a little ostt ntatious if he put a dollar on a collection plate while the young lady confident of the worth of a t1 hair do would be somewhat irss sure of the 2 cent contribution on sunday ilut whv tn rst lh voung their i tilers who will ultimata iv provid thi i labor at i wedding will probab l ful that 10 to thi clergyman i hinds melv s ttles the spiritual side of the occasion so with our passing the provision in the will for fum ral expenses covers the n m r r and th undertaker wor thv but profit making undertaking but it b passes the church yt t m is to her minist rs that tht d ing and thi mourners look for comfort and assurance and it is to them that we all turn for a s ns of sta bilitv in a troubled world perhaps we need to revive values pt rhaps we must come to recognlie that free as salvation may be its human ministers its human agen cie still live in a world where the maxims of napoleon hold good that the hands that help are scarce- tv less blessed than the lips that pray flowers for easter easyett uuik tortto hants cut howks easter lilies per bloom 59e primula r 3 69 cinnerana m cakelana 1 75 daffodilyn pans 1 w9 jydrangea 5w tuberous begonia s african violets special verlatla rit 1av9 rose bushes 2 49 geraniums 49c begonia cacti i english ivy etc per pot 29 cut kowtfts tulips 6 for 94u daffodils per bunch 9t snapdragons do 69 sae w weak and display fer ethar cut flewaes 1 ba4uaea qualify hewer attractive pricea hintons 5c to 100 store proclamation daylight saving time in acton whereas a number of mun cipahties in the district about acton ate adopting a uniform time for the adoption of daylight saving time and in order to avoid confusion in travel and business the council of the corporation of acton has paised a by uw establishing the period for the observance of day i ght saving tim in acton from sunday aprilkhii 1950 at 12 01 am to srimdvy seitember 21th 1950 at 12 01 am cit ens are requested to comply with this by law and adopt the time from the dates specified v m vson mayor dated at acton april 3rd 1950 a ton of well rotted manure eon tains approximately ten pounds of nitrogen five pounds of phosphoric acid and ten pounds of potash- wrong check rich uncle tm sorry you dont like your birthday gift but i asked you if you preferred large or small checks poor nephew yeh but how waa i to know you wer9 talking about necktlea special easter services artnn inttei eljurrlt lv hugh e moorrhoue ba bd will be in charge special easter service in the sunday school at 10 a m ttlm the resurrection services 11 00 a m he is risen 7 00 pm the influence of the resurrection spec1 ms e vstek music morning service amiitm l hnsl huu n i tui iu i vloisl h all n soi o i kio thut m hitlermer ilvilh humid soloist mrs d mfleen anthem kiim ol kings c simplu soloist dorothy simmons evening service avtiiem this joylul eastertide dutch carol ladies chorus he lutth j hall duet when i survey the wondrous cross i wilson mrs veldhull dorothy simmons miss olive m lampard organist end choir leader

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